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Pharmacology unit 10 answers

1. These are drugs which prevent or reduce fever by lowering

body temperature from a raised state. Eg paracetmol
2. Mode of action: inhabit production of prostaglandins in the
hypothalamus (central effect)
Use: mild to moderate pain and fever
Adverse effects: very rae, liver damage, rashes hypotension
3. Analgesics are drugs used to relieve pain. There are two main
groups of analgesics and its classified based on whether the
drug has an opioid or not. So its opioid analgesics and non-
opioid analgesics
4. Orally, by injection, intrathecally
5. Common adverse effects include, nausea, vomiting,
constipation. Infrequent effects include hypotension and
rarely respiratory effects and depression
6. Mode of action: decrease transmission of pain impulse
Use: moderate to severe pain
Adverse effects: abdominal pain, hypertension
7. Its usually used for headache, backache, arthritis, pain due
to cancer of the bone and postoperative pain. These drugs
inhabit the production of prostaglandins which is highly
involved in inflammatory resposne.
8. Mode of action: inhabit production of prostaglandins
Use:mild to moderate pain, pyrexia, anti platelet
Adverse effects: gastro intestinal irritation with slight
asymptotic blood loss, increased bleeding time,
bronchospasm and skin reactions in hypersenstive patients
9. Drugs that reduce inflammation
10. Swelling, redness, heat, pain, dysfuction of the organ
11. Gulcorticosteruids/ corticosteriods and non-steroidal anti
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
12. Corticosteriods have anti inflammatory and immuno
supressive activity eg hydrocortisone and prednisolone.
NSAIDs are drugs which have anti inflammatory analgesic
and antipyretic effect eg diclofenac, inuprofen, piroxicam,
13. And 14. Corticosteroids interact with intracellular
receptors. They repress/ decrease transpiration of gases of
enzymes and factors important for inflammatory response
15. – decreases the activity of neutrophils and macrophages
- decrease the action of T cells
- decrease the production of cyclooxygenase enzyme which
mean level of prostaglandins also decreases
- decrease the production of other inflammatory medidators
like histamine nitric oxide etc
16. side effects are likely to occur with large doses or
prolonged administration. Suspectability to infection,
osteoporosis, hypertension, hyperglycemia, adrenal
17. decrease the activity of inflammation/ immune cells and
decrease release of inflammatory mediators/ chemicals
18. these are non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs
19. -pharmacological actions; anti inflammatory
- analgesic

Mode of action; inhabits COX ezyme and thereby decreases the
production of inflammatory mediators like prostaglandins
Side effects. Common ones include nausea, vomiting. GI
ulceratiobn/ bleeding, diarrhoaea and headaches. Infrequent side
effects include, rash, skin irritation, heart failure, bronchospsm
and rarely renal failure
20. mode of action: inhabit production of prostaglandins by
inhabiting COX enzyme
Use: mild to moderate pain, fever, inflammation,in rheumatic
disease, other musculoskeletal disorders and postoperative pain
Adverse effects: abdominal pain or cramps, headache, fluid
retention, abbdominal distension,diarrhea, indigestion, nauea,
constipation, flatulence, peptic ulcer
21. chemicals produced by a microorganism that can kill or inhabit
other microoganism
22. chemicals produced by a microorganism or by synthetic means
that can kill or inhabit other microorganism
23. chemical agents used to treat infection
24. chemicals which destroy or inhabit the growth of microorganism
25. – have strong activity against microorganism
- have low toxicity
-least toxic to normal flora
- be in its active form
-achieve sufficennt levels at the site of action
- have atleast side effects on host
- cost effective and easily available
- easily administered
26. -inhabit synthesis of cell wall
- inhabit the function of cell membrane

- inhabit dna replication
- inhabit protien syntheisis
- inhabit cellular metabolism
27. its classidied according to chemical structure, mechanism of
action, bacterial spectrum, type of activity, route of administration
28. – benzyl penicilin
Mode of action; inhabit cell wall synthesis
Use of action; syphilis, bacterial endocarditis
Adverse effects: diarrhoea, nausea,rash,anaphylactic shock
Implications : asses for allergy to penicillin
Send sample to lab to determine antibiotic
Mode of action: inhabit cell wall synthesis
Use; chronic bronchitis,community aquired pneumonia
Adverse effects; diarrhoea, nausea,rash,anaphylactic shock
Implications: asses for allergy to penicillin, send sample to the lab
to determine antibiotic susceptibility
Mode of action: inhabit cell wall synthesis
Use: staphylococcal and streptococcoal nfections in people with
mild to moderate penicillin allergy
Adverse effects: diarrhoea, nausea, rash,candidiasis,
anaphylactic shock
Implications : assess for allergy to cephalosporin, send sample to
lab to determine bacteria causing the infection
Mode of actions: inhabit bacterial protein synthesis

Use: sinusitis,syphylis,acne,community aquired pneumonia
Adverse effects: diarrhoea, nausea,rash,photosensitivity, tooth
Implications: send sample to the lab to determine bacteria
causing infection
Monitor vital signs (urine output, liver enzyme levels)
Mode of action: inhinit bacterial protein synthesis
Use: for people allergic to penicillin, respiratory tract infections,
Adverse effects: diarrhoea, nausea, rash, candidiasis,
anaphylactic shock
Implications: send sample to lab to determine bacteria causing the
infection . monitor vital signs (urine ouput, liver enzyme levels)
Mode of action: inhabit bacterial protein synthesis
Use: used for serious infections like enterococcal infections,
endocarditis, surgical and non surgical prophylaxis
Adverse effects: nausea, vomiting,rash,numbness,
Implications : same thing
- Co-trimoxazole
Mode of action: inhabit bacterial metabolism
Use; mainly for urinary tract infections
Adverse effects: nausea, vomiting,rash,photosensitivity,hemolytic
anemia,aplastic anemia, crystalluria
Implications: assess whether the client is hypersensitive to
sulphonamides, administer sulphonamide with a glass full of
water, moniter vital signs( urine

output), observe the client for haematologic reactions
Mode of action: inhabit bacterial DNA synthesis
Use; used for UTI, bone and joint infections, bronchitis, pneumonia
Adverse effects; nausea, vomiting, rash, arthritis, tendonitis,
photosensitivity, vrystalluria
Implications; same thing plus maintain adequate fluid intake
Mode of action: inhabit bacterial DNA synthesis
Use; bacterial vaginosis, inflammatory bowel disease, anerobic
Adverse effects: nausea, vomiting,rash, anaphylactic shock
Implications; ssend sample to lab to determine bacteria or fungus
causing the infection, monitor the vital signs

29. peniclin kills bacteria, inhibit cell wall synthesis. The route of
administration is by parentral
30. anti fungal drugs are used to treat superfical fungal infections
and systemic fungal infections. Thees drugs are also called
31.- ketoconazole
Mode of action: distrupts fungus cell membrane
Use: for candida infections, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis
Adverse effects; nausea, vomiting, itching,rash, hepatoxicity
Implications: send sample to lab to determine the fungus causing
the infection, monitor vital signs , given with hcl or coke in
situations where gastric acid is decreased

32. tuberculosis is the infection of the lungs caused by
mycobacterium tuberculosis. Symptoms include, feeling tired, lose
weight, night sweats, blood stained mucus. Its diagnosed by chest
x ray which shows areas where tb has damaged or tuberculin test
which will show if someone has been exposed to tb. Tuberculosis is
spread when droplets of saliva are coughed up or spat by an
infection person and then inhaled by another person. It can be
prevented by covering mouth when coughing , do not spit,
immunization by BCG vaccine. For treatment a long course
treatment with many drugs is necessary and treatment has two
phases. In the first phase that’s 2 months this involves 3 drugs, the
second phase which is 6 months. This involves 2 drugs. Several
drugs are taken to prevent the bacteria from becoming resistant.
33. antitubercular drugs are used to treat tb. Isoniazid inhabits cell
wall synthesis and the side effects are peripheral neuropathy.
Rifampicin inhabits RNA synthesis, side effect is liver toxicity.
Pyrazinamide inhabits metabolism and the side effect is liver
toxicity. Other drugs include, ethambutol which inhabits cell wall
synthesis and the side effect is eye toxicity, streptomycin inhabits
protein synthesis and the side effect os kidney and ear toxicity.
34.directly observed therapy DOTS is basically community
members helping the patient complete their course of drug by
watvhing them take the drug bc patients sometimes forget to take
drugs regularly. This is reccomended by WHO
35. -rifampicin
Mode of action: inhabit bacterial RNA synthesis
Use: used as a combination drug against TB
Adverse effects: GI symptoms, allergic reactions,hepatoxicity,
oranged coloration of body fluids, stain soft contact lenses
Implications: monitor liver function
36. viruses are intraceullar parasites, they replicate inside a living
host cell, most form of life are susceptible to viral infection

37. anti viral drugs are drugs used against viruses,
38.they are classified according to their primary clinical use and
mechanism of action.
39. the first class is purine analogues, an example of this class drug
is aciclovir and clinical use includes herpes simplex, shingles.
Neuraminidase inhabitors an example of this class drug is
zenamivir clinical use include, influenza A and B
Then we have other anti virals eg, interferon alpha, clinical use is
hepatisis B and C.
40. mode of action: inhabit viral DNA synthesis
Use: gential and oral herpes simplex, shingles, herpetic eye
Adverse effects: GI symptoms,rash,agitation,confusion and
Implicatiosn: monitor clients complete blood count, monitor vital
signs esp blood pressure, observe for signs and symptoms for side
42. Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any
macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a
part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as
43.- parasitic worm infection
44.benzimidazoles and other drugs. Other drugs include ivermectin
and pyrantel. Benzimidazoles include albendazole, mebanzedole
45.- albendazole
Mode of action: produce many biochemical changes in the
worm eg reduce gulcose uptake. Degenrative alterations in the
intestinal cells of the worm
Use: against worm(round worms, thread worms hook worm etc)

Adverse effects ; this is rae with high doses and extended
treatment. GI syymptoms , itching
Implications: collect stool sample to identify the worm causing
infection, administer anthelmintics after meal to avoid GI
46. systolic pressure over diastolic pressure
47. pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels.
48.diastolic pressure is the pressure in the arteries when the heart
is relaxing and systolic is the opposite,.
49.hypertension is increase in blood pressure. Systolic pressure
has to be greater than 140mg, diastolic pressure should be greater
than 90mg. hypertension can be classified as essential which is not
related to specific medical cause and secondary a a result of
another condition.
50. to prevent consequences of chronic high bp which include
heart failure, arterial disease, kidney failure strokes myocardial
infarction etc.
Mode of action: block beta receptor and therby decrease HR
Use: hypertension,angina,MI
Adverse effects; nausea, diarrhoea, hypotension,bronchospasm
Implications: monitor BP carefully withhold drug and notify
physician if systolic is below 90
Mode of action: decrease force of myocardial contraction
Use:hypertension, angina
Adverse effects: rash, headache, fatigue, flushing, nausea

Implications:monitor bp carefully withold drug and notify dr if
systolic pressure is below 90. Monitor blood sugar in diabetic
patients, nifedipine has diabetogenic properties.
-diuretics are drugs that enhance renal excretion of salt and water
Mode of action: inhabit na+ reabsorption in the loop of henle
Use: hypertension
Adverse effects; GI disturbance, hypokalemia
Implications:closley monitor BP and vital signs, sudden death from
cardiac arrest ahas been reported, monitor I and O chart.. report
decrease or unusual increase in output.
- Digoxin
Mode of action: increase force of myocardial contraction
Use: heart failure
Adverse effects: GI disturbances, anorexia, blurred vision,
Implications; monitor for S and S of drug toxicity, monitor I and
O, paticularly in patients with impaired renal function
52.blood clotting is the bodys normal defense mechanism to stop
bleeding from a dmaaged blood vessel.
53. heparin
Use: rapid effect (IV), can be used in pregnant women, venous
thrombosis,acute MI, unstable angina
Adverse effects: bruising, pain at inj site, haemorrhage, skin, narcosis
54. it is maintained by gulcagon and insulin.insulin keeps blood
gulcose from rising too high and gulcagon does the opposite
55. this insulin is natural hormone replacement.
56. use: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes

Adverse effecrs: hypoglycemic reactionor insulin shock, weight gain,I
tvhing, allergic reaction
57. rapid acting regular insulin: onset is 0.5-1 hr. duration is 6 to 8
hours. Intermediate acting lenate insulin, onset is 1-2 hours.
Duration is 18-28 hours. Long acting ultralente 5-8 hours onset and
18-28 hours.
58. syringe, pen and cartridages eg novapen, disposable pens eg
novolet, continous insulin infusion pump eg minimed.
59.epilepsy is a chronic life long seizure results from
abnormal electrical discharges from cerebral neurons, its
characterized by loss or diturbance of consciousness usually with
61.-phenytoin sodium
Mode of action: prevet repitive neuronal discharge through
blockade of na+
Use: epilepsy
Adverse effects; nausea and vomiting, sleeplessnesss, agigation,
62.its a type of drug that is effective against vomiting and nausea
63. vomiting is the expulsion of the stomach contents causes include,
motion sickness, viral and bacterial infection, food intolerance,
surgery, pregnancy, pain, drugs
64.- promethazine
Mode of action: block histamine H1 receptor, sedative properties
which enchances antiemetic property..
Use: nausea and vomiting, motion sickness.
Adverse effects: sedation, dry mouth, urinary retension, blurred
65. a break in the tissue lining the stomach

66. antacids, histamine 2- receptor antagonists,proyon pump
inhabitors, mucosal protective agents
67. reduce gastric acid production by blocking proton pumps in the
cells of the stomach eg omeprazole
68. blocks histamine receptors in the stomach and decrease acid
secretion in the stomach cemetdine, femotidine, rentidine.
70. forms a protective coating over the ulcer, protects ulcer from
action of stomach acid and allows it to heal eg sucralfate
71. drugs used to empty the bowel and get rid of faeces. It increases
the facel matter passes through the bowel or increaees the bulk
and water contet of faeces.
72. relieve constipation,evacuate bowel piror to procedures or
examinations, decrease amount of strain under certain conditions
73.should only be used for a short period of time as it can cuase
diarrhoea and loss of salts
74.- bulk forming laxatives ; increases the amount of faces by
absorbing water which causes bowel to move, eg ispagula
Stimulant laxatives; encourage bowel movement by acting on
nerve endings. Causes intestine to contract and move faces, may
cause cramping eg glycerin suppositories
Fecal softners; soften hard faeces to make them easier to pass,
used in patients with haemorrhoids to make passing faeces less
painful eg bulk forming laxatives.
Osmotic laxatives: draws water into the bowel making faeces more
liquid eg lactulose
76. they are b2 receptor agonists stimulants, dilates the bronchioles,
given as inhalataion so drug goes directly to lungs to have a fast
effect, in emergencies given by inj or nebuliser. Eg salbutamol

77. they relax lung muscles, given as inhalation, its longer acting eg
78.corticosteriods are inhaled or as oral/parenteral. Inhaled version
decreases inflammation, fewer side effects when inhaled can
cause oral thrush eg fluticasone. The other one is used for acute
attacks and has more side effects.


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