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Chapter 6

~Roots of Equations ~
Open Methods

“These notes are only to be used in class presentations”

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Open Methods

•Bracketing methods depend on knowing the interval in

which the root resides
•What if you don’t know the upper and lower bound
on the root?
• Open methods
– Use a single starting value or two starting values that do
not need to bracket the root.
– May not converge on root but when converge, they
converge faster than braketing methods.

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Bracketing methods
(a) In the bisection method the
root is constrained within
the interval [ xl, xu ]

Open methods

(b) and (c) A formula is used

to project from xi to xi+1 in
an iterative fashion
So the method may diverge
(b) or converge (c).

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Simple Fixed-Point Iteration
• Given an equation f(x)=0
• Convert f(x)=0 in to the form x=g(x)
f ( x)  0  x  g ( x)
If algebraic manipulation doesn’t work, just add x to both sides
f ( x)  0  x  f ( x)  x
• Let the initial guess be x0
• Then iterate
xi 1  g ( xi )
until the termination criteria is satisfied
Termination criteria
xi 1  xi
a   s OR Max.Iteration is reached
xi 1 4
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Example 6.1:
Use simple fixed point iteration to locate the root of f ( x)  e  x  x
with an initial guess of x0=0. Iterate until the estimated error εa falls
below a level of εs=0.01
Iter. no xi εa
0 0
1 1
2 0.36788 1.71828
3 0.69220 0.46854
4 0.50047 0.38309
5 0.60624 0.17447
6 0.54540 0.11157
7 0.57961 0.05903
8 0.56012 0.03481
9 0.57114 0.01931
10 0.56488 0.01109
11 0.56843 0.00624
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Convergence properties
– May not converge
– If it converges it converges linearly (the error is
roughly proportional to the error of the previous step)
– Convergence depends on the function characteristics
and starting point (initial guess).

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Fixed point theorem

Let g(x) and g’(x) are continuous on the interval [a,b].

If g ( x) [a, b] for each x [a, b] and if g ( x)  1 for all x in
the interval [a,b] then the fixed point iterative process
xi 1  g ( xi )
will converge to the root for any initial approximation x0
belonging to the given interval.

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Example 6.2:

Use fixed point iteration method to determine a solution accurate

to within 0.01 for f(x)=x3-x-1 on [1,2] with x0=1.

Iter. no xi εa
0 1
1 1.2599
2 1.3123 0.0399
3 1.3224 0.0076

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Newton-Raphson Method

• Most widely used method.

• Based on Taylor series expansion:

f ( xi 1 )  f ( xi )  f ( xi )( xi 1  xi )  R1
The root is the value of x i 1 when f(x i 1 )  0
Rearrangin g,
0  f(xi )  f (xi )( xi 1  xi )
f ( xi )
xi 1  xi  Newton-Raphson formula
f ( xi )
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Newton-Raphson Method

Geometric interpretation of the slope in the figure

f ( xi )  0
f (xi ) 
( xi  xi 1 )

f ( xi )
xi 1  xi 
f ( xi )

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Newton-Raphson Method

Step 1: Choose an initial guess xi for the root

Step 2: Calculate f(xi) and f '(xi)
Step 3: Estimate the root to be
f ( xi )
xi 1  xi 
f ( xi )

Step 4: Calculate
xi 1  xi
a 
xi 1

If εa ≤ εs OR Max.Iteration is reached, terminate the computation.

If not, return to Step 2.
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Example 6.3:

Determine the real root of f ( x)  x3  4 x 2  10

to 2 significant digits using Newton-Raphson Method with an
initial guess of x0=1.

iter. no xi f(xi) df(xi) εa

0 1 -5 11

1 1.45455 1.54020 17.98347

2 1.36890 0.06072 16.57287 0.06256
3 1.36524 0.00011 16.51351 0.00268

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Example 6.4:

Determine the real root of f ( x)  e  x  x

using Newton-Raphson Method with an initial guess of x0=0.
Iterate until the estimated error εa falls below a level of εs=0.01

iter. no xi f(xi) df(xi) εa

0 0 1 -2
1 0.50000 0.10653 -1.60653
2 0.56631 0.00130 -1.56762 0.11709
3 0.56714 0.0000002 -1.56714 0.00147

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Example 6.5:
Determine the real root of sin( 2 x )  e
correct to 2 significant digits using Newton-Raphson Method
with an initial guess of x0=0. xi f(xi) df(xi) εa

0 0.000000 -0.367879 1.632121
1 0.225400 -0.025203 1.339310
2 0.244217 -0.000399 1.296494 0.077053
3 0.244525 0.000000 1.295772 0.001257

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• Newton-Raphson is an efficient method if f’(x) (the derivative)
can be evaluated analytically
• Rate of convergence is quadratic, i.e. the error is roughly
proportional to the square of the previous error
**Proof will be given in class
• It does not always converge
• There is no convergence criterion. Convergence depends on
the nature of the function and on the accuracy of the initial

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Diverges because f''(x)=0 in
the vicinity of the root.

Oscillates around a local

minimum or maximum.

Diverges because of near

zero slopes.

Diverges because f '(x) =0.

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Secant Method
• Requires two initial
estimates xi and xi-1.
• However, it is not a
“bracketing method”
because f(x) is not required
to change signs between
• The Secant Method has the
same properties as
Newton’s method.
• Convergence is not

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Secant Method

• If derivative f’(x) can not be computed analytically then we

need to compute it numerically (backward finite divided
difference method)


df f ( xi )  f ( xi 1 )
f ( xi )   substitute this into NR equation
dx xi  xi 1

xi  xi 1
xi 1  xi  f ( xi ) i  1,2,3,
f ( xi )  f ( xi 1 )

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Secant Method

Step 1: Choose two initial guesses xi and xi-1 for the root
Step 2: Calculate f(xi) and f (xi-1)
Step 3: Estimate the root to be
xi  xi 1
xi 1  xi  f ( xi )
f ( xi )  f ( xi 1 )
Step 4: Calculate
xi 1  xi
a 
xi 1

If εa ≤ εs OR Max.Iteration is reached, terminate the computation.

If not, return to Step 2.
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Example 6.6:

Determine the real root of f ( x)  x3  4 x 2  10

using Secant Method with with initial estimates of x-1=1 and
x0=2. Iterate until the estimated error εa falls below a level of
εs=0.01 . Give your answers using 5 decimal digits with

Iter. no xi-1 xi f(xi) εa

0 1 2 14
1 2 1.26316 -1.60227
2 1.26316 1.33883 -0.43036 0.05652
3 1.33883 1.36662 0.02291 0.02033
4 1.36662 1.36521 -0.00030 0.00103

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Example 6.7:
Determine the real root of f ( x)  e  x  x
using Secant Method with initial estimates of x-1=0 and x0=1.
Iterate until the estimated error εa falls below a level of εs=0.01.
Give your answers using 4 decimal digits with rounding.

Iter. no xi-1 xi f(xi) εa

0 0 1 -0.6321
1 1 0.6127 -0.0708
2 0.6127 0.5638 0.0052 0.0867
3 0.5638 0.5672 -4.242e-5 0.0059

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Secant Method vs. False-Position Method
• False-Position method always brackets the root
• False-Position will always converge
• Secant method may not converge
• Secant method usually converges much faster

The 1st iterations (a) and (b)

for two methods are identical

For the 2nd iterations (c) and

(d), the points used differ.

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Modified Secant Method
•Instead of using two arbitrary values to estimate the derivative,
we define a small δ (perturbation fraction)
f ( xi  xi )  f ( xi )
f ( xi ) 
Substitute this derivative back into the equation:
xi 1  xi  f ( xi )
f ( xi  xi )  f ( xi )

How to choose δ:
•If δ is too small, then the method will involve too much round-off error.
•If δ is too large, then the method is inefficient and may diverge
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Example 6.8:

Determine the real root of f ( x)  x 2  2 xe  x  e 2 x

using Modified Secant Method with an initial estimate of x0=0.06

and δ=0.01. Iterate until the estimated error εa falls below a level
of εs=0.1

iteration xi f(xi) εa
0 0.6 0.0026

1 0.5848 0.0008
2 0.5772 0.00025 0.0132

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A computer program for the root-finding methods

1. A plotting routine should be included in the program.

2. At the end of the computation, the final root estimate
should always be substituted into the original function to
compute whether the result is close to zero.
3. The program should always include an upper limit on the
number of iterations to guard agains divergence.
4. The program should alert the user and take account of the
possibility that f' (x) might equal zero at any time during
the computation. (division by zero)

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Multiple Roots

Function is tangent to the x-axis at the

double root.

f ( x )  ( x  3)( x  1)2

Function is tangent to the x-axis at the

triple root bu that for this case the axis is
f ( x)  ( x  3)( x  1)3

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1. Bracketing methods don’t work for the multiple roots.
2. Both f(x) & f´(x) goes to 0 at the root
3. Newton-Raphson and Secant Methods are linearly convergent for multiple
roots ( Ralston and Rabinowitz, 1978)

One way to ensure quadratic convergence is to define a function, which has

roots at all the same locations as the original function.
u( xi )
u( x ) 
f ( x) xi 1  xi 
f ( x ) u( xi )
Substitute this back into NR equation Alternative form for secant method;

f ( xi ) f ( xi ) u ( xi )( xi 1  xi )
xi 1  xi  xi 1  xi 
 f ( xi )2  f ( xi ) f ( xi ) u( xi 1 )  u ( xi )

 These equations are preferable for multiple roots but less efficient for single root

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Example 6.9: Use both the standard and modified Newton-Raphson
methods to evaluate the multiple root of

f ( x )  ( x  3)( x  1)( x  1)

with an initial guess of x0=0. Iterate until the estimated error εa

falls below a level of εs=0.01 .

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The results for multiple roots
Modified Newton-Raphson method

iteration xi f(xi) df(xi) εa

0 0 -3 7

1 1.10526 -0.02099 -0.38781

2 1.00308 -0.00002 -0.01230 0.10187
3 1.00000 -1.13e-11 -0.00001 0.00308

Standard Newton-Raphson method

iteration xi f(xi) df(xi) εa
1 0 -3 7

2 0.42857 -0.83965 3.26531

3 0.68571 -0.22859 1.55347 0.17668
4 0.83287 -0.06054 0.75234 0.08810
5 0.91333 -0.01567 0.36922 0.04442
6 0.95578 -0.00400 0.18273 0.02237
7 0.97766 -0.00101 0.09088 0.01124
8 0.98877 -0.00025 0.04531 0.00563
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Solve for the same function at x0=4 with both methods
The results for single root
Modified Newton-Raphson method
iteration xi f(xi) df(xi) εa
0 4 9 15

1 2.63636 -0.97370 1.48760

2 2.82022 -0.59563 2.65876 0.06519
3 2.96173 -0.14728 3.69822 0.04778
4 2.9985 -0.0061 3.98784 0.01226
5 3.00000 -0.00001 3.99998 0.00051

Standard Newton-Raphson method

iteration xi f(xi) df(xi) εa
1 4 9 15

2 3.40000 2.30400 7.68000

3 3.10000 0.44100 4.83000 0.03035
4 3.00870 0.03509 4.06979 0.00287
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