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a i Duy 4 ite ; io Digits play, a ‘Toboduction us A date felts "aa on LIL | deal fiw Agate Fen tmpule midpenme CFIA) sal Deft epi iraapene deaznguith fin Types os Iie felt om Cait) ow umd Fix fling one none Asante, Lyre pbs eee tyr "5 Se Ns Crane ca digtal GUL hawt nfo — duaaliin antl ey ater i TRO: behet Be Ge ea oredr EL rp ga bs, $u inle septal kite. sca, si pipkle 4 sbke A fk or, ache aafetle te samttmati | fogpeeren fom Dy arpa Aryral ond ead ae L : is eee nD Trot ors altorsual ts paws” Cagis pine pated ot tom rs eee Cees ea en Sue aloplee oe eset regg tye, SA magnetode mpeg on ke elit Umer li frrgpamrecie | ln Thy patban Pe 6 od wenger gs a Pree dehechad! \ ns says stephan - ay Ahimsa, at Yh Rey Le ee is 23) 1 Iugay| oles Pet pu: j one PE lo | only Te Uonk dL papintons 2% ty Spe anh tg oll othin, ‘ . Peper ~) Bord atop _ pou . Ve ape ol De ferent ony ond Dig: ark allot thy Sad fagprrecn i ey IWidoh ‘ ¢ i Saw: oe ‘a see Presses A suagital LL TY d Exe ithe ' Rontfdmation uibek maps > eal An Vint a dugttal = Paskestin se * pepe | a digit 1 fein fa ce: Ap beeakeos 4 ex baraleg Hoe fe Aud ther op opting rom snag & dyyth a amend ot, 4 dab 2 pe at mal a gee Peptnty “domain apesptabes: sa. me onalog C1 MA Sm aceddan Yui sug ¢ ; he etn Apupesbons » Tanetfaning on onctes aS oe eas sigatel ) caer Ce ee fond Chiby shiv, fea a Tene | feMlo akon din naan Le Papen! ay ull oy dm PRA tea anc tefl je UE apifecations \Hos| acca ates ee srepere | th ton” pi | : eel tage i 2 ne Ms > Akophand traratto~ bad te) J ¥ qs] 1 O's NEM. ye © = [Aus 5 2. ' | e)ains , Spi me Kelirain of) mognstds —ALapomac’ nds pa dace Pennd — mrognitil Arapone tn portband! Se be Selina va ragnetul « suspenn in Atap baad Dutrad magactd — ruaponn, Ay peasy oh 0 Ap = i= 80 by Ci- Sp) > porrbark Anppl\ en dd. “hp = ao toy -C1- Sp) 8 abd gen oe ony |S > cath’ — strophand olkenuson Rye alg & oy aAlapbord attrentim im ob 3 Kee ~ As Sete bat Reon. 9k tapbarck jai! ok Pet ys Empule Tavextat . Trandamalion Mu macn —ohjectee ah muthed “fe davelop on DER feutin, Brom functor. | usher. empul irene SA Lio oh ER temple Aapoie Mm mere Ada bahend they’ Hicknope Ja te prion. a per apo — Characline ates gx ieee y flea . os Ald > Cepulec Beye GH analog felt tn) > tpl, Mapes dagstal fin T > Aamylng perced Te empulk A pone f degetal” fla ue obtacnad ty sone sealis Aarpleng Du impulse at aa te ce Aw) = ale) | t- aT ey ~ he (ot) pee eet pene Aomp ube Lusfonte : halt) gina the Bern farctom q go fib ee tert teen > tT Y anclog pbb. termed Hels): hea | deatonck pol, 2 can Lk enprorid a ported fpoution axepantcen ‘ z Ae He = tS — Be) aie a oO oa wey: ao oe Pee a Thing crvnae eee Dario. Ye a Ht uu —-@ Pepe =e ° aa t sae mea Rete etl ee Ay rae Pa cottiime bem aby funtion mid 2 ALD \ © oer N nT Anta) = a AS oe utat) -—@® te) at At rete By ay eV) eA, co ent) een el aT) TE, Ath a S ! ip) 4 i AP aT | fn -¢é ey As Ae Sp neo rea Cees =e @ ce Hex vom agrO be Hacs) Mean be ocd, theb tmpule Savedinnl Hidn\Amiln Bee ah aga ll ' eee : : =n, eS ae ares) ; CH Bensfemed By Ula © icles 7 dee aa the ears Bia * ; Ruhagels Wiboue cole ark Dept Joti peta a pris ay gen, by aos , G-pes) fe fel, aN Pagctat pets am given &) sett ft team Ge es) fe ere en [By obtuweng egn@) Econ Le fest Fr P ab Avpe wh Bandomed ind dager Wot « ae ed th ot ee aus Poms contin atayital ee eg (alae poten we. oo me, of™ j 4 i oy co It tepid dn pelo cocldenstias of zane GA Spe ein fcc * Aves « eo Wh \ ree co be iG : 26h Daa en analog pit. ‘A! ke on Bu a Sapa Sl iapadig digital pot Lew, atric tha peel 4 zpos. ; D2 = So, ae nralong pet % se lea ea! aot pst. nit dow cues othe at eae Ga don, Peep a ee o, arbley pele “AS been on tmagniany An plane. ena, ae ‘at Dian on, RUS acca: pot trl Be on aunak rele §, as oe geled Magny ~ ae Bom BUD, auote doeation i. i a Abb pales BUD AK pots should dew ye fol %, Fo pla. Bene io hay 4, 4- plane es al al mee RO capi. te pa Ree ee i ae @ : co nel : Lene ; \ mealepe plus CY COP ye a ca Cer eee eur. aN ee oe 1 weet) oa Ee * me ee ee) ataRaer ENGnen & Soe - . ee ee Paoblems + E : 5 DFR ancl ania function HOG Ty Amine Eee) 4 @ T-01 eo @ T- Ime. Skn* iy eeeebine By ae A AenenS Hata) = Ge) CaN Ze Alstay + Ag(4t!) Be | AGN) Sy) hip ce. ae PACE) 2 AG see a ca Page. ¢ Dg aye ater 4 1) 5) ay tmpulac eayorvant | Kanif mation ; ' 1 Ambo Hale) = @ wen Tol mee. he [br even gl) 2 _ St0-1 ce Gros) 4 g Hates Ato-l B40:74 0.25 49 Brot 3 40.94 + 9.0) Hal) © _ Sto) 18 102 leone Eo cons Tl a-Carapy &y Poaleal facten = cxpansren Ha (4) = Ar mess 4~ Cot43}) 4-Ce-y) Stole A, C4ro4143;) iy Asl#re-3p) 4t01= 8, CA-fo1-3))] 4 ral 4 €o-148))] thin pela Se Ar-ongp s eo SP A,(-01-3) rod Je A,(-0.1-3;+01-3)) Teeth (Beye > alos: Robin Sie Olt rod43y 401 = Ay (rod +3) 40-143; J ay sey ae Bee oh pies: aaa a Oe So S-C-0:143/) iCal ga) 308 ® Compal — SVortant” bratl benabion Pe ee | aa 1 —Gelspr 1 -GeaDrea ew rey os /: ss 1-3} “43p Me OUP pair anges tes Ha lx) = = GOPRD | Cola, geaty et - oe a | PN oe encom lg! 01s ann a IT Oy oer ye Seimei cee pre ror geo iri Ty oT et) ores fe hare aun’ Ie Enel Ag ayy poarpe Beene al an We ap) bo gt 24:2 caQr) beer pe C= th te coca: aki eee PSOE 59! 25 (an)! Meer ca -o- Hale) = eran ca)) a eee P=) Bie? en) Ral ieowena. Hatw- _! = Co-del)(-0-329) a 2 (0-904) (-0-981) + G gage Hat) = 1 + ofr x! Tob 1 FER xt poster e — I *Btlidy — Taanaltralon re becbensan Prandlamalion a a onfehmal 7 = prot Pade te pn anh ine By net Grd dw Th plan tol on thus oe eter peng. Component Tr apa trvorcanu. mulhod tu Aompulte rcspente eck Aap ibe, galls Sk pepe eg hte olcaneng — oceuns Sn Ba feymerey domacn. Hence ateteg Aaghs fobs at ample tavercance a Pogperccs Ahold ba Seat They Aerts ta fo empula senvartante mudhod K erly Joopes tym fd foltina Tre Gihin Frahsfamation’ ean te deaked | sz Bape zerdall Fil dk tuto sadignalion. : Contin meee coal, Linas fos sth Ayslin furction ines) ee LI —@ ata (eo. vee ee XA) ee “YD S4aJ > b- xcd : Regt Dk diytare & xe? HOY The cee ee ty deffrsaral ein BEG mgt 5 baw =~ @ at a. Da davai anh appetite Se etal by ieee) fame, cee ca, 4 (ts) | 8) g ‘0 Whar ge danetin — olincvaleve 4 yw: Pe opparcmation — af tokignal By Dopegeidel Jormples ae ee at 42 DT yee ged= Tylon 4 GOTO] ty orr) ee OTe @ aceite | okie car: yiCnt) + a yr) ~ be x (at) SCN) = | ayer + b-x(nt) ~@. 4 © -@. (er) = Df ayer) +b «lor Fic ale 3 [ J + betray) +ycot-T) yoo. Zf-ey OT) ¢ bxtat) — Z wr-t) exer] +y TT) gools 7] -yeoofi-se]« yao 4 1-1 act TBO r) * (AT) = tC); Be ) wd Geof Pa ai= yeOLt ka) Cy 4 | Paes Bae on Tal mo oy eer a[t-% “J ‘ yolre Ba] 2 yo We cre!) E Bass ee | xOW, Crh) = Urge" Sie) t b Yli+e) : x) Ci-x!) +%aCexd ® [ipsa BA Atak raging «tg Ca ee 2 + arena J HANG el Problems ’ elenn * com Are ele)” Galles pape ids fra HOR): . 2 ene Hat" Rapicesa,s : =) eer RrSO AS, aseaney Pee ge & (1 T Sah): GS) 1G) . sti nog: [ROD 47D AOD eV] (kes. NC or eee) - | Ole er ae) ony ee) Urine x tax) . Cie Pa eee one TOUR ee orl tH 6 xd We» Gis) | Se ae rhe pic el ara Conet ‘ ee ee a een ae a a al pepe Youn, ay bebentan, Barf dimuon He digital cor oh barry We2 O-UR Fools. oo Drew harte wcawal fina) famed wi fr Boo tnndimaligaat ovslog fu te ahaa) elfen Ui, ot paqpers : FR behcnan Danufdmalion 0 # — hs a aes lek Te baee. = 2. for(ee) Mee 1453 Andere Nermabiged eer pe Patan sn i . ala) Praia sats analey tnanifirn function iu Oni ndmalazd tahin > aa 1 _ weer oe Cie J Wage tee) tl ay pee ar Ha (4) = ey i a “ “ BF boutneyes.% +b uss ety ail B24 9.0554 Sil To bax , Atophand aye fe Remaudh — 4 co. [hacas/ a ie THatas) < ay - Ney eg ars =Aps ete “ a 1+ anys A 2 Gree eee oe es Ge): zp) Sante OMA) a ey Op Re CS a Cay ey ae ‘4 ®-@ ang, ee eee ay ae Talay Lageathm on bh Suche er ee] 55 (4) wlth S/o) 1 sy tsy ( *Y¥aq) ee Noe Top tel ste) esto tery 2 é : z aT ee ae c — coos esa [Bos are Cans token " bet oe ae Oosae to ce: oes Ke geno de. Kye -20 ley As Age sie sao Sw) 7 c 4A empatln rvarcaneé ee we mr se 4A bls rete te = 2 tas! (ar) ES +B ben (te) Seca, a) a Problems D Mm — prerfpeateon of diva Loo past $l ide, oe 5 [me sto os ws OOF Inoy) $0.0 5 ovaxcus ® eaegn ag bullTALwth ct SMX staking templar Diets ‘ aegitel 4 ovarian! — Diani[ tno. Bee pens ps gD ee pe Se RTRs hey, ey eee i a (neater uy ye ee ie ae anya genten Held) ee fe GAA) AD Dap we han obtain otegitel afr fencteen HEX) ee re eel A Belen Br anijdnrobion i Wo apecpention gin om a Te digital fim ce ; ap = [nea] s! 5 0 = we £%— a [roy] $ As pe AS ee ahegrtl “2 sw then ak ate Stele prey = ovalog ppeyeenty ©) Cepulr” vaintanct: rans phmalion: oa Bho > eae or WD Behininn — Siar domalion ie cee Sh) > we) ar tele) * pumewam fp hee rare cm ale fat Aspe A we pettand § monetoneally Cec og the Atepliand < Be TON See oc. [mos Pdig 3 PIR Sen Dengr 0 balasoath — cigital EN tates sempulat sewvervene Brant] dmlloa- shu: FR empulat — trvorrante — Senifimalion | 9 > 27 ora -s jun] Sho 0s A £ OK 7 Jace) Jeon DORE gaa. aoe nye Oase: Ape O-8 aye 8 oo ee we ge Oe Ste] tC “n,) Gea tag ( 24/ 0.5025] ay (8) 2399 4 Pee gn. Ate epee a “2p Ode ey ike G4 fi io 0: 207k Oe Saeed (4-Go.agnj ort) (4-03 jo 9) [4 -Comsapaay C4- Cots-joss) s No. ft Aa A ed (4- Coase ie) a C4-o 254089) . C4-te. 123+ joa] Ay Ft (4 -Go-G3—joxa] Be Bit aed Bis 08a 4 jos 4, % Ar + ~03a ~jo13 Ags S31R~ Jord Ay ab 0-318 torts made reasio’ -0:32-jo8 ONE oat al B= ma ; > 23 ps5) - B= (oarrejous) 4-Gaa7 jee) © -omsjm> osx + 0% B= (06d JOD To pt Hea) fem pe ee got A aS es Le ober a ; —osatjols ‘ Govsa-jos) ¥ Co-313 —jo-7&) hed = eoasngjoesy, eee 1 OTP, _ Govta ayer?) (ISea, eee oe taht : ney FO8a" 0-64 — tax? hey = ot Beioss. Clik sae —— 3 Gz) ig m(tat why 5] 9 (2) of 8 [ 3/osu J ae et nee ph = ana. pos wo gee A meee | fee Ale a lie a% 3 ater Pau ao ee ode Pont se feat (lide. a. tein? ~O* Mévowl yd — Mullin 19, yypuanereela @ Wuthacadtee — pblie habe rdtrrabiyh stetha 1 pwd fiee Ba OP os ty 0 fin tapalian — wires poly fr Mal Malet), yo fn wthralipoh oh «Aah te LAMA oy be O14 OD At t C iy fare fh sell hy dite by” J 7 4 ag ph Mh ¥ 4 | | | |? | | | tre piles wh bead be the, heen, Saywliion Lis 6 Me re Aadiut tra | Probar | Oban st, typtam fonctions of parades ln MeL ead | joo Bn, ssh | i) bthan — Whar Pe 5 ( Coy than Ree Aente Lear: : yr | ees CJA te ae re! 7 aoe a b tar Mee Ay Yea a e* jam a aoe a) + C-0 %F + f° #7) Somes those Sear 4 ee Ha (4) (4-45) C4- 4) ‘ ' * [a= Conenjom a] [A= Cor 79] AUicy atl « l Be UWA t 1, w> token Ne3! ore ae Caereegy 5 en iC%J oye eae asa e ati! J ote Ha C4), hols) = (7%) Qe é 1 © Geen a~ Gosejor] [a-cos jaw) | Go Ye — ee ———— ®@ Deeys hah pers: bendpe and i bend Atop fun: Fo fede tanafen famatinn 4 happen 7 mage wat pee, art ed tap fl ty, past tou an fentes f nonaliged “ Levepens ibn maber ard Ban set sung ory ore Dk ppt d d b Auctelde Srarap drt ah > Ince — ‘oops 4 one te ie pe daghrae Sr i , : asin — bandyen (5S ee Bae A042) Cones ce ee 5) E poe lt Ata ay) Tn’ E Analion A ee ae ae “domain: dungeon Sug pan, ee Pe A band step pM, fo a malegel deepens fells Ca, » rodlfne) pore Baepteebens oe tte: sess tespos pilin Jeg] ea S oh caxobte \Se Gin lip dmoper fella cute Aan 5 beep fant gaffer eat of fret Pe CA pemtband fagpeney =) Ts car be euch he se en co cok Nae ela * yp (4p aE aj datnal ale harem clay nt arate ettind peng My Tn De "Dr arafchralion ie re Mal was aa Lopes Rardpon ysMon! Incjo5] ro CS = Bees 5 ss a Cae ee mies if Cenverting a, ecdmalinud ows pons aes ae band pot pe seth eat off pepe EL A ean hw ceomplithad a eo se ee oe . ‘ UA CAL) wane men {1Al, 16lf fe ee =, Cau 4) ee he eine A CR) how pows — Bond Atep siding ee Hy) ‘ A> dAlrunrr) ee oa men {ral tel} Anion ce antpotiy Meh. Sagal Or Ppt dde at sp? 1000 And/ece, At leds ys hed ae kn To owen og pais ttle, at? ake depen fella ae ib coger as He bghiee fle ee re Sar es igiZ : a8 (Pips Soonndeee. ee joo ne A, = Leo. Awd Jace, VAL) ¢ ig Bp ee 2 = Hy (*Yng) og Bi (Memn/f hon] fea Cay! | | | | | | ie : | 7 fy deer 7 oer hp | | | | | | | | PL eG oe 3 ee eer 1D, sergeant, eee ns ge de @ |e 4 monstonte oe ay a ee eee eee ic pk eS eoteg [Paving 4 sooguy ek aad se + 122% bee ak.) =) ; 4 - e+ OUR vod) aces 3 iy. wee eesti | ee Oke paar 4 bile Drarrlhostnn. | S + 2 tbe (#4) eagle bens) | ter ae (28) “eo ate (EE) | xs at ee Pig $285.26 aed face ot dangn a hagh poms fiMin, fat on Gina phen pe FEAR tans) eg igre 4a leaps ip 2235.06 Acd|/ece Boe ae: eee, | qa hag poe: A+ 2236.26 reduce. ap = F265-49 Aaal/ete, 4 fe ks a E cum tN’ aa Se Ay~ 0-707 ee ety 3) ty C/o9) gear s/itors) CES) ae | Duma ya belabop © BeStAwAh fm fone ¢pofelion ©) Avepbed, (as 1s gnccon ab ds at satan tata enon tray om gu (ot nee ence Dm pewted actealt ye ou aith fun is db dye too doz awoty fa Hoory, Loe coor fy ae ae oe cc) ene ae an nis, Ge ee 1 Bios Sige agauueo = ences Aodfece. a a Fo ohnye aw bee fame ft ‘J a nbmeliyd dete pes din oe ee Tees cep ye min ji. wal} wie yy a en mond 16, 1 pe aah + ape a eek Gore i, oon (280% - 200%) Hees) Liree® = Cavan)4 (2.00%. 2s ad a) 2g Re fonds ahi left gah : 4 or: Ann ort : we gt ty Cie 37 tp] : fey 9s) co ee by Lan Sf oe) : Ce Nee Hl ie) sa 24 tag (2) oe GU as And tcc. Ayr Pang 204 +2 %s Ra lots, 3 Ay = — Oder 4 jo-9aS 4, = oman 4 fost : gz -o-fag — sot? wosen jou SE Hea ed ig ee ak (¢ FOF ArT [ary Fay d4 (T Te obtacn ramp fanctom band atop ota A> SC A-1) < , Za as esa AM4 197 3420.88 mea) u A (314i ee A A + Oaby & (310) : Balas)” By aan088 J Tae(sise | pay agsivlst (gauss * Py inwaen 1 Dany at As te po fU teak call mat ae plow apes WD rnvemuen port band — otenuslion > ot dé W@W Pattbad edge fitypinig = pee ae: oe WD Hintrnum Atepband ellenuialinn = stods OD Atop aye fagpanny = too And/ ae. Deg 4 alow pew Digital — Chibyay debian @ Th analog oon fee Se dusty by apres” ae FARE Apdo Ridge | alkeag en pA fenction 4 t spprermateen functor iy Balad Auch thet oe wp Ab mrtetesgal eva patathed band 4 pe aaeae eo tons tyres 4 “ahaha oppoeinslion > tyne Shakychuy | pprsecenabion Tm WA function “a euhctid Auch tha Bua App an th bmn pert band. Ie eelgattud | supe BON hee ape poten at fronstente, uy eatopband, Pam lla ow all -pok, pun” Tacay|* ‘eee fl EI hand edetare! Peapod eee) Pea fantom a Adee dod Pa) Pea tpl atephand ™ stad ipo thine fT a as en portband a egpeenspple te Akophand « Tre cM Comacat + both pels * Xarck Ts “uu alte cath og 9 Daven * hey pba “x deel TM Keck fo tea tym : cee dea on aN Saeed tt 4 A- placa Honoboar ea * Pedbanch ai. As DA he Ss 5 ~ Te magnets Sapscnaal qs i saber Ceradnie fy 8ayee Lehathichay atin ts iol Pas Ceteytios pdeyrisle» edd An! Ss“ ald fire 4 Ao tte Tt tet ot ad pee) Tye) * 0 . i / , 4 1 J4(0)|"~ Viigo ra } | Phdagth' three Cs chy one ten fertors er Get cot oly an poom dt) Tyl9) = a Mea ARN es eer )» co] Be eras ae! AB bet) ays Paaigen| Six Rp. 19, Ci/ap,) >, Wed ~1 SiS) - Garay” Ny ! 2 U=-s)= tte gee aie Sy a Rea eR od one pombe Pe Leepan namalipd (2° WT radlfane) Atyky & She hate Eos, eb yok afta ty hegre . ! a Indin]*. Tears. a od. $ to 4) hp, er Puapenn eile D besuseen [ek 7a : five BS : Be YR U fire We Aropiabnd Ly ie liners sug as ' oes IE 14 fat (Hy OS 1 oO: 14 Oat C*ya74 2 5! OE (Mai 2 6-4. 5 1D aden ») ss 7 Aina ie) ae (sae 3 cee: ta’ ee ] aie (yay), [EE € N osh! Ca Sa! ew i ae een, ‘ Gn, ce es cade! (Y fe z va) > cas! CK) a evista. —=—— a ieeeees. Fe _duseg. hg ; itn ite Dae. 3 Ap = Jucayfs 1 opens [W083 ¢ As e wasn, eS sa on Ee Dd Dewgr a Ua 4p. with a moe, . eka ete Yet! "ang? ao rnd/acd a) cote cltinwalon | f SOdC EE OL aa So aed/aey cna Geen Apes dhe QSde | fA, da = 3odé- ey > ababd fates, dag > S0rod/me 7ah ! ‘ os Ap de> — 80 bey Ap Agdas rao toys, 0 eee ibe : mek adh 5 fee 0-9 Ay 0:08 ee * oe Se Te gua oN? : rE Ne cath! i C4) Wha ae fee cosh” eM) e pees i ig! Ss O88 re ad = 0-009 F lt Ass Ovod! eee merge eer ae Ne ek! Son) Zon) (Gels a anaes as eee vale of NESS. Pro pA pew” a ‘ 4: ap bat MH) ke lr, 3 ape nm ahi ok (4s) ] (24) : ia = ree ain (SELF eae Hed) | os (Ste 5 2,7 fos co(tet)= Rigg + 038 4m (AL) BIS ae ee nee eens Meet ye 0016 ¢ Sc oae y= 0 Pa oe oes : Pe real se x Bia eee 5 oe defl Zour aor Aue Xd j a | Me sey tee ee ae Isat Ag Pee See =e. . — Ay = 23d — jb st : fo fe bandit & HC4) = ae : Grol sr03 jee s aq/Fa 2 oe = ee i Gr be) (aewmelces S44] Ae) < oe Ge ee PHOS 4 Cao O88 7 BUG 4 4 2053-25, Hi) = a ee SO + 13-94™ 4 384.464 F LasTIG Bin SN! ee wacked Haw hs 2AS7-3y —=—_ Hedae oP 2253.04 : toby C ah, 6-64 4aq1 4) : Dm Apiesfceions of data hoo i ens, or : 3 P 1g one 2 Neal) ene 9 Bie EG) Che Hrod[eo2 4 oder Plc Pll one «7s Peryr aw coe a ates os Vempidac ~~ emvONan Proms dmabion ee - yw jesse i eee Apt o°8 : bop = Osan ples At ae oe obs. Goat To ee “tp ao - Ky Tepe cenvantana _muthed p> 0.25 ae Ag+ 0925 : hae g < : Hyals ‘ > To : i: ft pel sit Bee arbres] AS ae oe — sin ft ating’ (va a) a the Me ea ss 5 sen Coats Bhi) x" | A oth ata Dea) a pes ane arn HT OMB oncom O88, ~ O-t = =o Bie - Silo eee ae ; t Aa> 3.9;234 sty | Ay = ~0u9 — jos7s ve : Ces fe eel Brann ‘oe hs q \ Hala) = aS (4) (4-4) (4- 4)" : ; ‘ me Bats) = eee ’ (4 +0234) (4402345 Fo3us) a - ol Hat) - Aen s 1 aa, 43+ 0.468 240.3994 4 0-08 it ee ee hog a a (Sosy) [4+ 0.93454 b:3u5)! pe ae ‘om h et (ase GSS by acl oe BPnvertance is 2d Dee a | Chebyshiy Lovo pers ue suotth? Ft 2 Mt Ape patos Pp- Td& Acppl m tm porthand | og vocoar s ee Atopbad 0.85 £ WER. veeg Bilan etalon |G s ot ) Sdo: ae 3 e “oan hye hiMae 1 (top ope ee tock Wye oan | oe cloner, ction os pe aN PAD) OS ap Ph Ochs sad te. jae is <0 Head ty Jp, the -a0tey Ay doe so tay As 5 ee aye ; = . ape ne i 0-801 ss ° eu cask! (Ya) ke 9 Yo, * ee esk! ( %) ome gsk!( Va) do er cot'( Yous) c= <0 609. Ne 3.014 a= 091 Tosrg vole 5 Bet. Op hoe ee ee Ax (ents eee le nk’ (ens) | ane)" sw ordey seo (Sete 2 eah[ ee ea lee ae Bey a(S: oss cree o o> eee Lee. oats ee es Be ore, By 0:09 + JOOS eet + joey yt oti OH | Aqe-oreg jor en: aneley Brant fener Wald)

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