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Take a look at this conversation

Tony was searching for a report paper. He tried finding it around his desk but it was not
there. When he was searching on his shelf,
”You look troubled. Can I give you a hand?” a work mate asked.
“It is just a report paper.” he replied and say nothing else
The other person left. Toni kept looking for the paper.
“I see you have been here for 5 minutes.” another mate said,
”Would you like me to help?”
“No. I can find it myself” said Tony.
“Okay.” the mate frowned and left.

What do you get from the conversation?
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There are two common “magic words” in English and probably all languages in the world.
They are please and thank you. Please is used when we ask for something and we use
thank you in accepting or refusing something. Thank you is also used after asking for help
regardless that we get the favor.

In the above case Tony misses saying thank you to both of his colleague’s help.

We will not miss saying thank you or we might lose lots of favor.

For a better understanding you may watch this one.

Having seen the video, you might want to list the sentences Anna uses to offer help
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Refusing help offer

Since human creative brain is nearly unlimited, expression in a language for each specific
purpose are varied. Even for refusing a help offer, we have more than only “no thank you”.
On the previous video, Tom refuses Anna’s willingness to help by saying
“Thanks Anna but these are big, big client.”
What do you think about Tom’s way to refuse Anna’s offer?
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Other expression Tom says is “I can handle this, alright.”

What do you think is a better way to say it?
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Why do you think it is better?

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In order to make our words sound nice when we refuse a help offer we need to:
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