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Name: Joseph Nico G.

Subject: GESocSci 1 – SC 99

Activity 3.1
Complete your cultural identity checklist. Write your answers at the right column.
Gender Male
Age 19
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Heterosexual)
Skin Color Brown
(e.g., black, brown, etc.)
Religion Catholic
Citizenship Filipino
Language Kinaray-a
Regional Identity Ilongo
(e.g., Kapampangan, Ilocano, etc.)
Economic Status Middle-Class
(e.g., poor, middle-class, Rich)
Educational Background Highschool Graduate
(e.g., Elementary Graduate, HS Graduate, College Graduate)
Generation Generation Z
(e.g., Generation X, Millennials, Generation Z, etc.)
References None
(e.g., PUPlans, Bedans, etc.)
Personality Introvert
(e.g., Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert)

1. Do you believe that these cultural factors had positively/negatively affected your
development as a person? Why or why not?

I do believe that these cultural factors have both positively and negatively affected
my development as a person. Cultural influences allowed me to develop as a being, but some
nuances also created a discrepancy in my decision-making especially, between what is
morally right or wrong. Subsequently, there are situations that I need to make a concise
decision. However, there are also different factors that I should consider before putting action
in order to avoid intrinsic consequences.

2. Does Culture Affect the way we develop in terms of personality, behavior and thinking?
Why or why not?

I believe that culture can affect our development as a being, particularly on our
behavior, personality and viewpoints. Since culture is what makes us who we are, therefore
it justifiable that culture can affect the totality of a person, especially its langue, moral
understanding, and system of beliefs. Relatively, it provides us an identity of belongingness
through which it develops into a context of being identifiable, to know our personality and
nationality. In addition, it also forms a mentality of feeling secure wherein you have the
locality that enables you to feel comfortable.
Name: Joseph Nico G. Savillo
Subject: GESocSci 1 – SC 99

The Philippines is composed of different cultures, and these cultures are what makes a
particular nation unique. By definition, Cultures are beliefs or customs of a group of people, society,
place, and time. Culture also influences how a person behaves based on where he or she is situated
into. These beliefs and customs allow us to function and survive as a being. A culture influences a
person or nation that creates a context stating distinct belongingness and identity.
Moreover, different ideologies pertain to culture. For example, according to Brain Morris, the
anthropology of the self is not an entity itself but merely a process of the self unfolding in a cultural
environment. In another sense, it is a concept that makes up who you are. Also, according to Marcel
Mauss, the self is conceived on the person's notion as a cultural category.
Furthermore, there are different "I" positions since people have different roles, beliefs, and
cultures that enable them to vocalize distinct voices. Subsequently, this position of "I" is categorized
in a dialogical self-theory, where it states a differential voice between individuals that influences a
being. Additionally, these voices have dialogues that pertain to balance an individual's social position.
On top of that, humanity is inherently social, and some contrasts and assimilations occur
within ourselves. However, these discrepancies that exist within society are also significant to us.
Since we are imperfect beings and can experience moments in life, we have to hear every voice and
be intellectually emphatic in handling these influences that make us who we are.

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