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The Certified Six Sigma

Green Belt Handbook

Practice Questions
The following questions are intended to be
used in practicing for the exam offered by
the ASQ on a bi-yearly basis. These
questions have been developed for your
practice and are intended to simulate an
actual exam format.
The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1A1-01

Why do organizations use Six Sigma ( 6σ )?

A. Bottom Line Benefits

B. Customer Satisfaction
C. Continuous Improvement
D. All of the above
Answer BOK 1A1-01

• Implementing Six Sigma:

– Six Sigma is a methodology for pursuing continuous
improvement in customer satisfaction and profit that
goes beyond defect reduction and emphasizes business
process improvement in general.

• Memory Jogger:
– Six Sigma enables quality and continuous improvement
to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction.

• The correct answer is: D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1A2-01
Corporate scorecards are organized around financial,
customer, internal process, learning and growth metrics.
As these areas are broken down into components,
projects are NOT limited to:

A. Sigma quality level, defect rate

B. Ease and quickness of completion
C. Profit and loss
D. None of the above
Answer BOK 1A2-01

• Implementing Six Sigma, pages 58-59

• Page 58:
– Organizations should not just measure against
sigma quality levels and/or process output
defect rates.

• The correct answer is A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1A3-01

What is the best way to select six sigma projects when

addressing customer satisfaction issues?

A. Problem Focus
B. Product Focus
C. Project Cost Savings Focus
D. Process Focus
Answer BOK 1A3-01

• The correct answer is: D – Process Focus –

Overall, this is the best way to the root causes of
defects and customer satisfaction issues. The key
is identifying the processes that are critical to
satisfaction and are operating at low sigma level.

• A, B, C – are all ways to select the projects,

however when it comes to addressing customer
satisfaction issues, the process approach is the
The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1B1-01

What is the Goal of Lean Manufacturing?

A. Reduction of defects
B. Elimination of waste
C. Increased profits
D. All of the above
Answer BOK 1B1-01

• Implementing Six Sigma: page 554

• Lean Manufacturing intents to reduce waste
in all its forms

• The correct answer is D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1B2-01

Which of the following is a value-added activity?

A. Inspection
B. Just-In-Time Inventory
C. Defect Correction
D. Waiting
Answer BOK 1B2-01

• Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook page

• Implementing Six Sigma 2nd Ed: pages 858-860
• Implementing Six Sigma – Just in time, yields
exactly the right product inexactly the right place
and exactly the right time

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1B3-01

The “Theory of Constraints” Focuses its continual

improvement on:

A. Empowering the employee

B. Removing system bottlenecks
C. Reducing defect
D. Improving the bottom line
Answer BOK 1B3-01

• Implementing Six Sigma page 887

• By Definition, the theory removes bottlenecks, the
other choices relate to other quality methods

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1C1-01

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is commonly

referred to as:

A. The House of Quality

B. Listening to the voice of the customer
C. Quality Fundamentals
D. A and B
Answer BOK 1C1-01

• CQE Handbook pt 487

• Implementing Six Sigma page 349

• QPD Often referred to as listening to the voice of the

• QFD (Quality Function Deployment or the house of
quality, a term coined QFD because of the shape of its

• The correct answer is: D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1C2-01

The primary purpose of a Failure Modes and Effects

Analysis is to:

A. Solve Problems
B. Manage the Product or Service to Be Delivered
C. Manage Failure Risks
D. Satisfy the Customer
Answer BOK 1C2-01

• Failure Mode Effect Analysis: FMEA from

Theory to Execution 2nd Ed – Stamatis page xxiv

• “FMEA is a specific methodology to evaluate a

system design, process, or service for possible
ways in which failures (problems, errors, risks,
concerns) can occur.”

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 1C3-01

A DMADV approach is used for a product

A. At the end of its product life

B. Product is not in existence
C. That has been recalled
D. The customer sees no added value in it
Answer BOK 1C3-01

• Implementing Six Sigma 2nd ed page 909

• DMADV is design, product is being created

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2A1-01

The roles and responsibilities of a Champion include all

of the following EXCEPT:

A. A Champion selects the Team Leader.

B. A Champion reviews team progress.
C. A Champion coordinates team logistics.
D. A Champion assures the use of Six Sigma
methods and tools.
Answer BOK 2A1-01

• Six Sigma for Green Belts and Champions page


• The Process Owner is responsible for coordinating

team logistics.

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2A1-01

The benefits of a process map include all of the

following EXCEPT:

A. Serves as a training and orientation tool

B. Helps identify when and where to collect data
C. Helps determine sigma values
D. Identifies non value added activities
Answer BOK 2A1-01

• The Six Sigma Way Team field book, Peter S.

Pande, Robert P. Newman, Roland R. Cavangh

• The process flow map does not allow the user to

determine sigma values

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2A2-01

The roles and responsibilities of a Green Belt include all

of the following EXCEPT:

A. A Green Belt mentors Black Belts and Green

B. A Green Belt is a part-time (25%) project leader
or member and provides most of the functions of
a Black Belt (Team Leader) for lower level
project teams.
C. A Green Belt analyzes data.
D. Green Belts are the “work horses” of Six Sigma
Answer BOK 2A2-01

• Six Sigma for Green Belts and Champions page


• The Master Black Belt is responsible for

coordinating team logistics.

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2A3-01
An early step in any project must be seeking the voice of
the internal and external customers of a project. This
statement is:

A. False, because projects should only be

concerned with external customers.
B. True, because both internal and external
customers can be impacted by the project.
C. True, because a project team wants to maintain
good will with all customers.
D. False, because internal projects only impact
internal customers.
Answer BOK 2A3-01

• The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook,

page 18

• Projects need to consider all stakeholders,

including internal and external customers.

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2A4-01

Which of the following methods is an effective tool to

use when collecting customer data:

A. Written surveys.
B. Focus groups.
C. Interviews by phone or in person.
D. All of the above.
Answer BOK 2A4-01

• The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook, page 18

• Written surveys can be sent to a randomly selected group

of customers or potential customers. Focus groups are an
attempt to improve the depth and accuracy of the
responses. Interviews by phone or in person permit a
higher response rate than written surveys; a skillful
interviewer can record customer feelings that written
surveys wouldn’t detect.

• The correct answer is: D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2A5-01

Which quality management tool displays connections

between customer needs and various product features?

A. Parameter (P) Diagram

B. Quality Function Deployment
C. Cause and effect Diagram
D. Relationship Matrix
Answer BOK 2A5-01

• By definition

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2A6-01

Which of the following quality terms is most closely

associated with Quality Function Deployment (QFD)?

A. House of Quality.
C. Process flow diagram.
D. Focus groups.
Answer BOK 2A6-01

• The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook, page 120 - 122.

• One of the methods used in Quality Function Deployment

is the “house of quality.” The house of quality is a
graphical display, which includes prioritized customer
needs, design requirements, relationship of design to
needs, customer rating of competitors, technical
benchmarks, correlation of design requirements, technical
evaluation, and performance targets.

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2B1-01

Which of the following is NOT a key element of the

define phase?

A. Measure
B. Process mapping
C. Project charter
D. Problem statement
Answer BOK 2B1-01

• Six Sigma for Greenbelts and Champions Howard

Gitlaw PhD., David M. Levine Ph.D.

• Measure Is actually the next phase of DMAIC

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2B2-01
Project scope can be defined by answering a series of
questions. Which of the following questions would not
yield information relevant to project scope?

A. What is the critical path of the project?

B. What resources are available for the project?
C. What are the obstacles and constraints of the project?
D. What are the process boundaries of the project?
Answer BOK 2B2-01

• Six Sigma for Greenbelts and Champions, Gitlow,

Levine page 69

• The critical path of the project is not known when

the project scope is developed and is not relevant
to developing a good project scope statement.

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2B3-01

It is most important that key metrics for a Six Sigma

project are aligned with:

A. The overall cost and timing for the project

B. The team responsibility matrix
C. The key business and strategic objectives
D. The project leaders previous goals and objectives
Answer BOK 2B3-01

• Six Sigma for Green Belt Champions Gitlow, Levine

• Unless the Six Sigma projects key metrics are not aligned
with the business and strategic objectives of the
organization, it will be difficult to get resources and
support for the project. Alignment with project count and
timing is important but not as important here. Alignment
with the responsibility matrix, or the project leaders
personal goals and objectives are not relevant in this

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2B4-01
Features of the critical path method (CPM) include:
I. The time and cost factors for each activity are considered.
II. Activities with the lowest crash cost (per incremental
time savings) are selected first.
III. As an activity is crashed, it is possible for a new critical
path to develop.
IV. Each group of activities on the chart is an event.

A. I and IV only
B. I, II and IIII only
C. III and IV only
D. IV only
Answer BOK 2B4-01

• The CSSBB Primer page IV-7 and IV-10

• Choice IV refers to the PERT chart, which is

event-oriented. The critical path method (CPM) is
very similar to PERT, but CPM is activity
oriented. Choices I, II, and III are activity-related
features included in the critical path method.

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2B5-01

Which of the following Six Sigma project tools was

borrowed from movies and advertising?

A. Pareto Chart.
B. Storyboard.
C. Run Chart.
D. SIPOC Diagram.
Answer BOK 2B5-01

• The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook page 64

• The Storyboard is a series of graphical panels that

tell the “story” of a Six Sigma project. This is the
same tool used in movies and advertising, where
drawings are used to map out a commercial or
animated feature before it goes into production.
• The Storyboard may contain the other tools listed.

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2B6-01

A/An______________ is a tool to identify, estimate,

prioritize and reduce the risk of failure.

C. Ishikawa Diagram
D. Boundary Diagram
Answer BOK 2B6-01

• Six Sigma for Greenbelts and Champions Gitlow, Levine

page 154

• QFD is a tool to translate customer wants needs and desires to

engineering/technical requirements
• An Ishikawa diagram is a way to analyze cause and effects
• A Boundary diagram is a tool to help depict how elements of
a system relate to other systems to which it comes in contact
with either directly or in directly

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2B7-01
The analysis of lessons learned, or what went well and
what went wrong during a project would most likely take
place during which of the following?

A. Milestones reporting.
B. Document archiving.
C. Post mortem analysis.
D. Project champion updates.
Answer BOK 2B7-01

• CSSBB Primer page IV-19

• After the final report is completed. The next step

of project information is the post mortem analysis.
The analysis of what went well and what went
wrong is used as a learning tool for future projects.

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2C-01

The objective of the define phase of a six sigma project is

to define:

A. The quality policy

B. The customer, core business process involved
and CTQ business issues
C. The statistics work instructions
D. The procedures manual for control charting
Answer BOK 2C-01

• Implementing Six Sigma page 61-62

• Hopefully A) quality policy C) Work instruct D)

Procedures exist but when defining a six sigma
project the core focus is on the customer the core
process to be improved and the critical to quality

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2D1-01
The definition that states, ‘total number of deficiencies
divided by the total number of units’ represents the
calculation for:

Answer BOK 2D1-01

• By definition of DPU, DPO and DPMO

• DPO = total number of deficiencies actually found

total number of units x number of opportunities per unit

• DPMO = DPO x 1,000,000

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2D2-01
Which of the following tools is used to identify, estimate,
prioritize, and reduce the risk of failure in CTQs through
the development of actions (process changes) and
contingency plans based on Xs.

A. Process Flow Diagram.

B. Affinity Diagram.
C. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
D. Histogram.
Answer BOK 2D2-01

• Six Sigma for Green Belts and Champions, pages

154 & 688

• Team members select the Xs with the highest

weighted averages and input them into a failure
modes and effects analysis.

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2E1-01

During project team meetings, the Team Leader is

responsible for all of the following activities EXCEPT:

A. Starts and ends the meeting on time

B. Stays on the agenda
C. Leads brainstorming sessions
D. Monitors how much time the team spends on
each agenda item
Answer BOK 2E1-01

• The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook, page 48

• The Timekeeper is responsible for monitoring how

much time the team spends on each agenda item.

• The correct answer is: D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2E2-01

In which phase of DMAIC do you define the Roles and

Responsibilities of the Improvement Team?

A. Analyze
B. Define
C. Measure
D. Improve
Answer BOK 2E2-01

• Six Sigma Green Belt and Champions, Howard S.

Gitlow PhD., David M. Levine PhD.

• Define

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2E3-01

Multivoting is a variation of which of the following team


A. Brainstorming
B. Force field analysis
C. Nominal group techniques
D. Consensus
Answer BOK 2E3-01

• The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook page


• Multivoting is a variation of the nominal group

technique in which each team member has 100
points to allocate to the items on the list as that team
member feels appropriate, assigning the largest
number of points to the highest ranking items.

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 2E4-01
Excessive conflict within a work team:
I. Has a negative effect on team members and should be
II. Has a positive effect on creating alternate solutions
III. Most often results in lose-lose situations

A. I only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. III only
Answer BOK 2E4-01

• CSSBB Primer, Section IV – 69 and IV – 68/71

• Excessive conflict within a team often has a negative effect

on employees (answer I). This leaves only answers a and b
as options. Conflict most often results in win-lose or lose-
lose situations (answer III). Rarely will either a win-win or
creative alternate solutions result. Only a few exceptional
personalities thrive in an environment of conflict.

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3A1-01
The fishbone diagram is also known as a:
I. Ishikawa Diagram
II. Scatter Diagram
III. Process Flow Diagram
IV. Causes and Effect Diagram

A. I Only
B. I, II and IV only
C. I and IV only
D. I, II, II and IV only
Answer BOK 3A1-01

• CSSBB Primer pg 121 Implementing Six Sigma

• The chart was developed by Ishikawa and it looks

like a fish’s backbone, thus it is also called
fishbone. It helps to assign causes for listed
• Dr. Deming tried to Americanize it by calling a
Feather Diagram, but that never stuck.

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3A2-01

SIPOC stands for:

A. Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer

B. Supplier, Internal, Process, Output, Customer
C. Supplier, Input, Production, Output, Customer
D. Supplier, Input, Production, Output, Control
Answer BOK 3A2-01

• Implementing Six Sigma

• Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3B1-01
An early step in any project must be seeking the voice of
the internal and external customers of a project. This
statement is:

A. False, because projects should only be

concerned with external customers.
B. True, because both internal and external
customers can be impacted by the project.
C. True, because a project team wants to maintain
good will with all customers.
D. False, because internal projects only impact
internal customers.
Answer BOK 3B1-01

• The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook 1st

Ed, page 18

• Projects need to consider all stakeholders,

including internal and external customers.

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3B2-01

To approximate the normal distribution using the central

limit theorem, it is best to have a sample size that is:

A. Large
B. Small
C. Skewed
D. Positive
Answer BOK 3B2-01

• CSSBB Primer P. VI-51

• When a sample of several random measurements

are averaged, distribution of such repeated sample
averages tends to be normally distributed
regardless of the distribution of measurements

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3B3-01

An examples of ‘Attribute Data’ is:

A. Height of each student in 1st grade

B. Number of students with blue eyes in the 1st
C. Location of car dealerships in a large city
D. Outdoor temperature recorded at each hour of a
day on December 25th
Answer BOK 3B3-01

• Number of students with blue eyes in the 1-st

grade represents attribute data. Attribute data are
data that can be counted; in this case, a total
number of students with blue eyes are a specific
integer number
– Answer A) is variable data
– Answer C) is location data
– Answer D) is variable data

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3C1-01

The average of five raw data points is called a:

A. Parameter
B. Statistic
C. Constraint
D. Population
Answer BOK 3C1-01

• CSSBB Primer by QCI

• Descriptive statistics help pull useful information

from raw data

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3C2-01

Coding data frequently improves the efficiency of data

entry due to:

A. Inspectors trying to squeeze too many digits into small

block on a check sheet form
B. Reduced follow through and increased errors by clerks at
C. Reduced sensitivity due to runoff of large sequences of
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer BOK 3C2-01

• CSSBB Primer Pg VI-27

• Coding reduces large numbers into small

manageable numbers.

• The correct answer is: D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3C3-01

Which type of sampling requires giving every part an

equal change of being selected for the sample:

A. Stratified
B. Sequential
C. Random
D. Tightened
Answer BOK 3C3-01

• Implementing Six Sigma CSSBB Primer VI-29

page 96

• True randomness is an equal opportunity.

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3C4-01

What are the three measures of central tendency:

I. Mode
II. Median
III. Mean
IV. Sum
V. Difference
A. I, II, and IV
B. I, II and III
C. III, IV and V
D. II, III and IV
Answer BOK 3C4-01

• CSSBB Primer VI page 30

1. Median is the midpoint

2. The mean is the average
3. The mode is the most frequently occurring
number in a data sheet

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3C5-01
Constructed much like a tally column for creating a
histogram, except that the last digit of the data value is
recorded as data instead of a tally mark:

A. Box-and-whisker plot
B. Stem-and-leaf plot
C. Scatter diagram
D. Pareto chart
Answer BOK 3C5-01

• Implementing Six Sigma page 1120


• A stem-and-leaf plot of this data can be

constructed by writing the first digits in the first
column, then writing the second digits of all the
remaining data numbers in that range to the right
of the original digit.

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3D-01
The distribution that is used to model situations having
only two possible outcomes, usually labeled as success or
failure, is the:

A. Poisson
B. Binomial
C. Normal
D. Chi-square
Answer BOK 3D-01

• CSSBB Primer PVI-47

• Binomial distribution always has two possible


• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3E-01

What is the purpose of a GR&R:

A. Identification of the variability of the

measurement system
B. Identification of the accuracy of the
measurement system
C. Identification of the variability between
D. Identification of the accuracy of two different
measurement systems
Answer BOK 3E-01

• Implementing Six Sigma page 309

• Gage R&R (repeatability and reproducibly) studies address

the variability of the measurement system.
• Measurement System Analysis (MSA) assesses the
statically properties of repeatability, reproducibly, bias,
stability, and linearity.
• Bias, stability and linearity studies address the accuracy of
the measurement system.

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3F1-01
When the natural process limits are compared with the
specification range, which of the following possible
courses of action may result:
I. Do nothing
II. Change the specifications
III. Center the process
IV. Reduce variability
V. Accept the loss A. I Only
B. III Only
C. II, III and IV only
D. I, II, III, IV and V
Answer BOK 3F1-01

• CBSBB Primer Page VI -117

• If the process limits fall well within the specifications:

– Specifications may be set tighter
– Adjustment when process spread is approximately the same
as specifications spread
– Work on largest variation offender
– Management may be content with high loss rate

• The correct answer is: D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3F2-01

The statistic that is a capability index that takes the

process location as well as the capability into
account is the:

A. Cp
B. Cpk
C. Pp
D. Ppk
Answer BOK 3F2-01
• AIAG SPC 2nd Ed definitions & pages 132-133

• Cp is a capability index that compares the process

capability to the maximum allowable variation as
indicated by the tolerance.
• Pp is the performance index that compares the
process performance to the maximum allowable
variation as indicated by the tolerance.
• Ppk is the performance index that takes the process
location as well as the performance into account.

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3F2-01

The capability index that relates to distance between the

process mean and the closest specifications limit is:

A. Cp
B. Cpk
C. Cmk
D. Cpm
Answer BOK 3F2-01

A. Implementing Six Sigma Page 257

• Cpk is the lesser value of

– USL-X/6s or X-LSL/6s

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3F3-01

What is the Cpk for a process with specification limits of

48 and 30 and a process mean of 29 and sigma of 4?

A. 1.58
B. 0.08
C. - 0.08
D. - 1.58
Answer BOK 3F3-01

• Six Sigma for the Shop Floor page 147

• Cpk = lesser of USL-Xbar/3s or Xbar-LSL/3s

– Cpu 48-29/3*4 = 1.58
– Cpl 29-30/3*4 = -0.08

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3F4-01

Which of the following is NOT a process performance


A. Pp
B. Ppk
C. Cpk
D. Cpm
Answer BOK 3F4-01

• CSSBB Primer PVI 127 ???

• Cpk is a capability index

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3F5-01

Many Six Sigma practitioners focus on determining

short-term variability with an assumed adjustment of
_________ to compensate for drifts to get long-term

A. 1.00 Sigma
B. 1.33 Sigma
C. 1.50 Sigma
D. 2.00 Sigma
Answer BOK 3F5-01

• Implementing Six Sigma Pg. 259

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 3F6-01

Which index is used to calculate attribute capability?

B. p Chart
C. c Chart
D. Cpm
Answer BOK 3F6-01

• Munro

• The p and c are charts that show stability of a

• Cpm is a performance index for variables data

• The correct answer is: D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 4A1-01

The use of the multi-variable chart is useful for all of the

following EXCEPT?

A. within-sample variation
B. sample-to-sample variation within batches of
C. weighted average-to-standard weights
D. batch-to-batch variation
Answer BOK 4A1-01

• "Multi-vari" charts are used in a variety of industries to

analyze process data with nested (hierarchical) patterns of
– within-sample variation (for example, position within wafer)
– sample-to-sample variation within batches of samples (for
example, wafer within lot)
– batch-to-batch variation (for example, across lots)

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 4A2-01

If r = 0.97, as the independent variable b increase, one

would expect the dependant variable to______

A. increase
B. decrease
C. stay the same
D. can’t tell
Answer BOK 4A2-01

• *** Pg 119
• Regression analysis is a method of analysis that
enables you to quantify the relationship between
two or more variables (X) and (Y) by fitting a line
or plane through all the points such that they are
evenly distributed about the line or plane.

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 4B1-01

The producer risk is also known as_________ .

A. Consumer risk
B. Alpha
C. Beta
D. Type II error
Answer BOK 4B1-01
• Engineering Statistics Handbook – pg 245
• A value of α = 0.05 means that we inadvertently reject the null hypothesis
5% of the time when it is in fact true. This is also called the type I error.
• The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact false is
called the power of the test and is denoted by 1 - β. Its complement, the
probability of accepting the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis
is, in fact, true (type II error), is called and can only be computed for a
specific alternative hypothesis.
TRUE Good ☺ Bad – Type II Error – Bata
- Customer Risk
FALSE Bad – Type I Error - Alpha Good ☺
- Producers Risk

• The correct answer is: B

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 4B2-01
A sample Z-test for population means concludes that
the null hypotheses should not be rejected. This means
that statistically the sample mean is ________the
population mean.

A. the same as
B. different than
C. larger than
D. not related
Answer BOK 4B2-01

• By definition

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 4B3-01

All of the following are regarding the null hypotheses


A. It can be rejected
B. It can not be rejected
C. It can be accepted
D. It is never accepted
Answer BOK 4B3-01

• By Definition – hypothesis test are never

“accepted” as you can never test all variables or

• The correct answer is: C

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 4B4-01

What is typically considered the crossover point between

the T and Z tests?

A. Sample size of 30
B. When standard deviation is known
C. Degrees of freedom are unknown
D. To model rates such as defects per unit
Answer BOK 4B4-01

• CSSBB Primer pg: VII-32

• By Definition
• Also T distribution tables d..f. =1-29

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 4B5-01

The Goodness of Fit test relies upon which distribution

to calculate the cumulative distribution function?

A. T-distribution
B. Binomial
C. Chi-square
D. Poisson
Answer BOK 4B5-01
• Engineering Statistics Handbook
• pg 113 - These features (center, spread, skewness, presence of outliers or
presence of multiple modes) provide strong indications of the proper
distributional model for the data. The probability plot or a goodness-of-fit test
can be used to verify the distributional model.
• pg 152 - The residual standard deviation is a goodness-of-fit measure. That is,
the smaller the residual standard deviation, the closer is the fit to the data.
• pg 317 - An attractive feature of the chi-square goodness-of-fit test is that it can
be applied to any
• univariate distribution for which you can calculate the cumulative distribution
• The chi-square goodness-of-fit test is applied to binned data (i.e., data put into
• The correct answer is: C
The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 5A1-01

An experiment was run to evaluate the effects of

hinge thickness and hardness on the force required to
close a door. The following results were recorded.
Run Hinge Thickness Hinge Hardness Force to Close Door Average
1 Thin (Low) Soft (Low) 5.0, 5.5, 5.2, 5.8, 6.0 5.5
2 Thin (Low) Hard (High) 5.2, 5.7, 5.3, 6.2, 6.0 5.7
3 Thin (High) Soft (Low) 7.6, 8.2, 7.8, 8.5, 7.3 7.9
4 Thin (High) Hard (High) 9.3, 10.0, 9.5, 9.8, 10.2 9.9

The number of factors in this experiment is?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
Answer BOK 5A1-01

• Implementing Six Sigma 2nd Edition Forrest

Breyfogle Page 1106
• Definition of Factors: Factors are variables that
are studied at different levels in a designed
• The two factors in this experiment are Hinge
Thickness and Hinge Hardness.

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 5A2-01
An experiment was run to evaluate the effects of
hinge thickness and hardness on the force required to
close a door. The following results were recorded.
Run Hinge Thickness Hinge Hardness Force to Close Door Average
1 Thin (Low) Soft (Low) 5.0, 5.5, 5.2, 5.8, 6.0 5.5
2 Thin (Low) Hard (High) 5.2, 5.7, 5.3, 6.2, 6.0 5.7
3 Thin (High) Soft (Low) 7.6, 8.2, 7.8, 8.5, 7.3 7.9
4 Thin (High) Hard (High) 9.3, 10.0, 9.5, 9.8, 10.2 9.9

What is the effect of the Hinge Hardness?

A) -1.1
B) +1.1
C) -3.3
D) +3.3
Answer BOK 5A2-01
• Understanding Industrial Designed Experiments, 4th Edition Schmidt
& Launsby Page 2-10
• The Effect is the difference (delta) between the High and Low Level
Average Results for each factor.
• For Hinge Hardness Levels:
• The average High Level result for Hardness is (5.5 + 7.9) / 2 = 6.7
• The average Low Level result for Hardness is (5.7 + 9.8) / 2 = 7.8
• The difference in results for Hardness is 6.7 – 7.8 = -1.1
• Answer B is the negative value of A, which is arrived at if the High
Level Result is subtracted from the Low Level result for Hinge
• Answer C is the Effect for Hinge Thickness rather than Hinge
• Answer D is the negative value of C, which is arrived at if the High
Level result is subtracted from the Low Level result for Hinge
• The correct answer is A.
The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 5B1-01

In the 1920’s, Dr. Walter A. Shewhart of Bell Telephone

Laboratories developed a theory of Statistical Quality
Control (SQC). He concluded that there were two
components to variations that were displayed in all
manufacturing processes. What are these components?

A. X variables & R variables (& R charts)

B. Cause issues and effects issues (C&E diagrams)
C. Gage repeatability and gage reproducibility
D. Random variation and intermittent variation
Answer BOK 5B1-01

• 2nd edition of Implementing Six Sigma pg 204 and

• Understand the history and theory of SPC
• Answers A, B and C are all tools
• Random variation is also called common or
normal process variation.
• Intermittent variation is also called special,
assignable or nonrandom process variation.
• The correct answer is: D
The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 5B2-01

Segregating data from different mold cavities in a

production line is an example of:

A) Red Bead Experimentation

B) Process Control Plan
C) Rational Subgrouping
D) Factor Allocation
Answer BOK 5B2-01
• Implementing Six Sigma 2ND Ed, Forrest Breyfogle
Page 218 & SSBBC Primer by QCI Page IX-5
• “Generally, subgroups are selected in a way that makes
each subgroup as homogeneous as possible. “ - CQI
• “Traditionally, rational subgrouping issues involve the
selection of samples that yield relatively homogeneous
conditions within the subgroup …” Implementing Six
• Add refer to basic definition of rational subgrouping.
• The correct answer is C.
The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 5B3-01

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Inspection data for number of
imperfections in a windshield was taken, Lot 1
3 2 4
with 3 samples taken from every incoming Lot 2
1 3 2
lot, as shown in the table below. If the Lot 3
0 3 1
number of defects are charted what would Lot 4
1 4 1
be the Lower Control Limit? Lot 5
3 2 2
Lot 6
2 0 1
A) 7.14 Lot 7
5 6 4
B) 2.56
C) 0
D) -0.87
Answer BOK 5B3-01
• SSBBC Primer by CQI Page IX-22
• This question evaluates the individual’s ability to calculate
control Limits on a C Chart and knowledge that the LCL can
never be lower than 0 (zero) on a C Chart.
• The formula for calculating the Lower Control Limit on an C
Chart is :
• LCL= C Bar – 3*(sqrt(CBar))
• C Bar = Total number of Defects / Number of Lots =
(9+6+4+6+7+3+15) / 7 = 50 / 7 = 7.14
• Square Root of CBar = Square Root of 7.14 = 2.67
• LCL = CBar - 3 * SQRT(CBar) = 7.14 – 3*2.67 = -0.87
• However there can never be less defectives than 0. The LCL = 0.
• The correct answer is: C
The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 5B4-01

In statistical process control, when a point falls outside of

control limits, the probability is quite high that the
process is experiencing _____________ .

A. common cause variation

B. student t variation
C. a reduction of variables
D. special cause variation
Answer BOK 5B4-01

• The correct answer is: D

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 5C-01

The 'F' distribution is used to test:

A) the ratio of two Variances

B) the ratio of two mean
C) the ratio of two standard deviations
D) none of the above
Answer BOK 5C-01

• Question based upon reading of Six Sigma Jogger

& Black Belt Memory Jogger

• The correct answer is: A

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Handbook
Practice Question: BOK 5D-01

The best source for developing a Control Plan would be

which of the following?

A) Poka-Yoke
B) Control Chart
C) House of Quality
Answer BOK 5D-01

• Implementing Six Sigma 2nd Forrest Breyfogle Page 709

• “The control plan is an extension of the control column of an FMEA. The
FMEA is an important source for the identification of KPIVs that are included
within a Control Plan” – see Implementing Six Sigma by Forrest Breyfogle.
• Poka-yoke should be part of the Control Plan but it is only one of many possible
controls in the Control Plan.
• Use of Control Charts should be only one of the many possible controls in the
Control Plan.
• The House of Quality can be used to help identify possible KPIVs and KPOVs
early in the Six Sigma process. However FMEA helps to identify the controls
that were determined to be critical for obtaining or sustaining improvements
based upon the actual and potential failure modes or risks of the process.
• The correct answer is: D

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