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j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8

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Original Article

Assessing the compressive strength of

self-compacting concrete with recycled aggregates
from mix ratio using machine learning approach

P. Jagadesh a, Jesús de Prado-Gil b, Neemias Silva-Monteiro c,

Rebeca Martı́nez-Garcı́a d,*
Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, 638 056, India
Department of Applied Physics, Campus de Vegazana S/n, University of Leon, 24071 Leon, Spain
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Ant^onio Carlos 6627,
31270-901, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Department of Mining Technology, Topography, And Structures, University of Leon, Campus of Vegazana S/n,
24071 Le
on, Spain

article info abstract

Article history: The requirement of the construction sector pushes researchers and academicians to
Received 5 January 2023 determine the 28-day concrete compressive strength due to less consumption of natural
Accepted 6 March 2023 products and reduced cost. One recommended method to reduce the cost and simulta-
Available online 11 March 2023 neously adopt sustainability is introducing recycled aggregates in concrete. Most typical
structures require concrete, which is self-flowable and compactable; specific structures
Keywords: require concrete, which is self-flowable and compactable; one such concrete is self-
Compressive strength compacting concrete (SCC). 515 mix design samples for SCC with recycled aggregates are
Recycled aggregate collected from the literature and used for training, validation, and testing to create the
Self-compacting concrete model using machine learning techniques (Extra Gradient (XG) Boosting, Ada Boosting,
Machine learning Gradient Boosting, Light Gradient Boosting, Category Boosting, K Nearest Neighbors, Extra
Correlation Trees, Decision Trees, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine). The correlation be-
ANOVA tween input and output variables is analyzed using ANOVA and is indicated that data can
be used to develop machine learning models successfully. Sensitive analysis and error
assessment are performed to choose the best machine learning methods, and it found that
CB, KNN, and ERT have the highest R2 value and lowest MSE.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

of sustainable development as per Agenda 2030 [1]. Industry

1. Introduction associated with construction is the main reason for the envi-
ronmental effect, mining of raw materials, the outflow of
The development of sustainability goals addresses the signifi- greenhouse gases, and energy and water consumption [1].
cance of the building and construction sectors in the direction Different types of materials are produced at the end-of-life

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Martı́nez-Garcı́a).
2238-7854/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
1484 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8

stage of structures, plus materials that can be repurposed and The kind of original aggregate, quality of attached, and pro-
utilized. Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) are the portion of attached mortar influence the characteristics of RA
heftiest and high sources of waste worldwide. There is utilized in concrete [17]. The influence of RA on the
considerable potential for reutilizing and repurposing C&DW, compression strength of the concrete mixes was reported by
as most of its elements have a vast source value [2]. One of the Etxeberria et al., 2007 [16].
significant outputs of C&DW is Recycled Aggregates (RA), and Industries in the construction sector are generally highly
utilization of it, can offer a healthier environmental condition competitive; they have inadequate budgets for concrete mix
[3]. design, time limits, and resource utilization. And on the other
There have been continuous struggles to develop a side, the source for using RA's in SCC is limited, and few liter-
harmonious environment, categorized by the circular econ- atures have been available for the past two decades. SCC is
omy, environmental efficacies, energy and materials [4] so that highly recommendable for structural and flexural members,
the economy can uphold balance with the environment. As where most reinforcement is provided in the tension area.
eco-efficient and sustainable constructions are required for While using SCC, the compressive strength prediction from
such an environment, different governments have considered mixed ingredients is difficult as it satisfies both workability and
the disproportionate misuse of the rock mines because mining strength properties [18]. Mix designs are defined as the pro-
could lead to severe air pollution. When to the government portion of ingredients measured in weights (kg/m3) used to
suggested relevant guidelines, several construction companies make concrete. Mixed designs are available at construction
can't have the funds to pay for natural crushed stone aggregate sites as mix ratios up to several concrete strengths. Typical
for their work due to the high rates of Natural Aggregates (NA). structures in construction require high strength for their
On the contrary, because of rapid development in most of the serviceability and durability purposes. In such cases (high-
world's urban infrastructure, the amount of C&DW from con- strength concrete), specifically in the case of SCC, there is no
crete buildings is also increasing. In European Union (EU), the definite relationship between the mix ratio and strength
amount of C&DW is now reached 8.50  1011 kg [5]. properties. This initiated the researchers to evaluate the rela-
A substantial portion of this C&DW is dumped in landfills, tionship between the mix ratio and strength properties using
which further causes land pollution and deteriorates the Machine Learning (ML) methods. One of the significant ad-
surroundings. Hence, utilizing the RA from the waste concrete vantages of using ML techniques is that they can seize the
in making concrete as a substitute for NA's is a viable option, underlying mechanisms despite the deficiency of information
which will solve the prompt request for those construction regarding specific parameters [19]. In literature, ML techniques
businesses; this will also reduce the pollution from C&DW to are adopted to determine concrete's mechanical properties
the environment. Recycling circumstances must be evaluated [20,21].
concerning their complete resource and climate footprints to Recent literature [22] shows that a forecast of compression
evade issue shifting and trade-offs. The volume of C&DW was strength of SCC with RAs from mixed components is initiated.
about two times higher than the solid waste produced from As per the authors' best knowledge, the compressive strength
municipal activities. It is also stated that the demolition ac- prediction from the ratios derived from the weight of mixed
tivity made waste related to more than 90% of the total C&DW ingredients is limited. The mechanical characteristics of
generation. In comparison, the construction activity gener- concrete are closely related to these ratios. It includes Total
ated waste about less than 10% of the total C&DW generation Aggregate to Cement ratio (TA/C), Coarse Aggregate to Fine
[6]. For a sustainable environment, the construction sector Aggregate ratio (CA/FA), Water to Binder ratio (W/B), Fine
must be eco-efficient through the maximum reduction of Aggregate to Cement ratio (FA/C), Water to Cement ratio (W/C)
pollution, which could be attained by efficiently reutilizing and Solid to Liquid ratio (S/L). Nevertheless, the relationship
discarded concrete as construction materials [4]. Hence, between these ratios and compressive strength shows a
expanding the utilization of RA in real-life construction ac- multifaceted non-linear relationship, and no certain theoret-
tivities in a sustainable way has converted into a novel ical formula can exactly imitate their relationships. In prac-
research topic in the last few years [7][8]. Different actual tice, time, resources and costs are involved in the experiment
methods have been projected, and they could be categorized to predict the compressive strength of SCC with RA to meet
into three classifications [9]: Enhancing the mixing method to the structural requirements. Hence, this study attempts to
improve the characteristics of RA [10], Inclusion of many ad- develop a model to predict the compressive strength of SCC
ditives like water-reducing admixtures and pozzolanic mate- with RA from ratios from ingredient mixes. In literature, for
rials [11,12] and reinforcing the RA by eliminating the old developing a model to predict the strength parameter, one or
attached mortar [13], or enhancing RA quality [14]. two input variables are used as the ratio is noted. Wang et al.,
Using natural crushed stone aggregate in concrete is life- 2021[23], used two input variables as ratios (from mixed in-
threatening for economic, environmental, and social mat- gredients) to predict the compressive strength of concrete
ters [15]. For this motive, most investigators have examined using ANN, SVM, XG boosting, and linear regression methods.
RA utilization in SCC. The utilization of Recycled Fine Ag- While using the mix ratios, the sensitive assessment value
gregates (RFA) and Recycled Coarse Aggregates (RCA) in per- shows better performance. Kaloop & Kim., 2020 [24] used the
centages from 0 to 100% were evaluated. The material ingredients to the cement content as a ratio and noted that the
efficacy of concrete making can be raised by 25% though only influence of these ratios on the output variables is
30% of RA is utilized as concrete components [1]. Recycled complicated.
Aggregate Concrete (RAC) properties are influenced by the Usually, compression strength values are attained over
replacement rate of RA and its quality and composition [16]. lab tests [2]. Getting the required compressive strength
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8 1485

Fig. 1 e Compressive Strength (MPa) Vs. W/C ratio, W/B ratio, and TA/C ratio.

depends on age. More specimens are needed to get sufficient 2.1.1. Mandatory elements
acceptable strength and natural resource consumption. This In this study, mandatory elements include input and output
will lead to consuming time, more money, and increased variables. The output variable include the 28th-day compres-
physical working efficiency [25]. As a result, the research or sive strength (MPa) of the control mix, whereas the input var-
industry community modifies the abovementioned con- iables are various replacement percentages of NA by the RA
straints of laboratory testing through empirical regression (%), the weight of cement (kg/m3), admixture weight (kg/m3),
models. It is clear from the explanation above that creating a natural fine aggregate weight (kg/m3), natural coarse aggregate
model for predicting compressive strength using SCC with weight (kg/m3), the weight of RFA (kg/m3) and RCA (kg/m3).
RA is necessary for the current scenario. Therefore, this From the input variables, the non-dimensional elements are
study seeks to create a model utilizing several machine arrived. For various replacement levels of NA's by RA in the
learning algorithms to predict SCC's 28th day's compressive mixes. The fine or coarse aggregate is the sum of NA's and their
strength with RA. corresponding RA. In some literature, the percentage of RA is
calculated from the replacement weight of NA's directly.
Hence, the weight per cubic meter from mixed design followed
2. Materials and methods worldwide is considered a mandatory element [20], which is
not considered for the model.
2.1. Data collection
2.1.2. Non-dimensional elements
In the current research, 515 data sets were composed of The characteristics of ingredients collected from literature,
hardened SCC with RA, which will be used for model devel- like physical, chemical, and micro characteristics of cement,
opment. Data sets consist of different parameters like the admixtures, and aggregates, are not included in the data set.
weight of cement (kg/m3), the weight of admixtures (kg/m3), Since it is SCC of different grades, the requirement of chemical
the weight of water (kg/m3), the weight of coarse aggregate admixtures (superplasticizer, viscosity modifying agent, etc.)
(kg/m3), the weight of fine aggregate (kg/m3), the weight of is essential for fresh and hardened properties. Although the
Superplasticizer (SP) (kg/m3) and the replacement percentage weight of the chemical admixture used in the mix is very low,
of RA (%) as input variables and output variable as 28th days it is also considered for formulating the dataset. Any ratio
compressive strength. These parameters and their associated derived from the mandatory elements (sometimes called non-
data are divided into three elements [26], which will be dimensional elements) is only considered for model
addressed in the following sections. formulation [20]. In this study, the non-dimensional elements
1486 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8

Fig. 2 e Compressive strength (MPa) Vs CA/FA, FA/C & S/L

are used for the modelling in order to evaluate the importance X

Xi ¼ (1)
of ratios from mix ingredients of SCCRCA. For data visuali- Xmax
zation of the non-dimensionless elements like W/C, W/B, TA/
where Xi denotes the standardized data, Xmax denotes the
C, CA/FA, FA/C, and S/L ratio are represented in scatter plot in
maximum value of X, and X indicates the experimental data.
Figs. 1 and 2. Maximum, minimum, and mean values for these
By using the Microsoft Excel program, data normalization was
non-dimensional elements for the given data set are tabulated
in Table 1.

2.3. Sensitive assessment

2.1.3. Output elements
Output element considered in this study is the strength
Parameters determined from models are very sensitive; a
development of SCC mix with RA. Whereas, the strength
slight change in their value may result in huge differences
development considered is the 28th day compressive strength
between the observed and predicted values. Hence, the esti-
of control or reference mix of SCC with RA. The mandatory
mated parameters should be precisely done to predict simu-
factors substantially influence the compression strength
lated values accurately. Thus, for any statistical study,
development of SCC with RA. It is confirmed from the literature
discovering sensitive parameters is one of the most significant
that a strong relationship exists between the required ele-
tasks. Sensitive assessment the models arrived at using
ments and the compressive strength of conventional concrete.

2.2. Data normalization

Table 1 e Maximum, minimum and mean values for the
Data standardisation is required to map the source data into parameters of 515 data sets used for ML methods.
a target structural representation. It deals with the trans- Parameters Maximum Minimum Mean
formation of datasets after the data is collected from various
W/B 1.64 0.30 0.49
sources and before analysis. The input and output variables W/C 0.58 0.09 0.34
have been scaled between 0 and 1 using Eq [1]. To achieve TA/C 24.17 3.11 5.06
the parameters' dimensional consistency and eliminate the CA/FA 1.86 0.29 0.98
over-fitting of the trained network. Data normalization used FA/C 9.87 1.23 2.56
in this study is a maximum absolute scaler, and used it S/L 40.49 8.55 13.02
Compressive strength (MPa) 87 13.3 45.87
previously [27,28].
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8 1487

Table 2 e Performance rating and ranking for sensitive parameters.

Performance rating Performance ranking R R2 RMSE MAE
Excellent 5 >0.90 >0.90 <10 <10%
Very Good 4 0.80 to 0.90 0.80 to 0.90 10 to 20 10%e20%
Good 3 0.70 to 0.80 0.70 to 0.80 20 to 30 20%e30%
Satisfactory 2 0.60 to 0.70 0.60 to 0.70 40 to 50 30%e40%
Unsatisfactory 1 <0.60 <0.60 >0.60 >40%

various tools were assessed using statistical indicators like the the experimental value. Hence, the model predicted it is very
coefficient of determination (R2), R, Root Mean Square Error efficient, confirmed by Marani & Nehdi., 2020 [34]. Whereas
(RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Although there are Chen et al., 2022 [35], noted that the values for sensitive pa-
slight differences between the validation and testing of rameters RMSE and MAE nearer to zero means a good model
models, it is necessary to estimate those for new machine- with low error.
learning techniques to understand them completely. For this
purpose, four essential sensitive parameters were chosen to 2.4. Methods
examine the designed model's performance and reliability
[29]. 2.4.1. Data
2 3 To attain estimates of the simplification error for the predic-
2 tive models established in this research, each data set was
6 fOi  Pi g 7
6 7 divided into training and test sets. Collected data was divided;
R2 ¼ 1  6i¼1 7 (2)
fOi  Pi g around 70% of all data points were used for training data, 15%
i¼1 of the data were used for validation, and the remaining 15%
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi was used for testing randomly. The training data set was used
u 2 3
u PN in each case to develop and make the strength prediction
u 6 fO  P g
u 6i¼1
i i
7 models more appropriate. In contrast, the testing data was
u1  6 7 (3)
t 4P N
25 used only for final assessments of model performance.
fOi  Pi g
2.4.2. Methodology
u N " Machine Learning (ML) refers to the capacity of computers to
uX ðOi  Pi Þ2
RMSE ¼ t (4) analyze data and erudition of multifaceted designs within the
i¼1 data without being rigorously programmed [19]. Depending on
the data nature, ML algorithms are classified into reinforced
N n o1=2
1 X learning, unsupervised learning and supervised learning [36].
MAE ¼ ðOi  Pi Þ2 (5) Reinforcement learning bridges the gaps between supervised
N i¼1
and unsupervised learning [37]. Unsupervised learning is
where Oi is the observed value, Pi is predicated value, N is the associated with unknown data outputs and thus clusters the
total number of observed samples, Pi is the average of the data by finding relationships within the observa-
predicted value. tionsdsupervised learning intentions at apprehending un-
Regression coefficients were calculated with a 95% assur- derlying designs in the data with known outputs. Depending
ance level. Therefore, the difference in tolerance level is on the output type, it can be further classified as discrete out-
restricted to 5%. The coefficient of determination estimates puts and regression for continuous outputs [38]. Three
the performance of statistical modelling, which can be powerful ML methods were adopted in this study to estimate
calculated using (Eq-2). R2 coefficient equal to 1 indicates the the split tensile strength of SCC with RA. The boosting method,
best fit. The prediction accuracy of the statistical model can be Bagging, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are those
quantified by using equation [12] for R. For an optimum fit; the methods.
RMSE value must be nearer to zero and estimated from
equation [22]. Another statistical model used to optimize the Boosting methods
predicted value can be determined using MAE and calculated XG boosting. It is a tree-based ensemble learning
using equation [30]. Moriasi et al., 2007 [31] suggested that procedure that follows the code of boosting [39]. The basic idea
there should be a performance evaluation of sensitivity of this method is to produce new learners that are consecu-
analysis to evaluate the sensitivity assessment in a model tively fitted to the residuals from the previous learners, which
predicted using any statistical method. Hence, sensitivity are then added to the model to update the residuals. Extreme
analysis for numerous sensitive parameters is vital in all fields Gradient (XG) boosting is based on a decision tree with
to decide which way is good. As a result, multiple performance gradient boosting [40]. Single decision trees are highly inter-
ratings are presented in Table 2 along with their ranks, and pretable; XG boost enables users to learn the relative impor-
primarily, they both are utilized for evaluation [32,33]. tance or contribution of input variables in predicting the
Jesu de-Prado-Gil et al., 2022 (a) [27] reports that the value of response [23]. XG boost improves the computing and memory
R or R2 nearer to 1 indicates that the predicted value is nearer to capability to rapidly boost the learning process to the
1488 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8

maximum [34]. Though XG boost includes adaptions to lower memory consumption. Nevertheless, leaf-wise growth LGB is
overfitting and other extended issues, its key feature against a protuberant approach to decreasing error using a similar
overfitting is a regularized model formulation XGB [41]. Cui section period [46].
et al., 2021 [40], noted that the XGB method possesses superior Category Boosting. CB is an unbiased gradient-
compressive strength prediction for conventional concrete. boosting algorithm with definite properties. Its significant
The difference amid gradient boosting and extreme gradient properties are actual aspects and a novel order-boosting
boosting is that XG boosting uses the Taylor expansion to scheme without predicting shift. A category feature is a
improve the loss function, whereas gradient boosting only feature having a discrete set of values that are not necessarily
considers the 1st derivative. comparable with each other. It offers different categorical Ada Boosting. The typical Ada Boosting (AB) is to aspects with different solutions. Its procedure is optimized
utilize the preliminary training data to create weak learners, and applied in tree splitting rather than processing in the
then regulate the training data distribution as per the predicted preprocessing stage, which helps to reduce overfitting [47]. CB
performance for the following Note that the training speci- is a disparity of gradient boosting, which utilizes symmetric
mens with low predicting exactness in the prior step will get trees to offer quick performance, permits parallel processing,
more consideration in the next step. Weak learners are inte- and utilizes ordered boosting to circumvent overfitting [48].
grated with diverse weights into strong learners [42]. Firstly,
the weak classifier is attained by learning the training speci- Bagging methods
mens, and incorrect models are united with the non-trained K nearest neighbors. K Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
samples to make a new training specimen. Additionally, the is a non-parametric classification process, which is modest
2nd weak classifier is achieved by learning this specimen. The but real in different cases. For a data record t to be classified,
wrong specimen is joined with non-trained models to make its KNN is regained, making a neighbourhood of t. The ma-
another new training specimen, which could be trained to jority voting between the data in the neighbourhood is
acquire the 3rd weak classifier. After reiterating this method generally utilized to choose the classification for t with or
many times, we could lastly gain the enhanced robust classifier without consideration of distance-based weighting. For KNN
[23]. ADA boost provides different weights to the specimens to to be less reliant on the choice of K, it is proposed to look at
raise the number of correct classifications. Properly classified multiple sets of nearest neighbors rather than just one set of k
samples are offered relatively low importance, and the incor- nearest neighbors. The proposed idea is based on contextual
rect ones should be raised, which forces the model to pay probability. It aggregates the support of numerous sets of
further consideration to the misclassified specimens [23]. nearest neighbors for various classes to give a more reliable Gradient boosting. Gradient Boosting (GB) tree is support value, which better reveals the true class of t [49]. KNN
the model which forms in a phase and apprises by minimal- [12] search to determine a set of training samples near a new
izing the predictive value of any loss function. An optimized query point and forecast its value.
model could be attained by totalling several trees to the Extremely Randomized Trees. Extremely Ran-
model; nevertheless, simplification capability could be when domized Trees (ET) is a meta-estimator that could make
the model's fitting gets closer to training data. The significant several muddled decision trees on a sub-sample. It is an
advantage of GB is that it stops overfitting and utilizes smaller extended form of RF. The ET is less expected to be over-fitted
computational sources over objective functions. Boosting is a to a specimen. Alike to RF, its employments random sub-
tree-based learning technique for improving output perfor- specimens of aspects to the training method of the base
mance; moreover, GB could form variable significance. GB estimator. The complete data set is concurrently used for the
improves the basis function in a grasping fashion such that training method of an ET [46]. Regardless of the tree size,
every supplementary basis function further decreases the Geurts et al., 2005 revealed that the ET is less complex than
selected error function [24]. Qi et al., 2018 [43], summarized the an RF. Random cut points utilized in ET reduce the variance
GB process's subsequent stages: Firstly, a choice of a loss compared to the weak randomization sequence of other
function is desirable; this function should be distinguishable; methods [46]. The ET is like the random forest, contradictory
hence, the entire process could be positioned on the detrac- only in the random divisions in which the trees are made
tion of this loss function [44]. [50]. Light gradient boosting. LGB modelling is a vari- Decision tree. A Decision Tree (DT) is a separate
ation of gradient boosting which utilizes trees based on learning method that is often utilized to categorize problems
learning algorithms. Resulting, the light gradient boosting related to regression but is often used to organise problems.
modelling has a speed value in the training stage, guaran- Inside the tree, there are categories. Though, if there is no
teeing greater effectiveness [45]. Using histogram-based pro- class, the regression method could be utilized to project re-
cedures is a unique aspect of light gradient boosting modelling sults utilizing self-regulating variables. A DT is a ranked
concerning XG boost. Hence, it could quicken training orders classifier in which the internal nodes signify database char-
while dropping memory utilization. Since light gradient acteristics. The branch represents the conclusion rules, and
boosting is based on a DT, dissection exactness is not a sig- every leaf node characterizes the results. The DT comprises
nificant feature. A coarse regularization method is present to two nodes: the leaf node and the decision node. Decision
evade accidental over-fitting. Light gradient-based modelling nodes have numerous categories and can form any choice,
comprises some enhanced attributes compared to the tradi- while leaf nodes have a deficiency of branches and evaluate
tional DT format. For example, an inefficient approach to the output of the decision. It is mentioned as a DT because it
level-wise growth is generally accepted in DT, leading to extra looks like a tree in that it begins with the root node and grows
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8 1489

as per the number of branches, hence signifying a tree-like

structure. The DT splits the specimens of data into 3. Results and discussion
numerous sections. The performed algorithm regulates the
difference between a goal and forecasted values at every 3.1. Co-relation between input and output parameters
section point [22]. Random forest. RF is usually developed from the A correlation amid 2 variables is a digit amid 1, and þ1
classifier and regression tree technique to offer improved shows the linearity of the association amid variables [53].
presentation in forecasting the output. Decisively, it makes Greater linearity is observed when the value is nearer to þ1
many decision trees to forecast the output. The growth of [53]. A correlation matrix is just a mathematical illustration of
every tree in a random forest model is attained over a random components outcomes on each other. Fig. 3 shows that
set of predictors and hence mentioned as a random forest. compressive strength has a higher influence on FA/C and a
Incorporation of all shaped decision trees is performed uti- lower influence on W/C. Statistical correlations between the
lizing bagging. Bagging techniques implement the DT algo- input variables (in terms of ratio) and output variables are
rithm to select bootstrap samples to develop the predictions already reported by Chakraborty and Gutierrez., 2021 [54].
[34]. Comprehensive data about RF could be obtained from Among input variables, the ratios show they note the stron-
Bremiman, 2017 [51]. The RF is an estimator that considers gest relationship. Though statistical co-relations are advan-
numerous random DTs and adjusts them based on multiple tageous for initial data analysis, they do not seize the
sub-samples of the training data [52]. RF utilizes the average combinatorial non-linear dependences amid the input and
decision trees to forecast better and regulate overfitting. output variables, which are very significant in ML methods
[54]. This information is necessary to strategically develop Support Vector Machine. Support Vector Machine new SCC with RA based on numerous constraints, including
(SVM) is a powerful and versatile method to deal with linear/ compressive strength requirement for building projects and
non-linear classification, regression, and even outlier detec- the availability of materials, cost, and time. Between input
tion [23]. SVM is used to make a boundary among groups of and output variables, a positive sign denotes a direct rela-
data. SVM is based on the concept of decision planes that tionship, whereas a negative sign denotes an inverse rela-
define decision boundaries. A decision plane separates a set of tionship. Values close to or equal to þ1 or - 1 suggest a strong
objects having diverse class memberships. Support vector relationship, whereas values close to or equal to 0 imply no
machine is mostly a technique that does arrangement tasks relationship at all.
by making hyperplanes in a multi-dimensional space that Fig. 4 represents the relationship of input parameters
splits cases of several labels [9]. (mixed design parameters) and compressive strength of SCC

Fig. 3 e Heatmap representing the linear one-to-one correlation between variables in terms of ingredients ratio of self-
compacting concrete with RA.
1490 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8

with RA's in the form of 3D contour maps, which shows that 3.2. ANOVA analysis of input parameters
all the input parameters follow the global trend. For example,
all the ratios show an inverse relationship, as noted in Fig. 4. ANOVA analysis is done for all families to understand the
A similar relationship between input-output variables using input's influence on output parameters. The p-value calcu-
a contour map is discussed by Ullah et al., 2022[55]. The lates the suitability of declining the null hypothesis as a hy-
correlation of input and output variables indicates that the pothesis test and its scopes from 0 to 1dthe little the p-value,
collected data can be used to develop machine learning the smaller the probability that lowering the null hypothesis
models [55], and the ANOVA analysis confirms it. is an error. The t-value signifies the implication of the

Fig. 4 e Contour Maps of input variables (a) W/C, (b) W/B, (c) TA/C, (d) CA/FA, (e) FA/C and (f) S/L ratio against compressive
strength of SCC with RA's.
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Table 3 e Influence of input parameters on compressive strength using ANOVA analysis and contribution percentage.
t Stat P-value F value Variance SSQ Percentage of contribution
W/C 1.358604 0.175091 4644.9 0.041237 108.802 0.127
W/B 4.87815 1.59E-06 33689.9 0.005685 45.736 0.053
TA/C 2.815622 0.005126 26.817 7.142376 12484.06 14.599
CA/FA 1.66642 0.096468 2156.599 0.088816 401.114 0.469
FA/C 3.15411 0.00174 136.237 1.405935 3033.379 3.547
S/L 0.178642 0.858315 15.030 12.74352 69438.92 81.203
Error 0.002

SSQ e Sum of Squares.

regression coefficient. The higher the value of t and the significant than F critical value. In all cases, the F value is
smaller the value of p, the more critical the corresponding found to be greater than the F critical value, which indicates
coefficient term is. This research's alpha (a) level was definite all input parameter ratios affect the compressive strength of
as 0.05. Thus, items in the analysis of variance with a p-value SCC [58] .
less than 0.05 are considered substantial [56]. The non-
significant input variables are W/C, CA/FA, and S/L ratio, as 3.3. Sensitive assessment
noted in Table 3. The most contributing factor is indicated for
S/L and TA/C ratio compared to all others. Table 3 shows that The sensitivity assessment for various models is assessed
the error contribution percentage is 0.002%, which suggests using R2, R, RMSE and MAE for training, validation and testing
that all the factors significantly affect the compressive datasets in Fig. 5. From Fig. 5(a), the highest R2 value for
strength of SCC with RA [57,58]. Kelestemur et al., 2014 [59] training, validation, and testing is noted for machine learning
observed various factors' contributions to compressive methods CB, KNN, and ERT. The lowest R2 value for training,
strength using ANOVA analysis. A significant F value showed validation, and testing is noted for machine learning methods
that the process parameter variation significantly changed AB, SVM, and SVM.
the performance characteristics of concrete [57] . Regarding Fig. 5(b) shows the highest R2, R-value for training, vali-
the F value, all input factors can be classified as substantially dation, and testing for machine learning methods: GB, KNN,
affecting compressive strength if the F value is more and ET. The lowest R-value for training, validation, and

Fig. 5 e Sensitive assessment for predicted compression strength of SCC with RA's.
1492 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8

Table 4 e Sensitive assessment value for predicted compressive strength.

Methods R2 R RMSE MAE
Tr Va Te Tr Va Te Tr Va Te Tr Va Te
XGB 0.922 0.706 0.782 0.96 0.840 0.884 0.045 0.081 0.074 0.004 0.001 0.01
AB 0.620 0.522 0.612 0.788 0.723 0.782 0.099 0.104 0.099 0.002 0.001 0.015
GB 0.937 0.652 0.730 0.968 0.807 0.854 0.04 0.089 0.083 0 0.008 0.018
LGB 0.931 0.608 0.817 0.965 0.800 0.904 0.042 0.094 0.068 0 0.006 0.008
CB 0.956 0.706 0.805 0.978 0.840 0.897 0.001 0.081 0.07 0 0.002 0.009
KNN 0.951 0.716 0.814 0.975 0.846 0.884 0.035 0.08 0.069 0.002 0.003 0.007
ERT 0.934 0.700 0.820 0.966 0.836 0.906 0.041 0.082 0.068 0 0.006 0.006
DT 0.835 0.662 0.789 0.914 0.814 0.888 0.065 0.087 0.073 0.006 0.006 0.005
RF 0.923 0.684 0.778 0.961 0.828 0.881 0.044 0.084 0.075 0.001 0.003 0.013
SVM 0.653 0.453 0.519 0.808 0.673 0.800 0.095 0.111 0.111 0.003 0.002 0.006

Tr e Training, Va- Validation, Te - Testing.

noted for machine learning methods DT, GB, and GB. At the
Table 5 e Performance rating of machine learning same time, the lowest MAE value for training, validation,
methods. and testing is indicated for machine learning methods RF,
Performance Training Validation Testing AB, and SVM. Sensitive assessment for predicted compres-
rating sive strength and its performance ratings are tabulated in
XGB Excellent Good Good Tables 4 and 5.
AB Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
GB Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory 3.4. Error assessment
LGB Excellent Satisfactory Very good
CB Excellent Good Very good
To better compare the model performances, the calculated
KNN Excellent Good Very good
prediction errors of all boosting and bagging models are
ERT Excellent Good Very good
DT Very good Satisfactory Good visualized in Figs. 6 and 7. Xu et al., 2021 simplified the model
RF Excellent Satisfactory Good performance by representing the error value in box plots. A
SVM Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory Unsatisfactory minimum number of error values is noted for the KNN and CB
in bagging and boosting methods. In contrast, the maximum
error value for boosting and bagging methods is noted for AB
testing is noted for machine learning methods AB, SVM, and and SVM. Error value regarding the number of samples for
LGB. From Fig. 5(c), the highest RMSE value for training, training, validation and testing with machine learning
validation, and testing is indicated for machine learning methods is shown in Fig. 8.
methods SVM, SVM, and SVM. In contrast, the lowest RMSE Average percentage relative error is a type of indication
value for training, validation, and testing is noted for ma- between the experimental value and predicted value from
chine learning methods CB, KNN, and ET. From Fig. 5(d), the various models, which is obtained by altering the equation
highest MAE value for training, validation, and testing is proposed by Feng et al., 2019 [25] as shown in equation [6].

Fig. 6 e Box plot of error value (MPa) on boosting methods for predicted compressive strength.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8 1493

Fig. 7 e Box plot of error value (MPa) on bagging methods for predicted compressive strength.

3.5. Performance comparison

1 jPi  Oi j
Average Relative Error ð%Þ ¼ x100 (6)
N Oi Predicted compressive strength values obtained from different
methods are compared to the experimental values reported in
A higher correlation between the predicted compressive
this section. A graphical comparison of various machine
strength from various models and experimental results is
learning methods is shown in Fig. 10. The correlation figure in-
observed only when the average relative error value is less
dicates that the expert AB and SVM methods and all other
than 10% [25]. The highest average relative error is noted for
methods reveal an acceptable ability to predict SCC's compres-
SVM and AB, whereas the lowest average relative error is for
sive strength with RA accurately. The model proposed based on
machine learning methods KNN and CB (see Fig. 9).
the KNN method shows more accurate predicted values.

Fig. 8 e Error Value (MPa) for predicted compression strength of SCC with RAs.
1494 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8

Fig. 9 e Average relative error for machine learning methods.

From Fig. 10(a), (b), 10(c), 10(d) and 10(e), it is noted that the 3.6. Sensitivity analysis
experimental and predicted compressive strength by boosting
methods in the order of XGB, AB, GB, LGB and CB reveals linear Sensitivity Analysis (SA) was executed to assess the input
relationship having R2 value as 0.8779, 0.6017, 0.8731, 0.8714 variables' impact on the dataset's output variables. SA has a
and 0.901, whereas polynomial relationship having R2 value as list of methods to quantify how the doubt in the output of a
0.881, 0.6257, 0.8753, 0.8778 and 0.9042. The polynomial rela- model is related to doubt in its inputs. In general, the SA
tionship shows a higher R2 value when compared to a linear assesses how sensitive the model is to uncertainties in the
relationship is noted. A linear relationship between experi- parameters and data on which it is created. Higher SA value,
mental and predicted value by the ANN method is indicated by the influence of input variables on the output variables is
Zhu et al., 2022 [18]. Based on the R2 value, predicted more significant [28]. SA established results associated with
compressive strength by boosting techniques is in the order of the number of input variables and the dataset employed to
CB, XGB, GB, LGB, and AB. form ML models [61,62]. The effect of input variables on the
From Fig. 10(f), (g), 10(h), 10(i), and 10(j), it is noted that the technique outcomes was obtained utilizing the following
experimental and predicted compressive strength by boost- relationship.
ing methods in the order of KNN, ET, DT, RF, and SVM reveals
linear relationship having R2 value as 0.9014, 0.886, 0.808, Ni ¼ fmax ðXi Þ  fmin ðXi Þ
0.8698 and 0.6068, whereas polynomial relationship having R2
value as 0.905, 0.8907, 0.812, 0.8759 and 0.6085. The poly- Ni
Si ¼
nomial relationship shows a higher R2 value when compared Nj
to a linear relationship. Based on the R2 value, predicted
compressive strength by bagging methods are in the order of where fmax (Xi) e highest estimated value on the ith result, fmin
KNN, RF, ET, DT, and SVM. Based on descending order of the (Xi) e lowest estimated value on the ith results, Si ¼ obtained
R2 value, the machine learning methods can be listed as impact percentage for a particular variable.
KNN > CB > XGB > GB > LGB > RF > ET > DT > SVM > AB. Fig. 11 represents the effect of the input parameters
When compared to bagging methods, boosting methods utilized in the present study on the estimation of compression
show better-predicted results. An increase in polynomial strength of SCC with RA. SA showed that the S/L ratio was
degree for the relationship between experimental and pre- the crucial element, accounting for 49% of the overall impact,
dicted values by machine learning methods are noted by in- followed by the TA/C ratio at 32% and the FA/C ratio at 13%.
crease in the R2 value. Lyndoh et al., 2022 [60] reported a The involvement of other input parameters in the compres-
similar observation in which an increase in polynomial de- sive strength determination of SCC with RA was observed to
gree, increases the R2 value for predicted parameters, using be lower. Yuan et al., 2022 found the influence of input pa-
various machine learning methods. rameters on the determination of RA concrete's compressive
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8 1495

Fig. 10 e Co-relation between predicted compression strength (MPa) and experimental compression strength (MPa) by
Boosting and bagging methods for SCC with RA.
1496 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8

Fig. 11 e Input variables contribution to estimating the outcome of models.

strength. The influence of input variables on the prediction of Apart from that, the performance of various machine
split tensile strength is reported in the literature by learning models employed in this study can be listed in the
Shang et al., 2022 [62] and Jesus de-Prado-Gil., 2022 (b) [28]. order of KNN > CB > XGB > GB > LGB > RF > ET > DT >
 The S/L ratio is the most contributing input parameter
4. Conclusions noted from sensitivity analysis of input variables

To obtain the required compressive strength at 28 days, The outcomes of this study could assist in making a
conventionally, it will take -eight days to use the trial-and- consistent machine learning method to forecast accurately
error method, which is inefficient and increases the con- and rapidly the compression strength of SCC with RA. One
sumption of natural materials. Machine learning methods are such way is carefully built with the help of sensitivity and error
successfully employed without investing money and polluting assessment; the prediction method can decrease laboratory
the environment. Though, further study is needed for the work's time consumption and price. The deficiency of the
assessment of the optimal performance of machine learning current study could be the scope of output and input of the
methods. This research has inspected the use of machine database. Hence, these ranges would limit the model's appli-
learning tools to predict the compressive strength of SCC with cability to predict the compressive strength with the help of the
recycled aggregate as a function of its mixture proportions to SCC ingredients.
subsequently improve the practice of concrete mixture
design, quality control, and quality assurance. Based on the
Data availability
results of this paper, the following main conclusions can be
Data is available with authors.

 The highest correlation is noted between the input

parameter FA/C and the output parameter compressive Funding resources
 Most of the relationship between non-dimensional ele- Not applicable.
ments and output elements is noted as an inverse
 Sensitive assessment of machine learning models in- Author contributions
dicates that each assessment method shows slightly
different machine learning methods for training, valida- Conceptualization: P.J, J.d-P-G, N$S-M; Investigation: P.J, J.d-P-G,
tion, and testing methods. R.M-G; WritingdOriginal Draft Preparation: P.J, J.d-P-G, N$S-M;
 Error assessment shows the best models are KNN and CB WritingdReview & Editing: P.J, J.d-P-G, R.M-G; Supervision:
for bagging and boosting methods R.M-G, N$S-M; Project Administration: P.J, J.d-P-G, R.M-G.
 K nearest neighbor (KNN) is found to be the best prediction All authors have read and agreed to the published version
machine learning model of compressive strength of SCC. of the manuscript.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 1 4 8 3 e1 4 9 8 1497

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