Abdul Rafay CS Red 154

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Abdul Rafay
Roll no:
Real life examples
i. Array:

 Student Grades:
In this program, the grades are stored in an array
`studentGrades`, and the `calculateAverage` function is
used to find the average of these grades. The user is
prompted to input grades for each student, and the
program then calculates and displays the average grade.

#include <iostream>
Using namespace std;

Const int MAX_STUDENTS = 5;

// Function to calculate average

Double calculateAverage(const int grades[], int size) {
Int sum = 0;
For (int I = 0; I < size; ++i) {
Sum += grades[i];
Return static_cast<double>(sum) / size;

Int main() {
Int studentGrades[MAX_STUDENTS];

// Input student grades

Cout << “Enter grades for “ << MAX_STUDENTS << “
students:” << endl;
For (int I = 0; I < MAX_STUDENTS; ++i) {
Cout << “Student “ << I + 1 << “: “;
Cin >> studentGrades[i];

// Calculate and display average

Double average = calculateAverage(studentGrades,
Cout << “Average Grade: “ << average << endl;

Return 0;

 Array to track monthly expenses:

N this program, an array `monthlyExpenses` is used to
store the expenses for each month of the year. The user
inputs the expenses for each month, and the program
then calculates and displays the total expenses for the
year along with the average monthly expense. Arrays are
often employed in financial applications to organize and
analyze data, making it easier to manage and process
information over time.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
Using namespace std;

Const int NUM_MONTHS = 12;

Int main() {
// Array to store monthly expenses
Double monthlyExpenses[NUM_MONTHS];

// Input monthly expenses

Cout << “Enter monthly expenses for the year:” <<
For (int I = 0; I < NUM_MONTHS; ++i) {
Cout << “Month “ << I + 1 << “: $”;
Cin >> monthlyExpenses[i];

// Calculate total and average expenses

Double totalExpenses = 0;
For (int I = 0; I < NUM_MONTHS; ++i) {
totalExpenses += monthlyExpenses[i];

Double averageExpense = totalExpenses /


// Display results
Cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
Cout << “\nTotal expenses for the year: $” <<
totalExpenses << endl;
Cout << “Average monthly expense: $” <<
averageExpense << endl;

Return 0;

ii. Functions:

 Data Validation:
In a web application a function might be responsible
for validating user input before inserting it to ensure
data integrity
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
Using namespace std;

Int main() {
Int userInput;

// Prompt user until valid input is provided

While (true) {
Cout << “Enter a number: “;
Cin >> userInput;

// Check for valid input

If (cin.fail()) {
Cout << “Invalid input. Please enter a number.” <<
// Clear input buffer to prevent an infinite loop
Cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), ‘\
} else {
Break; // Valid input, exit the loop

Cout << “You entered: “ << userInput << endl;

Return 0;

 File Encryption Function:

A function can be implemented to encrypt sensitive
information before writing it to a file, enhancing
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
Using namespace std;

// Function to encrypt/decrypt text using XOR cipher

String xorCipher(const string& input, char key) {
String result = input;
For (char &c : result) {
C ^= key;
Return result;

Int main() {
Ifstream inputFile(“input.txt”);
Ofstream outputFile(“encrypted.txt”);

If (inputFile.is_open() && outputFile.is_open()) {

// Key for XOR encryption
Char encryptionKey = ‘A’;

// Read from input file, encrypt, and write to

output file
String line;
While (getline(inputFile, line)) {
String encryptedLine = xorCipher(line,
outputFile << encryptedLine << endl;
Cout << “File encrypted successfully.” << endl;

} else {
Cout << “Unable to open files.” << endl;

Return 0;

iii. File Handling:

 Text File Reader:

A function can be used for file handling to read data
from a text file, extracting information for further
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
Using namespace std;

Int main() {
Ifstream inputFile(“example.txt”);

If (inputFile.is_open()) {
String line;

// Read and print each line from the file

While (getline(inputFile, line)) {
Cout << line << endl;

} else {
Cout << “Unable to open file.” << endl;
Return 0;
 To-do list:
In this program, file handling is used to read the
existing to-do list from a file, display it to the user,
and allow the user to add a new task. The updated
to-do list is then written back to the file. File
handling is a practical way to persistently store and
retrieve data, making it suitable for applications like
task management systems.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>

Using namespace std;

Const int MAX_TASKS = 10;

Const int MAX_TASK_LENGTH = 50;

// Function to display tasks

Void displayTasks(char tasks[][MAX_TASK_LENGTH],
int taskCount) {
Cout << “\nCurrent To-Do List:\n”;
For (int I = 0; I < taskCount; ++i) {
Cout << I + 1 << “. “ << tasks[i] << endl;

Int main() {
Int taskCount = 0;

// Read existing tasks from the file

Ifstream inputFile(“todolist.txt”);
If (inputFile.is_open()) {
While (inputFile.getline(tasks[taskCount],
MAX_TASK_LENGTH) && taskCount < MAX_TASKS) {

// Display existing tasks

displayTasks(tasks, taskCount);

// Allow the user to add a new task

Cout << “\nEnter a new task (or ‘exit’ to quit): “;
Char newTask[MAX_TASK_LENGTH];
Cin.getline(newTask, MAX_TASK_LENGTH);

If (strcmp(newTask, “exit”) != 0) {
If (taskCount < MAX_TASKS) {
Strcpy(tasks[taskCount], newTask);

// Update the file with the new task

Ofstream outputFile(“todolist.txt”);
If (outputFile.is_open()) {
For (int I = 0; I < taskCount; ++i) {
outputFile << tasks[i] << endl;
cout << “New task added successfully.\n”;
} else {
Cout << “Unable to update the to-do list.\
} else {
Cout << “To-do list is full. Cannot add more

Return 0;

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