Group+5 +Packaging+Prepared+Foodstuff

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Lesson 6

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. Cite the importance and function of food
2. Enumerate types of packages;
3. Explain the characteristics of a good
4. Explain the importance of labels for food
packaging; and
5. Package some foodstuff.
Words for Study
1. Entice
-attract or tempt

2. Package-
-the material that
encloses the product
-using money for productivity

- has the power to affect;
powerful; efficient

5. Specification
- a detailed description
6. Awareness
- state of being aware or

- special support given by
- in this lesson a product that is
equal or better in quality of similar
products in the market.
9. Toxicity
- specific degree of being
10. Alternative
- an option, having a choice of
two things
Packaging: Definition,
Importance, and Characteristics
- is the process of enclosing a product
in any acceptable or suitable container in
order to protect what it sells and sell what it
- it also includes the processes of
designing,evaluating, and producing packages
that are appropriate for each type of product.
In fact, packaging is part of tha entire
production cycle.
does not stop at
the finished
product. It
continous until the
finished product is
properly packaged
and ready for
The importance of packaging
lies in the fact that it is an
important marketing strategy.
Finished products need to look
neat, clean, attractive, decent,
glamorous, and expensive-looking
for consumers to patronize. Most
consumers judge a product by its
package before even deciding to
puchase it.
It is logical to conclude that an
expensive-looking package has a
good quality content. That is why
good package is crucial to attract
first-time buyers to buy the
product. As, an entrepreneur, if
your packaging is ugly and does
not deserve a second look, your
chance of enticing the market will
be unsuccessful.
Remember that the packaged is the
displayed product, which is as
important as the product itself. It
is the selling tool of entrepreneurs.

The modern concepts of

packaging held by most
entrepreneurs are the folowing;
1. As an investment
companies spend as much in
packages as in the finished products
and saleability of their finished
products is partly dependent on their
2. As marketing
- it is through
the package that a product
is identified, labeled, and
becomes popular in the
3.As more than
just a container
- since
it is considered
as promotion and
advertising tool, it can
increase or decrease the
sales depending on how
it can attract consumers
to patronize
the product.
4. As global in character
- practically all the products
across the world are indentified,
exchanged, and sold with their
packages. You can establish a brand
around the world with its package.
5. As cost-oriented
-cost of packaging is
added to the price paid for the
product. The higher the cost of the
package, the higher the price paid for
the product.
6. Socially-focused
- affluent consumers with
higher buying capacity will buy a
more expensive-looking package at a
higher cost for a similar product that
can be purchased at a lesser cost but
simply packaged. Cost of package
can differentiate social classes with
different buying capacities.
Packaging has three levels. All
levels of the packaging system
for a food product must
coordinate together. The three
levels are the following:
1.Primary package
- this is the individual package
that immediately contains the
product for the individual end
user. It is portion-controlled
for individual use, means it
has definite amount of content
allowed for a number of
servings. Products in primary
packages are those sold in
2. Secondary Package
-this is the bigger
package which contains a
number of individual packages.
This package contains a dozen,
two or more smaller packages
and can be sold in wholesale.
3. Teritary Package
- this is the biggest
package which contains products
in secondary packages. This is the
package that is ready for shipping
or transporting to supermarkets,
malls and big markets.
Packages are made up of one or a
combination of the following
– this is the most commonly used package especially
for dried food. However, it is the most difficult to
dispose of since it is not biodegradable and not
environment friendly. The advantage of using
plastics is that they are light in weight, durable,
and cheap. Because of these characteristics, they
are used as alternative packages for glass and
cardboard which are more expensive and more
sensitive to transportiong or shipping.
• Today, plastics are
overused in many types
of packaging and are
beggining to be a
problem in landfills and
a threat to the
environment. There are
new local ordinances that
prohibit the use of
plastics in open markets,
and other stores in some
cities in the country.
• This material is commonly
used in canned goods from
meat to vegetables, fruits and
beverages such as soft
drinks, beers, sodas, and the
like. There are two types of
metal commomly used for
packaging; one is alluminum
which is used for canned soft
drinks, for meat products
like luncheon meat, sausages,
and soups. Alluminum is
light, strong, expensive-
looking and attractive.
• It is recycable and reusable.

• The other type of metal commonly used is

tin. This is actually solid, havy metal
covered with tin to protect the metal
agains rust.
This is one of the packages used in
early times. Do you remember
fruits and vegetablesthat our
grandmother preserved and kept
in thick glass containers with
either glass or metal covers?
Today, glass is still in. It is still
considered an ideal material for
packaging food especially those
with brine ir syrup, as these do
not have chemical reactions with
the package. Glass is durable,
reusable, recycable, and
• The only disadvantage of using glass is its
cost, its weight, and shape which may pose
difficultly in transporting, handling, and
storage. A broken glass container can lead
to wastage of its food content.
Brick cartons
• This packaging material is
light, durable, air tight, easy to
handle, and attractive. It is
convinient for transport and
storage. It is a major foodstuffs
particularly milk, juices, and
other beverages. The only
diadvantage of using this
material is that it is difficult to
reuse or recycle it. Most brick
cartons have several layers of
paper, alluminum foil which
make them complex packaging
materials. They are also costly.
• This packaging material is available in the form of
boxes, cardboard sheets, and corrugated cardboard.
It is commonly used in packaging fresh fuits(apples,
oranges, pears, bananas, grapefruits, grapes, etc.). It
can also serve as secondary and teritary packages for
canned products, bottles fruit preserves, and
products packed in tin foil and plastics. It can be
reused or recycled.
• This material is made into trays, lunchboxes,
cups, and glasses into different sizes and
shapes. It is used as a container for take-out
food eateries and restaurants, as they are
light and easily disposed.
Thank you for
lending your ears!!!
Group 5
• Princess Lauren D. Pantoja
• Ashley Ysabel Evangelista
• Aivhan Sarinas
• Dominic Duran
• Mark Gil Baral
• Avy Basco

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