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to support young people with knowledge, skills, time, resources and space to become agents of change

and peacebuilders with tools for active citizenship. Cooperation and work toward mutual values of
peace and stability will pave the way for long-term change, in which the participation of young people is

Peace is one of the vital factors contributing to quality life; a peaceful environment plays a significant
role for the development of an individual, of the society and the country, since it affects all aspects of
economic and social development in a country.

A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems; have the
skills to resolve conflict constructively; know and live by international standards of human rights, gender
and racial equality; appreciate cultural diversity; and respect the integrity of theEarth. Such learning can
not be achieved without intentional, sustained and systematic education for peace.

In a world where acts of violence fill our newsfeeds and there is a prevalence of pain and hurt around
us, peace takes root in the form of education. Peace education is important for people of all ages, but
when is the most effective time to engage in peace education by learning about transformative conflict

As children grow, they form their own unique worldview and they learn how to interact with the people
around them. Learning about peace is a wonderful opportunity for children to build peaceful
perspectives of the world around them. If we can equip kids with the skills that they need to be human
beings who build healthy relationships and solve problems in ways that value the inherent dignity of
others, our world will benefit now and in the future.

When we teach youth the value of peace along with the skills they need to be healthy conflict resolvers,
we equip the next generation with the tools they need to be a society that values relationship over
competition and well-being over accomplishment. When these values are shared, some voice concern
that society is becoming soft and unmotivated to succeed, but when we work with those around us to
collaborate, we can achieve greater things while still maintaining our individual and collective health.
Peace education can give youth concrete skills to use in group work and in conversation with those
around them so that they are collaborators instead of competitors in school and beyond.

Peace education is important for everyone, let’s work towards a more peaceful world by educating
youths in the ways of peace and creating a world where violence is not the automatic reaction to
conflict. There is hope for conflict to be transformative in the future, and the future starts with the
youth of today. Peace education for youth is a key to a brighter future for all.

As children grow, they develop their distinct worldview and learn how to interact with those around
them. Learning about peace is an excellent way for children to develop peaceful perspectives on the
world around them. If we can teach children the skills they need to be human beings who develop
healthy relationships and handle problems in ways that respect the inherent dignity of others, our world
will benefit now and in the future.
Peace takes root in the form of education in a world when acts of violence fill our newsfeeds and there
is a preponderance of suffering and hurt all around us. Peace education is vital for individuals of all ages,
but when is the best time to learn about transformative conflict resolution and engage in peace

When we teach youth the value of peace as well as the skills needed to be healthy conflict resolvers, we
are providing the next generation with the tools they will need to live in a society that values
relationships over competitiveness and well-being over achievement. Some worry that when these
ideals are shared, society will become soft and unmotivated to succeed, but when we work together to
collaborate, we can accomplish more while maintaining our individual and collective health. Peace
education may provide adolescents with real skills to apply in group projects and conversations with
others around them, allowing them to be collaborators rather than competitors in school and beyond.

Peace education is essential for everyone; let us work together to make the world a more peaceful place
by teaching youth in the ways of peace and fostering a world in which violence is not the default
response to conflict. There is still hope for conflict to be transformative in the future, and that future
begins with today's youth. Peace education for youth is key in ensuring a better future for all.

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