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Research 3 Product


Student name: Léa Siri

Student number: 1808281
Supervising lecturer and first examiner: Josch Lampe
Second examiner: ?
School representative: Saskia Velthoen and Adrie Te Pas
Internship school: Het Streek Lyceum
Education: Teacher Education in French (part-time)
Date: 19/01/2024
Salut, c’est moi !
Chapter 1:

Salut !
Salut !
Chapitre 1: Salut, c’est moi

Kant 1 : Dis ton prénom.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse(s)):
1. Hoi, mijn naam is (zeg je naam). En 2. Je m’appelle... (zeg je naam)
jij, hoe heet jij? Je suis... (zeg je naam)
Moi, c’est... (zeg je naam)
Kant 2 : Dis où tu habites.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Waar woon jij? 2. Ik woon in... (let op: gebruik altijd
"à'' voor de naam van en stad/dorp).
Kant 3: Dis ton âge.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Hoe oud ben jij? 2. Ik heb.. (let op: in het Frans zeg je:
Ik heb + leeftijd).
Kant 4: Dis si tu as des frères ou des soeurs.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse(s)):

1. Heb jij broers en suzzen? 2. Ja, ik heb (1,2,3...) frère(s).
Ja, ik heb (1,2,3...) soeur(s).
Ja, ik heb (1,2,3..) frère(s) et
(1,2,3...) soeur(s).
Nee, ik heb geen broer/zus.
Kant 5: Dis ton numéro de téléphone.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse(s)):

1. Wat is jouw telefoonnummer? 2. Mijn nummer is... (zeg jouw

Kant 6: Joker!
Kies één van de vijf andere kanten om een vraag te stellen.
Chapitre 1: Salut, c’est moi
Kant 1 : Dis ton prénom.
Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):
1. Begroet de ander en zeg je naam. 2. Groet de ander terug en zeg hoe je
Vraag hem/haar dan hoe hij/zij heet. Gebruik een van de 3 manieren die
heet. je geleerd hebt om jezelf voor te
stellen (Mijn naam is.., Ik ben ...., Ik, Ik
Kant 2 : Dis où tu habites.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Vraag de ander waar hij/zij woont. 2. Zeg waar je woont.

Kant 3: Dis ton âge.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Vraag de ander hoe oud hij/zij is. 2. Zeg je leeftijd (let op: in het Frans
zeg je: Ik heb + leeftijd).

Kant 4: Dis si tu as des frères ou des soeurs.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Vraag de ander als hij/zij broers en 2. Zeg hoe veel broers en zussen je
zussen heeft. heeft (let op: gebruik de zin: Ik heb..
(+getallen) + soeur(s)/frère(s)).

Kant 5: Dis ton numéro de téléphone.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Vraag de ander voor hij/zij 2. Zeg je telefoonnummer uit (let op:
telefoonnummer. maak een hele zin!)

Kant 6: Joker!
Kies één van de vijf andere kanten om een vraag te stellen.
Chapitre 1 : Salut, c’est moi !
Naam :

Leerdoel: Ik kan eenvoudige vragen stellen en beantwoorden over mijn naam,

mijn leeftijd, waar ik woon, mijn familie en mijn telefoonnummer. (A1)



Zelfbeoordeling - Checklist

Ik nam deel aan minstens 2 gesprekken

Ik kon het gesprek voeren zonder mijn Franse boek als hulp te Goal For Today
Ik gebruikte de juiste zinnen voor elke situatie.
Ik hielp de leden van mijn groep als ze problemen hadden met het
vertalen of uitspreken van een woord indien nodig.
Ik respecteerde het materiaal dat de docent me gaf (ik beschadigde
het niet).

Hoe ging het voor jou? Schrijf op of je iets nieuws hebt geleerd, of iets
moeilijk was, wat je de volgende keer beter kunt doen.
Vergeet niet om een datum toe te voegen telkens als je een nieuwe
zelfreflectie schrijft.
Chapitre 2: C’est si bon !

Chapitre 2: C’est si bon !

Kant 1 : Demander la carte au restaurant.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):
1. Goededag meneer/mevrouw! De 2. Hallo ! Alstublieft (als je iets
(menu)kaart, alstublieft. geeft).

Kant 2 : Demander où sont les toilettes.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Meneer, waar is de wc? 2. Dat is hier.

Kant 3: Demander où est un lieu/quelque chose.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Sorry, ikzoek de bakkerij. 2. Het is daar.

Kant 4: Demander combien quelque chose coute.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Hoi, heeft u een stokbrood? 2. Ja, alstublieft (als je iets geeft).
3. Hoeveel kost dat? 4. Het kost 5 euro 50.

Kant 5: Demander l'addition.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Ober, de rekening alstublieft! 2. Alstublieft (als je iets geeft).
3. Bedankt en tot ziens! 4. Graag gedaan. Tot ziens!

Kant 6: Acheter de la nourriture.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):
1. Hallo, ik wil graag twee croissantjes. 2. Ik begrijp het niet.
3. Il wil graag twee croissantjes. 4. Alstublieft. Het kost 3 euro 25.
tip: Il wil graag = Je voudrais..
Chapitre 2: C’est si bon !
Kant 1 : Demander la carte au restaurant.
Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):
1. Begroet de ander en vraag voor de 2. Groet de ander terug en zeg
(menu)kaart. alstublieft als je de kaart geeft.

Kant 2 : Demander où sont les toilettes.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Vraag de ander waar de wc staat. 2. Zeg dat het hier is.

Kant 3: Demander où est un lieu/quelque chose.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Zeg sorry en vraag waar de 2. Zeg dat het daar is.
bakkerij is.

Kant 4: Demander combien quelque chose coute.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Begroet de ander en vraag als 2. Zeg dat je dat hebt en zeg alstublieft
hij/zij een stokbrood heeft. (als je iets geeft).
3. Vraag hoeveel het kost. 4. Zeg dat het 5 euro 50 kost.

Kant 5: Demander l'addition.

Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):

1. Vraag de ober voor de rekening. 2. Zeg alstublieft (als je iets geeft).
3. Bedankt de ober en neem afscheid. 4. Zeg dat het geen probleem is en
neem afscheid terug.
Kant 6: Acheter de la nourriture.
Rol A (question): Rol B (réponse):
1. Begroet de ander en zeg dat je graag 2. Zeg dat je het niet begrijpt.
2 croissantjes wilt. 4. Zeg alstublieft (als je iets geeft) en
3. Vraag hoe veel het kost. zeg dat het 3 euro 25 kost.
Chapitre 2 : C’est si bon !
Naam :

Leerdoel: Ik kan vragen stellen en beantwoorden over iets bestellen in een

restaurant, vragen hoeveel iets kost en vragen waar iets is (de toiletten of de
bakkerij bijvoorbeeld). (A1-A2)



Zelfbeoordeling - Checklist

Ik nam deel aan minstens 2 gesprekken

Ik kon het gesprek voeren zonder mijn Franse boek als hulp te Goal For Today
Ik gebruikte de juiste zinnen voor elke situatie.
Ik hielp de leden van mijn groep als ze problemen hadden met het
vertalen of uitspreken van een woord indien nodig.
Ik respecteerde het materiaal dat de docent me gaf (ik beschadigde
het niet).

Hoe ging het voor jou? Schrijf op of je iets nieuws hebt geleerd, of iets
moeilijk was, wat je de volgende keer beter kunt doen.
Vergeet niet om een datum toe te voegen telkens als je een nieuwe
zelfreflectie schrijft.
Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
I. Design and Duration......................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Structure of the Activity ........................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Duration of the Activity......................................................................................................... 4
II. Learning Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 4
III. Prerequisite Knowledge ................................................................................................................. 5
IV. Activity Explanation ....................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Material needed......................................................................................................................... 6
V. Assessment Strategies ..................................................................................................................... 8
VI. Feedback and Further Development .............................................................................................. 8
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................... 10


Welcome to this Teacher’s manual about the dialogue cubes. This ressource has been
specifically made to fit the needs and challenges of our Havo-Vwo 1 Dutch students, assisting
them in their first year of learning French as a new language and enhance their learning
experience. The goal of this manual is to provide you, the teachers of the french section of Het
Streek Lyceum with a practical and complete tool, allowing you to smoothly implement the
dialogue cubes into their lessons.
Purpose and Alignment with Language Learning Objectives:
At its core, this ressource aims to enhance language learning, offering an innovative and
interactive approach that caters to the diverse needs of our students. This unique blend
encompasses explicit grammar instruction, exposure to authentic language, and the creation of
an immersive and supportive learning environment. The overarching goal is clear: to reinforce
language skills (with a focus on speaking), encourage active participation, and instill confidence
in speaking and expressing oneself in French.
This material aligns with established language learning objectives from the A1 level of the CEFR
and can be used in complement to the Grande Lignes method. Through explicit grammar
instruction, exposure to authentic materials, and the cultivation of a supportive learning
environment, the cubes directly contribute to the development of crucial language
competencies. The purpose of this resource is to elevate language learning into an engaging
and enriching experience for students and make them actors in their own learning process.
Context of Development:
The development of the cubes was rooted in a comprehensive research initiative on how to
allow students to develop their speaking skills, delving into effective language instruction
strategies and addressing the unique challenges faced by our students in HAVO-VWO 1 during
their first year of learning French. The Research 3 course at Hogeschool Utrecht provided the
platform for this exploration, allowing for the synthesis of valuable insights and the subsequent
creation of a resource that not only meets academic standards but also resonates with the
practical needs of our language learners.
As you begin implementing this resource in your French classes, I encourage you to explore the
following sections of this manual. Each section provides detailed insights and guidance to
ensure a smooth integration of ths resource into your lessons, creating an interacting and
effective language learning experience for our students.

I. Design and Duration

1.1 Structure of the Activity

This material is thoughtfully crafted to cultivate rich language interactions among students,
offering flexibility in group dynamics. It is ideally suited for pairs, which provides an intimate
setting for focused practice, and small groups of 4 to 6, enhancing collaborative learning
through diverse perspectives. The adaptable design ensures that both pairs and small groups
can effectively engage in dynamic dialogues. As students actively participate in the activity, the
provided help sheets at two levels serve as valuable aids, supporting their comprehension and
expression. Once the activity is over, students complete a self-reflection form, providing insight
into their language learning journey. This reflection form serves as a personalized tool for
students to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement.
1.2 Duration of the Activity

The French Sentence Cubes activity is designed to allow smooth integration into the lessons.
Each cube rotation is estimated to last between 5 to 10 minutes (but can be reduced if needed),
providing students with a balanced and immersive practice session. This timeframe enables
students to explore multiple cubes, engage with dialogues from different chapters, and attain a
comprehensive language learning experience.

II. Learning Objectives

The dialogue cubes are designed with explicit learning objectives aligned with the A1 level of the
CEFR and the Grandes Lignes method book, as seen in this table:

Learning objective(s) from the A1 level Learning goal(s) from the HAVO-VWO 1
of the CEFR (Europe, 2020) Grandes Lignes method
Chapter + theme

Chapter 1 : “Salut, Can understand simple personal - Ik kan iemand begroeten and
c’est moi !” - information (e.g. name, age, place of afscheid nemen in het Frans. (I can
introducing yourself, residence, origin) when other people greet someone and take leave of the
where you live and introduce themselves slowly and person in French)
your family clearly, directly to them, and can
understand and answer questions on - Ik kan mezelf voorstellen (naam,
this theme addressed to them, leeftijd, waar ik woon, mijn
though the questions may need to be nationaliteit, mijn telefoonnummer) en
repeated. deze informatie aan iemand anders
vragen. (I can introduce myself (name,
age, where I live, my phone number)
and ask about these information to
someone else.

Chapter 2 “C’est si Can understand simple questions Ik kan iets bestellen of kopen (vragen
bon!” - vocabulary that directly concern them, if the om het menu, bestel een bord eten en
about food, prices person is asking slowly and clearly. een drankje, vragen om de rekening).
and ordering at a (I can order or buy something (ask for
restaurant/food shop Can ask for food and drink using the menu, order a plate of food and a
basic expressions. drink, ask for the check)
Can handle numbers, quantities and

Can make simple purchases by

stating what is wanted and asking the
price. (A2)

Can order a meal. (A2)

As students engage in the French Sentence Cubes activity, they delve into a dynamic language
learning experience. The process intricately enhances language proficiency, focusing on
developing listening and speaking skills. Beyond foundational A1-level competencies, the
activity propels students to expand their vocabulary in areas such as daily life, family dynamics,
and ordering food.
Moreover, the interactive dialogues embedded in the cubes actively contribute to border CEFR
objectives, such as the development of effective communication skills (with a focus on listening
and speaking), fostering confident oral expression, and providing insights into French common
language expressions, enriching students' cultural awareness.
These comprehensive learning objectives ensure that students engage in a meaningful
language learning experience with this material, covering both foundational A1-level skills and
broader language competencies.

III. Prerequisite Knowledge

By ensuring that students have covered the prerequisite chapters, you can guarantee that
participants possess the necessary vocabulary and language skills to actively engage in the
Cube 1 - Introduction and Greetings: The completion of Chapter 1 is a prerequisite for the first
cube activity, as it introduces students to essential vocabulary and phrases needed for greetings
and basic interactions. This foundation ensures they can confidently participate in dialogues
related to personal information.
Cube 2 - Food and Ordering at a Restaurant: The completion of Chapter 2 of the Grande Lignes
Method is necessary for the use of the second cube. Students should have a grasp of
vocabulary associated with food, expressions for ordering, and the ability to inquire about
prices. This knowledge prepares them for engaging dialogues centered around food
preferences and restaurant scenarios.

IV. Activity Explanation

4.1 Material needed

- 2 Dialogue Cubes:

 Two sets of cubes, each corresponding to specific chapters (Chapter 1 “Coucou, c’est
moi!” and Chapter 2 “C’est si bon!”).
- 2 Help Sheets:

 Accompanying aids provided for seamless navigation of the language concepts

presented on the cubes.
 Help sheet 1 aligns with cube 1 and Chapter 1, help sheet 2 is associated with Cube 2,
providing guidance through Chapter 2 language elements.
- 2 Self-Reflection Forms:

 Individual forms for students to assess their language readiness and performance (1
form per cube and chapter)
 Completed after each cube session, encouraging self-awareness and personal
The cubes, help sheets, and self-reflection forms are color-coded for each chapter of the
Grande Lignes book method.
 Step-by-Step Guide – French Dialogue Cubes:
Step and time Instructions
Preparation 1. Introduction:
phase (5-7min) • Begin by introducing the French Sentence Cubes and the purpose of the activity.

2. Group formation:
• Form groups of 4 to 6 students (pairs can also work effectively for this activity)

3. Cube distribution:
• Hand out both cubes and their respective help sheets and reflection forms.

• Explain that cube 1 corresponds to vocabulary and grammar from chapter 1 and cube 2
corresponds to vocabulary and grammar from chapter 2.

4. Instructions:
• Provide instructions to students for the activity: a student (role A) rolls the cube and falls on
an image with a number, for example, face 4. They will then look at the help sheet for the
corresponding dialogue and choose another student (role B) to perform the dialogue. The other
students listen and correct if needed. Once it is done, the student who was chosen to perform
the dialogue becomes role A and throws the cube.

5. Teacher modeling:
• Provide an example of dialogue (from cube 1, level 1):

Role A (question): "Heb jij broers en zussen?" Role B (response options):

- "Ja, ik heb 2 broers"
- "Nee, ik heb geen zussen"
- "Ja, ik heb 1 broer en 1 zus.”

• Provide another example of dialogue (from cube 2, level 2, indirect instructions):

Role A (question): "Begroet de ander en

vraag als hij/zij een stokbrood
Role B (response): "Ja, ik heb een stokbrood.
Het kost 5 euro 50."

Execution phase 1. During the activity:

(5 min per cube • Begin the activity by giving the go to students.
but adaptable +
3 min to • Walk around the class during the activity and remind students to take turns performing the
complete each dialogues and also remind them to use the help sheet for help.
reflection form)
2. Self-reflection (after first rotation):
• Prompt students to take a moment and individually fill in their reflection form for the first cube
they practiced with (chapter 1 or 2)

• Emphasize reflection on their overall experience.

3. Cube rotation:
• Have students rotate workstations or cubes and their help sheets so groups that just
practiced with cube 1 can practice with cube 2 and vice-versa.

4. Activity continuation:
• Repeat the activity with Cube 2, following the same procedure.

• Emphasize active participation and use of the provided dialogue options.

• Instruct students to refer the cube’s respective help sheet as needed.

5. Self-reflection (after second rotation):

• Prompt students to take a moment and individually fill in their reflection form for the first cube
they practiced with (chapter 1 or 2)

• Emphasize reflection on their overall experience.

End/Conclusion 1. Closure:
phase (2-3min) • Conclude the activity with a brief discussion, checking for concepts and allowing students to
share their experiences.

• Remind students to keep their Self-Reflection Forms for personal review.

V. Assessment Strategies

Assessing students' performance during and after the activity is essential for understanding their
progress. Here are some assessment strategies to consider:
Time phase Possible assessment(s)
During the activity  Observation:
- Observe students for their interaction, engagement, and application of
vocabulary and grammar from the relevant chapters.
- Assess participation, collaboration, and the effective use of language
prompts provided by the cubes.
 Peer Evaluation:
Implement a peer evaluation system where students offer constructive
feedback to their peers during the activity.

Post-Activity  Self-Reflection Forms:

Encourage students to complete the self-reflection forms after the
activity: these forms are valuable tools for students to assess their
progress and identify areas for improvement.

 Language proficiency check:

Conduct a brief language proficiency check post-activity by asking
spontaneous questions related to the dialogue prompts to assess
comprehension and retention of the grammar and vocabulary.

By considering these assessment strategies, the French Sentence Cubes activity becomes not
only an engaging exercise but also a meaningful contributor to our broader language learning
objectives and assessments.

VI. Feedback and Further Development

As you work on implementing this resource, your insights and experiences are essential to its
success. I encourage you to share your feedback, highlighting both positive aspects and any
challenges encountered during the sessions. Your input will not only enhance the current
material but also contribute to its continuous improvement. This manual serves as a
collaborative space where your suggestions for future updates or modifications will be
considered, ensuring the sustained effectiveness and relevance of the dialogue cubes in our
language curriculum.


This manual marks the intersection of pedagogical insight and hands-on application, offering a
roadmap for implementing the Dialogue Cubes. From their academic inception to practical
classroom considerations, each chapter provides guidance for a dynamic and effective
language learning activity.
The comprehensive learning objectives, detailed activity explanations, and assessment
strategies emphasize a holistic approach, fostering not only grammatical mastery but a genuine
connection to French language. The collaborative spirit extends to you, the educator, providing
feedback for ongoing refinement and adaptability.

Contact details
Léa Siri
School e-mail adress:


Europe, C. O. (2020). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning,

Teaching, assessment: Companion volume. Council of Europe.

STARR – Research 3 cubes and teacher guide

For my final research course, I worked on a research project aimed at enriching the speaking
skills of 1st-year HAVO-VWO students at Het Streek Lyceum in French This project was guided
by insights drawn from educational literature, including Geerts' (2018) Teachers' Handbook for
Secondary and Vocational Education, which provided practical guidance for instructional
design, and Wilson's (2017) guide on school-based research, praising the importance of
formulating research questions aligned with educational objectives. Additionally, Gao's (2019)
review of research on oral communication in the target language informed the theoretical
framework underpinning the project.


Formulating specific research questions aligned with language learning objectives and
instructional strategies, I aimed to investigate how the integration of dialogue cubes could
enhance students' speaking proficiency and promote greater engagement with the French
language within the classroom context. Geerts' (2018) handbook offered insights into effective
instructional design strategies, emphasizing the importance of creating engaging learning
experiences tailored to students' needs and abilities. Wilson's (2017) guide highlighted the
significance of conducting research that addresses practical concerns in educational settings,
such as language learning outcomes and student engagement.


Implementation of the project involved several steps. Leveraging insights from Geerts (2018) and
Wilson (2017), I utilized observation techniques to observe student engagement levels and
identify potential challenges in the implementation process. Geerts' (2018) handbook informed
my approach to instructional design, emphasizing the need to create clear learning objectives
and provide adequate support for students throughout the learning process. I provided guidance
and clarification where necessary, aiming to optimize the effectiveness of the dialogue cubes in
facilitating meaningful language practice. Additionally, I evaluated student performance using
predetermined criteria. Furthermore, I solicited feedback from students to evaluate their
experiences and suggestions for improvement, aligning with the emphasis on collaborators
input in the research process.

Creation of Teacher Guide:

In parallel with the dialogue cubes, I developed a teacher guide to accompany the research
project. Drawing on best practices outlined in educational literature, such as Geerts (2018) and
Wilson (2017), the guide provided instructors with detailed instructions for integrating the
dialogue cubes into their lesson plans effectively. Geerts' (2018) handbook provided insights
into effective instructional design strategies, emphasizing the importance of creating engaging
learning experiences tailored to students' needs and abilities. By equipping teachers with the
necessary tools and resources, the guide aimed to facilitate implementation of the material and
promote consistency across different classroom settings.


The research project, coupled with the development of the teacher guide, gave promising
results. Analysis of evaluation criteria scores indicated a generally positive reception among
students, suggesting that the dialogue cubes effectively contributed to the language learning
objectives. Moreover, student feedback highlighted specific areas for enhancement, including
the need for audio support and greater thematic variety. Despite these minor shortcomings, the
overall impact on students' linguistic development and intercultural awareness was notably
positive. The dialogue cubes facilitated improvements in vocabulary acquisition,
communication skills, and overall confidence in using the French language.


This research project provided valuable insights into the practical implementation of innovative
language teaching methodologies, drawing on theoretical frameworks and practical guidance
from educational literature such. It underscored the importance of tailoring instructional
strategies to meet the diverse needs of learners (Geerts, 2018) while fostering an environment
conducive to active language engagement (Gao, 2019). Moving forward, I intend to further
investigates the relationship between speaking practice and proficiency levels. Additionally, I
plan to polish and expand the teacher guide based on feedback from educators and students,
ensuring its continued relevance and effectiveness in supporting language teaching.


Geerts, W. (2018). The Teachers’ handbook: Secondary and Vocational Education.

Gao, X. (2019). Understanding and fostering oral communication in the target language: A

review of research and implications for classroom practice. Language Teaching

Research, 23(4), 473-493. doi: 10.1177/1362168817724146

Wilson, E. (Ed.) (2017). School-based Research. A guide for education students (3rd ed.)

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