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What will come in place of question mark in the following table? a Oot fest raat fea una fig SS a weer? 9 7 16 a 7 5 q 8 6 +—__| 5 4 7 5 9 17 8 20 (A) 2 (B) 4 () 6 (D8 Typist A can type \ype same sheet in 12 minutes and Typist ¢ can type the same sheet in 8 minutes, What is the average number of sheets typed per hour por typist? Typist A 6 Ret fete fea ste otu ae nar}, Typist B12 fife? fs Gat ate est aa Heed M8 Typist C8 fie fa Sit iz ote as nae U1 cay atin? Het St ws fared Foust eretfime yah vier at 3? (A) 5.0 (B) 6.5 © 73 (D) 10.0 In a certain code language, if the word MINUTE is coded as NMWKSO, then what is the code for the word REIGN? fea wa de sox fey, Ras MINUTE Hae 6 NMWKSO eH ate ats fara 3, st HEE REIGN | 8. Bassa (A) SIRMW {B) MWSIR {C) MWRI (D) SIRWM A dishonest shopkeeper. at the time of selling and purchasing. weight 10% less and 21,5%more per Kilogram respectively. Find percentage profit earned by treachery assuming that he sells the items at cost Brice, BARTS 10% ule mis 21.5% yst fos Sa eas Bae DGa garners wr, fea is & fe Qo eRt Soar ye 3 tor 388 oe mre ae ins werus 2 a sheet in 6 minutes, Typist B can | 6, oars! (A) 20 (B) 25 (©) 30 (D) 35 Find the one word which cannot be formed from leter of word "ENVIRONMENT" using each lee only once. _ . ve fea niu ot eas fa wa Baa Ha nD Fae 83 F ve nive § free fea wa agg ‘ENVIRONMENT Bee @ whug F aot we Raw] (A) ENTER (B) EMINET (C) NET (D) MOMENT Pointing to a girl, Karamjit said,” This gitl js daughter of only child of my father", What Is the relation of Karamjit’s wife to that girl? (A) Mother (B) Daughter (C) Sister (D) Mother-in-taw fea ad oe fenre aatent aaaits 3 for, “fev ooh te my 3 feats vs ott ar ames a Usa & Sa gat avs aft mir a? (A) 4 (8) & (Q a (D) Ar Find the number if divi: isiors of 1080 ding the divisors which excluding are perfect squares, 1080 Sat St kon, Russ cou fs a 51 (A) 28 (B) 29 . (©) 30 (D) 31 A train covers a distance of 12 km in 10 minutes. I i takes 6 seconds to pass a telepr Jength of the tratn is ‘Btaph post, then the (A) 100 meters (3) 110 meters (C) 120meters (D) 130 meters fea seatst 10 Me fee 12 fae aed Sat wat 0 ae GH Beats § Stare tae un wes fee 6 Hie Bee os, st See seret a (B) loves (A) 100 xtee © 120rtes (D) 130 ze If A means subtraction, B means divisi addition and D means multiplication, the value of following equation? ion, C means then what is fa Fad Ae ee MSee AS oy cea BP nee 3 ary, piaas Ta SOU ae gta gn | | Te Restate aus Bat ves Be, at dot Sy sat feos Bg Vaasa mre? mauBzreena oa FXE, HWG, ? ; ; © 56 (8) 55 ) Jwu yl 0, The ratio of w (0) 57 14. A person lent out Tia vor done by 1) men A peton lon dit same ra at 6% per annum on t0.62) en in Gel) day snore (xe) days ites sand afer 18 mons, he again lent ? 210. What i a simple int a PRES ft) sre is the value annum. After two years from first eh pated 7 he gi . : wd et) RP RES fo Pn ere 8 the coses he got Rs, 4704. Find the amount that was a Ct : fea fem a emeussi0d ents ats ae i Box ust Rees areas Revit (A) 7 me 1 Sarg Fes nS 18 cif ate, ih ie iD) to Gat Orr 24% yt re 8 HaTET aie Ai confit in 6 hours. fear) utah Gora fest aa 3 3 Gre pase he sane tank in 12 how nother pipe can ant i's On won Se wei ame, Set opened soltanously, what rs. TF both pipes . Brg 4704 gue Garg fest eet ae in I hour? art of the tank will be us Bare - sare urdy fea Sat & 6 ul (a) = 8 6 uifent Re 3600 fea da uly OH Be F oad fe aa rot aL (C) 4200 (8) 4000 mad haga Be tne Vout eg et 18. Bind oad one ot (D) 4400 Lie a Beer eat wet gent al gn ee Rig rr mn EI us, st wy High: low (8) Good: B ue hee (8) uo pa , 1h Kyaemet een fone Night : ven, fe : follwing table shows ea part Statement: Most Sa by twa conclusions having obtained diffe 1 number of students weight ple who stop smokir a ae Bh ienipat Conclusion: ng gain Mince Beet viet ys was eB Hone stops smoking, one wi a vist George 81 He ane does not stop pe will gain welght, mber of students yee, ing, one will ’ Marks Which one of t not gain at 7 , is ot fared wie Only conclusion Le ang i true? 6 50 Only conclusion 2s eee 7 feither con implicit. : 35 Bath ema rston 1 nor conclusion 2 *, ion La ion 2 is ra = a ferme Res me. ye ‘etmpllen, 5 75 a Bove & OE foorme : 35 Ba OS fend, = 30, ws $ 1. Parez & ae Fatien 100 fife: erie BRS AR os, Tage marks obtained by students, L Awad , ) obs rar yrs ah AS Mie BS Bas 8 Bare Ube ay 0 Oe RB rearing joc roster follow tll come in place ‘of question mark (7) in the frase ¥, ing series? ra aol ear Be att ager gt 0 ffi agp ' . Bt Renner er SUS" FH Bp (A) Bes fife 1 faatrs a1 (B) aes ite 2 fsrfes 1 (C) ast Her | med ov at fiver 2 fafa 31 (0) fe 1 od 283 fates oa) 17. Namita and Anjana can do a piece of work in 10 days and Namita alone can do the same work in 12 «lays. In how many days ean Anjana do it alone? ats oS nits fs oy LO feat fe oe Faint US nis afer fest BA dy 12 fest Re ae Rotel U1 vine few fecha RB Rat feaae rat n (B) 50 () 70 18. How many blocks are t sae fe USS sag: 23. vere in the following image? fas eerau? TSH kph ews, 25, 1 ®) ay a ©) imo wo fi Pans sq 7M eal it 2th St for 3 years at B%, per rie Imerest on second mt 6000 Bue 33 fein pe oe RoR ‘ ORS 2 Oem gee a rors Cay (Q use 21. Divide Re. interest on the 22. 24. Foor 8 FOR S 9% we we ea we 9 ay set nose form 2 wars 3 Aa (A) 3000,3000 (B) 4000,2000 (©) 5000,1000 {D) 5500,500 The time in a clock is quarter past 12, If hour hand is the direction of east, which is the di irection of ‘Opposite of minute’s hand? (A) North (B) South (©) East {D) West ust et mat mer 12 88 3) Fara ue ey ae ay Sifem Re2,3' Me toa’ Gu feurca (A) Sat (B) Sue (© wee (D) er Jn an election, the candidate who BOC 56% of the votes, won by 144 votes, Find the total number of det cr le voting list if 809% people east their vote and there were no Invalid votes, = a Be eat a wusr 18 BE nti Set ah 3, (A) 1300 (8) 1400 © 1500 (D) 160024, ‘The HCF and LCM of C {wo numbers are 12 and 144 Tespectively. If 6 i other number, (A) 4g B) § © 58 Ban What will Come in pack of question marks (2) in the following diagram? F33 RS Us S50) Gut es at ®) 78 8) 89 © 910 0 TE 7a 2) 10.1 h day of a month is three days ater than ‘what day will be on 18th day of the month? Drei fies Baus 3 Ba Rea ufzs 3.3 & 198 fe froarFes Br? (A) Sunday Weer (B) en HE {O) Thursday eteers (1D) Ween oer e test, 0 Stull Scores In Engineering Entraner gor and losis 0.5 yes 4 marks for every er A student aterapts aly the for every wrong answer. Friday, jons and scores 310 marks. How many of questions the student answered a wus Uiims fey, fea fons oa Wo Ga we 4 wir ys Berd a 0s aS SST BE 0.5 vfs aor er 9) fea Ae 100 YHA Is TET I mS 310 nig apes rae 1 fefenraeh & 8S YAO e Hd Csr 3? (a) 80 (B) 90 (© 100 {D) 110 33, Wat will come in place of question mark (2) in the following series? . . wig fest wat fee UR faq (2) Sat at ora 8.28,118.584,3508,? (N) 24560 (B) 24660 24760 (D) 24860 2%, A child went 90 m in the East to look for his father, then he turned right and went 40m.After this he twmed right and after going 10m he reached to his uncle's house. His father was not there. From there he went 100 m to north and met his father. What ‘was the direct distance between his father’s point andthe starting point? ie omg flr § dee att yse e's 90 ize fame, faa Ga AR um nS 40 ize oar fori fer F amie Ga HA fine nS 10 Hes Wed eme Go mmud oe 2 us ude fam Sar Ther 83 ad 8H Sa 100 za Osa es 100 questi rrumbers comectly? | Fons ni es § fair GaP fier 3 RE ae Pw Rly feuara ft gat at re © ta ise 0 Horse: Hoof: 2:9 ©) ‘80 alse, rupee i (B) Stapler, pt © Mn Blak (0) Man, Feat. 32 (A) to aor (8) Hover, Ris 10a te meaning oe ree foe of capitalized wards in the i W COL a mae PAWATER OVER the project that (cy teourageg’ “Pred. Ree (B) Accepted (D) Discouragea Which one of the following is correctly spelt word? (A) Cocensus (B) Consansus (C) Consensus (D) Consencus . Complete the following sentence by choosing appropriate word from the options. She ___her daughter to schaol before she goes to work, (A) Took (B) Has taken (C) Takes (D) Take Which among the following is synonym to the word, ‘aggravate’? (A) Irvitate (B) Calm (C) Conciliate (D) Resolve . Choose the correct options for following sentence. The television serials are characterised by an __ story line and____plots and sub-pots. Unending, convoluted Infantile, simple Uniform, emotional Erratic, forthcoming 6. Complete the following sentence by choosing appropriate word from the options. He crossed the broken bridge ___ warning. (A) In spite of (B) In spite off (C) On {D) About 37. Which one is adjective in the following sentence? Indian cars are awesome in design. (A) Cars (B) Design (C) are (D) Indian 38. Which among the following is opposite to the word," ecstasy"? (A) Delight (B) Agony (C) High (D) Joy 39. What will be direct indirect sentence of the following sentence? Natasha pleaded to her mother to let her buy a black dress. (A) Natasha pleaded to her mother,” Let me buy a black dress.” (B) Natasha pleaded to her mother,” Let us buy a black dress.” {C) Natasha pleaded to her mother,” Ineed to. buy a black dress.” (D) Natasha pleaded to her mother, “We should a black dress." 40. What will be active/passive voice of the following sentence? We must respect the elders. Elder must be respected Elder deserve respected from us Elder must be respected by all None of the above ‘1, Which of the following is plural of the word, “sheep'? (A) sheep {B) sheeps (©). sheepes (D) None of these In the following sentences, each sentence contains the error according grammar. Chooses the most suitable option to make the sentences correct in Q.42 to dd. What is the main aim of an education? Everyone has different view on the question. Some people believe that it is necessary to acquire knowledge others have different opinion They think that knowledge lonely is not enough, only that which enables a man to earn his living can be called education. 42, Which word correctly replaces ‘lonely’ in sentence @? (A) Issel (B) Alone (©) Which (D) Else 43. Which word correctly completes the sentence (2)? (a) The (B) OF Oa (D) An 44, Which word correctly completes the sentence (2)? (a) When (B) For (©) While (D) Which 45. Feminine gender of ‘Bachelor’ is (A) She-bachelor — (B) Married © Gia (D) Bachelorette 16, Toft ee fed Hiftmreen fae ve | Rede As fase ca (A) ae (B) fasret ©) Fe (As 7. uo feniur ea fan sot er area 8 Bfdes = Hs ot Fa Se ase (8) ore © am j : (0) uses 48. fags on ‘1 2g PRR Gere, Gost §__ fear wher (%) forse gg © men Rar Wolendt fee fag (D) (A) Fae 7 49, Si. 92. 53. 54. 58. 56. 57. 58. faa start (A) Was Fee (B) yas ES (C) Huns (D) Ta FES fa re fea ft ores Gurera nis fra wt ES earn Guea ds? os, GAG} _ Me TT (a) Faas (8) fares (© Rares (D) fern gard final fee nee at 8? (a) sat (®) wat (© Area (p) Bares ferme eho _ fart a5? (A) 6 (B)7 (©) 8 (m9 ae fae yore’ & at ree 8? ada tpt wer (A) fatase sos vuTe (8) fa das ags sat wa (© fe AtasaAa wer (b) fart ata Am orga (A) Be (5 Dr we, “Hors fasrat due ob, fee fan sot ot fafoor (A) viene (B) Fase B) oe (Daas at wae fara a? ) = (8) sar (C) ne (D) ow 2. pit nd dor fea sat Sues TUR SOS 57 (A) Oru (B) Hee oe (C) oso use (aero 59, Gr war er dar es 8. OHS Ra 2 (5) 3 é ph (D) 3 60. él. 62. a $3. z aang fiat fea fad vhrat tt eos nies 8 de feu atst tet 3? @ © 3 Which of the following names was real name of Shaheed Udham Singh? (a) Veer Singh (B) Bhagat Singh (©) Mukta Singh (D) Sher Singh ate Gon fifa er ort ont foros FA? (a) ta ftw (8) Sars fitur (co waste =D) Aa The reservoir, Govind Sagar is on __tiver. (A) Beas (B) Suulej (C) Ravi (D) Chenab nave afee ras _ sw TI (a) fer (8) REF wt (D) sae Which of the followings were eastern and western boundaries of Punjab during period of Maharaj Ranjit Singh? (A) Ravi River, Khyber Pass (8) Beas River, Khyber Pass (C) Ravi River, Bolan pass (D) Beas River, Bolan pass doen ents fu & my dare Ua yout ois () wed efor, dag ur @) fora efemr, tae ur ( wa eienr, des UR 0) Roem efemr, fers Ur Which of the following is not considered as hardware? () cpu (B) Monitor (ch Hard disk (D) BIOS (4) Cpu (B) utes (S was fener (D) BIOS Which of the following shortcut keys in MS Word we the selected text to centre? ae tone & ates fre nese aan wet MS Word e's ars Root fe erasintt raza KEY ®) cuts y « ened (B) Curls B (D) Curie A By 66. 67. 68. 69. IP in internet is (A) Internet Provider (B) Internet Process (C) Internet Protocol (D) Internet Path feede fee IP a (A) Beweyesr (8) fesse yfafmr (© eade yas (D) ezadeurs In which of the following hemisphere, India Hes? (A) Southern and Eastern (B) Northern and Western (©) Northern and Eastern (D) Southern and Western t To fee aaraa (hemisphere) fees aes far fee fas a7 (A) Retes yet (8) Sad ust ( Ssdtos yet (p) eet os vet In which of the district of Punjab, the Central University of Punjab is situated? (A) Sangrur (B) Fazilka (C) Bathinda (D) Patiala dara ot deat pdizatiat Ura & faa FB es fast? (A) Hage ©) afar © fsx (D) ufenrer What was profession of bhai Lalo who was associated with Guru Nanak Dev ji? (A) Tailor (B) Carpenter (©) Mason (D) Cloth merchant Wg asa te ih we mos ot oS & fats ot ae (A) vat (Q oH fest (B) sare (D) Suse curt 70. Which of the following block of text is added at the end of an outgoing email automatically? (A) Attachment” (B) Signature (©) Footer = ——_(D) Calendar Tot FES TE EF FOF text & block BR outgoing, email 2 Wis FEE nIUe ney Fifer FRE dy (A) neste (8) TABS (© gaa (0) dese . Which legendary Sufi saint of Christi order was popularly known as ‘Chirag-e-Detilavi'? (A) Nizzamudin Auliya (B) Shetkh Nassiruddin Mahmud {C) Quibuddin Bakhtlyar Kak. {D) Moinuddin Chisti 4. 76. 77. vag ovat fared onlor & Bros 10H SASS f Seed ean re tenet A i a Tilak In which of the following years, Lokwnany* se eine alognn,"Swaraj is my bir ight, an I shall gaumn? . win Belgaum? * (B) 1917 (D) 1919 (A) 1915, (C) 1918 Which ot the following shortcut Keys is used 0 pen a new workbook in MS Excel? 35 stint (SS ferostat wrazee keys MS Excel fos ftaad cada age mel at A (A) Cue A (8) Cuts O (C) Cult M (D) Cole Which protocol assign IP address to the connected in the Internet? . address faguras ager 07 () IP (B) RPC (C) BIOS (D) DHCP ‘Which region gets first monsoon in summer? (A) Western Ghats (B) Eastern Ghats (©) Himalayas {D) Cangetic plain (A) ert ure (Byatt we (C) fonetenor (D) der & Fes In Sufism, the (erm ‘wali’ is used Inui. the term ‘wal suse to signify (B) A Friend of God (© An Enemy (D) A tival vorgz wd cist at 3 (A) frac ®) watts (C) feagme (Dea ead Draft folder in emails is used to. (A) Store spam emails client wo § (Delete emails ‘p) Make copy of ernail Gh fg TST CBTT_ BE Walmer phar 3 ” ins ehitel § Hed kas (8) ead dite § gehts aos C) ares o) sie S anit aos is exclusive view of the slides in thumbnail He “shide sorter view Slide view : (D) Notes page view Thumbnail Gu fee AOS er fea fen___31 (A) partis Face fet (@) Reis fet (Q wrest ieee fer (D) actu fer If you want to print logo of your office on every slide at same position in presentation, you will insert the logo in (A) Handout master (B) Master slide {C) Every slide (D) None of the above Hae ZH presentation fed Te Rerets ‘S nrus ease w Sa fife aoe urge J, st Ht Sar 719. (B)_ Save unsent emails By (A) fFeuga (§) tenrBe ores (B) wHes Res » (0 vareres (D) Susas SS Set ad ae of the following is not ancient name of “ Sepia Sindhu ® Braham Veata i D) Mehra US fesftoor FES fxg feast une Unis am aay . (N) Fes fig ® ye 81, Irae of the fol 7 : ‘ol i Sua, F® f3, gras er uae a 1975 Bach Rin 2 : (8) 1976 & Tava fp) 1978 eC RTML ts {yper Text Markup Language (B)_ Hyper Text Markup Link (C)_ Hyper Text Makeup Language (D) Hyper Text Management Link A a HTML ye gu " (a) Teiua cane Hsemty er (B) Tehus dare wrsamty fia (0 Teh dane Team sr (0) Tehys dane wits fix 3 When did Punjab Kesari, Lala Lajpat Rai die? ara dad oe OTUs Te Hs ae Tel? (a) 1926 (B) 1927 (©) 1928 (D) 1929 4. Who among the following started a journal,’Preet- Lari’ in 1933 to share the vision and of life with other? (A) Nanak Singh (B) Amrita Pritam 90 (C) Prof.Mohan —_(D) Gurbaksh Singh we feast FS for 3 1933 fee Hew St vision nS philosophy $ Ehrott ars Atst aes wet, “Yls-wet He ore Ag ats? (a) ore fidur (8) nits tr (©) Grow (D) srestnr fifur 5. The first Batle of Tarain was fought in the year__ 91. Sta d ufos eset. Are fete oat aret At (A) 1186 (B) 1191 (Cc) 1192 (D) 1194 8. Who among the following made first test century for Indian National Cricket Team? (A) Amar Singh (B) Dilip Vengsarkar (©) Dilawar Hussain (D) Lala Amamath ot hes ES far 3 arast aed fee St wet fae éne Rest veto? (A) nove fifur (8) festa SarTaS © fearsgis — (D) wernnaare 7. When did Mahatama Gandhi return to India from South Africa permanently? dose adi Seat median Fue So 3 was ae | gy un mre? (A) 1914 (B) 1915 4 ©), 1916 (D) 1917 In Punjab, Kabaddi is played on a circular pitch of a diameter of, Ura feu, aedt lew 2 fenrn wet as 8 fifa '3 data d1 (A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 22 (D) 23 To join the internet, the computer has to be connected toa (A) Internet Market {B) Internet Service Society (C) Internet Service Provider {D) Different Computer fizabe ae yoo we, ages § we wdae ater wre ater ot (A) Beate urate (8) fEzate rafen Aerfect (CQ) feeade Ae yes (D) Sew Auger In which of the following sports, Nehru cup is associated? (A) Hockey (B) Cricket (C) Football (D) Table tennis 36 finibat ast KE afog atu fan ore pf Sienna? (A) wet (8) fg © gers (D) 2am efor Which of the following providers a means of printing out feature notes with a miniature slide on a printed page? (A) Audience handout (B) Slide with Animation (C) Outline view (D) Notes page Jo RS Re for Ae AS Us 3 a Bat nerds @ ars ches Gen § owe ws yes aaet a? (A) vara Saree 8) Whhast os Aes (C) quae fer (D) enon Second Anglo Sikh war was fought in__ (A) Lahore (B) Amritsar (© Chillianwata — (D) Kabul pained Bitrsi__fesest ae vi () ooo (8) vifsAT (©) fefimtesr = (0) ES 1. Who among the following wrote the famous song, agri Sambhal Jatta? A (Banke Dayal (B) Bhagat Sing (©) Kishan Singh (D) Gist Re alte feast RY fan 3 une ats FBS -, (A) BRfenrs ——(B) Bars tw i unter ou (C) fare Fur (D) 94 te fornwla in cell DS is *= SUM (DL:D4} . On ying the formula of this cell to D9, the forrmula cl will be___ Ps Ds few eae = SUM (LDA) 1 ERASE ways § Do fes ot aes 3, Do Be fe ways iar , (A) =SUM (DL:D8)_(B) = SUM (D5:D9) {C) =SUM (DI:D9)_(D) = SUM (D5:D8) 95. Who was the last Sikh ruler of the Punjab? (A) Hari Singh Nalwa (B) Maharaja Dileep Singh of Lahore (C) Maharaja Ranjit Singh (D) Kharak Singh Una Some fit mae Ge ie (A) vat fuser ®B) weer naa webu fy (Q nore certs fur (0) saa ftw 96. In which of the following year, first Five-year Plan was launched? form re ufc on ares Ginna ag ast met A (A) 1951 (B) 1952 (C) 1953 (D) 1954 817. Which of te following is correct mail merge field? ‘Sot FES FES foros mall merge field HA? (A) <> (8) “name” oe. (S08 (D) #name# |. Which of the followin, ig is smallest visual element in video monitor? Ue feront FE fos GAG ued Rea ns 3 er fears mite (A) Byte (B) Pixel (©) Bit (D) Character Which of the following sofiwate 4s most Appropriate to perform statistical calculations? UO AES software fey ferazr niafimgt aaa wel we F gat 3 (A) Spreadsheet 9 Baer {B) Presentation in eve en Se Ram Chattik, Became Presta’ ore Brent Sabha? olga, dara Afas AB" yors wey (ay 1923 (B) 1924 (C) 1925 (D) 1926 101. East India Company annexed Punjab in which of the following years? doi fe3 fod vet fee dire eso aut 3 dara 3 omrd ave fires feo F? (A) 1847 ® 1848 (C) 1849 102, Wak of the following terms is used for physical or logical arrangement of a network? (A) Routing ®) Topology Control ‘omnputey . Se eS act fee faox wee fah Seesa = Stra Fava ygu wel catmr ate a2 (A) wear (B) Frat © aes (0) airGzs “| 103. Panchayat Raj System is based on, (A) Presidential form (B) Direction of State Chief Minister (C) Centralization of Power. (0) Decentralization of Power tetes oq ‘Sunred A) Sreast ay ®) THEE fer (©) aed e ardixas ©) neste Fedtediagy 104. Speed of Computer is Measured in ta) Nanoseconds (gy Kiloterss ) tue ©) Cigahertz a 6) Birt Tay rae et (©) wager D) = 105, Wich of he following tims y MS Arse 7 (A) Shree 420 oMM B) Ar (©) Aina Ara fb) $e Wag UG fell Rent RS faeA uf 70 femme sit MM (A) aft 420 (8) Fra 33 fxg (0 MH TST (D) wetter psn which of the following years, Maharaj Singh conquered Kashmir? ja Ranjit w We RS wore seve fihy S atte 3 fifamr 7 (a) 1816 (B) 1817 (c) 1819 (D) 1820 v7, How many districts of undivided Punjab Or endian Punjab after independent? ap wa. ven wees re & aq § FES are FS? ff 13 (B) 4 © 2 @) 30 gg. ‘Asa Di Vaar’ in Guru Granth sahib is collection of____. ag de Rice fee or Soe fee usin oa! @ 9 () 30 102. Who among followings is called father of Indian Economic Planning? (4) M.Vishvawariah (B) Mahatma Gandhi (C) Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru {D) Dr. Manmohan Singh to fst FES far 8 aret errafizer Grr = fuser fear rte a? (A) te feneeionr B) vos att (Q ussrea as afeg 0) & xara ftw 10. Who among the following ordered Fazi and Abd-al- Qudie Bada to translate Mahabharta into Perstan? (A) Akbar (B) Birbal (©) Jahangir (D) Sher Shah ea FES Baa 8 erat nS ee nies HET BSB vowes wr grant fea nigere aos THM FEST a) (A) wees (B) aoa tn (Q netaite (Dy tawT National food for Work Programme (NFWP) with Objective to generate supplementary wage Employment was launched in___Yea™- wa Yaga gare ther ose GRA TT 12. In uW ser i wW Ga 3. 5. wed Sra Yer (NEWP) FS fez wag ater foror Hit (A) 2002 (B) 2003 (©) 2004 D) 2005 The function, = CEILING (19283.123.2), will give result of__. BILING (19283.123,2), __ 3ST (A) 19200 (B) 19283 (©) 19284 (D) 19283.12 Guru Nanke dev Ji was Guru during tenure of Emperor. (A) Babur (B) Bahadur Shah 2 (©) Humayun {D) Jahangir Fg wag Se Ht ANTE, 2 TGNS BIS ag Aa! (A) wag (B) sores FT 2 (©) og (Dyratere Which of the following bhakti Saints poem is complied in Sur Sagar, Sahitya Ratna and Sur Sarawali? (A) Kabiedas (B) Sur Das (©) Kalidas (D) Tulsidas So finivat fee faost gast Ast dt ales we Bree, Fos das nS Be Hees fee Hales 07 (A) ster @ yseH (©) ween (0) sadter ‘Who among the following sikh Guru was youngest? (A) Guru Har Rai Sahib Ji (B) Guru Gobind Singh Ji (©) Guru Teg Bahadur Singh Ji (D) Guru Har Krishan Sahib J Jefe ae fuad itvagrs Faone? (D) Htarg ofategers refers Ht How many Takhts of Sikhism are in Punjab? ana fea fd TH 2 fas IHS TH? 2 {B)3 (a) el (c) 4 When did Hari Singh Nalwa die? vat frase ois ae os? (A) 1837 (B) 1838 (Cc) 1839 (D) 1840 118. Who among the following won a bronze medal for afuges F fife at »rGeue 96 fetta RF India at the 218 AIBA Women's World Boxing 2 r: Championship? eras 3 (A) Harwant Kaur — (B) Simranjit Kaur (A) ves out (B) Free anit (C) Sunita Rani (D) Kiran Bedi (- he (D) Raz ant _ Tot fading FES fer 6 218 AIBA vfoer FEE | 120, Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani was leader of Sufi deat Humoiku fs ses wet att o sone i ‘ fats? (A) Chisti Firdausi ‘aos = . (C) Kubrawiya (D) None (A) dees oT (B) fronts a iis Fore net THerst__yet corre & rat Ht (©) Bats eet (D) fags oat (a) tart (B) faaset 119. Which among following is printed output from (C) waar (©) ata computer? (A) Hard copy (B) Soft copy (C)_ paper (D) Duplicate copy

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