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16:26 07/04/2024 Quiz for chapter 2



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Câu hỏi 1

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Which research question is more open-ended?

Chọn một:
a. Is there any relationship between students’ Ipads use and their English learning strategies?

b. How do students feel about the application of Ipads during their English learning?

c. What are students’ attitudes toward the application of Ipads during their English learning?

d. What is the direction of the difference between students’ academic performance between
two groups? 1/6
16:26 07/04/2024 Quiz for chapter 2

Câu hỏi 2

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What term does the sentence follow refer to?

“Regardless of the type of research being conducted, educational researchers must ensure that the
participants in their studies are protected, in a variety of ways”.

Chọn một:
a. validity

b. practicality

c. reliability

d. ethics in research

Câu hỏi 3

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Once the research topic or problem has been clearly identified. what should be the next step in the
research process?

Chọn một:
a. Implement the collecting data

b. State findings and conclusions

c. Analyze the data

d. State research questions 2/6
16:26 07/04/2024 Quiz for chapter 2

Câu hỏi 4

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……..should be focused.

Chọn một:
a. thesis statement

b. Quantitative research questions

c. Qualitative research questions

d. independent variables

Câu hỏi 5

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….is formally provided as a statement, or a longer form, that participants sign before they
participate in the research.

Chọn một:
a. research report

b. research proposal

c. research plan

d. informed consent 3/6
16:26 07/04/2024 Quiz for chapter 2

Câu hỏi 6

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What term does this statement refer to? “You may choose to withdraw from the study any time
without penalty”

Chọn một:
a. Honest with colleagues

b. Voluntary participation

Protection from harm

d. Right to privacy

Câu hỏi 7

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Expedited review is required when…

Chọn một:
a. Participants are not exposed to any noticeable risks

b. Data are collected from human participants

c. Participants are put at substantial risks

d. Data are not collected from human participants 4/6
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Câu hỏi 8

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…are guiding questions that serve as the focus of the study.

Chọn một:
a. hypotheses

b. research questions

c. scientific methods

d. variables

Câu hỏi 9

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What is NOT usually included in the accurate disclosure?

Chọn một:
a. Research proposal

b. General topic

c. Unusual tasks

d. Nature of participation 5/6
16:26 07/04/2024 Quiz for chapter 2

Câu hỏi 10

Chưa trả lời

Đạt điểm 1,00

Why is this research question not appropriate?

"How will the use of mobile phone help EFL students improve their English learning?"

Chọn một:
a. it is unanswerable

b. it is too broad

c. it assumes an answer even before data have been collected

d. it is too narrow

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