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Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya

National Law University


Sociology Project

Inclination towards Alcohol in colleges

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr Sanjay Singh Mohd Ashad

Faculty of Sociology BA LLB

Head of Department Enrollment no-19101094
Dr Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University .... 1
Before College ................... 4
Major Changes ................... 4
What We Know.................. 5
Critical Social Decisions .... 6
Risky Behaviour................. 6
Socially Desirable Images.. 6
Alcohol Effects .................. 7
Why Drink? ........................ 7
Conclusion ......................... 6
Before College
relatively unregulated environment
Although we think of college as a time surrounded by same age peers (Arnett,
when young adults experiment with 2000). The transition to college is a critical
alcohol, the college years are rarely the time for parents to intervene and work to
first time students have faced decisions prevent alcohol misuse. In some cases,
about alcohol. According to the nationally students arrive at the University with
representative Monitoring the Future drinking problems that have reached the
Study, in 2012, 42 percent of high school level of addiction. Parents are often
seniors reported having had alcohol (more unaware of the drinking habits their
than just a few sips) within 30 days prior to student has developed, and the University
the survey, and 24 percent reported binge has no way of screening for alcohol use
drinking within the previous two weeks. during the college admissions process.
Moreover, 91 percent of seniors said that it Nevertheless, we know we will be working
would be fairly easy or very easy for them with some freshmen every year who have
to obtain alcohol. long-standing patterns of drinking.

Although alcohol use begins before Major Changes

students arrive at college, pressure to The transition to college requires major
misuse alcohol may be intensified when a changes in every aspect of a student's life.
student starts college and is interacting Students are looking for new friends who
with new peers, is exposed to new norms will provide support and intimacy, and
about alcohol use, and parents are less they are working to develop their identity
present. In high school, those seniors who as college students . It can be helpful to
are college-bound are less likely to report consider alcohol use and heavy drinking in
heavy drinking than their classmates who relation to the developmental stages young
don't plan to go on to college. Once adults are encountering. Certainly, there
students arrive on campus, however, they are variations in how different students
"catch up to and pass" the young adults react to the changes they face and their
who do not attend college. methods of coping, but some increases
during college are part of developmental
College students are in a life stage
stages that potentially could be viewed as
characterized by risk and testing their
limits to find out who they are, living in a
serving some positive purposes along with • lower GPA
negative ones
• conformity
Young adults are thinking about how
• higher levels of antisocial behavior
others perceive them. It may be that
students acquire ideas (from media and • drinking to get drunk
through social norms) that drinking
• drinking to cope
moderate to large amounts in college will
make them more fun and exciting to their • expecting future use of alcohol
peers. Adults and students alike participate
• quantity of time spent with friends
in behaviors that they have the most
positive attitudes towards . In college there However, it's important to keep in mind
is often support from peers for drinking; that many young people consider college
and the more a student perceives others as drinking normal and temporary.
drinking heavily or approving of heavy Consequently, we can't accurately predict
alcohol use, the more likely a student is to significant increases or decreases in binge
drink heavily . Fortunately college is also a drinking during the college years and
time when young people start to think beyond. Even dangerous levels of drinking
about the consequences of alcohol use , during the college years do not always
and they become better able to make indicate a long-term problem with alcohol
responsible decisions. use. In fact, we cannot predict problems
with alcohol in adulthood from one's peak
level of binge drinking during college.
What We Know
What do we know about the Critical Social Decisions
relationship between alcohol use in high One student talks about how his
school and alcohol use in college? experiences changed from high school to

A number of risk factors during a student's college:

senior year in high school have been "High school was more of a social factor
identified: altogether. You know you're there, you get

Risk factors for binge drinking: to hang out with all your friends during
passing times and lunch. Most of high
• male school is just busy work to keep you going.

• White Where college is more just test and exam,

what you need to know, less of the busy though, participating in some risky
work, which means they can cut down on behaviours such as drinking alcohol does
the time required to be in the classroom. not necessarily result in problems for
And a detriment to that is that they give students' long-term academic success. It is
you more rope to hang yourself with in a important to consider behaviors in the
college setting. So here it's less busy work, broader context of the student's life and
but the work does get harder, and that cuts development. For example, if the risky
into social it's up to you to choose behavior takes place in the context of a
how much social life you have compared group of highly motivated and otherwise
to your study time." physically and emotionally healthy young
people, it is unlikely that the risky behavior
No matter what a student's high school
will, in and of itself, have extremely
drinking record was, one of the first and
negative consequences. In contrast, if the
most critical social decisions that he or she
risky behavior is part of a broader
will make at the University relates to
syndrome or "pattern" of negative or
alcohol. Nearly all students will encounter
dangerous behaviors then the risky
alcohol at some point, whether they use it
behavior is likely to indicate a problem that
themselves or deal with a roommate, a
may even require treatment or intervention
friend, or a neighbour who is drinking. It's
important for parents and students to keep
in mind that choosing whether or not to Socially Desirable Images
drink is not a one-time decision. Students People are motivated to behave in ways
will have multiple opportunities nearly that will project socially desirable images
every weekend to attend parties where of themselves. Concerns about peer
alcohol is served, and they will be making acceptance, social approval, and having
a choice every time an opportunity comes an image that you're "one of the crowd"
up. may be particularly strong determinants
of drinking behavior among college
students. The most frequently desired
Risky Behaviour
impressions that motivate first-year
students to drink alcohol are "cool/laid
Many parents are deeply concerned if they back" and "fun/social". Seventy-five
learn their student has engaged in so-called percent of firstyear college students
risky behaviours. For college students, report performing at least one risky
behavior (most commonly alcohol use) Not all individuals who drink experience
during their first semester in order to "fit negative consequences, and not all
in". individuals who experience negative
consequences are going to experience them
"You learn that if you don't drink, it's kinda
every time they drink. The experience of
like, 'Oh she's not having fun.' They look
negative consequences, then, is going to be
down on you. If you do drink, it's like
based, at least in part, on factors other than
you're more open to be more social and
people are, 'OK, she's one of us, she's more
into socializing.' That kind of thing."
Why Drink?
Students who report being introverted,
Students sometimes drink because they
lonely, or having low self esteem might be
think alcohol makes it easier to meet other
expected to drink alcohol to present
people, relaxes their social inhibitions, and
themselves as fun and exciting. But these
helps them have more fun. When asked
expectancies have not been found to
whether they believe alcohol has the
determine drinking behavior among this
following effects, the percentages below
group of students.
indicate the rates of college students who
answered "yes" .
Alcohol Effects
• Breaks the ice: 74.4% •
The more students drink, the more likely
they will suffer negative consequences. Enhances social activity:
Those consequences can range in severity
from having a hangover, performing
poorly on a test, or missing class to getting • Gives people something to do:
into an argument or fight, driving under the 71.7%
influence, being hurt or injured, or being
taken advantage of sexually.

When students experience more positive

alcohol effects one week, they consume
more alcohol the following week.
However, the experience of negative
alcohol effects does not predict reduced
binge drinking the next week.
Gives people something to talk
• about: 66.6%

• Allows people to have more fun:


• Facilitates male bonding: 60.1%

• Facilitates a connection with peers


• Facilitates sexual opportunities:


• Facilitates female bonding: 28.8%

• Makes women sexier: 28.8%

• Makes food taste better: 22.7%

• Makes me sexier: 20.4%

• Makes men sexier: 19.9%

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