OOP - QP - MT1 - 22-03-24 v2

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Student Name-


Hindustan College of Science & Technology (064)

Minor Test (MT-1)

Subject Name with code- Object Oriented Programming (KOE-064)

Semester: VI Course Name: B.Tech (EC)

Date and Time- 22/03/24 (2:30-4:00) Max marks- 20

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. CO1: Understand the Basic concept of Object Orientation, object identity and Encapsulation.
2. CO2: Understand the Basic concept of Basic Structural Modeling.
3. CO3: Know the knowledge of Object oriented design, Object design.
4. CO4: Know the knowledge of C++ Basics.
5. CO5: Understand the Basics of object and class in C++.

Q.No. Question Marks CO KL

Section A (All questions are compulsory) [4x1=4]
A1 Define Object Identity? 1 1 K1
A2 Write the four OOPs techniques? 1 1 K1
A3 Compare Cin and Cout statement. 1 4 K2
A4 What are the user-defined data-type in C++? 1 4 K2
Section B (Attempt any three) [3x3=9]
B1 Write a program to multiply two numbers without using namespace concept. 3 4 K3
B2 Write a program to find average of three numbers using namespace concept. 3 4 K3

B3 Explain global and local variable concept using example. 3 1 K2

B4 Explain importance of object oriented approach over conventional approach. 3 1 K2

B5 Differentiate between Overloading and overriding using example. 3 1 K3

Section C (attempt any two) [2x3.5=7]
C1 What do you mean by object oriented techniques? Explain with examples? 3.5 1 K2
C2 Define UML? Describe the pros and cons of UML. 3.5 2 K2
C3 Explain various views in architecture. 3.5 1 K2

*CO-Course Outcomes
*Bloom's Knowledge Level (KL) /Bloom's Taxonomy Levels - (K1- Remembering. K2- Understanding, K3 -
Applying, K4 Analyzing, K5-Evaluating, 6-Creating).

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