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GB voulube Strictly Student + Meaning of State Machiavelli anytime Indian political thinker was one of the earliest thinkers to deal with nature and functions of the state. Also, he was the first to use the word state in his classic work "The Prince” published in 1513 A.D. There ere innumerable definitions of a state. The Greek used the word "polis" to denote the “city-state” and used the term “civitas" which means state. + Definitions of a state Jean bodin - The state is an association of families and their common possessions, _governed by supreme power and by reason. | Dr.Gamer - A state is @ community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory independent or merely so of external control and possessing an orgenised government to which greater body of Inhabitants render habitual + Essential Elements of a State Z 1) Population - Just like 2 brick to form a building, population is the raw material ond ‘the most important element to form a state. There can be no state without populetion. Also, There is no limit for the number of citizen in a state however some political thinker mark the limit. According to Plato, for an ideal state populstion should consists of 5040 people. According to Rousseau 10,000 peaple was an ideal. Strictly Student oun Homogeneity/Homogeneous populetion [ people belonging to same race religion language or culture] is no longer considered an essential feature of the modern state. 2] Territory - State must possess a territory where its authority is accepted without any dispute or challenge. Territory not only meant land domain over which production of a state extends but |_also water and air space within its boundary. (3 miles into the sea from the coast is celled as the territorial water. ) Size is not fixed. Itis difficult for States with small territory to maintain its existence as it often threatened by neighbour state and also, resources are not sufficient to maintain the existence. Territory symbolise the sphere of sovereignty of the state. GB voulube Strictly Student Territory provide a sense of security and immense opportunities for a fuller life to its residents, Itis an object of sentimentel attachment, people love and worship their motherhood. They are prepared to make supreme sacrifices for Its protection 3] Government - According to JW garner, "Government is the agency on machinery _ through which common policies are determined and by which common atteirs are -feguleted end common interest ere promoted.” Functions of the state are regulated by the government. Laws of the state are declared and enforced by the government. Authorities of the state are exercised by the government. Government also has the responsibility for the maintenance of lew and order in the state. Government provide security facilities to its citizens and helps in development. State is permanent in nature but governments cyclical in nature. Strictly Student oun 4] Sovereignty - It means state have the supreme or ultimate power and beyond which no legal power exists. State exist as long as it is armed with sovereignty. Because of it, state can declare law and issues commands binding all its citizens. It denotes the final authority of the state over its population and its territory.

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