Nguyễn Minh Thư - Task 1 - Unit 16

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The line graph compares the tonnage of paper and packaging, wood pulp and sawn-wood

produced in the UK between 1980 and 2000.

It can be observed that paper & packaging was the most common material to be produced in the
UK, which was the only type to have its production increased over the period shown.

Looking at more detail, the UK produced about 230 million tonnes of paper and packaging in
1980. The figues for sawn-wood and wood pulp was lower at 200 and 175 million tonnes
repectively. By 1990, the manufacture of paper & packaging moderately rose to 250 million
tonnes compared to a decline in both sawn-wood and wood pulp’s production to 150 million
tonnes that year.

From 1990 to 2000, there was a significant increase in paper & packaging’s manufacture to 350
million tonnes while sawn-wood’s figure experienced a slump to about 130 million tonnes at the
end of the period. At the same time, wood-pulp made a slight recovery to approximately 155
million tonnes.

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