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(1)How great is your interest in art?

(2)What’s the best art gallery you’ve been to?

(3)Do you like modern art?
(4)What do you think of installation art?
(5)Do you ever think a lot of art is not really art?
(6)Do you have a favorite artist?
(7)What kind of art do you like – paintings, sculpture, ceramics,
(8) What is art?
(9) Does art change the way you think or feel?
(10 Do you think anyone can be an artist or do you need a special
) talent?

3. Yes. Because It allows people the chance to be contacted to stimulate that can
provoke thoughts and even emotions. For many, it can lead to new information,
education, and growth. At times, art can be powerfully thought-provoking. This is
because it does communicate through visuals and not words.
4. Installation art is one of the most powerful and immersive of all art forms. In
contrast with traditional mediums such as painting and sculpture, installation art
is designed to fill whole rooms or even entire gallery spaces.
5. Yes I have. Art is not really art when change the perspective on how a subject
has been seen, up until that point in time, and you have made art. Repeat an
existing view of a subject without changing perspective and you have not made
art. (This get's interesting when an artists subject is the "lack of art in the world".
Perhaps he expresses this by copying a bunch of art in a way that highlights this,
but simply painting another Mona Lisa on it's own is not art.)
8. Art is a diverse range of human activity, and resulting product, that involves
creative or imaginative talent expressive of technical proficiency, beauty,
emotional power, or conceptual ideas.
1. Sculpture: điêu khắc
2. Ceramic: gốm sứ
3. Installation art: nghệ thuật sắp đặt
4. In contrast: ngược lại
5. Perspective: quan điểm
6. Diverse: phong phú
7. Expressive: biểu lộ, thể hiện
8. Proficienly: trình độ
9. Conceptual: khái niệm

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