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Market Scanning and reviewing

Product Chosen – Sunscreen
Rationale for selection of sunscreen
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates that globally, 1 in 5 people
develop cancer at some point of their lives, and 1 in 8 men and 1 in 11 women die from the disease.
These estimates also underscore that more than 50 million people are living within a five-year span
following a prior cancer diagnosisi. According to Health, Pharma & MedTech State of Health report
Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. ii iiiProlonged exposure of the skin
to sunlight leads to erythema (sunburns)(Moore iv This exposure also results in
melanisation( tanning). Prolonged exposure can lead to irreversible damage to skins elasticity and
increase the risk of developing melanomas and non-melanomas (Harrison &Berrgefeld)v Jou and
Tomecki reported that the extent of skin damage depends on various factors like duration of
exposure, seasonal variations in incident sunrays intensity, geographical location, and host-dependent
factors including age, skin colour, behavioural factors, immune status among Men are more
prone to skin cancer when compared to female. vii The University of Michigan's Dr. Kevin Cooper
emphasized the subtle impacts that even moderate UV exposure can have on the immune system
resulting in polymorphic light eruption. Research at St. Thomas Hospital in London, UK, showed that
using an effective UVA/UVB sunscreen prevented rashes in 90% of PLE patients. Sunscreen
functions as a shield to keep UV rays from absorbing into the skin. According to the University of
Rochester Medical Centre, Sunscreen protects the skin from tanning, photoaging, wrinkling.
Regardless of race or age, the American Academy of Dermatology Association advises wearing
sunscreen every day and reapplying it every two hours when exercising outside, swimming, or
perspiring.viii Consistent sunscreen use significantly decreases the risk of melanoma by 50% and
squamous cell carcinoma by 40%, reports the Skin Cancer Foundation.ix
Market Environment
Globally, sunscreen preferences vary across continents, with Asia favouring high SPF (SPF ≥50)
products the most, while Europe leans towards SPF <30. The use of sunscreen has increased over the
last ten years for a variety of reasons, such as growing skin cancer rates, worries about ozone layer
thinning, and marketing campaigns that associate sunscreen with cosmetics. The 'Sun Protection'
segment of the beauty and personal care industry saw a significant increase in global revenue from
$8,735.72 million in 2015 to $9,758.2 million in 2019. But as the pandemic spread, revenue fell,
coming in at $7,780.67 million in 2020 and $8,280.82 million in 2021. Nevertheless, since then,
sunscreen sales revenue has been increasing. x The Statista Research Department projects that revenue
will grow continuously between 2023 and 2028, increasing by $2.7 billion, or 25.16%, over that
period. A variety of UV filters are being introduced by different companies in response to different
climate conditions and individual skin types. By providing sunscreen ingredients at a range of price
points, this strategy seeks to serve a wide range of consumers and will greatly aid in the growth of the
worldwide market. It was forecast to continuously increase between 2023 and 2028 by in total 2.7
billion U.S. dollars (+25.16 percent). (Statista Research Department). Various companies are
introducing several UV filters based on climate conditions and personal skin types. Companies are
providing sunscreen ingredients with a wide price range, customisation, skin friendly which is also
driving the global market. Lotions were the most preferred formulation worldwide, with terms like
"nongreasy/dry touch" and "lightweight texture" commonly used in promotional materials. xi
Sunscreens are classified based on active ingredients as organic and inorganic sunscreens. Sunscreen
formulations have a variety of active ingredients, such as chemical UV filters (like avobenzone or
oxybenzone) and physical UV filters (like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide). Sunscreens come in
various forms, including lotions, creams, gels, sprays, sticks, and powders. People might use Alovera
gel, Coconut oil, shea better, Olive oil, Zinc oxide, Hats as a substitution to Sunscreen.
Few Competitors in Sunscreen Industry-
 Aqualogica, Re’equil, DR. Sheth’s, Earth rhythm, Organic Harvest, Foxtale, Fix derma
Neutrogena, Aveeno (Johnson & Johnson), Supergoop, Blue lizard, EtlaMD, The Estée
Lauder Companies, Shiseido Company, Beiersdorf Global, Clarins, Burt's Bees, VLCC

Consumer Buying Behaviour

From the survey data, we can understand several key aspects of consumer behavior regarding
sunscreen use:
From the survey conducted, it was found, that 55.6% use sunscreen, and 44.4% do not. This means
that slightly more than half of the people take steps to protect themselves from the sun. Of the people
who don't use sunscreen, 81.3% are men, and only 18.7% are women. This shows that men are less
likely to use sunscreen compared to women. A significant number of people who don't use sunscreen,
45.3%, have little or no knowledge about it. Furthermore, 39.01% of people feel they have only a
basic understanding of sunscreen. This limited knowledge might be a key reason they choose not to
use sunscreen. Among those who don't use sunscreen, 35.5% are open to starting, and 48.4% might
think about it if their worries are resolved. This means there's a chance to sensitize them and market to
them in a way that could change their minds about using sunscreen. The main reasons people don't
use sunscreen are due to the presence of chemicals in it (32.8%), how it feels on their skin (15.6%),
and trouble finding the right one (15.6%). These issues point out that some organic or sustainable
alternatives can definitely nudge them to use sunscreens. The survey shows that more people use
sunscreen, but a big group, mostly men, either don't use it or have worries that stop them. By
conducting awareness campaigns for them, giving better information about the products, and making
the sunscreen better, we might get more people to start using it.
In a survey of 144 people, 80 of them use sunscreen, showing that many people care about protecting
their skin from the sun. When looking at who uses sunscreen based on gender, it's almost evenly split
between men and women, but a little more women (about 54%) use it compared to men (about 46%).
This means both men and women worry about sun protection, but slightly more women do. Out of the
people surveyed, almost half (49%) use sunscreen every day, showing they really care about
protecting their skin from the sun regularly. A smaller number of people (7.5%) use sunscreen more
than once a day, and an even smaller group (2.5%) apply it every four hours. These groups are
probably very aware of sun damage or might be at greater risk, so they are even more careful about
sun protection. SPF 50 is the most popular choice (31.2%), followed by SPF higher than 50 (23.7%).
This shows a consumer preference for high SPF levels, possibly indicating a strong concern for skin
health and protection against UV rays. When buying sunscreen, the most important things for nearly
half of the people (46.3%) are the SPF value and what's in it. This shows that these customers know a
lot about what makes a good sunscreen and they care a lot about how well it works and its quality. For
21.3% of people, reviews are really important when choosing sunscreen, showing they trust what
others say online. Friends' advice matters for 11.3%, and sticking to known brands is key for 13.3%.
This means people care about both what friends and brands suggest, and also do their own research.
Price is less important, affecting only 7.5% of decisions. Positive reviews, Ingredient composition,
Free samples or trial packs, are the motivating factors to try a new brand or product.
From the survey data, it can be easily inferred that women are the major customers of
sunscreen ,while men are mostly oblivious to the importance of sunscreen. Secondly, the youth are
major customers of sunscreen , but a significant population also worry about the skin due to presence
of chemicals in it. Lastly, there has been a shift in the marketplace, from offline shops, ecommerce
websites are the major purchasing stops, credit goes to the youth being the largest customer base.
Salespeople must have a thorough awareness of customer behaviour in order to properly promote and
sell their products in the competitive and dynamic sunscreen industry. Due to pre-existing skin
conditions, dermatologists frequently suggest sunscreen to consumers in the high participation group,
which helps to build consumer faith in the product's effectiveness. Additionally, those in this group
value appearance and health, as evidenced by their readiness to shell out a significant amount of
money for sunscreen. This group, adhering to medical advice, also tends to buy moisturisers in
addition to sunscreen. Conversely, customers in the low engagement sector include sunscreen in their
skincare regimen without demonstrating a strong sense of brand devotion. These consumers are more
inclined to switch since they could be influenced by outside forces. Consumer behaviour also changes
due to weather conditions when it comes to products like sunscreen, in the month of march, April,
may sunscreen sales increase due to summer season. Customers generally look for an oil free and
white cast free sunscreen while buying a new brand, consumers generally won’t tend to return the
product. Friends and family have a greater tendency to influence customers than salespeople. This
emphasises how crucial it is to establish trusting connections with clients in order to promote positive
word-of-mouth recommendations. Furthermore, the effectiveness of influencer marketing is
demonstrated by the well-known individuals that promote sunscreen goods. Celebrity endorsements
help products become more visible to consumers and gain their confidence, which increases sales.
Ads on different social media sites have a big impact on the amount of sunscreen purchases.
Salespeople should understand the power of digital marketing and use these channels to effectively
connect with prospective clients. Consistent and focused social media marketing may keep the
product at the top of consumers' minds, increasing sales and brand recognition. salespeople are
essential to the upkeep and growth of distribution networks. They maintain a market presence,
drugstores and general stores are persuaded to regularly repurchase sunscreen goods. Repeat business
can be increased by fostering close bonds with retailers, supplying useful point-of-sale materials, and
providing incentives Salespeople highlight the fact that the product is dermatologist-recommended
while interacting with the high involvement category. Consumer awareness and trust can be raised by
partnering with dermatological clinics on promotional events or product displays. This customer
category can be further reached by emphasising the benefits of both health and beauty, which will
strengthen their resolve to use and continue buying sunscreen.
GLOBOCAN 2020: New Global Cancer Data | UICC
Scopus - Document details - Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer Prevention
Skin cancer - Statistics & Facts | Statista
UVB radiation generates sunburn pain and affects skin by activating epidermal TRPV4 ion channels and triggering
endothelin-1 signaling
Scopus - Document details - Ultraviolet light and skin cancer in athletes
Scopus - Document details - Sunscreens in the United States: Current status and future outlook

Sunscreen FAQs (
Sunscreen - The Skin Cancer Foundation
Global: sun protection skin care market revenue 2015-2028 | Statista
Characteristics and common ultraviolet filter usage of sunscreens purchased online: Cross-cultural analysis across 5
continents - PubMed (

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