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Vertical slides (3 stages of misumi SAR240) belt driven

180 degrees of rotation turret

2in free spinning

compliant wheels

Retractable passive aligner

Custom gearbox
(2 5:1 goBILDA motors)

Custom odometry (3 dead wheels)

6 stages of misumi SAR230
reaching up to 2000 mm extension
Our complex intake and outtake mechanisms enable us to
easily reach the opposite side of the field fast. Due to the
length of our extensions, we can play around the middle of
the field, while collecting cones, in order to keep a much
shorter distance to any junction that we need to score on
across the field.
Both subsystems are designed to be highly versatile, each
having 2 degrees of freedom and enabling us to score
with both. At the same time, for more adaptability in
tele-op and autonomous, the outtake is mounted on a
turret, having 180 degrees of movement, while also having
a retractable aligner. This design was chosen to ensure we
can switch strategies between the automomous and
driver controlled period.
This design is complementary with our strategy ensuring fast
tele-op cycling and reachability among the whole field. The unique
claw design has a wide opening angle (twice bigger than a classic
claw) allowing cone collection from more positions and is automatically centering
the cones in the middle using the passive rotation of the compliant wheels.
The arm flips to transfer the cone. The double joint design (2 rotational degrees of freedom)
ensures adjustable positioning for picking up stacked cones from different heights and angles: this
allows us to keep the claw parallel to the ground no matter the height it is lifted to.
2 supports were added at the base of our intake arm to assist the whole subsystem in
its movements and prevent overturning. Each support consists of one omni wheel mounted on custom
made plates and is passively retractable to allow easy release of encountered obstacles on the field.
Faster full field coverage and reachability (shorter traveled distance)
Southpole autonomous with limited drivetrain movements (more reliable
and reducing drifting errors)

In the autonomous period the turret is automatically adjusting on the
specific junction based on the robot’s position on the field, allowing the
drivetrain trajectory to be as simple as possible and diminishing possible PID
errors or drifting.
Below the outtake arm a passive aligner is mounted to ensure fast and precise
positioning on top of the junction in TeleOp while keeping a compact design when retracted. The
polycarbonate aligner is mounted on 2 SAR310 MISUMI slides and is actioned by a goBILDA torque
servo through a custom cut linkage. To lift the aligner horizontally, we used a passive mechanism
actioned by a daisy chain which will tension as the slides extend.

The chassis is designed to be compact (14x14in) and
integrate all the subsystems to create a perfect synergy
between them. To allow enough space to place all the 7
motors in the center and in line with the wheelbase
(crucial for maintaining a low center of gravity and
balance) we used 6mm belts to drive the wheels and a
custom odometry casing. The 3D printed case was 1030 mm

specifically designed to fit between the drivetrain plates

resulting in both a compact design and optimal
distance between the two parallel dead wheels.

14270 2000 mm

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