Plastic Pollution Presentation

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The silent invander

Representing by
Ph. Karan Kanojia
Ph. Vivek Mandaliya
Welcome to today's presentation on the pressing issue of plastic pollution. In the next
few slides, we will uncover the critical aspects of this environmental crisis, from its
origins to its global impact. Join us on this journey to gain insights into the world of
plastic pollution.
Plastic pollution can be categorized into four main
types based on its location and source of origin.

Plastic pollution in water primarily
Plastic pollution in the air, also
Plastic pollution on land refers to the
pervasive environmental issue
Marine type of plastic
arises from the improper disposal
known as "airborne characterized by the accumulation and
pollution occurs in oceans,
of plastic products such as bottles, improper disposal of plastic waste in
microplastics," is an emerging
bags, packaging, and microplastics terrestrial ecosystems. This pollution arises seas, and other bodies of
(tiny plastic particles).Wind, rain, environmental concern that from various human activities, including
highlights the pervasive nature water. It includes plastic
and inadequate waste management the discard of plastic products like bags,
systems can transport plastic of plastic waste in our bottles, and packaging, often resulting in debris like bottles, bags,
waste from land into rivers and environment. While not as litter in urban and natural environments.
fishing nets, and microplastics
Land-based plastic pollution poses
eventually to the visible as plastic pollution in environmental, aesthetic, and ecological that have entered aquatic
ocean.Microplastics can also enter water bodies or on land, it has
water bodies through sources like
challenges, as plastic waste can persist for environments, often causing
substantial implications for extended periods, leach harmful chemicals
synthetic clothing fibers, tire wear, into the soil, disrupt ecosystems, harm harm to marine life and
human health and the
and microbeads in personal care
wildlife, and even potentially impact ecosystems.
products. human health through the food chain.
Here you can show the chart

The increasing graph of plastic pollution is a concerning global trend that poses
significant environmental and health risks. This graph represents the escalating leve
of plastic waste generated, improperly managed, and released into the environmen
particularly in the oceans.

Rapid production Plastic in ocean Single use plastic

Inadequate recycling Human health concerns Consumer awareness

Human health effects
Plastic pollution can contaminate
water sources, leading to the
ingestion of microplastics by humans,
potentially causing health issues.

Exposure to certain chemicals found in

plastics, such as bisphenol A (BPA) and
phthalates, may disrupt the endocrine
system and have adverse effects on
hormonal balance.
Improper disposal of plastic waste in
landfills can lead to the release of toxic
chemicals and leachates that can
contaminate soil and groundwater,
affecting food crops and drinking water
Source of plastic pollution

The major 3 sources of plastic pollution which we are discussing about

Single use plastics Plastic packaging Microplastics

Disposable items like plastic The packaging industry is a Microplastics are tiny plastic
major contributor to plastic particles that result from the
bags, bottles, straws, and
pollution, with plastic used breakdown of larger plastic
packaging make up a items or are intentionally
extensively for wrapping
significant portion of plastic manufactured for use in
products, food containers,
pollution. They are often products like cosmetics and
and more. Much of this textiles. These microplastics can
discarded after a single use packaging ends up as waste, enter the environment through
and contribute to the especially in areas with various routes, including
accumulation of plastic inadequate recycling washing clothes, and can be
waste. infrastructure. challenging to remove.
Effect of plastic friendship
Solution of plastic pollution

Recycle properly Reduce microplastics Innovation

Avoid personal care Support research
Ensure that you recycle products with and development of
plastics correctly, following microplastics innovative
local recycling guidelines. (microbeads) and use technologies to
This helps divert plastic filters in washing manage and recycle
waste from landfills and machines to capture plastics more
reduces the need for new microplastic particles efficiently and
plastic production. from synthetic clothing. sustainably.
Case studies

The greate Plastic

Pacific garbage pollution in
patch African River

pollution in
Ganga River
you very

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