Stats Research Introduction

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Determining the Effects of Digital Process Automation on Organizational

Culture at MinebeaMitsumi Inc.

Over the past years, the emergence of digital process automation has
been widespread across various sectors. It has also affected numerous aspects
of everyday lives, significantly impacting social, economic, and political
structures (Hassel & Özkiziltan, 2020). Adoption to this technological
advancement can be observed to manufacturing industry as various companies
strive to increase productivity and efficiency while also reducing costs. Of all
the impacts related to digital process automation, one area of particular
interest is its influence to organizational culture of a company.

Digital process automation (DPA) is defined as a method of using

technology to automate and optimize processes (Digital Process Automation
(DPA), 2024). Understanding its influence to the industry is an important
matter in determining how a company adapts to the challenges related to
technological advancements. In finding out the effects of the digital process
automation, this study can contribute important informations in formulating a
guide that provides initiatives, and a more flexible and resilient approach to
technological transformations.

Furthermore, by utilizing quantitative methods such as survey

questionnaire, this study aims to collect data from the workers of
MinebeaMitsumi Inc. The datas that will be collected are limited to their
experiences on the influence of the technological transitions, how it affects
their norms, practices and behavior. Moreover, several statistical tools will be
utilized to analyze the collected data, interpret it, and visually present the
findings for better understanding.

In conclusion, this research study focuses on determining how

technological advancements such as the digital process automation, impact the
company's organizational culture. It proposes an investigation into how a
company's norms, behavior, and practices have changed as a result of
developments in technology and how the company has handled or adapted to
these changes.

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