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JULY 10-14, 2023




July 10, 2022, for our second rotation we are now assigned in microbiology section. But

before anything else we are about to take first our pre-examination at Angelo King building

which our clinical instructors gave us. After entering inside the laboratory we’re introduced to

Ma’am Pearly and the externs; Ma’am Shar and Ma’am Ladylee. Then the RMT gave another

examination writing the definition of terms from the acronyms; SIM, TSI, GP, GN, LLF, etc. I

was shocked that we’d be having another examination but nonetheless, I was thankful for Ma’am

Pearly since that was a big help recalling all those things for our brain to refresh the information

we forgot. We were told to study and read the posters by the section leader. Particularly diverse

samples were typically welcomed in the lab with consideration. We also had a brief briefing on

the morning duties, which included cleaning the tables and taking temperature readings from the

various lab equipment required for microbiology.

The study of all living things that are too small to see with the naked eye is known as

microbiology. This includes what are collectively referred to as "microbes," which are bacteria,

archaic, viruses, fungus, prions, protozoa, and algae. These bacteria are essential for

biotechnology, biodegradation/bio deterioration, food spoilage, climate change, disease causation

and control, and nutrient cycling. I was aware that studying microbiology was difficult,

especially when it came to learning the names of the various bacterial species. Six

devices/analyzers could be found in the Microbiology department. In order to find bacteria in

blood and other sterile body fluids, the automated microbial detection system BacT/Alert 3D

employs the colorimetry principle. The Vitek 2 also provides quick, accurate microbiological

identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing using the colorimetry approach. Another is the

BD Bactec Fx 40, an Automated Blood Culture System that uses fluorescence technology to find

organism growth in blood culture bottles. Additionally, media plates and test tubes for
biochemistry are kept in refrigerators. A device called an incubator is used to cultivate and

preserve cell or microbiological cultures. The incubator keeps the interior atmosphere's CO2 and

oxygen concentrations at optimal levels together with the ideal temperature and humidity.

After all those introducing of ideas and knowledge, we were now told to gram stain a

sputum specimen. I remember in our laboratory class the time and procedure is, crystal violet for

1 minute, Gram’s iodine for 2 minutes, decolorizer for 1 minute and safranin for 1 minute. There

is a little bit difference inside the laboratory since Ma’am Pearly told us to use the safranin for

only 25 seconds. Gram staining, one of the most important methods for staining in microbiology.

A crucial first step in the initial identification and classification of bacteria. Additionally, it is an

essential phase in the identification of bacteria based on their staining traits, allowing for a light

microscope examination of the germs. I was able to view the gram staining when I was in my

third year level, Ma’am Fajardo taught us in identifying whether that is a gram positive or

negative type of organism and their formation. We have tried different kinds of specimen such

as; sputum, vaginal, wound, blood, stool and urine. We were told to look for epithelial cells, pus

cells, yeast, or bacteria under the microscope and let our clinical instructors check the things we


During our research period before, we did biochemical testing. Based on the variations in

the metabolic activity of various bacteria, biochemical tests are the tests used to identify bacterial

species. The physiology of bacteria varies depending on the type of organism. A popular

technique for identifying microorganisms involves determining which carbohydrates and

associated chemicals bacteria can employ to create organic molecules. We were able to do a

biochemical test on a stool specimen. Before doing the inoculation techniques, Ma’am Pearly

guided us on how to properly do it and so we follow what she did. The Vitek 2, which conducts
bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing independently, is one of the more

recent advancements that guarantee quick and accurate identification of germs. It can't compete

with the manual biochemical testing, which are more experiential. Students like me have the

opportunity to comprehend the fundamentals of various biochemical tests, witness reactions,

hone their skills in various inoculation methods, analyze outcomes, and engage in critical

thinking. Nevertheless, we were still able to recognize them as P. aeruginosa, E. coli, E.

aerogenes, etc. using a chart table of biochemical tests. A Haemophilus work-up was also

something we were able to do; as a result, it was a novel experience for us, especially when we

were able to identify its satelliteism and X and V aspects. Our microorganisms were recognized

as Haemophilus influenzae. The book Ma’am Pearly let us read was really helpful in determining

the type of bacteria we are identifying.

A particular kind of bacteria called acid-fast bacillus (AFB) is the source of tuberculosis

and a few other illnesses. The deadly bacterial infection known as tuberculosis, or TB, mostly

attacks the lungs. It can also have an impact on the kidneys, spine, and brain, among other body

organs. Coughing or sneezing can transmit TB from one person to another. Both latent and active

TB exists. If you have latent TB, your body will contain the TB bacteria but you won't feel ill

and you cannot transmit the disease to others. If you have active TB, you will have symptoms

and run the risk of infecting others. Under a microscope, they generally stain bright red as a

result of their mycolic acid aids in the cell wall's ability to withstand acid and alcohol, keeping

the Carbolfushin stain in place. As what I have saw under the microscope it really made me feel

dizzy because the bacteria was really hard to identify since it was my first time looking for an

acid fast bacilli bacteria.

For everything we did, I really had fun and enjoy the section of microbiology. For what

we did in our 1 week inside the section, routinely every morning checking the temperature of the

machine, disinfecting, putting paper liners, preparing the culture plates Ma’am Pearlys’ going to

read and check for the day, identifying the family name and arranging it so that it is easy for

RMT to access and get what she needs. I will also miss Ma’am Shar who always help us without

any hesitation and Ma’am Pearly who taught us the knowledge she have. I became aware of the

significance of each laboratory technique and test in identifying diseases in the population while

working in the microbiology section. Due to the overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics and the

rise of more recent infectious illnesses and microorganisms resistant to antibiotics, it was

amazing and unforgettable for me as what I have experienced here in Microbiology section, but

thankful for all the things I have learned.

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