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1. What is the famous Carl Sagan line mentioned in the text?

 A) "The universe is vast and mysterious."

 B) "We are made of star stuff."
 C) "Galaxies are the building blocks of the cosmos."
 D) "The night sky holds many secrets."
2. What is the standard model of particle physics?
 A) A model of the solar system
 B) A model of galaxy formation
 C) A model of elementary particles
 D) A model of dark matter distribution
3. According to the text, what makes up the majority of the energy-matter
content in the universe?
 A) Visible matter
 B) Dark energy
 C) Elementary particles
 D) Standard model particles
4. How is dark matter different from visible matter?
 A) Dark matter emits light
 B) Dark matter has color
 C) Dark matter is transparent
 D) Dark matter is visible to the naked eye
5. What is the Vera C. Rubin Observatory mentioned in the text?
 A) A laboratory for dark matter experiments
 B) An astrophysical research facility
 C) A space telescope for X-ray observations
 D) A dark matter detection center
6. Who found the first substantive evidence for the existence of dark matter?
 A) Carl Sagan
 B) Vera C. Rubin
 C) Tim Tait
 D) Kent Ford
7. What is the second-largest ingredient in the universe after dark energy?
 A) Elementary particles
 B) Dark matter
 C) Visible matter
 D) Standard model particles
8. What is the hypothetical particle mentioned as a favorite dark matter
candidate by the speaker?
 A) Quark
 B) Higglet
 C) Fermion
 D) Boson
9. What does the speaker suggest is beyond standard-model physics?
 A) Dark energy
 B) Elementary particles
 C) Dark matter
 D) Visible matter
10. How does the speaker visualize dark matter in her everyday work?
 A) Through traditional microscopes
 B) Using telescopes
 C) Through mathematical simulations
 D) By colliding particles in a lab
11. What is the proposed NASA facility mentioned for understanding dark
 A) The Vera C. Rubin Observatory
 B) The STROBE-X X-ray space telescope
 C) The Large Magellanic Cloud
 D) The James Webb Space Telescope
12. What is the speaker's favorite dark matter candidate called?
 A) Quark
 B) Boson
 C) Axion
 D) Fermion
13. What does the speaker mention as her expectation for the universe in the
 A) A reevaluation of cosmic rules
 B) A deeper understanding of dark energy
 C) A resolution to the dark matter problem
 D) A confirmation of standard-model physics
14. Who does the speaker honor as astronomers in the text?
 A) Galileo and Copernicus
 B) Harriet Tubman and Vera C. Rubin
 C) Carl Sagan and Tim Tait
 D) NASA employees persecuted under JWST's namesake
15. What does the speaker anticipate over the next decade in dark matter
 A) Answers to all dark matter questions
 B) A clearer view of the universe
 C) New questions arising
 D) A decrease in community-wide excitement

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