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Newtons Laws Grade 11 Page 1 of 11



TOPIC: Newtons Laws

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A box of mass 45 kg is placed on a bathroom scale inside a lift. The scale is calibrated in
newton. What will be the reading on the scale if:

1.1 the lift is stationary

1.2 the lift accelerates upwards at 2 m·s-2

1.3 the lift accelerates downwards at 1,5 m·s-2

1.4 the cable holding the lift snaps.

1.5 the lift moves downwards at constant velocity of 3 m·s-1


An 8 kg block, P, is being pulled by constant force F up a rough inclined plane at an angle of

300 to the horizontal, at CONSTANT SPEED.

Force F is parallel to the inclined plane, as shown in the diagram below.

2.1 State Newrton’s First Law of motion, in words. (2)

2.2 Draw a labelled free-body diagram for block P. (4)

The kinetic frictional force between the block and the surface of the inclined plane is 20,37 N.

2.3 Calculate the magnitude of force F. (5)

Force F is now removed and the block ACCELERATES down the plane. The kinetic frictional
force remains 20,37 N.

2.4 Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the block. (4)

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A block Q of mass 70 kg is at rest on a table. It is connected to block P by means of

two light inextensible strings knotted at S. A third string is arranged in such a way
that the string connecting block Q is horizontal as shown in the diagram below.
The coefficient of static friction between block Q and the surface of the table is 0,25.
The knot S is in equilibrium.
T2 S 35o
Q ●

The tension in the string connecting block Q is T2 and that for the string that pulls at 35 o
is T1 as shown in the diagram.

3.1 Define the term static frictional force in words. (2)

3.2 Explain what is meant by the knot S is in equilibrium. (2)

3.3 Draw a labelled free-body diagram to show all the forces acting on:

3.3.1 The knot at S (3)

3.3.2 Block Q (4)

3.4 Calculate the maximum weight of block P for which block Q will just begin to
slip. (7)
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A 20 kg block, resting on a rough horizontal surface, is connected to blocks P and Q by a light

inextensible string moving over a frictionless pulley. Blocks P and Q are glued together and
have a combined mass of m.

A force of 35 N is now applied to the 20 kg block at an angle of 400 with the horizontal, as
shown below.

The 20 kg block experiences a frictional force of magnitude 5 N as it moves to the RIGHT at a


4.1 Define the term normal force. (2)

4.2 Draw a labelled free-body diagram of the 20 kg block. (5)

4.3 Calculate the combined mass m of the two blocks. (5)

4.4 At a certain stage of the motion, block Q breaks off and falls down.

How will EACH of the following be affected when this happens?

4.4.1 The tension in the string.


4.4.2 The velocity of the 20 kg block.

Explain the answer. (3)
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A child pulls a toy train of two cars with a horizontal force of 15 N. The mass of the string
connecting the two cars is negligibly small. The 1 kg car experiences a coefficient of
friction of 0,2 and the 3kg car experiences a coefficient of friction of 0,3.

15 N

5.1 Draw two force diagrams, one for each car, showing and labelling all the
horizontal forces acting on each car.
5.2 Calculate the acceleration of the train.
5.3 Calculate the force exerted by the connecting string on each car.
5.4 While accelerating forward the string attached between the two cars suddenly
snaps. Describe the motion of the
5.4.1 3 kg car
5.4.2 2 kg car


A toy train engine P, of mass 3 kg, is connected by a string to a wagon Q of mass 2 kg.
Thuli fastens a cable to P and pulls it with a force of 24 N at an angle of 60 with the
horizontal, as shown below. The train moves over a wooden floor. A coefficient of
frictional force of 0,3 acts between the engine P and the floor while wagon Q
experiences a frictional force of 1 N.
24 N

6.1 Calculate the magnitude of the horizontal component of the applied force.
6.2 State Newton’s second law of motion in words.
6.3 Draw two separate force diagrams with labels, showing the horizontal forces
acting on P and Q.
6.4 Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the train.
6.5 Calculate the magnitude of the tension T in the string connecting P and Q.
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In the diagram below, a trolley B with a mass of 2 kg connected to a block A of mass

3 kg, is pulled by a constant force of 32,5 N as shown in the diagram.
Ignore the masses of the strings as well as friction.

7.1 Calculate the acceleration of trolley B. (5)

7.2 Calculate the force exerted by trolley B on trolley A. (2)
7.3 What is the force exerted by trolley A on trolley B. (2)


A learner constructs a push toy using two blocks with masses 1,5 kg and 3 kg respectively.
The blocks are connected by a massless, inextensible cord.

The learner then applies a force of 25 N at an angle of 30o to the 1,5 kg block by means
of a light rigid rod, causing the toy to move across a flat, rough, horizontal surface, as
shown in the diagram below.
25 N

3 kg 1,5 kg

The coefficient of kinetic friction (µk) between the surface and each block is 0,15.

8.1 State Newton's Second Law of Motion in words. (2)

8.2 Calculate the magnitude of the kinetic frictional force acting on the 3 kg block. (3)
8.3 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the
1,5 kg block. (5)
8.4 Calculate the magnitude of the:
8.4.1 Kinetic frictional force acting on the 1,5 kg block (3)
8.4.2 Tension in the cord connecting the two blocks (5)
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QUESTION 9 DBE June 2015

A 5 kg block, resting on a rough horizontal table, is connected by a light

inextensible string passing over a light frictionless pulley to another block of mass
2 kg. The 2 kg block hangs vertically as shown in the diagram below.

A force of 60 N is applied to the 5 kg block at an angle of 10o to the horizontal, causing the
block to accelerate to the LEFT.

60 N

10o 5 kg

2 kg

The coefficient of kinetic friction between the 5 kg block and the surface of the table
is 0,5. Ignore the effects of air friction.

9.1 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the 5 kg
block. (5)

9.2 Calculate the magnitude of the:

9.2.1 Vertical component of the 60 N force (2)

9.2.2 Horizontal component of the 60 N force (2)

9.3 State Newton's Second Law of Motion in words. (2)

Calculate the magnitude of the:

9.4 Normal force acting on the 5 kg block (2)

9.5 Tension in the string connecting the two blocks (7)

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A block of mass 1 kg is connected to another block of mass 4 kg by a light inextensible string.

The system is pulled up a rough plane inclined at 30o to the horizontal, by means of a constant
40 N force parallel to the plane as shown in the diagram below.

The magnitude of the kinetic frictional force between the surface and the 4 kg block is 10 N.
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the 1 kg block and the surface is 0,29.

10.1 State Newton’s third law of motion, in words. (2)

10.2 Write down the reaction force to the 1 kg blocks weight. (1)

10.3 Draw a labelled free-body diagram showing ALL the forces acting on the 1 kg
block as it moves up the incline. (5)

10.4 Calculate the magnitude of the:

10.4.1 Kinetic frictional force between the 1 kg block and the surface. (3)

10.4.2 Tension in the string connecting the two blocks. (6)

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Ball X of mass 3 kg is attached to trolley Y of mass 4 kg by a light string which passes over a
frictionless pulley as shown in the diagram. Initially the trolley is at rest on slope AB, which
makes an angle of 300 with the horizontal and is 4 m long. When ball X is released, it falls to
the ground and trolley Y moves up the slope.
The coefficient of kinetic friction along slope AB (μk) = 0,2. Ignore the effects of any frictional

11.1 Draw a labelled free body diagram to show ALL the forces acting on the trolley
as it moves up the slope. (4)

11.2 Calculate the friction force acting on the trolley as it moves up the slope. (5)

11.3 State Newton’s Second law of motion in words. (2)

11.4 Calculate the acceleration of the trolley up the slope. (6)

11.5 Calculate the tension in the string as the trolley moves up the slope. (3)

11.6 Calculate the velocity with which Ball X reaches the ground. (6)

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