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This world is advancing a lot; many new factories, vehicles… are being made.
Technology is being enhanced to greater heights. Nevertheless, this leads to the
release of harmful substances into the environment and thus causing global

The Earth’s temperature has become hotter due to global warming. This
problem mainly results from human activities, especially when burning fossil
fuels such as coal, oil and gas which add too much of carbon dioxide and other
gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun leading to an
increase in temperatures on Earth. The solution is reducing our dependence on
fossil fuels for energy generation and transport. Renewable energy sources like
wind power, solar power, hydroelectric can reduce greenhouse gas emissions
significantly and help mitigate effects of climate change.

Global warming has different health issues that affect people a lot. One major
health issue is heat waves that happen when temperatures rise very high. Such
heat waves can be dangerous to people’s health particularly older adults as well
as children. Additionally, pollution in the air gets worse during hot weather
making it hard for some asthmatic patients or those with lung problems
breathe properly.

Further, global warming is caused by deforestation as we are destroying the

earth’s green lungs that also serve as the best air filter for the earth. It is thus
important to protect and restore forests in addition to advocating for
sustainable land management practices to mitigate climate change. Biodiversity
can be conserved through preserving natural habitats.

Natural disasters like hurricanes, droughts, floods and wildfires are caused by
global warming. This could result in water deficits and crop failures especially
during droughts. Homes, buildings and infrastructure can be destroyed by
floods and hurricanes. Transportation networks such as roads, bridges and
power lines can be disrupted rendering them impassable.

To sum up, global warming is a big problem for all people on Earth. Its impact
on human life is terrible too. Nevertheless there are things we can do. We will
use cleaner forms of energy (like solar or wind), drive less frequently and plant
more trees. By adopting policies that reduce our carbon footprint working
together to reduce our carbon footprint while striving to protect the planet, we
can make real change towards a better future. It’s time for us all start taking
actions now; if not I mean who will care tomorrow?

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