A Guide To Game Development Journey - MAGES Institute

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A Guide to Game Development

Navigating the World of Game

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● Introduction to Game Development

● Where to Begin

● Planning Your Game

● Development Phase

● Testing and Iteration

● Polishing Your Game

● Launching Your Game

● Post-Launch

● MAGES Institute Game Design and Development Program

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Introduction to Game Development

Game development, the art of creating interactive

digital experiences, involves a blend of creativity,
technical prowess, and business acumen.

● Importance: It's a multi-faceted field that

encompasses storytelling, design,
programming, and marketing, offering
opportunities for various types of developers,
from indie creators to large studios.
● Types of game developers: Indie developers,
who work independently or in small teams;
AAA studios, responsible for blockbuster
titles; freelance developers, who offer
specialized services to various projects.

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Where to Begin?

● Passion and Inspiration: Game

development often starts with a deep
passion for gaming and a desire to create
one's own worlds and experiences.
● Learning the basics: Beginners typically
delve into game design principles,
programming languages like C# or Python,
and popular game engines such as Unity or
Unreal Engine.
● Resources: Online tutorials, courses on
platforms like Udemy or Coursera, and
vibrant communities on forums like Reddit
and Discord provide invaluable support
and knowledge sharing.

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Market Size Game Developers -

● Singapore’s gaming industry is projected to

show an annual growth rate of 12.99% (CAGR:
● In 2023, user penetration is estimated to be
around 15.6%, growing to around 18% by
● In 2023, for the video games market, the
average revenue per user (ARPU) is
estimated at $3,080.
● Gamers aged 25-35 are likely to spend more
time gaming, although gaming penetration
for the 18-24 year olds is higher.
● Gen Z and millennials are more interested in
watching eSports than Gen X and Boomers. https://blog.commissionfactory.com/ecommerce-marketing/singapore-gaming-in

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Planning Your Game

● Conceptualization: Brainstorming game ideas

involves finding unique concepts that resonate
with players while aligning with your skills and
● Creating a game design document: This
comprehensive document outlines every aspect of
the game, including mechanics, story, characters,
levels, and art style.
● Market research: Understanding the target
audience and analyzing competitors' games helps
in identifying market trends and opportunities.

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Development Phase

● Game Engine Selection: Choosing the right game

engine is crucial; Unity offers versatility and
accessibility, while Unreal Engine provides
advanced graphics capabilities.
● Programming: Writing code brings the game to
life, implementing gameplay mechanics, user
interfaces, and artificial intelligence.
● Art and Animation: Artists and animators create
captivating visuals, including characters,
environments, and effects, to enhance the player's

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Testing and Iteration

● Alpha Testing: Internal testing uncovers bugs and

glitches, allowing for early fixes.
● Beta Testing: External testers provide valuable
feedback on gameplay, balance, and usability.
● Iteration: Based on feedback, developers iterate on
the game, refining mechanics and addressing issues
to improve the overall experience.

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Polishing and Launching Your Game

● Optimization: Optimizing the game ensures smooth performance across various devices and
● User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX): Intuitive interfaces and seamless interactions enhance
player immersion and enjoyment.
● Audio Design: Sound effects and music complement the visuals, creating a cohesive and immersive
● Marketing Strategies: Building anticipation through social media, press releases, trailers, and
influencer collaborations increases visibility and attracts players.
● Distribution Platforms: Choosing the right platform, such as Steam, App Store, or Google Play, ensures
maximum reach and accessibility.
● Launch Day: Monitoring player feedback, addressing any issues promptly, and celebrating the
culmination of hard work with the community.

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● Community Engagement: Engaging with the player

community through forums, social media, and live
streams fosters loyalty and provides insights for future
● Updates and DLCs: Regular updates, patches, and
downloadable content keep the game fresh and
maintain player interest over time.
● Monetization: Exploring various monetization models,
such as advertisements, in-app purchases, or
subscriptions, sustains revenue and supports ongoing
development efforts.

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Game Design and
Guided by seasoned instructors and industry experts, MAGES
Institute goes beyond the basics, offering practical experiences
and exposure to real-world scenarios. The institute’s
commitment to fostering a vibrant community of learners
ensures that students not only gain technical expertise but also
build lasting connections within the dynamic world of game

Keep watching this space for more details


Thank you for taking the First Step towards the Gateway to a
Future where you shape the Digital Worlds of Tomorrow.

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Contact Us
Telephone: (+65) 65926736
Email: enquiry@mages.edu.sg

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