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(1) Would you like to be an astronaut?

(2) Did you ever want to be an astronaut?

(3) Would you like to go to the moon or travel into space?
(4) What kinds of people become astronauts?
(5) Would you like to experience zero gravity and weightlessness?
(6) What do you think are the biggest challenges of being an
(7) What do you think would be the highlights of space travel?
(8) Could you date or marry an astronaut?
(9) What do you think astronauts worry about?
(10 Do you think it would get boring in space?

4. In order to become a NASA astronaut, someone needs to be a U.S. citizen and

must earn a master's degree in biological science, physical science, computer
science, engineering or math.
6. A long trip to space involves facing several dangerous elements. Astronauts can
be felled by radiation, develop health problems owing to a lack of consistent
sleep, or become psychologically damaged by spending a long time in isolation
7. Need more informations
9. Astronauts are trained to handle dangerous situations and are prepared for
emergencies that could occur in outer space. "We're worried about fire. We're
worried about toxic atmosphere," NASA astronaut Drew Morgan said in the latest
instalment of Euronews' Ask Our Astronaut.

1. A master’s degree: bằng thạc sĩ
2. Element: yếu tố
3. A lack of consistent sleep: thiếu một giấc ngủ đủ giấc
4. Psychologically: tổn thương tâm lý
5. Isolation: cô lập

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