Pharmacology Unit 5 Questions

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Pharmacology unit 5 questions

• Describe reactions, interactions,indications,and
contraindications,cautions of drugs that are commonly prescribed
by middle level healthcare workers in maldives
• Identify the drugs that can be and cannot be used during
pregnancy and lactation

1. What is ADR adverse drug reactions
2. Why may the quality of the pharamceutical product maybe
3. How can we ensure we get good quaity products
4. How does ADME cause side effects
5. How does patient variation cause side effects
6. How does dose effect side effects
7. What are the factors that affect incidence of ADR adverse
drug reactions
8. How does multiple drug therapy lead to ADR
9. How does age affect ADR
10. How does multiple disease states affect ADR
11. How do we know what the side effects of a drug are
12. How can we tell if a drug is causing side effects wwhen
the patient is ill at the same time
13. What do we do if we think a patient is suffering from an
14. How can we help patients to avoid ADR
15. What types of drugs are most likely to interact
16. What are the groups of patients who are more likely to
suffer from drug interactions
17. What two other ways do drugs interact
18. What does caution mean
19. Explain cautions using an example of a drug
20. What does contraindications mean \
21. Explain contraindications using an example of a drug
22. How do drugs affect in 1st and 2nd and 3rd trimester
23. What are some things needed to be careful of when
prescribing drugs for pregnant women
24. What are the things needed to look out for if the patient
is planning to get pregnant
25. What are teragenic substances
26. How does drugs in lacation affect
27. What are things needed to be careful of when
prescribing drugs to lactating women

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