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3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory vy Uber Business Problem Uber is facing - driver cancellation and non-availability of cars leading to loss of potential revenue. ‘The aim ofthe analysis is to identity the root cause ofthe problem (Le. cancellation and non-avalabilty of cars) and recommend ways to improve the situation. As @ resul of your analysis, you shouldbe abl to present tothe client the raat cause(s) and possible hypotheses of the problem(s) and recommend ways to improve them, Y_ Import all necessary modules 1 Inport ald the needee nodules anport pandas 35-96 vernings F1Tterwarnings (“ignore”) 4 heading the dataset in to 2 datafrane of {4 = parend_cov("s-/inpu/uberarequest-cnta/Uber Request Oata.c3¥") at.head() 280 oy 10 TipConpleted —tamaoteer7-—_raaov6 a8 3 asa epot 10 TipCompeted 12772016 7.08 220182208, 4am oy 1.0 Tip Completed 13.07-2018083896 19-072016 08.2547 4 Let's look at the type for each colunn and understand the formatting we need to perform ae.in4o0 Bats colunns (total 6 columns) river Se 1985 non types: Floatet(a), Setst{a), objectta) ¥_ Formatting - Converting Request id and Driver id type to String fartoRequest $2") = of {Request Sa]. astype(str) aF.inao Data colunns (total 6 colums) hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory @ Request sa 6745 non-nutd object 1 Pickup potme GS noncnsl? object 2 Sriver i 12095 non-null. Floste 3 Status Gra3 monenst obgect 4 Request tinestanp 6745 norcmull ebject 5 orap tinestanp 2831 non-null object types! Ftoutse(a), bject(s) + Lets convert oriver 16 also to type string and format “ran” to pd. a¢T"oniver 26°] = aFT"Driver 36"J.astype(str) aF(-oeiver se"]{ae{"aetver Sa") -e"nan"] = pn F.snto Rangelndexs G45 entries, £0 6748 Data columrs (total 6 colums): @ Request sa Gras pon-asld 1 Plekup point 6745 non-nuld 2 Sriver fe 12985 noncnut? 3 statue 6745 non-ndtd 4 Request thnestanp 6245 noronall 5 prop tinestanp” 2831 non=nul types ebjectte) rewory usage! 316.3+ X9 Formatting Date/Time Columns - Request timestamp and Drop Timestamp 1 There are different date fornats fo both Request Tinestano and Onop tinestanp as evident fron the outout below Aae{ ("Request tinestang™,"Orop Cinestang™ |] -nead(2e) Aequest tinestanp Drop tinestanp © tmaoreatst 72016 1:00 4 wmeowerrs? ——sineo%6 1847 3 rampotezto8 220% 22-00 4 1907-2018 089016 13-072016 092547 5 2072016218728 19-07-2016 222860 4072016061522 4-07-2018 071918 7 ssar2o1eostts2 15072016 080752 8 1607-2016 175727 15-07-2016 18:50:51 ° simmos6as ——wmra0t8725 10 taraatesce taza ace 41 tamaores290 | raneor6 12:57 42 19.072016 064920 13-07-2016 05:29:00, 43 1s.0720180a02ss se-0r2016 98:19 4 13.07.2016 142502 13.07.2016 153516, 45 19.07.2018 172918 13.07-2016 182051 46 072016 1201.02 w0r2016 12:9648 19 wraorere4s —sire0r6 19:20, Formatting - Both columns have dates in different formats. Wrting a Python function and then using the apply function to format these columns hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory ‘eran convert_sine to fornat the date coluans, This function will fonmat all the dates accordingly der convert tine(s) wn serbe) Se 20000) 4 [25.0,28.8: ws datetine strptine(s, "Xd/te/2¥ D0) iF LenGs) tn (28.0) = dateLine.steptine(e, Ma-se-Y 29:95") ase x = paste saterinet) + Lots apply the convert tine function to both the coluens| 4F["orop tinestarp"} = d7{"Orop tinestanp"].apply(convert_tine) GF{rRequest tinestanp] = df{-Request Cinestarp”]-apply (convert tine) 4 Lets check the type of Both these colums row ar( "Request tinestano"]-ctyoe, a*["Orap Linestano" ctype CéeypeC em[as}"), etype("a[ns}")) ¥_ Adding 4 Columns Request¥ear, RequestMonth, DropYear, DropMonth 4 aa these 4 columns for year and month and ensure they are of Integer format A¢("Requestvear”) = pd.to_daterine(sr| "Request tinestanp"]).dt-year Ge mequestworen”] = pate daterine(s#{ Recuest Cinestanp"])¢tsnonth a¢("Dopvear"] = patos {F("Droponth) = peta tine "Orop tinestanp"]).dt-year.astype("Ink64") atetine(af{"Orop tinestarp"]) -dt.nonth.atypeC"antea") 1 Lets print the head to ensure ue are seeing correct values for the Request Year/onth and Orop Year/Month colunns ge oy ante e Aepent ° Completed 11:51:00 13:00:00, 6 . cp me nomen ney 1 7 ‘Apert ° Completed 17:57:00 18:47:00 2016 2 wor oy 8 gl MRE MERE adn lun show he Buran eb tp SASS ESSERE cae te oN oy oS 1 eer Aepent +2 Completed 17:87:00 complied Om 1700 09-8600, f.ouration-sort_values(ascendingsFatse) headt) 786 6 days o2:25:00 ane: ouration, etyper tinegelta6a[ns) hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true Drop timestamp Requestvear Request¥onth repvear Drophonth 7 2016 7 1 m6 7 7 m6 7 Drogvear Deoptonth Duration 216 7 osu 2018 7 ogee ons0:90 cays 2018 7 00 3133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory # Lets fornat the Duration to show up an minutes and format it as type Float {fsouration = d¢-puration dt total_seconds()sciv(6®) astype(*Plostée) df Ouration[ ~éf.buration. isna()] .describe() . ~— " 338 = Rane: Duration, ctype: floats Observation- {Alltips have completed in less than a day With the longest trip being for 01 Hour 23 Minutes ¥_ Adding a column to identify the trips that completed on the same day. The Column name will be SameDay 1 Let's add» coluon Saneoay to understand the trips wich ended in the sate Day a¢("saneday"] ~ (oa vo_catetsne(a¢T Request tinestanp])-ct-aate pe.to_estetine(3f"Srop thre anp"1).at.cate) Af, Sanebay value_counts dropra-false) Af. Saneay dF. Sanebay = 4F-Snebay[ df Sarebay True] = “Yes False) =“ react 061 Apo 18 ag Ki MEATY amHETN aay 7 are > eos 1867 Aiport 10 gayi MOBAT ONE aap 1 18 > 500 Yon 2 107 Cy 10 gy -ANEAT IA aONEOTIR sary 7 08 70 en eran eros ly tm MOOS HEAT IS ayaa 7 ake No erat 6752 Airport. ——NOCars 2016-07-15 NaT 2018 7 ce No era erst cy cue MOCHS AMBETAS gy aaeg a d.ansoo ata colums (total 22 co @ mequest sa object hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 4133 231724, 10:35AM Requeet tinestanp rp tines toe tequestvene feucrenonth Sropvesr fe buration” aan eras fon-nt ron non-nt ton-nut 2B oneal non-nt solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory object object eatetinee{ ne) Gatetineealne] inves Fonte object types: Fleats4(x), Tnest(2), eatetinese[ns](2), Ant4(2), ebject’s) ‘ALL fous 19 Request 14 Colunn are unique Aar{°Request 26") -unique(). size stn tere are 2650 Null Driver ids, relating to the trip Request Jds whose Status is “No Cars Available” dr(-Deaver 14") vaiue_countstérepn ise) aF{("Dotver Sch, "Status"]][df["Deiver £d"]-t5na()].value_counts(dropeasFalse) river f€ states type: tntea| ‘48 Pickup Point Colum has no null Values ané the Pickup point 4s etther Airport or city AF("Piekup point” ].value_courts(@ropnaeFalse) city as07 Airport 3238 anes Pickup point, dtypes Into GF. eatus value counts(sropnacFalse) ‘rip conpletes 2832, Ao Cons available 2650 aneetlee ee Trip Conpleted, No Cars Avatable, Gancelles ‘rt ho WL] Values Sn Request tinestanp coluan ar["Request tinestang*][of{"Reauest sineseanp”].4sn()] Sertes((], Mane: Request tinestanp, ctype: datetinesd(as]) snd ro Wt Values te Oop tanestarp 4s Mull where Status 15 efther Cancelted or No Cars Avatlable dae{status"T[er( "Drop tinestanp").isna()]-uniqued) srray({"Canceliea!, “Mo Cars Avatlable'1, type-obsect) a¢.neaa) Request Pickup ia point 0619 Amon 1857 Apo 2 wor cy Driver satay REQUESE ‘ unestane to Tie 20160741 Combing 15400 so Tip 2016071 Comps 175700 to Tip 20160712 Comsbies 087-00 sn 1 Trips Requests were nade Sn 2036 print ("Request Year ~ Hof RequestYear.untque(),*\nRequest Month ~ =, f-OropYear(-af.Deopvenrtsna()}-unsque()-astype(nt)) Request Year = (2636) Request Hontn = (2836) fre 211 Trip Requests were nade on the aonth of 2Uly Print("Request Month ~ "of. Reguestionth.unigue()-astypelnt),"\#Deop Month ~ *,f.Oroptonth~af.Oroponthtsnaf)) untque()-astype(ne)) Drop anestany aoveors aoveors 1847.00 zore.ort2 09-5800, equestVear Requesthonth DropYear Oroptonth Duration Saneduy 2016 1 76 7 690 Yee 2018 7 28 7 500 (Yes hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 5133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory Request Yonth = (71 Drop Meath = (7) ¥_ Adding 4 Columns - RequestDate, RequestDay, DropDate, DropDay 1 Aading 4 Colunns ~ Requestoate, Request0ay, oropbate, Droeoay s¢(Raquestoate”] = pdato_datetine(ar[ "Request Cinestanp"|).dt- cate ‘e(Raquest0ay”) = pasto,datetine(af{ "Request tinestano"])-dt-day nane() {¢("Deapoate’] = poto_catetine(4¢ [rap tinestang"}).0t-cote Att"Dropoay"] ~ pato.datetine(s¢T"orop tinest=no"T) dt -6ay_nane() sa se A i Completed — 54:51:00 13:00:00 seen soon 17 Aine 18 cgay lie aoe ve 17:57:00 18:47:00 ‘ue ie, ten 3 B82 Aiport 18 Gang 2 2 2018 me 21:08:00 22:03:00 ‘ue ie, en ow9316 on2547 2016 ao 2010 equestvearRequestronth Dropvear roptonth 7 Duration saneoay 500 Yes 419 Yes 52516607 Yas ‘Adding a column for RequestTime to later on determine the Day Period, such as Evening, Morning, Afternoon, Night etc. 4 saaing a colunn for RequestTine to later on detennine the Day Pested, such as Evening, Morning, Afternoon, Night ete ae("RequestTing”] = pd.te_datetine(et[ "Request tinestanp"] dt. tive ¥_ Adding column TimePeriod ‘nazing Colunn TinePentod nport datetine {a¢("TanePersog") ~ pant betwoon(datetine.tine(7, 0, [af{*Requesersne"] between{datetine-tine( 36) [af{cRequserine"| between(datetine.tine( 38, [af{sRequestrine”] between(datetine.ine( 26, de.peaat hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true [ar {*aequestrine"].between{datetine.tine(4,0,8), datetina.tina(6,$9,58), inclusive = Teve) = 1), daterine.tina(,58,58), inclusive = Trae) botween(daterine tine(32,0,0), astetine.tine(26,59,58), tnelusive 0), datetine tine(27, 59,59), Snelusive 0), datetine-tine(:9, 59,59), snelusive 0), datetine,tine(23,59,59), Snelusive G¢{"TunePerioo” (of "Request Tine"].betneen(datetine. tine(2,0,0), éatetine.tine(3,59,59), inclusive = True) == True) = True) = rue) = Tee) = request: 2016.07 oer rover True) = "83 Afternoon trae) 1 True] = "es Early Bvening™ True) = "06 Night” 6133 3731724, 1035 AM o 68 3202 4a Pickup Driver Aipor 10 ‘Aipon 10 cy 10 Ripon 10 cy 10 Hp ‘Comps we ‘comple completed wi Comps ¥ Adding column RequestHour 1 201607 9.17.00 2m16.7 20800 a solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory fl 21607. 9:58.00 amie. 220900 a Requestvear Requesttanth DropYear_roptonth 2016 2016 2018 aF(rRequesthour”] = pate datetine(ar[ Request tlnestanp"])-at-hou aF.nead() ia 2 1607 3 ate point se Aipon 40 oy 10 Alpen 10 ¥ Adding column DropHour A¢("Dropsour") = pasta cat Fs neaet) hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true ‘Compleat tH competed wip Hp ‘completa ie ‘competed ‘inestonp srst00 201607 rsr00 vci790 2 20160. ows:16 tine(a["Orep tinestang]) ét-hour. ast nesta ‘0000 aso. swer00 98:00 2 am6o7- 9.2847 2018 2016 2018 2018 ao 2016 a8 orephonth 90 210667 uration 410 550 2016-07 2016.07 2016-7 2016-07 2016-7 1193 3731724, 1035 AM equst Piap Brier gegegg _REQUHE Bop id point id "= tinestanp timestamp vip 201607. antear- FT re a a 1 2016 7 00 Comoe nszaa tearan ip 2607. 201607 a a eh i a 7 am 7 40 ve melt os700 085000 ip 2607. 20160 32582 Aiport 10 cag de Toto 7 2016 7 550M ised arog) 220800 we cy tw My ET, HET “ ee en Sat 7 2016 7 eestor x Milestone - Data cleansing seems to be complete at this point ¥ Analysis begins pe. pivot, eable(datandt,inder="Pickup point" ,colunnss"Statut"valuese"Request 40° aggfunc-"count") Status Cancelled No Cars Available Top Completed Pickup point Airport, 198 ws sar ity +068 sor ‘508 Creating a pivot table - pickup_vs_status to compare the number of requests by their status from each pickup point and plot ‘bar graph 4 Lets nane this plvot table as pickyp_vs_status Dickop_vs_starus © pd.pivot_table(astacelingexe"Pickvp potnt”, columnse"Status" valuese"Request 14" agpfunce"count") apit.ceparansundate( ((font-fanslyssans-rers¢°0)) plt.rerarane[“font.fanily") = "Open Sane" hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true equestvear_Requesttonth oropvear OropMonth Duration SancDay RequestDs 2016-07 aneor 2016.07 ore? 8133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory + comparison of nunber of requests fron both sources (Airport and city) res = pickup_vs_status.plot(kinds"bar',,statkedetrue, igsize=[25, 10], colornap= Pair pit.titie(-conparsson of nunber of requests fron both sources\n",fonesize-25, le fontsize-20) 7 fontaeighte"bol a") pit.adabel("nPickup potnt",fontsizes20) pit. setp( resuxaxis.get_majortickiasels(), rotati pltiylabel(“Trip requsis\a",fontsize-20) pit. setp( res.yaxis.get_najorticklabels(), rotati ge’ pie -Legend(titles"Trip status® title tontsizes20,10c~'apper center", boox to_anchor=(2.2, 2), shadow=Trve, ncol=t, labelse[ Cancelled” ‘or 9 in resepatches vet, Retant » 0. Bey = peat ay) es: text(iieth/2, on "(Lae} Format hetent), horizontataLignnents" center", verticalalignnent="ottor', fontsize-20,coler='w") pit.savetig(“b1 - Congarison oF nunber of requests fron both Sources. jpeg", Gpi=t00, box extra_artist pit. shout) Mist, poget_nedgheo) 1a), Bbox_snches="tgnt") Comparison of number of requests from both sources ood Tip Status emt Canceled fm vocarenvatabie =a ‘Completed 2500 3 3 2000 ies om 7 foe ES 5 azn rr es Pickup point ‘Observation 1 - Trips requests from the City has higher number of cancellations compared to the one's starting from the Airport ‘Observation 2- Trips requests from the Airport register higher number of No Car Availability compared to the one's requested from the City Observation 3- Successfull rips originating is slightly higher from the City compared to the Airport Creating a pivot table - hourly_requests.vs_sickup to analyse number of requests each hour from each pickup point and plot bar graph + Lot's create a pivot table hourly_requests_vs_pickep for all trips fron Airport or City to understane the Status of these requests per hot hourly_ requests ve_pickup = pe,pivor tabla datandf,sndoxe{“Requestiour"],colunnse("Pickip point J,valuese"Reauest 18” agafune="coune”) hRourly_requests_vs pick -heoet) hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 9133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory Pickup point Airport. city Requestiour ° 248 2 “8 3 “4 4 nom 4 Let's plot 2 bar chart for sll trips from Airport or City to understand the Status of these requests per hour plt.rebarana["font.famiiy") = "Open Sans" es = hourly-requests_vs_sickup.plot(kind="aar’, stacked-True, figstze-[25,8),colomapo"Pasreds,fontss20-20) pLL.titie("hinber oF Requests from Alepore/City Per hour\s"sontsizee25,fontweight="bold”,20t="LeFt") pitondabel(“\ntequest Hour, fortsize=20) it. setp(res.xanis,get_najorticklabels(), fontsize=20,rotation-®) pitiylabe1 “tuner of Tip Recuests\n*,fonesizen2 setp(r ge = pit. legend(tisle= Pickup Point, title fonesize-18, loc="upper center", sboK te anenore(1.05, 1), shdowsTrue, neolet, labelee(“Alnpore™ wath, Refent = puget nidth(), puget_nesehe() my popet ay) Fas: text(seth/2, on "(0 formatchetaht), horizontalalignnert=' center’, vverticalaligment="otton', fortsize-15,color='w') Nianer of Requests fran Ainpore-Cisy Per Hour Jose”, pint, bbox_extra_arcistsn( it pt. showt) as), box inenese' tant”) Number of Requests from AirportiCity Per Hour Number of Tip Requests (Observation 4- Number of Trips Requests is higher from the Airport during the Early Mornings(4-6 AM) and Momnings(7-11 AM) ‘Observation 5- Number of Trips Requests is higher from the City during the Evenings(5-6 PM) and (7 PM- Midnight) Creating a new pivot table trip_completed which will show the total number of successful trips from Airport and City per hour # Lee's create pivot table for all canpeted trips fron Alrgort or Clty per hour trip_conpleted = pa. pivet_table(datasdt[at-statuss--Trip Completed”, index=["Requestiour”], columns “Status” chap plat" ],valuess"Request hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 10133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory 4 Let's plot a bar chart for all cowpleted trips ¢ron Airport or City per hour res = trip_conpleted.plot(kinge'bar’, stackedeirue, figsize=[25,8],colornape"Paired", fontsizest2) pit.titieC hunter of Conpleted Trips fron Airport/City Per Hour\n" font size-25,fontueignt="bold”Loce"Left") pit adabel(“\ntequest Hour”, foressze=20) pit-setp(res.xanis. get najorticelabels(), fontsizen20,rotationa®) plt.ylabel(*aunber of Trip Reguests\n",fontsize=22) pit. setp(res.xanis.get_aajorticelabels(), fontsize=20) ge = pit. lagend(title~ Pickup Point" title fontel2e-35,loc-'upper center", Wbox te anchor=(1.85, 1), shadow-True, ncolst, labels-(“ALnport® ‘for 9 in resepatches Wet, Retent = p.get_wigth(), paaet_netghe() Xe v= peBet V0) Feescext(imieeh/2, ws "Lary Format heteht), horizontataLignnenta' center’, verticalatignnents’bottor’,fontsizes15,caler="w") plt.saverig(“e3 - Numer of Completed Trias fram Alrpoct-City Per Hour. jpeg” dpi-499, boox extra artist pit. snout) 8)» Bbox_snches="eight") Number of Completed Trips from AirportiCity Per Hour Number of ip Requests Observation 6 - The heaviest load was during the Sth hour of the day during the week. This time period has total successful requests of only 185, The total number of Drivers is 300. ‘This basically means that there are free drivers and cars available at this time but are either cancelling the requests or not taking any requests for some reason ae.peadty equers Pickup river —eatus ROGUES OTOP Requestvear Requestianth DrapYear Oraphonth Ouration SameDay RequestOs ia "poise sa ‘inestang timestamp" ea rear oropont yea tp 1607. 2016-07- ee " nl 2016 7 208 7 699 Yes 2016.07 rpited 5309 190000 4887 Aiport 4.0 Gay le 1 206 7 206 1 00 Yes 201607 Somsted — srsr90 1847.00 yp 201607. 201607- 21807 Cy 10 Caml 2 2 2016 7 26 7 ao Yen pater 21700 osse00, vip 201607. a0160r- 2252 ipod 10 aay te coro 7 me 7550 Yon aot ‘" 21:08:00 22:03:00 6a ey 10 gli tote 7 mer sasteesr Yee 01800 “ oe:33:16 09:25:47 hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 1138 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory Creating a pivot table -to plot a bar graph for number of requests during each time period of the day, such as ‘Morning, Evening, Afternoon ete” 4 Let's create a bar chart for all trips frou Aleport or City based on Tine period such 25 Early Horning, Horning, Afternoon, carly Evening, res = pé.ptvot_table(dataede ndexe[“TinePerioc”,columase"Plckup point” ,valuese"faquest id", agefunce"count"),90t(kinde'bar’, stackedeTPvey pit.setp(res.xinie, get masorticelabels(), rotetion=45, onestze=34) pit.titie(*hinter of requests auring each tine period of the day fron Airport and City" fontsire~25,0e="Ief%") for p in res-patenes ‘ath, nefent = puget width(), puget_neSghe() my popet ay) Fas, text(seth/2, w "(0 format hetght), horizontaleLignnert=" center’, verticalaligient=sotton',fontsize-28) pit.saveflg("B# - Nander of requests during each tine period of the éay fron Airport and City-dpea" dptndao) pit shout) Number of requests during each time period of the day from Airport and City “af ¥_ Hour wise comparison of trip status per hour from Airport and City in 2 separate bar graphs below 1 Let's plot hour wise comparison of per hour sunber of requests based on their Status fron Alrpo res = pé.pivot_table(datarde[or{ "Pickup point” Jo="Airgort],lndexe[Requesthour” ],columse"status",valuese"Request 1d", 2ggfunc=*{25,26)) ‘es = sns.toxplot(hues"Pickip point”, ye"Requestiour”yxe"Status”,datandf,palettes"Paired”) plt.titieCrstatus fox plot per hour ‘von Airport and City", fontaizesdS, loc="Ieft") pit adabel “Pickup Hour”, fontsizen20) pit. setp res.naxis.get_eajorticklabels(), rotation=b,fontsize=22) plt.ylabel(“Tria requsis\a",fontsize=20) pit. setp( res.yaxis.get_najorticklabels(), rotation-b,fontsize=20) 1ge = pit. legend(titlen"Picup Point, locr' per right’, box to_anchor=(1.12, 1,82),shadoweTrue, ncole1, labelsn[‘Aleport?,"City"],fontsize plt.saverig("07 - status fox plot per Hour fron Airport and City. Jpee", dpinade,bhox extra artistse(]ge,)_ baox inchese Tight") Spit. saverig( "east rastertzation.eps", opi-258) ° = From the above visualization, we can see that the number of cars is not available between 7 am to 2 pmin the city and the airport between 5 pm to 8pm.No. of cancelled cabs in the city are happening from 6 to 9 am and in the aisport between 1 to 8 pm, ‘Day wise comaprison of trip status each day during the week. One bar graph each for Airport and City # Let's create a bar chart to conpare nip Requests by Status for each doy from Alnport res = pdapivot_table(datandf[ef[ "Pickup point” JoAirgort”], ndexe["ReguestOay"],coluarse"Status",valuese*Request {d",apefunce"count") plot res. set_facecolor(*Lignteray") plt.xlabel(*Pickup Hour fontsize=20) it. setp( res xaxis.get_eajorticklabels(), rotatios pitiylabel “trip reqests\n",fortsize-20) plt.setp( res.yaxisigat_sajorticklabels(), retationeb,fontsize=70) pIt.titieC"vay wise comparison of Trip status fran Airpore\n",ontsize-28,20¢="iefe") ge = ple-tegend( titles Trip Status", loce"upper canter", bbox”toanchora(I.2, 1),shadowsToue, acolat, Isbelset "Cancel wath, notant = wy poset ey) res.texticndeth/2, ‘yshelare "0 format hetaht), horizontalelignnert~' center’, vverticalaligient=otton’,fontsize-28) pit.savertg(“BH - Day wise comparison of trip Status foon Airport. pe pit shout) fonesize-20) 5 No care Avattaat et wlan, poget_netghtC) dp nao, boox extra artists(1g6,), box Lnchese' tight") hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 14133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory Day wise comparison of Tip Status from Airport 700 sm cancelled lm No Cars Available mmm completed ‘Tip requests Monday Thursday. Tuesday Wednesday Pickup Hour 4 Let's create a bar chart to compare Trip Requests by Status for each day fron City res = pdapivot_table(datacde{ef[ "Pickup polat”J="City"], edexe{"RequestDay”),colunns="Status" values es. set_faceceler(*Lightyellow') pitodabel(“Pickap Hour” fontsi22=20) pit. setp( res.xavis.gat_najorticklabels(), rotation pitiylabel(“trip requests\n",fortsize=20) pit. setp( res.yaxis.get_azortickiabels(), rotation Plt titte("Day wise comparison of Trip Statue fram City", fontsize28,Toce"Ie¢*) Age pit tegend( titles Trip Status" 1oc="upper center" Wadi, nelgnt = wy poget yO) Fess text(seth/2, ‘pshelane, "C009" fornat(hetaht), horizontalalgnnent=" cents vverticalaligment="sotton',fontsize-28) pit.saverig("®8 - Day wise conparison of Trip Status fron City. Jpeg” épintoe,bbox_oxtra_artistse(Igd,), bhow_inchese'tight") at.show() Request Se", aggfune="count").plot(ese box to_anchor=(2.2, 1),shadow-Toue, acol-1, Isbels=t"Cancelled", “No Cars Avat2ab) hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 18133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory Day wise comparison of Trip Status from City 293 339 rene 320 se cancelled ws 279 fm No Cars Available 273 mm Completed 600 500 g 3 400 g F 300 200 100 or Friday Monday ‘Thursday —=sTuesday Wednesday Pickup Hour Performance of Trips based on Status is almost same each day ¥_ Creating a pivot table - sd to analyze supply and demand set's crente a pivot table to understand the supply derand ger hour based on Status from Alrpor® and City f= p.plvot_table(satardf, Srdexe["Requesthoun®, "Pickup point” ],calumnee"Status"values~"Request 14" SEB"Gne~'count” narains-Tove margins. 34. fina(@,irplace=True) ‘Sa{"ManceT ted" -a0at [Cancel ed" }/sd-A11 Sal"mocarstvallable"]-100r0d["No Cars Avallable"|/sd.A11 sa["Monpletee”Javetsdl "Trip Conpleted"]/+4.43) 14,rop(colunns=[°ALL"]Lnplace-True) sd.tead) ‘Status Cancelled No Cars Available Trip Completes XCancelled MoCarsivallable Completed Requestiour Plckup point ° Airport, oo 300 230 0.000000 sea0orrs «3.206226 cy 30 20 sro asairs8 sesoi7ae asses22 1 Airport, 00 20 sa a.o00000 sn.oa7619 0.952381 ty 40 20 r20 aanasee 2:790698 27. 906877 2 ‘Airport oo 250 ss0ac00000 sns7seto 29004300 Bar graph each for Airport and City and compare supply (% Completed) and demand(% Cancelled + %sNo Cars Available) hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 16133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory ‘tet's create a bar chart to understand the supply devand per hour based on status from Airport rer = séoee("Alrpors",levele2) Sloe[@s,:]-plot(kine'oar", stzekedeirue, figsizes(15,28],colommape"Paired”,fontsizee12, sharey-1rue) pit.setp(res.raxis.get najorticelabels(), rotation=9® ) fen set farecoler( ightersy”) pit.adabel(“\nPickup Hour”, sontsize=20) pit. setp( res.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotations pitiylabel("Munver of Teip necuests\n",fortsize=22) pit. setp( res.yaxis.get_najorticklabels(), rotatio PIt-titLeC“Hour wise comparison of Trip Status #ron Alnport\n",fontsize-20,10¢="left) ge = pl Degend(titles'Trip status’ 1oce"upper center", boox_to_anchora(2,16, 1.015),Shadov=True, ncolel, labels "ACarcel ee", "20 Cars # pit.saverig("2@ - Hour wise comparison of Trip Status feon AInpOre. Jpeg” ,cpind0®,poox_extra_artists(IgH,}» tbox inches 'tighe") pit. shout) Hour wise comparison of Trip Status from Airport Sm %cancelled SS %No Cars Available mE %Completed Number of Trip requests 0 1.2 3.4 5 6 7 & 8 1011 12 13 14 15 46 17 48 19 20 21 22 23 Pickup Hour ‘tet's create a bar chart to understand the supply devand per hour based on status from City ros = sdoxs("Chty"evelet) $20e[@:, 3] plot (kind true, figstze-[25,18], color pit.setp(res.xanis, get najortieelabela(), rotation420 ) Pes set_facecoler('Lightyellow) pitadabel(“\nPlckup Hour” fontsize=20) pit. setp( res.xaxis.get_najorticklabels(), rotationsb,fontsize=22) pitiylabel("aumer of Trip Reeuests\n*,fortsize=20) pit. setp( res.yaxis.get_najorticklabels(), rotation-b,fontsize=20) pitveitLe(“hour wase comparason of Trip Status #ron City\n" ,sontsizes20,1oc="left") ge = pit Tegend(titles'Trip sestus'loce'upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(2.16, 1.015),shadow-True, ncol~1, labelse[ "Marcel lee", "20 Cars # pit.savefig("21 - Hour wise comparison of Trip status fron City. Jpeg" dpindee bbox_extra_areistse(lee,), bhox_ancnese tigre’) pat. shout) Palved”,fontstzec12,shareyetrue) hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 11183 3731724, 1035 AM 100 Number of Trip Requests 20 ° solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory Hour wise comparison of Trip Status from City 0 123 45 6 7 8 9 1011 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Pickup Hour jm %Cancelled lS %No Cars Available mE %Completed Creating a pivot table -trip_duration to compare the number of requests by duration/distance(Closest,NearFarFarthest) from each pickup point and plot a bar graph set's create 3 pivot table to analyse duration of all completed trips (where Duration is rot null) lration = df[["Requestiour", "Duration", "Request id", "status", Pickup point"]]{ (oe bration. isre())] ts ‘trip. aunatton-neast) equestiour 2 so 2 sso 4 8 sastecer hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true Duration Request $4 ‘907 asa one status “Tp Completed “Tp Completed ‘Tro Completed ‘TH Completed ‘TH Completes Pickup point Aiport Aiport iy Aiport cy 18133 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory ‘set's create a bar chart to analyse the wakinin duration of all completes trips (ahere Duration 4s not null) fron Airport on cSty res = pé.pivot_table(datartrip_duretion,index="Requestour",colunms"Piceup point" valuese"Duration”,aggvune="Wax") -plov(cinésoar", stackee pit.setp(res.tanie. get najorticelabels(), rotations2® ) pit adabel(“\nPickup Hour”, ontsize=20) pit. setp( res-naxis.get_najorticklabels(), rotationsb,fontsizen2@) plt.ylabel(-Duration of Tripte",fantsize-28) Plt. setp( res.yaxis.get_sajortidklabels(), rotationeb,fontsizes22) put. tite(*karinun Duration of Teips fron Airport and Clty\n",fntsi2e-20,2oc="LeFe) ge’ = plt-Legend( titles Pickup Point’ 1oce"upper center", Boox £9,anchora(2.2y 2), shadowetrue, cole ‘or p in resepatches Width, netant ~ puget_width(), puget height) Bey peattay0) es text(ineth/2, w F(Lae} Format helene), horizontataLigments" center", verticalalignnent="ottor', fontsize-1s,coler="w") pit.savettg(“Z2 - Maxinun Duration of Tips fron Airport and City. pes". pit. shout) abelse["Airgort', "city" ].fontsize=ze tox extra_artistso(1gs,),, boos tne oxime Duration tips om Apert an Cy =o tue Hour ‘iets create a bar chart to analyse the mininun dunstion of ail completed trips (ahere Duration {8 not null) fron Airport oF City res = pd.pivot_table(data-tedp_duration,index-"Requesthour",columse"Pickup point" ,velues--Duration”,aggfuncs"ain) plot(kinds bar", stackee pit. setp(res.tanis.get_najorticelabels(), rotation=0® ) pitoxdabel(“\nPlekup tour ¢orest lt. setp( resvsaxis. get najorticklabels(), rotatione®, fonteize=20) pitiylabel(“Durstion of trip\r", fontsize-28) pit. setp( res-yanis.get_sasorticelabels(), rotation-b, fontsize=20) pit.eitie(-kininan Duration of Trips fron kirpor® and City\n",fontstz0-28,20¢="Lefe) ge = pit. legend(sitle~Pickup Point", loe="pper center”, bok t0_anchar=(3.2, 2) shadewsinve, neol= for p in reseputches wath, netent wy pone ay) Fesrtext(xandeth/2, on "(5:00)" fornat(hetaht), rorizontalalignnert=centen’, verticalatigment="otton’,fortsize-15,color="w") (+ Mininus Duration of Teipe fram Airport and City. jpeg” ,dpind00,bhox extra artist(2g6,), tox neh abels-["Airport', "ity" ], fontstze=7e get adth(), poget_pedge() it show) inmum Duan fips rem Riper andy osuuaees q Creating a pivot table - sorted_df sorted on driver id and request timestamp. ‘Then comparing the gap between each request and the location from where the next trip started for the driver hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 19133 3731724, 1035 AM ‘And making observations based on that 1 for this First lets sore the data on Driver 14 and Reque solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory nestanp sorted_6f = of{-dF.ovration.157a()].sort_values(by=["Oriver 1d", "Request tinestang")}) Sorced_#f.neae() 1 eer 4a Alport oy ty ° wy mee Compt a te como ie Ber compet poet Compstat 1a 2m1607- fH 2607. 220300 a # Next, we WiLL use the shift{-1) Function to Fetch the next cow sorted df["Driver Sorteddf["Pickup point oext™] Sorced_ "Duration next sorced ef Period. nex Sorced_at{"Reqvesthou 5 sorted de["Driver "J shiee(-a) sorted. df{ "Pickup point” Js Sorted_{ "Reauest tinestanp_rext”] ~ sortes_of[ Duration") shife(-1) forsed.at{"ReqeestOny hex ferted.df{"Reqvestiour next] = sorted df Sorted f["ReguestDate_next”] = sorted of["RequestOat sorted f.nead() o 68 3 2512 10 Sorted df = sorted de[{ Request Ld°,"Oriver 1d" "Driver 14 next", Pickup point”, ‘pot Arpt Aiport » sortee_de["TinePerioe next] ~ sorted. af "RequestHour"].shift(-1) = sorte. df "Request ay Aiport oy oy port snieetay shares) Requestvear Requesthanth DropYear_oroponth 206 2016 (1) Sorted of{ "Request tinestang" ]-shiet(-1) astype("Intse") Donte) 2016.07. 0931790 2 Sorted_at{sorted_éf{"oriver 16") I= sorted df["Ortver ext] zoreors2 09:17.00, zor6ors3 218728 hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 2016 2018 2010 2016 500 52510667 7 699 Yee at807 7 52510667 Yes 2016-07 quest tinestane 02Memng Evenng 05 Nght 2 Mamag 04 arty Evonng 2 Momng 02 Momng 05 Noht 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory 8 exes 100 yin attr ag 80 sae 1001000 Aor oy NE MEE ase a0 20tear- 2016-07-11 esses ‘eanc0 2o1eer er coe 10101020 cry pen GamNb OMY space oro aves set 670610201080 Arpot Argon 13 169732 ot seee67 sto sas ees 550060 typos ts NBO sag sso 221021 05.25.00 2016-7. 2016-07-11 356198 660970 pot ipa TMG aa aac oro ou esrt 70 980 type ass no 956 6252 8.0 999 City Airport 15, 2016-07-11 45.309333 610 18:00:40 5:08:00 2orecr avaot on ay Evening on Ey 5 Nott 6 Nght 5 Non on ea Evening 05 Nght os Evening 02 Mecring 2 Meening 03 Atemoon ary Maening 2 Meering ary Wemnng 01 ary Moring “There are 300 such rows, after which there is no more request fo each diver. Which makes sense as the total numberof unique vers for ‘this datas 300 sorted ("waiting") = 8 Sorced_of tasting. value_counts() ‘for indexsrow in sorted_of{{*waiting")][sorted ét{"Oriver id") = sorted_df{"Oriver id next")).tercows() sorted. df. at( index, "waiting )-"wattine sorted at {{"Waiting")][sorted_¢f["Oriver 46] f= sorved_af{"oriver i¢ next] value counts() waiting 300 sorted_#f kasting.value_counts(dropes-Flse) hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 21183 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory ssorted_o¢["watting"I(-(sorted_d¢T"RequestHour"] =~ sorted_d¢{"Requestiour_next"1)) & (sorted ¢f{"Driver 16") =~ sorted_df{"oriver id next for indexyrom in sorted @f{{-watting"]]{(c(orted,df{-Requestiour"] == sarted_df{"RequestHour_next"])) & (sorted ef{"Driver {e"] a= sorted. ¢ sorted df.st{index,"waiting")="walting” ea df[ "Waiting" }(-(sorted 4F[ Requestiour"] a= sorted de[-Requesthour next) & (sorted df"Oriver Sa] ae sorted de["Deiver fd_next™) Waiting 1310 Please note that the Waiting indicator does not simply mean the driver was realy waiting. It means that either the driver was ‘waiting or used other channels to get customers but didnt use the Uber platform to accept the next ride, This will help us determine how many such drivers were available each hour and compare it against the demand and failed (Cancelled or Unavailable Car) requests sorsed.at (sorted. of astings"initine 1 201607 2016-07-92 04 Early 17:87:00 =vening 2 tor 010 yin aatbarse ay 550 c2Woring ce it onao i 2016-07. 2016-07-13 csaeie 2otecr : 1 sto 1010 pon cty IG aat8rS sg se S1EBY ox cay Evening 05:11:52 s ores 050800 o7s9.00 joing esa soo 00 typename sso OE i sort Ercan oer e020 apo cty 5 NBT so ateser—as.utseT co Mamig see esi 500 ma Aiport var 8 ues so We have a total of 1610 rows where the driver didnt accept a request when they were inthe location but chose to either wait or got customers from other channels Plotting a bar graph to show how many drivers are not accepting a request or accepted a customer thru a different channel or ‘simply decided to wait but not accept a request For simplicity, there is a column name “Waiting’ to explain such scenario hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 22183 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory res = pé.ptvot_table(datarsorted_df{sorted_dfwattinge="kaiting” I, Inéex-"Requestiour",colunns~"Pickup point” ,values-"watting”agefunco"count pit.titiec"hunier of Drivers waiting at the Airport/City Per Hour but not aecepting ot cancelling requests or sing other channels\n", fonts pit.xlabel “\nfequest Hour, fonesize=20) pit. setp(res.xanis, get najorticelabela(), fontsizee pitiylabel Chanter of Deivers\e"fontsizee20) pit. setp(res.xanis. get majorticklabels(), fontsize=20) ge’ pie -Legend(titie= Pickup Point’ title sontsizes15,20ce"upper center", thox to enchor=(1.05, 1), shadoweTrue, acolet, labelse[*Airport* ‘or 9 in ressprtches Wet, netgnt = p.get width(), p.get_neighe() Xe v= vege V0) ees sext(ineth/2, we "CLaeY format hetght), horizontatalignnent="center”, verticalaligarenta Botton’ fontsizent5,colore'w") pitasavettg(-28 - Nawer of Orivers wating at the Aleport or Clty per Hour but nt acceptiog oF cancelling requests oF using ether channels pit. shou) rotations) Number of Drivers Waiting at the Airport/City Per Hour but not accepting or cancelling requests or using other channels hourly requests.vs status = pénpivot_table(datandf,indoxe[Requestiour"],colunnser"Status"T,valuese"Request 46", aggfuné hourly_requests_ve_stater.nebe() court") Status Cancelled Ho Care Avaliable Trip Completed ° a 58 0 4 ‘ 86 2s ‘ 5 ” res = hourly_requests_vs_status.plot(kinée"sar*,stackedeTrue, figsizes(25,1 pit.titie(“Trip Request Status Per Houn\n,fontsize=25, fontweight="bolé", 10 pitondabel(“\nfequest Hour”, oresizes2) pit. setp(res.xaxis,get_najorticelabels(), fontsize~ pitiylabel(-Munaer of Triprin®fontstze-28) pit. setp(res-xanie. get najortscelabela(), fonts tz ga = pt -2egena(titles status’, itie_fontsize ‘for p in resepatehes Width, netent = p.getmidth(), wy pope ay) Fas, text(iweth/2, We P(E00) fonnatthesens), horizontalalignnent="center’, verticalaligment="otton', fortsize-15,color="W") pitsaverig("25 - Irip Requests Status per Hour. jpeg" dpindd0,bbox_extra_artistas(Igd,), bbow_snchese"tight') pit. shout) | colornape"Paives"fontsizeet2) er) rotations) > 5,20cs"ypper center”, box to. ancher= C2 2.638), shadoweTrus, ncol+t, Labels-["Cancelted” get nesghe() hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 23193, 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory ‘Trip Request Status Per Hour 8 : i | request Hour Analyzing different types of Trip Distances that were successful Closest, Near, Far and Farthest (not an indicator of distance but duration) are just used for simplicity to depict the kind of distances that are more acceptable to drivers 4 Let's look at the duration colunn and see the nunber of trips baseé on certain bucket of Durations. Like guration less then 30. setween 38 4¢,ounation| (eF.buration<38)].size, cf. ouratton{(¢.Duration>-38) & (ef.Durstioncas)] size, @f,Dunation[(Ge.Duration>-4S) & (af. uratton<68) can, aa, 938, 572, a7) 4 Lot's add a colunn for these Suckets. so will call 4 Distance Estiator for row ar("asetancetstinator"] = pan 1 Aad now lets create the buckets aF{"osstancetstinater* [ef Duratione3@} = "et Closest dar(-Dsstancerstinater*][(4¢.Duration=38) & (6F.Ounetioncts)] = "82 Near” Gr("Distancerstirater*]|(4¢-Duration=4S) & (@f.Durationcée)) = "83 Far de(rDistanceestirator*][ (Ge Guration»=s6)) = “Bt rartnest™ A¢("Distanceestinator*] value_counts(deoprarralse) G1 Clorest 10 Naver Distencetstinator, ctype: sntse 4 Noe Lets create 2 pivet table to see the munter of completed trips from Airport and City and see how many of these fal1 in each Ouration/t a. plvot_tabie(datasdt,indexe"Plcvup poune”,columse"Distancetstinator®,valuese Request 14°, aggtunce"count”)| Distancetstinstor el Closest 02 Near 03 Far 4 Farthest Pickup point Airport, 409 a8 3 cy e422 09 Plotting a bar graph to show the type of duration that are successful Generally the duration of requests that are least in service that are closest. Far and Farthest duration/distance seem to be more hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 24193 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory 4 Now Lets create 2 bar chart to see the nunber of completed trips from Airport and City and see how many of these fall in each Duration/Dis res = pé.pivot_table(dataedf indexe"Pickup point” colunse"Distanceestinator” valuese"Request io", aggrune=" count") plat (kinde"ear"Figsize=[ pit.eitie("irip Requests Basee on Distance or Duration, fontsizee25, fontweignt="bole,Toe~"Ief*") pit.xdabel (“Pickup Point", fontsize=22) pit setp(res.xanis. get najorticelabels(), fontsizen20,ratations®) put.ylabel “Minder of Trips Conoleted\n" fontsize=20) lt setp(res.xanis.get_aajorticelabels(),fontsize=20) [ge = plt-degend(titla= Olstance or Ouration Indicator* t8tle_fontsize-15,20c~"upper center’, bbOx_to_anchor=(L.A5, 1.88), shadow-True, neo} ‘for 9 in resepatches Sian, etent = wy pepet ay) reps cext(iieeh/2, we FELary Format heteht), horizontatalignnents"center", verticalaliginents’bottoe’,fontsizes15,calers"w") pat. saverig(“36 - Trip Requests Based on Olstance or Duration. Jpeg" dr pit. snout) get patent) cL HIENO, 5 Boox_extra_artists-C1Bd,), Sbox tnches="eight!) ‘Trip Requests Based on Distance or Duration Distance or Duration Inceator ‘es Cosest ee Near uo | = fer farthest Number of Trips Completed g ‘Airport ‘city Pickup Point ‘Similar bar graph but this time based on each hour hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 25193, 3731724, 1035 AM solution_case tudy_B138_LeeS.ipynb - Colaborstory 4 Now Lets create 2 pivot table to see the number of completed ‘ oe ee ° 0 20 40 60 80 160 ‘%6Cancelled from City Across all Drivers secancelled || pp rn ° ° 20 40 60 80 360 Creating a pivot table - supply demand_gap_aitport to plot a graph on success vs failure 4 e sou that sore drivers wore nto accepting requests at all on his route and had 188% cancellation 4 So Jets Look at the supply demand gap nore closely than we have before 4 Lets First Look at the demand supply gap for Airport ané creaye a pivot table for tt supply_enand_gap_Airport = po,pivot_table(dataruber_final{uber_final( "Pickup point" ]n-"Airport”},Andexs*TinePeriod" colunnse"Status” values Supply_éerand_g3p Airport neae() Ssupply_éenand_gap_Airporti"ratlea"] = supply denand_gap_sirsort( Cancelled") + supply_serané_gap_Aisport["Wo Cars Avai2sble"] Ssupply_enand_gap_Airport heoe() ‘upply_tenand_gap_Airport drop(colunnss["CanceT led", "No Cars Available"), Srplace-True) supply_denand_gap_Airport.heos() Supply_senand gap Airport{"tSuccessful"] = 200"supply_denard gap Airport “Trip Carpeted” |/supply_denand gop Airport-TotalRequests Supply_denand_gap_Airport( "trai led) = 280%supply_ demand gap Asroort["Fastea"|/supoly_cenand gop Airport TotaiResuests Supply_cenand gap Airport deop(colunese[ Trip Conpieted","TolaiRequests™, Failed” inplace-TPve) ‘Supply_éerand_g3p_Airport neae() Status successful Xrated OF Early Moming 70841807 20,158108 ozMeming 82312500 7.187500 osAtemoon 7.206187 32:739819, 04 ary Evening 90:352304 69.647606 osEvening 21271077 ra.728028 hntps:iiolab research google.convrve/1ORG_miveRSetovXFSn7GgXOpS86bs}GxtprntMode=true 31183 2791124, 10:56 AM solution_case_study_8138_LecS.ipynb - Colaboratory # Lets first Look st the denand supply gap for Airport and create a bar chart for it es = supply_comana_g3p_Airpors([ "Sra les,"xSuccessfel” plot (kindebar”, figrs7eq[ 25,8], stackedsIrue,coloresp="ReViGn", fontsize=32) rer sot_facecolor("Tlantersy") plt-eitie("Supply Denand Sap from Airport to City\n",fontstze.25,fontaeight="aole", loc-"Ieft") pit-xdabel("\ntire Period" fortsize=22) pit-setp(res.nanis. get najortictlabels(), fontsize=20,rotat pltiylabel(“X Requests\n"fontsizes22) it. setp(res.yanis.get_najorticelabels(), fontsize=20) ge = plt.legend(title= Trip status, title fontsizert5,loce'ypper center", Sat, netent = puget wicth(), puget nesehs() By = pasty es sext(ieeh/2, o. {2 04}" forma (helaht) horizontatalignnents" center", 0) 2), stadowerrve, ncoled, labelse[“#Failed", verticalalipment™"bottor’ fontes2e-15,color="y") pit.saverig(“22 - supply demand Gap on Ainport to City. JoeR"

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