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1. Why did the Vikings raid and explore so many countries(2mks)

2. Who ruled the Vikings (1mk)
3. How important was trade in Viking society (3mks)
4. Why do you think so many Vikings settlement were built near to the coast
or rivers?(3mks)
5. What are the main similarities and differences between the Vikings homes
and our homes today(5mks)

Similarities Differences
6. Why did people try to find new trade routes and explore other
7. Why do you think explorers used caravels(2mks)
8. About 1000 years ago, one of the largest cities in the world was (1mk)
9. The word ‘Renaissance’ translates as?(1mk)
10.What was the difference between a gentlemen and a yeomen(2mks)
11.What are the main differences between a Tudor town and the town or city
you live in today?(3mks)
12. The first European to sail around the southern trip of Africa and into the
Indian ocean was(2mks)
13.Who ruled England after the Tudors(1mk)
14.Name how the population of the country was divided into four groups
within Tudor society(2mks)

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