Assignment 3

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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

Stephanus L Wolmarans 24 January 2024 Advanced (C1) 60 Minutes

Lesson Type:
Four Skills - Reading

Lesson Topic:
How Having a Hobby Benefits Your Health

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…

To gain an understanding of the Piece of writing by making use of  matched the section of text given with a heading by skim
different reading techniques which will increase in levels of focus reading the Text, to prove they have gained a general
e.g., "Reading for Gist" to "Reading for Detail". understanding of the Text,
 answered Comprehension Questions while Scanning
through the Text, to prove they have a good understanding
of the Text,
demonstrating that they have learned and know what the
different Reading Techniques are and what it is to read for "Gist"
and what it is to be "Reading for Detail".
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. Because of the age of the Students, I must consider that they lack the 1. I will make my lesson fun as far as possible whilst remaining
enthusiasm that younger students have. They will take their learning professional and maintain a level of respect amongst Students and
more seriously and will have a high level of professionalism. myself as the Teacher.

2. Adult students, although on an Advanced (C1) level, can feel 2. I will be Supportive to every Student during the Lesson and I will keep
embarrassed about making mistakes and can get frustrated when motivating and praising the Students throughout the Lesson. I will tell
they cannot say what they mean. them, I'm there for them and they must feel free to ask at any time if
they don't understand something and that there is nothing to feel
embarrassed about, because our whole life is a "Learning Cycle".

3. I will clearly stipulate to the Students that the purpose of this Reading
3. Some of the Students may become disheartened if they cannot Lesson is to help them improve their Reading Skill and to Identify Key
understand each aspect of the text or do not understand the meaning Points out of the Text they read. I will also inform them that the focus
of each word. is not on understanding every word of the Text, but only to have a
general Understanding. To encourage weaker Students and offer
them some guidance, I will pair them up with stronger Students.
Authentic Text

How Having a Hobby Benefits Your Health

Engaging in a hobby is an excellent way to relieve stress and break away from your daily routine. Studies have proven that having a hobby can
significantly benefit your overall health. Although some may feel like they don't have time for hobbies, these activities can enhance physical and mental
wellness and boost productivity. It's important to prioritize self-care and set aside time for hobbies.

 A hobby is any activity that is frequently done for leisure.

 Hobbies can improve mental health, decrease blood pressure, decrease BMI, and decrease cortisol levels.
 Carving out time daily for a hobby can increase your productivity at work.
 Hobbies give our brains a much-needed break to engage in creativity.

What is a hobby?

A hobby is a great way to spend spare time that allows you to unwind from your daily routine. Hobbies are any activity that you frequently do for
fun. There are many hobbies to choose from, and they may include activities that allow you to be creative, do something athletic, or participate in intellectual
activities. Hobbies can include gardening, painting, reading, singing, writing, biking, hiking, etc. Many people have hobbies that interest them and that they
enjoy doing.

Health benefits of hobbies

There are numerous health benefits to having a hobby. Research has shown that frequent participation in a hobby can significantly impact your overall well-
being and mental health, reduce stress, and improve relationships and productivity.

Promotes mental health and well being

Studies have shown that engaging in hobbies has been found to positively impact both psychological and physical well-being. Participants experienced
improved life satisfaction, increased positivity, higher life engagement, more robust social support, and less depression and negativity. Additionally, they had
lower blood pressure, decreased cortisol levels, a lower body mass index (BMI), and better perceived physical functioning.

Another study showed that regularly participating in a hobby can lead to better sleep and increased exercise. This is likely because engaging in a hobby can
reduce stress levels.

Reduces stress

Participating in hobbies has been shown to reduce stress levels, resulting in decreased cortisol levels. Studies have shown that spending time on creative
goals during the day results in a more positive mood for that day. Engaging in community-based activities like music or creative arts has been shown to support
the recovery from mental health problems by improving self-esteem and social connections.

Improves relationships and productivity

Team sports have shown the importance of developing social relationships and friendships, which can contribute to improved mental health. In addition, studies
have shown that adults who regularly participate in some type of team sport are less likely to experience depression, anxiety, or stress.
Spending more time on hobbies can also positively impact your professional life and make you more productive at work. Having a creative hobby pulls your
mind out of your everyday work and gives you the mental space to focus on your feelings, allowing you to reawaken your creativity. This can enable you to
create innovative ideas for your workplace and promote increased productivity at work.

Discovering time for hobbies

Finding time for hobbies can be challenging, especially when you have a busy schedule. Making time for activities that help you relax and recharge is
essential. With the right approach and mindset, you can carve out moments in your day to pursue your passions. Don’t let a busy schedule keep you from
enjoying the things you love. Try different strategies such as the following to make time for your hobbies:

 Prioritize your time

 Break up your day into manageable chunks
 Delegate tasks when possible

To successfully integrate a hobby into your daily routine, it's advisable to adopt a long-term approach. You can achieve this by scheduling specific times for
it every day or certain days of the week. Additionally, you can take breaks during your workday to indulge in your hobby. Always prioritize self-care and
consider hobbies as an excellent way to achieve it.

Taken from:

Please include a rationale for why you have chosen this authentic material (approximately 100 words):

I've chosen this piece of text, not only because it can be useful to my Spanish Adult Students, but it can be useful to any other person as well. We are living in
a "Performance Based and Electronic Ruled World". All most of the people do is, Sleep, Eat and work. This leads to Burn Out, Loss of one's own Happiness
and it could lead to Health Issues such as Depression and other Deceases. Having a Hobby and doing something you have an interest in and enjoy, will help
you to have a balance between work and being yourself, a happy healthy energetic person. It will only be to an advantage for everyone.
I was inspired to the Topic after I've read an Article on a Japanese concept called "Ikigai". Ikigai is referring to something that gives a person a sense of
purpose, a reason for living.
Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…

Introduction To get the Students 10 T-S 1. Teacher will put the Have the opportunity to start
excited and engaged Minutes OCFB Photos(Annexure 1) on the board and speaking in English and try to Identify
with the Lesson encourage students to discuss ideas the Lesson Topic and potential
Topic and to help of what the lesson topic will be about. vocabulary that may come up in the
them to start 2. For any Students who are Lesson.
thinking in English struggling the Teacher will elicit Develop excitement and Interest on
about potential answers for each Photo, e.g. "What is the Lesson Topic, because it is not
Vocabulary which the person doing?" pointing at the only relevant to them as Spanish
will be used in the Photo of the Bicycle. alone, but also to the rest of the
Lesson. 3. Teacher will make use of CCQ's for World.
each Photo to make sure the Students
understand the concept, e.g. for the
man at the tent, "Is the man staying
Warmer to To get the Students 5 Minutes T-S 1. Teacher will introduce the Students to make a prediction on
introduce the to engage in the Topic/Title of the Text and ask the what they think the Text is about and
text Topic of the Lesson. Students if they can predict on what share experiences they've had and
the Text will be about. discuss the Topic.
2. Teacher will encourage each
Student to share what they already
know about the Topic/Title.
Presentation To give the Students 10 T-S 1. Teacher will write the 6 target Students will develop a further and
of relevant an opportunity to Minutes vocabulary words identified in the better understanding of the target
vocabulary familiarise Text on the white board, which the vocabulary words and it will boost
themselves and Students will need in order to fully their confidence for when they will be
develop their understand the Text. The Target required to read the entire Text.
understanding of the Vocabulary words identified are,
target Vocabulary so "Cortisol, Significantly, Psychological,
that they are Delegate and Integrate".
prepared to explore 2. The Teacher will work through the
the Reading Text Meaning, Form and Pronunciation of
further. each of the target words, using the
White Board.
3. Meaning; Teacher will provide a
definition, an example sentence to
attempt at eliciting a synonym for the
word from the Students. If the
Students are struggling the Teacher
can provide them with a synonym.
Example: Cortisol,
"a hormone produced in the body
that is used in drugs to help with
diseases of the skin and muscles"
4. Form; Teacher must pick a strong
Student to start, they must
pronounce the word "Cortisol", once
they have done this, they will attempt
to write the word on the White
Board. If they make any errors, the
Teacher will correct them.
5. Pronunciation; To assist the
Students with the Pronunciation, the
Teacher will provide the Phonetic
Alphabet of each word.
Example: Cortisol - /ˈkɔːtɪzɒl/
5. Teacher will repeat it for the
remaining 4 words.
Practical To give the Students 10 T-S 1. Teacher will divide the Class into Students will pair up.
activity the opportunity to Minutes Ss-Ss pairs.
exploring the improve their Ss/S-T 2. Teacher will ask the Students to
text (Reading Reading Skills by have the Text "Face down", so that
for gist) "Reading for Gist" in they cannot see the Text.
order to get a 3. Teacher will explain the Matching
general the Heading activity to the Students.
understanding of the 4. Teacher will then make use of Students turn over the Text and the
Reading Text. Annexure 2, the Matching the "Matching the Heading Worksheet"
Heading Worksheet and hand it to the and try to Match the Heading in the
Pairs to complete. right column to the Provided Text in
5. Teacher give the correct answers, the Left column of the Worksheet,
after the Students gave their from the Authentic Text, as quickly as
feedback. possible by skim reading the Text, to
6. Teacher praise and thank the prove they have a general
Students for their effort. understanding of the Text.
Students to feel proud with their
Activity To give the Students 15 T-S 1. Teacher will keep the Class in Pairs. Student stay in the same Pairs.
focusing on the opportunity to Minutes Ss-Ss 2. Teacher will ask the Students to
detailed practice reading for S-T turn the Text, handed to them in the
understanding detail/specific previous phase, "Face down", so that
of the text information. they again cannot see the Text.
(Reading for 3. Teacher will explain the
specific Comprehension Questions activity to
information) the Students. Students turn over the Text and try to
4. Teacher will then make use of find the answer as quickly as possible
Annexure 3, the Comprehension by skim reading the Text, to prove
Questions and start to ask the they have a general understanding of
Questions one by one, until all the Text.
Questions were asked.
5. Each time a team answers correct
they get a point. Students to feel proud with their
6. Teacher praise and thank the achievement.
Students for their effort.
Review To give the Students 5 Minutes S-S 1. The Teacher will hand out the next The Students will use their existing
vocabulary the opportunity to worksheet(Annexure 4) and the and new knowledge they have
see the vocabulary in Students need to complete this developed during the Lesson to
a different context to individually. The Students must be determine which target
fully develop the told that they have to fill in the vocabulary/word fits with which
meaning in their missing words in each sentence, sentence. This will further enforce the
memory. choosing from the list of words given understanding and meaning of the
to them, the Target Vocabulary. words into their brain.
2. Teacher to thank the Students for
their effort.
End of lesson To give the Students 5 Minutes T-S 1. The Teacher will divide the Class Students to move into the Two Teams
activity a chance to relax and into two teams of 5 students per of 5 Students per team.
enjoy themselves Team and ask the Teams to give Each Team to announce their Team
after a challenging themselves a Team Name. The Names.
Lesson. teacher will tell the Teams that the
To show the activity will be based on a Point
Students how much System.
knowledge they 2. The Teacher will put Annexure 5 on
have gained from the White Board.
the Reading Text 3. The Teacher will ask the Students will think about what was
compared to the Groups/Class if they think that the asked, and answer Yes/No with a
start of the Lesson. words, "Hobbies Are Healthy", on the short explanation on Why?
Photo on the White Board are true, if
they think back about the Class and
the Authentic Piece of Text they have
worked with and read during the
Session. (Yes/No and Why?)
4. The Teacher will then ask the The Students will discuss some
Groups to quickly Think and Discuss benefits they can think of on the task
some benefits, Having a Hobby, can given by the Teacher, using the
have on them in their Jobs every day. knowledge they have obtained
The main focus of this activity is to throughout the Reading Exercises.
provide the Students an opportunity
to have some fun and get Students to be proud of themselves
competitive, not emphasising exact and have newfound confidence for all
reproduction, but rather the the new Information they have
demonstration the understanding of learned from the Lesson and the Text.
the Lesson where they had to Read a Students to have fun and bond with
piece of Text. their fellow Students in a Team Spirit
For every relevant/correct answer, whilst ending the Lesson on a fun
the Team will be awarded a point. filled Positive Note.
4. The purpose of the activity is to
also show the Students that by being
able to have the "Skill to Read", they
gain knowledge and some Life Skills
which can only benefit them when
using or reading the English
5. The Teacher will thank the Class for
their positive participation and praise
them on achieving the Lesson Aim.

Lesson Rationale:

1. I have chosen to Structured my Lesson the way I have did, because I believe it will give the Students an opportunity to slowly understand and take in the
Text exposing them to more detail as the progress. It does have some Similarities to the PPP Structure in that it displays different aspects and features of
the Language to my Students and developing their understanding of the piece gradually and systematically by using different Reading Techniques, such as
"Reading for Gist" through to "Reading for Detail" to increase Student Focus.

2. What each Activity Contribute towards the Learning Aims and how it will be Achieved.
Generates interest in the topic, and it will make the class thinking about the subject and vocabulary that I will be using in the Lesson, by showing the Photos
and having the Students to briefly discuss relevant potential vocabulary that may come up in the Lesson.
Warmer to introduce the text
Allows my students to focus more on the Text I am going to use and to get the Students to make a prediction on what they think the Text is about by
sharing experiences they've had and by discussing the Topic.
Presentation of relevant Vocabulary
Allows my Students to know some difficult and unknown Vocabulary in order to Read the Text and to understand what they are Reading. It will be achieved
by presenting this Phase in the PPP Structure of Teaching Vocabulary by focussing on Meaning, Form and Pronunciation of each of the target word.
Practical activity exploring the text (Reading for gist)
By giving my Students the " Matching the Heading " worksheet, I am of the opinion it will help my Students to "Read for Gist" by forcing them to Skim Read
the Text, in order to complete the task successfully.
Activity focusing on detailed understanding of the text (Reading for specific information)
By giving a Comprehension Question activity to my Students the activity will contribute to the Lesson Aim, by Scanning through the Text, they will prove
they have developed the Reading Skill to read for "Specific Information" in the Text.
Review Vocabulary
By giving my Students the Worksheet it will help them to "Deduce meaning from Context" by reading the sentences and understand the context which
will help my Students determine which word matches the Sentence.
End of lesson activity
By having Content based Activity/Discussion, in the form of a "Competition", I think it is an excellent way to wrap up the Lesson and to determine if the
Lesson Aims have been achieved.

Also, the purpose of the activity is to also show the Students that by being able to have the "Skill to Read", they gained knowledge and some Life Skills
which can only benefit them when using or reading the English Language.

3. Other Activities I've considered including and why I have chosen not to use them.

I would have loved to include more games into the Lesson to make it more Interactive and fun for my Students however, due to my Students being Adults it
may have disinterested them in many games due to them taking their Learning Experience more Seriously. A concern I had was that although my Students
are all Adults and Spanish Speaking, their ability levels may differ, even if they are all on an Advanced (C1) Level. Throughout the Lesson I have to make sure
to take into consideration that some of my Students may be faster and others slower in grasping concepts, I may have to adjust activities to meet each
Student's ability. The activity "Reading for Gist" is a fairly challenging task some slower Students may Struggle to complete, therefore if this is the case, I will
omit this activity for Slower Students.

4. What will I do if any of my activities didn’t work in the way I have planned?

I will stop the activity and I will use another appropriate activity, for the stage, that could be suitable in achieving the Lesson Aim and learning to take place.
I will be Student Focussed at all times, taking my Lesson Aims and the achievement thereof into consideration at all times.
I will also, Stage the lesson and choose texts that will be suitable and interesting to my class, Use activities that are appropriate for my class, bearing in mind
their level, ages, culture and interests, Use eliciting to check answers and, where possible, reasons for answers, Integrate a range of skills into a reading
lesson, e.g. discuss answers to practise speaking or ask students to produce a piece of written work related to the text and keep encouraging my Students
and praising the effort that they put in, rather than focusing on every little mistake!
I will enjoy the "journey" because for me Developing People and their Skills is a Passion and Learning must be fun.
Bibliography (if needed):

All Images from "Google Images"

All other material designed by myself.

Annexure 1

Annexure 2
Matching the Heading - Reading for Gist
Studies have proven that having a hobby can Promotes Mental Health and well being
significantly benefit your overall health.
Although some may feel like they don't have
time for hobbies, these activities can enhance
physical and mental wellness and boost
productivity. It's important to prioritize self-care
and set aside time for hobbies.
A hobby is a great way to spend spare time that Improves Relationships and Productivity
allows you to unwind from your daily
routine. Hobbies are any activity that you
frequently do for fun. There are many hobbies to
choose from, and they may include activities that
allow you to be creative, do something athletic,
or participate in intellectual activities.
Participants experienced improved life What is a Hobby?
satisfaction, increased positivity, higher life
engagement, more robust social support, and
less depression and negativity. Additionally, they
had lower blood pressure, decreased cortisol
levels, a lower body mass index (BMI), and better
perceived physical functioning.
Engaging in community-based activities like Discovering Time for Hobbies
music or creative arts has been shown to
support the recovery from mental health
problems by improving self-esteem and social
Making time for activities that help you relax and Reduces Stress
recharge is essential. With the right approach
and mindset, you can carve out moments in your
day to pursue your passions. Don’t let a busy
schedule keep you from enjoying the things you
There are numerous health benefits to having a How Having a Hobby Benefits Your Health
hobby. Research has shown that frequent
participation in a hobby can significantly impact
your overall well-being and mental
health, reduce stress, and improve relationships
and productivity.
Spending more time on hobbies can also Health Benefits of Hobbies
positively impact your professional life and make
you more productive at work. Having a creative
hobby pulls your mind out of your everyday work
and gives you the mental space to focus on your
feelings, allowing you to reawaken your
creativity. This can enable you to create
innovative ideas for your workplace and
promote increased productivity at work

Annexure 3

Comprehension Questions, Reading for Detail.

1. What is an excellent way to relieve stress and to break away from your daily routine?
2. What are Hobbies?
3. What can Hobbies include?
4. What can the Frequent Participation in a Hobby significantly have an impact on for you?
5. What can Regular Participation in a Hobby lead to?
6. Having a Creative Hobby pulls your mind out of what?
7. Name one thing that can keep you from enjoying the things you love?
8. What must you always Prioritize and how can you achieve it?

Annexure 4
Vocabulary Worksheet

Target Vocabulary/Words

 Cortisol
 Significantly
 Psychological
 Delegate
 Integrate

1. ___________ levels can decrease if you do something you have an interest in.

2. Your decision on taking up a hobby will ______________ affect your wellbeing.

3. To ___________ tasks to capable fellow workers, will take work pressure from you.

4. Victory in the last game gave them a________________ advantage over their opponents.

5. To successfully ___________ a hobby into your life, it must be a lifelong commitment.

Annexure 5

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