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What is the Swastika symbol with dots?
What does the swastika sign and the 4
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dots in it represent?

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Build & train machine learning models fast. Get started for free. two swastikas 卐 and 卍?
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Indian swastika sign and the Nazi…
Sign Up swastika sign?
Is it true that Hitler stole the Swastika
sign from India?
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How did the swastika become a
Marc Lawrence · Follow symbol of the Nazi Party?
Historian · 8mo
Why is the Buddha often depicted with
Related Is the swastika an ancient symbol? a swastika on his chest?
Extremely, one of the most ancient actually.
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We all know of it because of the Nazis but they just hijacked it. It long predates them.…
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Antonio Panthera Tigris · Follow

Liver of Life · Updated 1y

Related Why is the swastika still used in Hindu culture after the Nazis bastardized
Because the Hindus (and other cultures that use the swastika) aren’t about to let a twelve
year dictatorship erase a three millennia old religious and cultural symbol.

Besides, it’s not entirely the fault of the Nazis for bastardizing it. All the Nazis ever called it
was a hakenkreuz, or literally hooked cross. It’s the fault of the Anglophone translators,
wanting to avoid disenfranchising Christians by associating crosses with Nazism, took an
obscure (from the perspective of the West) cultural symbol from India and used it in their

Hope this helped!

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Arvind Bhagwath · Follow

Independent Researcher - Cultural Anthropology · Updated 2y

Swastika is ancient symbol - Big Dipper constellation alignment and 4 dots represents 4
seasons based on Big Dipper position/alignment.

In Hindu rituals, the symbol with arms pointing clockwise (卐) is called swastika. If you
try to locate the ancient Ramayana verse on ‘Dhruvam sarve Pradakshinam’ it refers
Dhruvam as the pole star and these seven sages(Saptarishis) offer Pradakshinam. The word
swastika is derived from the Sanskrit root swasti, which is composed of –

Su (सु) - good, well, auspicious

Asti (अिस्त) - to be or there is

Most of Hindu rituals in which devotees doing pradaskshina around G… (more)

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Victoria J. Chin · Follow

Head of Product Marketing, Growth & Scale at Asana (company) (2020–present) · 2y

Promoted What is the best project management tool?

I might be a little biased, but as an Asana employee, I believe Asana is the best project
management tool. With Asana, my entire team has a central source of truth so they know
exactly who’s doing what by when. We can track all of our tasks and stay aligned on our
team goals. This has been especially important recently, since it’s enabled our team to
manage shifting priorities and take any new challenges in stride.

Every team is different, so your team might not use Asana exactly like my team does. But
every team can benefit from more clarity, coordination, and collaboration at work. Here are
f… (more)

Upvote · 4.7K 716 126

Related questions More answers below

What does the swastika sign and the 4 dots in it represent?

What is the difference between these two swastikas 卐 and 卍?

What is the difference between the Indian swastika sign and the Nazi swastika sign?

Steve Honda · Follow

MBA from University of Colorado at Colorado Springs · 4y

Related Why is the Buddha often depicted with a swastika on his chest?
Originally Answered: Why does Buddha have a swastika on his chest sometimes?
The word “Swastika" comes from the ancient Sanskrit word Svasti, which means good luck
or good fortune. It is an ancient symbol, and up to the 20th century was most commonly
associated with Buddhism and Hinduism.

People who are only familiar with it in a contemporary sense may only know it as a symbol of
Nazism, but it was a revered holy symbol for many centuries before the Third Reich hijacked
it to represent their wretched regime.

As a Buddhist I must caution against prominently displaying this particular symbol as a show
of devotion to your faith. Doing so will probably not bring you luck or … (more)
Upvote · 141 41 8

Kristan Smith · Follow

Intrepid traveller and teller of tall tales. · Updated Oct 31

Why did Hitler choose the swastika, traditionally a sign of good fortune
and well being as a Nazi symbol?
People who say the Nazis stole the Swastika from the Hindus are missing the German
history of the symbol.

Lets go for a trip through time to find the German origins of the Swastika, shall we?

We can start with the “Sun Cross”. It’s an ancient symbol.

People like the Sun and Sunshine, so the Sun Cross generally had good associations. “Life,
strength, good fortune” etc.

I wonder if the Sun Cross came from what ancient people saw when they gazed up at the
sky? The sunshine “rays”? Maybe people thought that was just all part of the Sun?

That’s just my hypothesis.

The Sun Cross is basically a cross, with… (more)

Upvote · 370 33 4

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Matti Porkka · Follow

I live here · Upvoted by Timo Vidgrén, lives in Finland (1979-present) · Updated 4y

Related Why did Latvia and Finland have the swastika (or something similar) as
their air force symbol prior to WWII?

Finnish Air Forces still use the symbol.

Because we know where it comes from and we make a point with it.

We used it long before Hitler drew his diagonal black swastika on red background.

If we ever gave up it entirely and stopped explaining to people why we have it soon we
would have half the world thinking that Finns were Nazis because we sported swastikas in
our aircraft and so.

When I served in Karelian Brigade we had a small swastika in the speartip of the
flagpole of our Brigade Flag.

We had Jews, blacks and literally all manner of people from all sorts of backgrounds and
world views and ethn… (more)
Upvote · 2.7K 244 6

Anand Srivastava · Follow

B.A from University of Allahabad (Graduated 2022) · 2y

The swastika is an ancient symbol that has been found worldwide, but it is especially
common in India. It can be seen in the art of the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Celts, Native
Americans, and Persians as well Hindus, Jains and Buddhists.

Swastikas are most commonly used as charms to bring good fortune (in which case the
arms are bent clockwise), but they have a variety of religious meanings as well.… (more)
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Anders Nilsson · Follow

Knows a little about a lot, and a lot about a few things. · 5y

Related Why was the Swastika symbol adopted by the Third Reich?
Originally Answered: Why did the Swastika sign was adopted by the Third Reich?
In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler wrote:

“I myself, meanwhile, after innumerable attempts, had laid down a final form; a flag with a
red background, a white disk, and a black swastika in the middle. After long trials I also
found a definite proportion between the size of the flag and the size of the white disk, as
well as the shape and thickness of the swastika.”

Following extensive archaeological work such as that of the famous German archaeologist
Heinrich Schliemann. Schliemann discovered the hooked cross on the site of ancient Troy in
modern Turkey. He connected it with similar shapes found on pot… (more)
Upvote · 53 10

Sandeep Rawat · Follow

B.Tech(Civil) in Science & Mathematics, BKT Inter College Lucknow (Graduated 2016) · 2y

The swastika or sauwastik a— as a character, 卐 (right-facing or clockwise) or 卍 (left-

facing or counterclockwise) respectively — is a geometrical figure and an ancient
religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia . It is used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality
in Indian religions , including Hinduism , Buddhism and Jainism In the Western
world , it was a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck until the 1930s when the right-
facing form 卐 became a feature of Nazi symbolism as an emblem of the Aryan race . As
a result of World War II and the Holocaust , most people in Europe and the Americas
associate… (more)
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Baba Vickram Aditya Bedi · Follow

Business Adviser, Writer, Content Creator (2017–present) · Updated 3y

Related Why is the Nazi symbol on Buddha?

Symbol Used in Buddhist Iconography.

Because you may have been active from a region where some people speak German

Em, do you speak German?

Join the German community on Quora! Don't worry, English will remain your primary
language, and you can easily switch between them.

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