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CCTC Exam latest (2024\2025) verified

questions and answers rated A+


✓ Not previously CMV infected

CMV IgG & IgM (+)

✓ Recent CMV infection

CMV IgG (+) & IgM (-)

✓ Past CMV infection, not recent

Blood Type O

✓ Universal Donor - Can receive subtype A2

Blood Type AB

✓ Universal Recipient

Kidney Priority Listing Criteria

✓ If candidate is prior living kidney donor

2) If there are 0 HLA-mismatches

Common causes of HLA Antibody production

✓ Transfusions
2) Pregnancy
3) Previous transplants

Hep C Ab

✓ Exposure to Hepatitis C

Hep B sAg

✓ Infection with hepatitis B

Hep B sAb

✓ Immune to hepatitis B

Hep B Core Antibody

✓ Previous hepatitis B infection or exposure

HLA Haplotypes

✓ A, B, DR

Rejection - Recognition step

✓ AP Cells

Rejection - Stimulation step

✓ T-Cells

Rejection - Defense step

✓ CD8 and B Cells

Immunosuppression balances 3 key factors

✓ Prevent rejection
2) Protect against infection and cancer
3) Guarantee efficacy

What organ is not allocated based on urgency?

✓ Kidney

How does UNOS prioritize?

✓ Medical urgency
2) Biological matching

Liver 1A Criteria includes

✓ Life expectancy <7 days

2) Hepatic artery thrombus

Heart 1A Criteria includes

✓ Mechanical circulatory support for acute hemodynamic decompensation

Lung Allocation Score (LAS) accounts for

✓ Formula estimating urgency and probability of long term survival

2) Pulmonary artery systolic pressure
3) O2 requirement
4) Need for continues mechanical ventilation

Long term risk of kidney donation


Pre-transplant education should include

✓ Treatment options
2) Costs, and immunosuppression
3) Deceased donor criteria

What type of rejection is in first 6 months - likely to respond to increased immunosuppression?

✓ Acute cellular rejection

What urinary symptom is related to kidney transplant rejection?

✓ Decreased UOP

All pre-transplant kidney evals should obtain

✓ Hepatitis serologies

In the small intestine, most absorption occurs in:

✓ Duodenum and jejunum

In early post op period for intestinal transplant, scopes are completed

✓ Twice weekly weeks 1-6.

Nausea and vomiting may be caused by

✓ decreased gastric motility

Which side heart catheterization is required for Lung Allocation Score?

✓ Right heart catheterization

What is not an early complication in lung transplant?


Contributors to chronic lung transplant rejection (Bronchiolitis obliterans)

2) Influenza infection
3) CMV pneumonitis

Covers doctor services for certain organ transplants

✓ Medicare Part B

Covers transplants under certain conditions at Medicare-certified hospitals

✓ Medicare Part A

Pays 80% of physician services, Patient pays 20%

✓ Medicare
How long is Medicare active if obtained solely due to ESRD?

✓ 3 years

Symptoms of CMV (general, outside of tissue invasive disease)

✓ Fever, malaise, arthralgia, leukopenia, thrombocytompenia

Term for chronic rejection in lung transplant

✓ Bronchiolitis obliterans

Leading cause of death in lung transplant beyond the first year

✓ Chronic rejection

Most common bacterial infection after liver transplant

✓ Cryptococcus

Most common organism in Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

✓ Gram neg bacteria (e. Coli)

Normal heart rate post-heart transplant

✓ 100

Which kidney is preferred?

✓ Left

Which VS should be documented for ALL tx patients?

✓ Blood pressure and temperature

Signs and symptoms of intestinal rejection

✓ Intermittent low grade fever and high stoma output

In a heart/lung transplant, which rejects first?

✓ Lung

Cold ischemia time for heart

✓ 4 hours

Cold ischemia time for intestine

✓ 6 hours

Cold ischemia time for lung

✓ 8 hours
Cold ischemia time for liver

✓ 12 hours

Cold ischemia time for kidney

✓ 24 hours

Cold ischemia time for pancreas

✓ 12 hours

If candidate and recipient match one antigen each at HLA-A, B, and DR, this is called

✓ 1-haplotype match

Cramping in the legs associated with peripheral vascular disease

✓ Claudication

Extended criteria donors are at least 50 years old and have two of the following

✓ Stroke as cause of death

2) Hypertension
3) Creatinine greater than 1.5
4) 60 years old +

Best treatment option for HCV

✓ Interferon and ribavirin

Route Interferon is given

✓ SQ

Significant side effect of Interferon

✓ Depression

Which has lower surgical complication rates - BD OR ED Pancreas Transplant?

✓ BD

How often is the PRA tested in a transplant candidate with VAD?

✓ Weekly

High risk behavior criteria must have happened in the last how many years?

✓ 5

Which diagnostic procedure will evaluate CAV?

✓ Left heart cath

Which segment is typically donated in pediatric living donor liver transplant?

✓ Left lateral segment

Used to diagnose if biliary tract is patent has blockage


Osteopenia Bone density T-Score

✓ 1-2.5 SD below mean

Osteoporosis Bone density T-Score

✓ >2.5 SD below mean

Most common reported complication after liver donation surgery

✓ Biliary leaks

Signs of biliary leak

✓ New onset fever, leukocytosis, abdominal pain, persistent or increased bile leakage from drain

What indicates acute early rejection in enteric-drained pancreas transplant?

✓ Rise in serum amylase and lipase, graft tenderness

Two or more of the following characteristics are highest risk for cardiac complications

✓ Dialysis >3 years

2) Primary disease with atherosclerotic risk factors
3) Males > 45 years old
4) Ischemic heart disease in first degree relative
5) HTN
6) Current smoker
7) HDL < 35
8) Cholesterol > 200

Most common type of peritransplant fluid collection

✓ Lymphocele

MELD score range

✓ 6-40

At what MELD score do you consider the sodium

✓ MELD >11

MELD score calculated from

✓ Serum creatinine, serium bilirubin, INR, serum sodium

Labs that indicate nonfunction in liver

✓ Coags, glucose, potassium, lactate

Cholestatis symptoms

✓ Clay colored stool, dark urine, itching, pain in RUQ, jaundice

T-tube draining should be colored

✓ golden brown

First line test for HCV


If HCV EIA is positive, use this test next


Liver Listing Status 1A

✓ Fulminant, HAT, or decompensated Wilson's Disease

Liver Listing 1B

✓ Hepatoblastoma, metabolic

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