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Guido abadie, Gonzalo otralora, Demian Silveira

Essay on the film “pierrepoint”.

1. psychological profile on the main character and his

2. Significance of the occupation (executioner) in british
3. Argumenttation of the role of payment for every “job”
4. Brife reference to the real Albert Pierrepoint (internet
5. Justified opinion (personal) on the capital punishment. ; ; ;

The film follows Britain’s most prolific hangman, Alber

Pierrepoint from the time he is accepted onto the list of
the country’s official hangmen in 1932 until his
resignation in 1956. He psychological profile is very
strange, because he didn’t think that he is doing
something wrong, he only thinks he is making something
good for his country. He don’t care the money that he
recives from doing that “job”. He was very nationalistic,
and for our point of view very cold. He never analized the
human aspec of the job, and never thought if the
convicted was inocent or not, if the government acused
him, he belive they it was right.

His wife denied the fact that his husband was an

Executioner, she only saw it as a normal job, something
that he needed to do. At the end of the movie, when
Pierrepoint was starting to feel guilty, she tried to
convince him that he was making very good money. (At
that time, the assistant's fee was £1 11s 6d (£1.575) per execution, with another £1
11s 6d paid two weeks later if his conduct and behaviour were satisfactory.)

At the time the job of executioner was seen as a secret.

Guido abadie, Gonzalo otralora, Demian Silveira

Albert was the last of the Pierrepoints to serve as Official

Executioner of Great Britain and Ireland. Serving as
assistant to his uncle, Thomas Pierrepoint, Albert started his
career in 1932 and became Chief Executioner in 1940 at the
age of thirty-three. The most prolific hangman in British
history, he was credited with hanging over 400 people. The
majority of these took place in Great Britain but he also
found himself performing his services in Egypt and
Germany where he was responsible for executing around
two hundred Nazi war criminals including the 'Beast of
Belsen', Josef Kramer.

As well as being the most prolific executioner he was also

considered the most efficient having been responsible for
the swiftest execution on record. It took place at
Strangeways Prison in Manchester in 1951. On the 8th May
of that year James Inglis was led from his cell and
pronounced dead just 7 seconds later.

The position of executioner was unsalaried and Albert,

along with his predecessors, was paid per job. In his spare
time he kept a pub, curiously named 'The Poor Struggler',
with his wife Anne just outside of Manchester.

Albert was committed to his work and sought the most

humane and dignified means in ending the lives of all those
he executed. Never the showman he refused all offers of TV
appearances and viewed his role as a necessary part in the
machinery of justice but one that should be performed with
dispassionate respect.

Albert resigned in early 1956 over a dispute about payment

and died in 1992, having been the man who carried out
more judicial sentences of death than any British
executioner in history.
Guido abadie, Gonzalo otralora, Demian Silveira

Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is the execution

of a convicted criminal by the state as punishment for
crimes known as capital crimes or capital offences.
Historically, the execution of criminals and political
opponents was used by nearly all societies - both to punish
crime and to suppress political dissent. Among democratic
countries around the world, most European and Latin
American states have abolished capital punishment while
the United States, Guatemala, and most of the Caribbean as
well as democracies in Asia and Africa retain it. Among
nondemocratic countries, the use of the death penalty is
common but not universal.

Our own conclution is that capital punishment is bad,

because there are best methos of making a person change,
and if the kill it’s because they have an psicological
problem, and sendign them to jail will re-abilate them to re-
enter to the society.

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