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Respondents: Employees of green company

Green company definition: A green company, also known as an eco-friendly or sustainable

company, is an organization that operates with a focus on minimizing its negative impact on the
environment while maximizing positive social and economic impacts. These companies
prioritize sustainability across their operations, products, and supply chains, aiming to reduce
resource consumption, minimize pollution, and contribute to conservation efforts.

Part I: Eliminating question:

Have you worked for HCMC green companies?
 Yes
 No
If you say “No”, you can complete with this survey
Part II: Demographic:
Long business running
 Lower than 3 years
 3-8 years
 9-15 years
 Higher than 15 years
Company majors:
 Manufacturing company
 Retailed company.
 Business company.
 Finance company.
 Other companies.
Employee sizes:
 Lower than 30 employees
 30-80 employees
 81-150 employees
 Higher than 150 employees.
Part III: Factor questionnaire: For each factor and statement, you can choose your opinion from
1-Strongly disagree to 5- Strongly agree.
Green purchasing:
 My company strives to prevent first-tier suppliers from transferring responsibility for
environmentally sensitive operations to unqualified companies.
 My company regularly conducts environmental audits for suppliers’ internal
 My company evaluates the environmentally friendly practice of second-tier suppliers.
 My company has close cooperation with our suppliers regarding environmental

Green customer corporation:

 My company has cooperation with customers to maximize the use of logistics resources
(e.g. good planning in product transportation route plan
 My company has close cooperation with customers to achieve cleaner production.
 My company has close cooperation with customers to develop environmentally friendly
 My company has close cooperation with customers for eco design.
Green marketing:
 My company uses a specific environmental policy for selecting our partners.
 My company has created a separate department/unit specializing in environmental issues
for our organization.
 My company invest in R & D programs to create environmentally friendly
 My company participates in environmental business networks.
 Among other target markets, my company targets environmentally conscious consumers.
Green purchase intention:
 My company is strongly considering buying a pro-environmental product by consumers.
 My company is strongly prioritized as a pro-environmental product when shopping by
 My company strongly like buying a pro-environmental product by consumers.
 My company is strongly recommended a pro-environmental product by consumers.

Green marketing:
Green purchasing and Green customer corporation
Green purchase intention:

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