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Title: The effect of Roblox Game on Senior High School Students’ of Jose Abad Santos High School in

General Mathematics

Names: Libres, Renante Jr. G.

Bercasio, Stephanie S.

Carillo, Ronelyn C.

Bricio, Edgardo S.

Manzano, Cliff Brian B.

Background of the Study

How does strong arithmetic operations benefit students in higher academic settings, and in what
ways can Roblox contribute to the development of these skills? Roblox asserts itself as the leading user-
generated online gaming platform, boasting a collection of over 15 million games crafted by its users.
Recognized as the top gaming site for children and teenagers, Roblox enables users to embark on
adventures, engage in gameplay, participate in role-playing, and learn alongside friends in a family-
friendly, immersive 3D environment. With an average visitation of 51.5 million hours by users under 13
and an impressive 1 billion monthly engagement, the platform has garnered significant popularity (Smith,
n.d.). It is widely agreed upon that students typically experience limited learning gains as they advance
through their educational journey (World Bank, 2018a). In Indonesia, Beatty et al. (2021) demonstrated
that the disparity in basic mathematics skills between grade 4 and grade 12 students amounted to just 10
percentage points (32% versus 42%). These findings emphasize the need for innovative approaches to
enhance learning outcomes, especially in foundational math skills.

The conventional distinction between education and entertainment has typically depicted them as
distinct realms. The integration of video gaming into education has primarily been associated with the
younger demographic, mostly through portable mobile devices, rather than being embraced within
school-age children’s learning experiences. Much like the incorporation of technology in education,
educators who recognize its value have adopted digital instructional strategies, examining the use of
technology within the framework of daily classroom routines. This exploration is essential to underpin the
successful digital transformation of the classroom (Elliot et. Al., 2016).
As we explore innovative approaches to enhance foundational math skills, one burgeoning
domain is gamification—applying game-related thinking and mechanics to captivate users and address
challenges (Incikabi et. Al., 2020). This shift towards gamification aligns with Sousa’s (2016) insights
into the benefits of video games, emphasizing their strategic planning, immediate feedback, and capacity
to enhance visual memory and concentration (Sousa, 2016). Importantly, foundational mathematical skills
acquired from kindergarten to eighth grade lay the groundwork for advanced courses (Wriston, 2015).
Before students dive into subjects like algebra and other higher-level mathematics, mastering earlier
concepts is crucial.

The approach advocated In this research involves increasing the complexity of puzzles and
problems while introducing time constraints. This approach, applied within the foundational math
domain, covering operations such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division, catalyzes
applying advanced computational methods.

This strategic approach, integrated with the immersive environment of Roblox, aims to foster
optimal efficiency in problem-solving while maintaining accuracy in students’ foundational math skills
without compromising accuracy. By exploring the development and impact of the Roblox game in this
context, we delve into its potential to shape students’ proficiency in these fundamental mathematical
operations. Various factors, such as the algorithm type, operand digit count, and the inclusion of carrying
procedures, can be adjusted to manipulate problem complexity, leading to varying working memory
demands(Imbo and LeFevre, 2010).

It was hypothesized that students with strong foundational math skills demonstrate increased
success in higher academic settings. Additionally, we expect that the incorporation of Roblox into
education will positively influence the development of these skills, providing an engaging and effective
platform for skill progression.

This research explores the development and implementation of a Roblox game with the
assumption that participants can improve their skills under conditions of time constraints and challenging
problem-solving (1). The focus is on understanding how this unique educational approach can contribute
to the improvement of students’ academic skills in mathematics (2). By delving into the features and
impact of the game on learning outcomes, the study aims to provide valuable insights into the potential
educational benefits associated with incorporating gaming platforms, particularly Roblox, into traditional
curricula (3). A key argument put forth is that Roblox’s adaptability makes it a viable tool for educational
purposes across different age groups (4). This research contends that, regardless of age, participants can
benefit from the engaging and dynamic learning environment offered by a Roblox game (5). Through an
exploration of this innovative approach, the study aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on effective
and engaging methods of integrating technology into educational practices (6).

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to implement a Roblox game as an innovative educational tool
for improving Senior High School Students’ General Mathematics competency. Specifically, this study
seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the academic performance of the Senior High School students of Jose Abad Santos High
School in General Mathematics?

2. What is the academic performance of the Senior High School students of Jose Abad Santos High
School in General Mathematics using the Roblox game?

2.1. Control group

2.2. Experimental group

3. Is there a significant difference between the academic performance in General Mathematics of Senior
High School Students of Jose Abad Santos High School between the students in the experimental
group and the students in the control group?
Significance of the Study

This study delves into how playing Roblox affects the ability of senior high school students at
Jose Abad Santos High School to understand and apply basic mathematical operations in the context of
General Mathematics, offering insights into its potential as an educational tool.

To Educators: This research provides valuable insights for teachers about how Roblox, as a
separate learning tool, can enhance students’ understanding of basic operations in General Mathematics.
Understanding the impact of Roblox on students’ grasp of fundamental math concepts can inform
teaching strategies to improve learning outcomes.

To Students: This study demonstrates how playing Roblox can enhance students’ understanding
and application of basic mathematical operations in General Mathematics. It introduces Roblox as an
additional tool for learning, making the study of math more dynamic and engaging. So, alongside
traditional methods, Roblox offers an interactive approach to exploring mathematical concepts.

To Researchers: This study adds to the expanding research on how gaming platforms such as
Roblox can impact education, particularly in teaching basic mathematical operations within the realm of
General Mathematics. It promotes further exploration into Roblox’s potential for enhancing mathematical
learning at the high school level, highlighting its role as an independent learning tool distinct from
traditional curriculum methods.

To Community: This research demonstrates the benefits of using Roblox as an educational tool
for learning basic math in General Mathematics. By highlighting this innovative approach, it emphasizes
the importance of modern teaching methods in improving students’ math skills. This fosters community
support for educational initiatives that integrate technology like Roblox to enhance learning experiences
and promote student success.
Theoretical Framework

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

In alignment with Elliot and McGregor’s Achievement Goal Theory (AGT), the focus on
students’ goals when engaging with academic tasks resonates with our exploration of the Roblox game for
arithmetic operations. We aim to leverage the immersive environment of Roblox to create a platform that
aligns with the AGT framework by encouraging students to set and achieve goals in mastering arithmetic
operations. As we delve into the integration of gaming into education, the shift towards gamification, as
highlighted by Incikabi et al. (2020), aligns with AGT’s emphasis on achievement goals. The strategic
approach in our research, manipulating problem complexity and introducing time constraints, aims to
align with AGT’s focus on task engagement and goal orientation. The expected positive influence of
Roblox on skill development aligns with AGT’s framework, emphasizing the importance of creating a
supportive and engaging environment for achieving academic goals. Through this research, we aim to
contribute to the ongoing dialogue on effective educational practices by integrating technology,
particularly Roblox, into traditional curricula. The AGT framework provides a theoretical lens through
which we can understand and analyze students’ goal orientations and motivations in the context of our
innovative approach to arithmetic operations within the Roblox platform.

Conceptual Frame Work

Figure 2: Research Paradigm

The researchers follow the constructed diagram shown in Figure 2 to guide their study. First, the
researchers put the Senior High School Students of Jose Abad Santos High School in a Pre-Test for
General Mathematics with Basic Operations to see whether implementing the research would improve
their scores. Second, the research will incorporate a Roblox game that they created to the Students for one
week. Finally, the researchers will have a Post-Test for the Students to see if they improve.

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