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Ngoc Lan Language Academy

66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN
Một đoạn văn tốt cần 2 yếu tố sau
● Topic sentence (câu mở đoạn): khái quát ý chính và nội dung mà người viết muốn triển khai trong
đoạn. Câu mở đoạn không nên quá dài dòng và nên đi thẳng vào vấn đề
● Supporting sentence (câu triển khai ý): phân tích và giải thích ý đã được đưa ra ở câu mở đoạn. Các câu
triển khai ý có thể bao gồm
o Lý do
o Ví dụ
o Kết quả
o Giả thuyết
o Sự thật
o So sánh
=> 1 đoạn văn thường có từ 4-5 câu.
I. Topic sentence
● Đối tượng / chủ đề chính trong bài văn
● Câu trả lời chính của đoạn văn
=> Cách viết tham khảo:

Chủ đề chính + câu trả lời chính + lý do (optional)

In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
● Chủ đề chính: việc nhiều người chọn sống một mình ngày nay
● Câu trả lời chính: việc này có cả ảnh hưởng tích cực lẫn tiêu cực
=> The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader

economic reasons.

1. International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same
time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the
disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?
● Chủ đề chính: international tourism
● Câu trả lời chính: việc này có những bất lợi.
Topic sentence:

Trang 1
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN
2. Some people think that developing countries need financial help
from international organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is
needed. Discuss these views and give your own opinion.
● Chủ đề chính: financial help
● Câu trả lời chính: có những phương pháp khác có hiệu quả hơn hỗ trợ tài chính
Topic sentence:

II. Supporting sentences


Fact Result

Argument & Evidence

Reason Comparison


Useful structures

Reason ● … because / since / as + S V

● This is because + S V
● … due to / thanks to / owing to + N

Trang 2
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN

● This stems from N

Example ● such as / like + N

● For example / For instance, S V

Result ● As a result / Therefore, S V

● As a consequence, S V (hậu quả)
● This results in / leads to + N
● , which results in / leads to + N
● , hence / , thus S V
● Thanks to this, S V

Hypothesis ● If + S V, …
(Giả thuyết) ● Unless + S V, … } -> talk abt the importance of sth
● With / Without + N, S V

Fact ● In fact, S V
● As a matter of fact, S V

Contrast ● Compared to/with + N, S V

● While + S V, S V

Ví dụ:
● The aim of these punishments is to show dangerous drivers that their actions have negative
consequences. As a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that
they follow the rules more carefully.
● Secondly, more attention could be paid to safe road design. For example, signs can be used to
warn people, speed bumps and road bends can be added to calm traffic, and speed cameras can help
to deter people from driving too quickly.
● With an increase in the availability of many new technologies, it is also becoming more affordable
for the majority of people, which has provided more equal opportunities between people, whether
rich or poor. As a matter of fact, the Internet has become extremely widespread worldwide these
days and has provided people of all financial status with access to a great deal of information that
they can use to help them educate themselves to live better lives, and therefore potentially decrease
the gap.
● For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth’s climate.
If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far
outweigh the costs of conservation.
● Cycling is beneficial to our health. Compared with users of other forms of transport,
cyclists are less prone to various cancers.
1. Single-idea paragraph

Trang 3
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN

Topic sentence  Supporting sentences (explanation  example  result)

The main benefit of modern technology is that people's lives have become much more convenient. This is
because we are able to finish several tasks without having to stay at the office, which is extremely
important given the busy lifestyle of today. For example, most people now own a mobile phone or a
laptop, and Wi-Fi is available in virtually every place. Therefore, people have the chance to do their
homework, liaise with colleagues or friends, or check their emails in a flexible way. There is no doubt that
this has improved people’s living standard in many ways and this would not have been possible without
advanced technology.
● speak in detail about celebrations and special events
● make comparisons between the past and the present, or between similarities and differences
● use words and phrases that show ‘concession’ to look at both sides of an argument
● stress key words to make comparisons
New words

● astonishing (a): extremely surprising and amazing – đáng kinh ngạc (positive)
I can say this is an astonishing festival! I'm so happy to perform together with such great
● colourful (a): having varied color / lively and exciting – sắc màu, rực rỡ
a small but colourful garden
● emotional (a): causing people to feel strong emotions – đầy cảm xúc, cảm động
It was obviously an emotional moment for everyone involved.
● entertaining (a): providing amusement and enjoyment – giải trí
I found the talk both informative and entertaining
 impressive (a): making you admire them, because they are very large, good, skilful, etc. –
đáng kinh ngạc, ấn tượng
an impressive performance
● incredible (a): difficult to believe, extraordinary – phi thường
● memorable (a): worth remembering – đáng nhớ
The holiday provided many memorable moments.
a truly memorable occasion/event
● peaceful = tranquil (a): - yên bình, nên thơ
● exhausting (a): very tiring – kiệt sức, kiệt quệ
a long and exhausting journey.


Trang 4
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN
Sample question: Do you think that national celebrations are less important now
than they were in the past?
o When answering this type of question, it is useful to consider all sides of the debate.
Ex.1: With a partner, complete this chart. Complete each sentence in at least two different

Celebrations Celebrations
were are important
important in now because
the past …
Compare the
importance of
celebrations in
the past and in
the present
Celebrations were not
are not important in
important now the past
because …

 Celebrations were more important in the past than now because …

 Celebrations were less important in the past than now because …
Tip: To offer more information in questions which ask for a comparison between the present and
the past, it helps to consider the differences between what people would or used to do in the
past and what they do now.

Ex.2: With a partner, brainstorm some popular events that you know about and write them in
the first column of the table. Then complete the table with your shared ideas.
Event Things people would do Things people do now
in the past
1. Lunar New Year In the past, people would get together Now, people like to watch the
with their families and celebrate at firework at the harbour.

Trang 5
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN

2. Mid-Autumn Festival
In the past, people tended to make ‘banh Nowadays, people become busier
trung thu’- which were made by a variety so they often buy ‘banh trung thu’ at
of ingredients on their own. Moreover, shops as many bakeries are growing
children gathered and torched lights like mushrooms.
which were made by paper and shaped Because of the development of
like a star technology, kids almost forget about
torching lights due to their soon access
(approach) to electronic devices.


● In Speaking Part 3, you should try to consider both sides of an argument. You can
do this by using words such as although, even though and while to add information
about one side of the argument, then adding information about the other side.
● For example:
o Although many people still celebrate Valentine's Day each year, it is
possible that they focus too much on presents.
o Even though preparing for the carnival takes a lot of time, it is an
important part of our culture.
o While the Battle of the Oranges is supposed to be fun, it leaves a lot of
mess for people to clean up!
● You can also make concessions with sentence openers such as:
o The problem is, . . .
o The trouble is, . . .
o The thing is, . . .
o The disadvantage of that is, . . .
o On the other hand, . . .
● Another useful way of comparing things is to focus directly on the similarities
and differences.
● For example:
The main difference between Chinese New Year and new year celebrations in my
country is . . .

Ex.3: With a partner, consider one positive and one negative statement about a festival you
have attended. Then make a positive and negative statement about a festival you would like
to attend. Use the pictures and those here to help you

Trang 6
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN

Glastonbury Music Festival Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

I. Luyện tập viết topic sentences cho body
a. Some people believe that it is more important to teach children the literature of their own
country than other countries. Do you agree or disagree?
● Chủ đề chính: teach children the literature of their own country than other countries
● Câu trả lời chính: đem lại lợi ích
=> Topic sentence:
Most people criticize that students had better learn about the domestic literature than foreign ones; however,
from my own perspective, both these two pratices should be taught by teachers to students (students should
CHỮA : Although most people think/believe ("criticize" là chỉ trích, chỉ trích khác "cho rằng") that
students had better learn about the domestic literature than foreign ones, I personally argue that both
types of literature should be taught by teachers to students.
Example: While some argue that children should learn the literature of their own country(national literature)
rather than those of other nations, I contend that both are of equal significance/importance to students'
comprehensive development.

b. More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can
be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can
governments make urban life better for everyone?
Hãy viết 2 câu topic sentence cho body 1 và 2
Body 1:
Chủ đề chính: living in a city
● Câu trả lời chính: việc này có nhiều khó khăn
=> Topic sentence:
An average of people still believe that living in a city has a lot of advantages without realizing they alongs with
many drawbacks as well. This phenomenon tends to appear in people who come from the countryside and have
no knowledge about cities.

Trang 7
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN

Body 2:
● Chủ đề chính: living in a city
● Câu trả lời chính: có nhiều giải pháp
=> Topic sentence:
Despite the disadvantages of living in a city, there are several solutions that help people deal with those

Trang 8
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN
c. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best
route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight
after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Hãy thử tự viết 2 topic sentence cho 2 body của em.
Topic sentence 1:
Studying university or college has long been considered to be an optimal choice for many students by parents

Topic sentence 2:
On the other hand, some low-income families choose the route that getting a job straight after school because
they cannot afford a high fees to apply in universities.

II. Luyện tập viết full body

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a
successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Dựa vào những kiến thức em vừa học (topic sentence + supporting sentence + cách viết single-
idea paragraph). Em hãy thử viết 2 body cho bài này

Body 1:

Up to now, some contend that continuing to study university or college is the shortest way to reach
a successful future rather than getting a job straight after school, whereas others think working right
after school is an wise choice
Studying university or college has long been considered to be an optimal choice for many students
by parents. First of all, the job market is extremely competitive and skilled employees are high in
demand so university graduates will gain professional qualifications that are recognised and respected
worldwide through seminars and a variety of courses which are suitable with their field. Moreover,
students are encouraged to be creative as well as have an independent thought at universities and
colleges as there is a huge amount of documents, books and materials to learn and discover.
Additionally, they allow learners to choose their majors which depend on their interests since jobs are
getting more and more diverse nowadays. On top of that, students are given the chance to travel and
experience life overseas through study abroad programs. This policy creates opportunities for many
excellent students to improve themselves more and it also motivates the others. University degrees
are also required as important for a wide range of careers such as Education, Engineering, Medicine,
Law… Because of these benefits, studying university or college offers learners higher tuition fees and
greater financial stability.

Body 2:
On the other hand, some low-income families believe that is ideal to get a job straight after school
because they cannot afford the high fees to apply in universities. Children who get job after finishing
shool tend to be mature than university graduates at the first time since they have to face with risks of
life instead of studying follow a curriculum. As a matter of fact, it is quite difficult to find a job with good
security because most of them require university degrees. Although meeting a lot of opposite
opinions, there are still several advantages of working after high school. Firstly, children will
Trang 9
Ms. Ngoc Lan Language Academy
66 Trần Đại Nghĩa, HN & 72 Thụy Khuê, HN
understand how hard it is to earn money and appreciate the value of currency. Besides, they can learn
how to be patient as well as gain independent thought such as managing finance and much more life
skills. In addition, having a major from the start will help them to graduate on time and get the classes
that they need without hesitating. Children also have time to do a bit of research on different
professions or maybe even secure a paid internship at a company to find out what type of work they
would like to do.
In conclusion, it seems obvious that both routes are advantageous in their own way.


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