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Tell me what you love and I will tell you who you are

Bishop brom- November 1963 outsside church of jesu in rome

For john paul to meet another person is to encounter god

JP 2 asked how many tmes have we met and when was the first time

Born into much suffering. Mother opened the windows to hear the bells. Mom died at 8, brother at
11. Sister even before he was born. Only him and his dad. At night dad was praying.

He was 19 and at mass when he heard bombs falling down. Went to help friend. German fire plane
machine gun firing. Nazi took over. Priests martyred. His parish priest was a heroic man. Germans
tortured him and put him in a hole filled with human excrement where he died all because he would
not grind a rosary with his foot on the ground.

When 23 a military truck hit and he was uncouncious bleeding from head. In the midst of suffering
god was protecting him. When young his friend almost shot him.

When he and his friends were at the café, all were arrested and when enquired he was working at
the quarry so left alone and rest of his friends were shot. In the midst of all of this he was constantly
asking why was I spared lord.

God was raising him up. He became a priest at 26 and a bishop at 38. God was raising him up
because he was lowly. His bishop who was with him used to say his undershirts had holes I them as
even when he received something he gave it to the poor. Showed up at mass once without shoes.

Some people had a premonition that he was going to be a pope. Padre pio, JP1.

First homily as pope he gave in 11 languages. Staggering intellect. Power of split concentration.
Memory was super. Had an atlas in his room and knew each bishop of every 2000 dioseces around
the world. He had heart and intellect.

Many miracles during his life. In Brazil 5 year old with lukemia with devout mom and atheist father.
Final stage and had not eaten anything in 2 weeks only weighing 14 kg. JP 2 changes way and goes
and kisses him. Kid was hungry and cured of cancer. Then took kid to him in few months and JP2
looked at him and said God does wonderful things. Dad became catholic.

“God performs miracles, I simply pray, those are divine miracles, lets not dwell on it”

Sneaked out of Vatican with friends more than 100 times. Skied at 11000 feet in the alps. A kid asked
hm are the pope and JP 2 said yes and do you want to ski?

He said it is unbecoming of a cardinal to ski badly.

His heart was for young people. It was illegal to go out when he ewas a preist and he went out as
their uncle. He risked his life to be with yound people. He said I have 2 responsibilities to the youth-
canoeing and sking.

Youth ministry was in his blood. He didn come on retreats for mass and confessions. He came in the
morning and was in their skits and stayed up with them till night and wouldn’t leave until they went
to sleep.
Fr Gabriel amorth invoked him as an intercessor. Demonds were terrified of him. Said he ruined our
plans and took so many young people from us.

His lobe for the blessed sacrament. Priest incharge of papal visits- Fr Roberto Tucci. Came to Denver
and prepped for visit. Told preist in seminary with adoration moring to evening to keep the door
closed when pope comes as he will sit there and plan will be spoiled. He said we cant let the pope
that the blessed sacrament is there. The preist was confused and asked why do you want to hide
jesus from the pope. He said we reroute his pope mobiles away from churches because if he sees
one he will go. Story

Marian consecration was the turing point of his life.

He travelled more than more than probably anyone. Almost the distance of going to the moon and
coming back 3 times. Joke at the Vatican- difference between pope and God. God is in all places but
the pope has alredy been there.

Multiple assassination attempts- Pakistan mass, priest stabbed, wyd manila 2 weeks before an
apartment caught on fire. Whole place packed with bombs. He still came and celebrated mass with
50-70 lakh people.

He had suffered a lot still believed in the power of suffering. He spent so much time in the hospital
that he called it Vatican 3. Nun said holy father I am worried about your holiness.

He said it was with suffering that he was most helping mankind. He died with music coming from the

Now if we want to see him we can talk to him anytime because of the communion of saints.

Pope of the family. Chistopher west meeting

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