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Christ the King College De Maranding, Inc.
Maranding, Lala Lanao Del Norte

Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Prepared by: Mia Rolane A. Jagonia

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. distinguish the statement of opinion and assertion;
B. observe appropriate attitude in stating opinion or assertion;
C. formulate effective statement of opinion and assertion,

II. Learning Content: Opinion and Assertion

III. Learning Resources:

B. Materials: Manila paper, Flashcards and Pictures.

IV. Procedures: Inductive Method

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity


May I request everyone to stand up and the

prayer leader to lead the prayer.
Father God,
As we start this new day
for new learning, we ask
for Your guidance. Lead us
all the way. May You let us
see through Your eyes,
listen through Your ears,
and speak with Your
Be with us as we explore
the world.
Give us the heart to love
and be kind to one
another. Please watch
over all our teachers,
children, and families.
In Jesus’ name. Amen
Good Morning, my dear students!

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Good Morning ma’am!
Before you take your seats, kindly pick the
unnecessary scattered papers and plastics
underneath your chairs that you can see inside Ma’am!
the classroom and put them in the trash bins
or in your bag 1 ma’am.
Who is absent today? Evidence ma’am.
That is good to hear!
5 ma’am.
Let us have some recap.
4 structures, ma’am.
Our recap of your lesson yesterday is a game
called “pick a number”. 3 ma’am.
The number that you will be picking has an
equivalent questions about argumentative

I have all your names in the bowl and I will call

a name to pick a name here to answer the

The first name is Princess? What number

Number 1 is, “this is a statement that supports
Very good! That is correct!

Prince, what number would you like to pick?

“how many structures are there in
argumentative essay?”
Correct, Prince! what about Carmela, what
number will you pick?
Number 3 is “what are the 4 structures of
argumentative essay”?

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Introduction, Argument
Development, Refute the
Very good! That is correct! The next is Rodolfo, opposing argument and
what number would you pick?
conclusion, ma’am.

Number 4, ma’am.
The number 4 question is, “this includes the
hook, background information and thesis
The introduction, ma’am.

That is correct! The last number wound be

answered by Nestor. The question is “this is a
statement or phrase that grabs the attention.”
Ma’am, that is a hook.

Very good! You are correct! I think that is a

wrap for argumentative essay.

A. Motivation

Have you ever judge someone, class?

Yes, ma’am.

What is your judgement in this picture, His style is not matched with his
class? shade.

I am not good wit fashion so I am not sure

if I would agree to your judgement.
A confident ma’am,
Another thoughts about the picture? because even his
fashion is not good, he

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Can handle it.

That’s right! His expression in his face says

it all, it’s like he is saying “I don’t care about
your opinion.”

This is the second picture.

I think it is a Squatter
Area, ma’am.
What can you see in the picture, class?

What about the squatter area? What is the
meaning of it?

That is correct! Squatter means poverty.

Our opinion, ma’am.

What do you call the answers you have
given me?

Very good! It is opinion and we are going to

talk about opinion and assertion today.
Yes, ma’am.
Are you ready, class?

1. Presentation of the lesson

Get all your books in English, and turn it on

page 71.

Are you on it?

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Opinion- refers to an individual’s view,
judgement, or appraisal formed in the mind
about a particular matter.

Assertion- refers to a strong declaration

of and a positive statement about a belief or
a fact.

A. Interaction

Kindly read the difference of Opinion and An opinion does not require
Assertion, class. proof because it came from a
person alone but when we
have an assertion many
people claim it to be true.

Based from what you read, what is Don’t need a proof because it
opinion? came from the person alone,

To understand better the opinion, there are

signal words that can help us distinguish
an opinion, this are the following:

● I think
● I believe
● He/she claims that
● Research states that
● I am sure that
● I feel that
● Must
● Never
● Always/ all
● Should
● Cannot
● Best
● Worst

As you said earlier “ I think” and that is

your opinion, do you understand class?
Yes ma’am.

What about assertion, class?

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An assertion can be proven
true or false based on the
evidence available.

That’s right!
For you to understand the deeper meaning
of opinion and assertion, let us have some

Example 1:
“The Philippines is one of the best tourism
destinations on the planet.”

What do you think, class? Is it opinion or

assertion? Opinion, ma’am.

Why it is an opinion, class?

Because of the signal
word “best”, ma’am.
Very good! It is opinion because of the
facts and data showing the number of
tourists coming in and out of the country
on a specific period as compared to the
records of other countries.

Example 2:
“The Philippines is the happiest country in
the world.”

Is it opinion or assertion, class?

Assertion ma’am.

Yes! Correct! Why is it considered as

assertion class? The statement is not yet
proven but it might be true.
Excellent! It is assertion because it is
subjective and not founded on factual

If I am not mistaken, there are some

examples also in your books, right? Yes ma’am.

Kindly read the example of opinion in your 1. “My mom’s

books, class? spaghetti is the best
spaghetti I have ever

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From the example that you read, what
makes it opinion, class?
The word signal “best”,
You are an observer! Very good!
Please read the statement in your book, Janine reading..

Class, kindly read the next example of 2. “I think our government is

opinion. the worst when it comes to
COVID-19 response.”
There are signal words also in the
“I think and worst”
statement right? It is the? ma’am.
Please read the statement, Daryll. Daryll reading…
Let us proceed with the number 3 3. “Listening to
example, kindly read class. music while studying should
be accepted in school.”
Yes, ma’am.
The signal word in the third example is Row 3 reading….
should right? None ma’am.
Okay, then row 3, kindly read the
Do you have any questions about opinion, “ I think, I am falling in love.”
class? “Travelling in Asia is
Who wants to give their own example of more fun than traveling
opinion, class?

Good example! Another?

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That’s correct! in Europe.”

Let us go with the examples of Assertion.

Kindly read the number 1 example.

1. “Drinking milk everyday is
good for our health.”

What makes it an assertion, class?

The statement could be true
but it is not for all.

That’s true! Very good! Please read the

statement, Ludwig. Ludwig reading..

Let us move to the second example, kindly

read class?
2. “ Wearing a face shield
prevents us from acquiring the
corona virus.”

What makes it assertion, class?

The statement can be
true but not for all.
Yes! That’s true. Not all who wears face
shield couldn’t acquire corona virus, some
could have the virus even they wore one.
Right? Yes ma’am.

Let’s go to the next example. Kindly read

it, class. 3. “Music helps in
concentration and

Please read the statement, class.

(Class reading… )

Let us recall your answers a while back

about this pictures.

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Opinion ma’am.

Your answer is “His style is not matched

with his shade. “
Assertion, ma’am.
What do you think? Is it opinion or
Because it is what the picture
Yes, It is your opinion because that is what is portraying.
you have seen.

What about the ”A confident ma’am,

because even his fashion is not good, he
can handle it.” None ma’am.

Why is it become an assertion, class?

Brilliant! You are a good observer, grade “ I am glad you came back
10. to see me.”

Do you have any questions about assertion


Then, who wants to share an example of


That’s correct, class. Yes ma’am.

It is true that she/he came back but you
don’t know if you are the reason.

Okay, that was fun. I think the man is happy

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outside but sad inside, ma’am.
Is opinion and assertion clear to you now?

Can you give me your opinion and

assertion with this photo?

Opinion ma’am.

The man is pretender, ma’am.

Your statement is what? an opinion or


Very good! You are brilliant! who wants to

give an assertion about the photo, class?

Excellent! Your statement is assertion

because you declared what you just see,
and you don’t need any justification.

You are marvelous! You are great, class!

Application/ Practice Exercise

Direction: Say your opinion and assertion

in this photo, and why did you say that
your statement is opinion or assertion.


You are now ready for our recap for the


The magic wheel will decide who will paste

the answer in the Venn diagram.

“Individual’s view” “strong

declaration” “judgement”
“does not require proof”
“positive statement about a belief” “i
“i believe”
“You look like a pig with those clothes on” “do
not do unto others what you don’t want
others unto you”

(Process all answers)

I. Evaluation

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Direction: Read the given excerpt of an opinion article and then
identify statements of opinion and assertion from the passage. (20

Online delivery, not online class

Conducting online classes today is ideal, there is no doubt about it,
but ours is considered a third world country. Having an online class
is possible and but it is never fair to all students especially those
studying in public schools. Online classes are financially demanding
and most likely, the majority of the learners’ families cannot cope
with these demands.

I heard that elementary students in some private schools hold online

classes. Good for them because their families can afford their
financial weights. The economic condition is the foremost
consideration among most families in the country. The majority of
the students in public schools do not have gadgets or fast-internet
service connections necessary for online classes. Teachers cannot
just hold these classes to a small number of the class only because
most students have no means to join. Those who are not privileged
of sufficient income will be denied of the learnings attained in
activities and discussion.

Pubic schools can conduct online classes but it would be

discriminating because it is selective. The learning experiences
would not be the same for everybody and the poor will certainly be
on the losing end.

Sherwin L. Fernando, Sunstar, Baguio City (September 27, 2020)

Assertion 1:

Assertion 2:

Opinion 1:

Opinion 2:

II. Assignment:

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Direction: Categorize the statement if it is OPINION or
ASSERTION, write your answer on a ¼ sheet of pad paper. !
10 points)

1. Lawyers are the best at arguing.

2. Green is the best color of the room
3. She is gorgeous!
4. I think I am sick.
5. OMG, she peed on her pants!
6. She said, you are lying.
7. I shall do the work now.
8. You have made a mistake.
9. The earth is round.
10. I’m glad you came back.

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