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Case Studies

Here are some examples of how physiotherapy has helped a variety of patients in the past. Male, Age 40,suffering from Whiplash, Headaches and Sleep Disturbance.

This 40-year-old male suffered a whiplash type injury during a car accident in which he was rear-ended whilst he was stationary at a junction. On assessment he described severe pain in his neck and upper back and headaches that originated at the base of his skull and spread to his left eye. His pain was so severe that it prevented him from sleeping and not surprisingly he felt irritable and lethargic. He was referred to the clinic by his solicitor and at the time of his initial assessment, two months had passed since the time of the accident. During his examination,it became clear that he was suffering from an upper cervical injury, that was causing considerable muscle spasm in his neck muscles. He was initially treated with gentle mobilisation techniques, and a simple regime of home exercises. Within 2 sessions he was able to sleep much easier, and after the third a real breakthrough was reached when he slept through the night for the first time in months. As he improved, his exercise regime was progressed and further manual mobilisation techniques used to regain full movement at the neck. After six sessions he considered himself to be 95% better, and felt able to discontinue his physiotherapy on condition that he continued with a specific home exercise regime.

Female, Age 67 suffering from chronic low back pain. Helped with acupuncture and exercise.

This lady was referred to the clinic by her GP, with the complaint of chronic low back pain that was affecting her mobility and limiting her ability to exercise. A recent X-Ray showed that there was considerable arthritic changes present in her lumbar spine. When she attended for examination she explained that her pain was gradually worsening, and had stopped her going out walking in the Peak District. Medication wasn't helping and she expressed how frustrated she felt by her limited mobility. Following her assessment, it became clear that her spine was extremely stiff and that there was considerable weakness present in her spinal muscles. She was treated with a combination of acupuncture and specific exercises to initially improve her movement, and then strengthen her spinal muscles. Initially she showed little improvement, but was encouraged to persevere and after three sessions she reported that her pain seemed to be improving. She completed her treatment after a total of 7 sessions and celebrated with a seven mile walk in the peaks. Her problem could never be said to be "cured", but physiotherapy had reduced her pain significantly, and a home exercise programme had improved the general health of her back.

Female, Age 26 suffering from Acute Low Back Pain. Helped with manipulation.

This lady rang the clinic in some distress, having bent over whilst tidying her childrens toys. She felt "something go" in her back and found she couldn't straighten up. She described severe pain at the base of her back and into her (R) buttock, and reported that she felt all "twisted". When she came for her appointment, she was clearly in severe pain and could barely move. The first priority was to check that she wasn't suffering from any serious pathology or "red flags", and to confirm that it was safe for her to receive treatment at this time. Following a careful examination, it was decided that the best treatment option was to try a manipulation of her lumbar spine. This was performed immediately after the examination process and immediately reduced her pain levels by about 70%. She was advised on the importance of maintaining a good posture, avoiding any stress on the back and even how to get comfortable at night. She walked out of the clinic much improved and able to straighten up. A follow up appointment was made for the next day, and when she arrived it was clear she had managed to maintain her initial improvement. Manipulation was undertaken again, and this time she reported that her pain had almost gone. Mobility exercises were prescribed and further advice given about general back-care.She attended for two more sessions in all, with the aim of being taught further exercises to mobilise, strengthen and stabilise her spine, in order that the chances of a recurrence were reduced as much as possible. When discharged she was completely pain free, and armed with much gretaer knowledge of how to look after her back.

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