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As students, we all know how difficult it can be to keep up with our homework assignments.

multiple classes and extracurricular activities, finding the time and motivation to complete all of our
tasks can be a daunting task. That's why we are excited to introduce Show My Homework at Thomas
Deacon Academy.

Show My Homework is an online platform that allows students to easily access and manage their
homework assignments. No more sifting through papers or trying to remember what was assigned in
class. With Show My Homework, all of your assignments are organized and easily accessible in one

Not only does Show My Homework make it easier for students to keep track of their assignments,
but it also allows for better communication between teachers and students. Teachers can post detailed
instructions and due dates for each assignment, and students can submit their completed work
directly through the platform.

But perhaps the best part about Show My Homework is that it is available 24/7. This means that
students can access their assignments at any time, whether they are at school, home, or on the go. No
more excuses for forgetting about an assignment or not having enough time to complete it.

We highly recommend that all students at Thomas Deacon Academy utilize Show My Homework for
their homework needs. Not only will it make your life easier, but it will also help you stay on top of
your academic responsibilities and achieve academic success.

However, we understand that sometimes, despite our best efforts, completing all of our homework
assignments can still be a challenge. That's why we also recommend utilizing the services of ⇒ ⇔. They offer professional and reliable homework help for students of all levels and

So don't stress about your homework anymore. Let Show My Homework and ⇒ ⇔
make your academic life easier and more manageable. Give them a try today and see the difference it
can make in your academic performance.
The logo, called the atom, is used to identify and advertise the school. Whilst a building does not
make a school, it is worth noting that Thomas Deacon Academy was designed by Norman Foster and
Partners and in addition to our impressive main academy our beautiful 43-acre campus includes
TDA Juniors - a modern, light and purpose-built Key Stage 2 facility - and expansive playing fields
and sporting facilities. IPS systems, vanity units and fixtures and fittings, plywood and joisting to
industrial roof ducts, reception area inc. We ask parents to make a comment in their child’s reading
diary each time they hear their child read at home. The glazed partitions created an open, inviting
environment to stimulate learning. The school employs 330 staff as of 2nd January 2016, down from
364 prior to September 2015, where there were 364 staff (of which 288 were full-time), comprising
of 167 teachers (151 full-time) and 197 associate staff (136 full-time). You can browse the TDA
Enrichment timetable on the app. The school operates a house-based system, teaching a wide variety
of subjects across many areas. There are 6 houses in the school and every student is a member of one
house, which is where their vertical form group is located and where lunchtime is centred around
(along with the communal Refectory). There are 6 houses in the school and every student is a
member of one house, which is where their vertical form group is located and where lunchtime is
centred around (along with the communal Refectory). Students then have the ability to have a choice
in the subjects they take for GCSE, alongside the core academic subjects of English, Maths, Science
(BTEC, GCSE or Triple Science), RE and PE (GCSE PE can be chosen to take as a GCSE option).
Children need to spend time practising and learning their tables at home. We value our local
communities and actively encourage our schools and staff to share best practice to benefit all
children within each local area. Click here for more information Allow Cookies Deny Cookies. The
logo, called the atom, is used to identify and advertise the school. You can browse the TDA
Enrichment timetable on the app. The school employs 330 staff as of 2nd January 2016, down from
364 prior to September 2015, where there were 364 staff (of which 288 were full-time), comprising
of 167 teachers (151 full-time) and 197 associate staff (136 full-time). Milton house, one of the six
houses in Thomas Deacon Academy. The school operates a house-based system, teaching a wide
variety of subjects across many areas. Milton house, one of the six houses in Thomas Deacon
Academy. In Key Stage 5, students are taught four subjects of their choice for two years, Year 12
and Year 13. Students then have the ability to have a choice in the subjects they take for GCSE,
alongside the core academic subjects of English, Maths, Science (BTEC, GCSE or Triple Science),
RE and PE (GCSE PE can be chosen to take as a GCSE option). Our academies are individual
members of the Trust community and are connected by a common set of values but are free to
innovate and adapt to the needs of its pupils and the local community. These aspects of the academy
have been maintained alongside the identified areas for development being addressed. There is a
weekly test and children receive awards as they learn each set of times tables. The open central
atrium is protected with a bespoke smoke control strategy. In Key Stage 5, students are taught four
subjects of their choice for two years, Year 12 and Year 13. Ofsted commented favourably, amongst
other things, on the overall leadership of the academy, good teaching, positive relationships between
staff and students and students’ behaviour. We expect children to have instant recall of each times
table to achieve the award.
Whilst a building does not make a school, it is worth noting that Thomas Deacon Academy was
designed by Norman Foster and Partners and in addition to our impressive main academy our
beautiful 43-acre campus includes TDA Juniors - a modern, light and purpose-built Key Stage 2
facility - and expansive playing fields and sporting facilities. The logo, called the atom, is used to
identify and advertise the school. Amalgamating local high schools for 2200 pupils, the design by
Foster and Partners is focused around a central open atrium with perimeter classrooms and breakout
spaces forming the main teaching spaces. We value our local communities and actively encourage our
schools and staff to share best practice to benefit all children within each local area. You can browse
the TDA Enrichment timetable on the app. Ofsted commented favourably, amongst other things, on
the overall leadership of the academy, good teaching, positive relationships between staff and
students and students’ behaviour. Children need to spend time practising and learning their tables at
home. In Key Stage 5, students are taught four subjects of their choice for two years, Year 12 and
Year 13. Our academies are individual members of the Trust community and are connected by a
common set of values but are free to innovate and adapt to the needs of its pupils and the local
community. The glazed partitions created an open, inviting environment to stimulate learning. We
expect children to have instant recall of each times table to achieve the award. A full computational
evacuation model was undertaken to demonstrate the time for escape was less compared to the time
for smoke from a realistic fire to become dangerous. Students then have the ability to have a choice
in the subjects they take for GCSE, alongside the core academic subjects of English, Maths, Science
(BTEC, GCSE or Triple Science), RE and PE (GCSE PE can be chosen to take as a GCSE option).
Click here for more information Allow Cookies Deny Cookies. IPS systems, vanity units and fixtures
and fittings, plywood and joisting to industrial roof ducts, reception area inc. The school employs
330 staff as of 2nd January 2016, down from 364 prior to September 2015, where there were 364
staff (of which 288 were full-time), comprising of 167 teachers (151 full-time) and 197 associate
staff (136 full-time). These aspects of the academy have been maintained alongside the identified
areas for development being addressed. Children have a reading scheme book and a book from our
library. There are 6 houses in the school and every student is a member of one house, which is where
their vertical form group is located and where lunchtime is centred around (along with the communal
Refectory). The school operates a house-based system, teaching a wide variety of subjects across
many areas. Birmingham Head Office Unit 501, Axcess 10 Bentley Road South Darlaston West
Midlands WS10 8LQ. There are 6 houses in the school and every student is a member of one house,
which is where their vertical form group is located and where lunchtime is centred around (along
with the communal Refectory). In Key Stage 5, students are taught four subjects of their choice for
two years, Year 12 and Year 13. The open central atrium is protected with a bespoke smoke control
strategy. The school operates a house-based system, teaching a wide variety of subjects across many
areas. Milton house, one of the six houses in Thomas Deacon Academy. Students then have the
ability to have a choice in the subjects they take for GCSE, alongside the core academic subjects of
English, Maths, Science (BTEC, GCSE or Triple Science), RE and PE (GCSE PE can be chosen to
take as a GCSE option). Therefore, all of our academies are equally valued and contribute to the
development and direction of the Trust as we grow together. The logo, called the atom, is used to
identify and advertise the school.
Students then have the ability to have a choice in the subjects they take for GCSE, alongside the
core academic subjects of English, Maths, Science (BTEC, GCSE or Triple Science), RE and PE
(GCSE PE can be chosen to take as a GCSE option). In Key Stage 5, students are taught four
subjects of their choice for two years, Year 12 and Year 13. Amalgamating local high schools for
2200 pupils, the design by Foster and Partners is focused around a central open atrium with
perimeter classrooms and breakout spaces forming the main teaching spaces. Birmingham Head
Office Unit 501, Axcess 10 Bentley Road South Darlaston West Midlands WS10 8LQ. The school
operates a house-based system, teaching a wide variety of subjects across many areas. Children will
work on their spellings at school, but will need to practise them at home. We value our local
communities and actively encourage our schools and staff to share best practice to benefit all
children within each local area. Their results are recorded in the children’s home-school book, as are
the next set of spellings for the children to learn. The logo, called the atom, is used to identify and
advertise the school. The logo, called the atom, is used to identify and advertise the school. Milton
house, one of the six houses in Thomas Deacon Academy. The school employs 330 staff as of 2nd
January 2016, down from 364 prior to September 2015, where there were 364 staff (of which 288
were full-time), comprising of 167 teachers (151 full-time) and 197 associate staff (136 full-time). A
full computational evacuation model was undertaken to demonstrate the time for escape was less
compared to the time for smoke from a realistic fire to become dangerous. In Key Stage 5, students
are taught four subjects of their choice for two years, Year 12 and Year 13. The school employs 330
staff as of 2nd January 2016, down from 364 prior to September 2015, where there were 364 staff
(of which 288 were full-time), comprising of 167 teachers (151 full-time) and 197 associate staff
(136 full-time). IPS systems, vanity units and fixtures and fittings, plywood and joisting to industrial
roof ducts, reception area inc. With more sub contractor’s with SJE’s philosophy to client needs, ther
would be a far more smoother and progressive path to completion. The open central atrium is
protected with a bespoke smoke control strategy. The glazed partitions created an open, inviting
environment to stimulate learning. You can browse the TDA Enrichment timetable on the app. There
is a weekly test and children receive awards as they learn each set of times tables. We expect
children to have instant recall of each times table to achieve the award. Children have a reading
scheme book and a book from our library. These aspects of the academy have been maintained
alongside the identified areas for development being addressed. You can browse the TDA
Enrichment timetable on the app. We ask parents to make a comment in their child’s reading diary
each time they hear their child read at home. We believe that every member of our learning
community should have the highest expectations and standards, showing trust and discipline in all
that we do. There are 6 houses in the school and every student is a member of one house, which is
where their vertical form group is located and where lunchtime is centred around (along with the
communal Refectory). There are 6 houses in the school and every student is a member of one house,
which is where their vertical form group is located and where lunchtime is centred around (along
with the communal Refectory).

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