Class-7 (Holiday Homework)

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Dear Parents and Students,

It is summer vacation time again, a time to relax as well as to get fruitfully occupied in
various scholastic and co-scholastic areas. Keeping this in mind, we have designed
interesting Projects / Assignments to be completed during the summer vacation. This
would encourage in-depth learning, strengthen concepts and prepare ground for
improved academic output.

It will not only enable you to recapitulate what was taught but will also help you to
connect yourselves to the various learning processes. These projects will be assessed
as Subject Enrichment Activity for Term I.

As parents, kindly motivate and lend support to your children and ensure that they
complete the given work well-in-time and to the best of their ability. Your
encouragement can actually make a huge difference to the ultimate learning outcome
of these projects.

The Holiday Home Work Projects are in accordance with the CBSE guidelines based on
the ‘Art Integration’. This art-integrated approach will make our students understand
the diverse Indian art and culture and will help in imbibing the Indian ethos through
integration of Indian art and culture.

The theme for class VII is ‘Uttarakhand-The Land Of Myths and Mountains’ and
‘Blissful Bihar’
Guidelines for Holiday Home Work: -
 All projects / Homework to be done as specified.
o Science, Hindi and Mathematics in one scrap book.
o English, and 3rd Language in another scrap book.
o Computer Science printout in a folder.
o Social Science – as specified.
 Work to be done neatly, creatively and relevant to the question given.
 Parental supervision is advised and required while surfing the internet.

DPS Kolar Road
A. Ruskin Bond, the famous writer with his collection of short stories,
novels and endless books has an unbreakable connection with
Dehradun , capital of Uttarakhand. Bond’s erstwhile longing for the
town he grew up in, is shown in his stories. He always wanted to
welcome his readers into the town he loved and longed for. He wrote
about his life experiences, the people he met and painted a captivating
picture of these experiences .A few of his popular stories are:-
 The Blue Umbrella
 The Room On The Roof
 The Night Train At Deoli
 An Island Of Trees
 Rusty, The Boy From The Hills
 A Handful Of Nuts
 The Cherry Tree
Read any book or stories written by
him and depict it in the form of comic strip. Key points for creating a comic
strip are:-
• An eye catching cover page.
• Four square shaped boxes or panels on each page.
• You can draw images or paste a print out of the characters.
• Brief descriptive prose.
• Dialogues should be in word- balloons/speech bubbles.
B. Summer break is the perfect opportunity to improve your handwriting.
Let’s do transcription of 20 pages in a thin notebook. You may copy
down a short newspaper report every day in neat, cursive writing.
C. Our school curriculum provides us with supplementary reader- ‘Little
Women’ . Enjoy reading this interesting novel (Chapters 1-11)during
your holidays, and prepare a book review in the scrapbook.
Include the following points in your review:
 The name of the book, author, illustrator and publisher.
 The plot and Characters (try and add images )
 The setting of the story.
 What you liked and disliked about the story, or the characters in it,
giving reasons.

Q.1 Write five sentences from the words given to show good manners:-
a. Dirty-________________________________________________
b. Tidy-________________________________________________
c. Shout-________________________________________________
d. Garbage - _____________________________________________
e. Polite- -________________________________________________
Q2. Pick out the good manners and deeds from the group of words:-
1. cheating, pickpocketing, theft, honesty______________
2. abusing, shouting, soft spoken, screaming_______________
3. kicking, beating, playing, jumping_________________________
4. oily food, junk food, healthy food, lots of sweets______________
5. hit, friend, enemity, jealousy ______________________
Q.3 Complete the sentence from the jumbled words in bracket :-
1. All ____________and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (krow)
2. Always speak the __________ .(hutrt)
3. Always be _____________________with small children. (Igtnee)
4. Do not tell ___________ .(ilse)
5. Avoid ________________ while eating. (kgltani)
Suggested Reading
Summer break also provides an opportunity to indulge oneself in pleasure
reading. You may relish the writings of several authors. Few are suggested
below.(any one)
• Calvin & Hobbes , Bill Watterson
• An Island of Trees, Ruskin Bond
• Tales from India – Rudyard Kipling
• The Maneaters of Kumaon – Jim Corbett
Suggested Movies
• Song of the Sea
• October Sky
• The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
• Bridge to Terabithia
ह िं दी
निम्ननिखित में से कोई दो गृ हकार्य कीनिए l

क. निहार की किा और संस्कृनत अिू ठी है l

नहं दी सानहत्य के निकास में निहार का
ऐनतहानसक र्ोगदाि रहा है ।इस राज्य के

प्रनसद्ध नहं दी सानहत्यकार रामधारी नसं ह

'नदिकर' िी की कोई एक रचिा ( िो
आपकी पाठ्यपुस्तक में ि हो) निखिए और

उिके निषर् में संनिप्त पररचर् निम्न निं दुओं के आधार पर निखिए-
• िीिि पररचर्

• सानहत्य में स्थाि और र्ोगदाि

• प्रमुि कृनतर्ााँ
ख. िातक कथाएाँ िौद्ध ग्रं थ निनपटक का भाग है । इि कथाओं में महात्मा िु द्ध के पू िय

िन्ों की कथाएाँ हैं । िातक कथाओं को निश्व की प्राचीितम निखित कहानिर्ों में
नगिा िाता है l निसमे िगभग 600 कहानिर्ााँ संग्रह की गर्ी है । इि कथाओं मे

मिोरं िि के माध्यम से िीनत और धमय को समझािे का प्रर्ास नकर्ा गर्ा है ।

आप भी िातक कथाओं को पऩिए और नकसी एक कथा को अपिे शब्ों में पुिः
नििकर उससे नमििे िािी नशिा भी िताइए l

ग. निहार िह ऐनतहानसक िगह है िहााँ भगिाि िुद्ध को नििायण प्राप्त हुआ। िौध धमय
के िोगो द्वारा र्हााँ निहार करिे के कारण इस राज्य का िाम निहार पडा । निहार

को 'मठों की भू नम' भी कहा िाता है l निहार के महत्वपूणय िौद्ध तीथय स्थिों की

िािकारी दे ते हुए अपिे नमि को पि निखिएl
"A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns. If his
patterns are more permanent than
theirs, it is because they are made with
Indian art & crafts reflect the rich
heritage of India through beautiful
designs, inspired from its rich culture.
One such art form is Aipan (Alpana), an
established -ritualistic folk art originating
from Kumaon tribe of Uttrakhand in the
Indian Himalayas. So, let's explore this
mystic art with Mathematics.
1. Draw an interesting Aipan art pattern on a square shape cotton cloth
depicting the concept of Rotational
Symmetry, Reflection Symmetry and Translational Symmetry.
Refrence link:
2. Solve assignment 1 (Integers)
3. Learn and write tables from 12 to 20.

Choose any one of the following
"There can be no life without soil and no soil without life as they have
evolved together."
Bihar is situated on the World's fertile alluvial plain of Gangetic Valley. The
distribution of soils here have the bearing of climate and topography.
Find out the characteristics of Soil found
here under the following headings :
1. Types of soil
2. pH of soil
3. Water retention capacity
4. Types of vegetation grown
" A change in weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves."
Climate also plays a vital role in the vegetation of a place. Uttarakhand
state is mostly hilly terrain with several valleys and rivers. Hence climatic
conditions vary from place to place in this
region. Describe the Climate of the
Uttarakhand under the following headings:
1. Average temperature throughout the
2. Wind speed (On mountains and plain)
3. Average Rainfall
4. Natural disaster ,most likely to occur.


Joshimath also known as Jyotirmath, is more

than just a quiet scenic town in the foothills
of the Himalayas, it is the winter abode of
lord Badrinath and thus is reckoned to be a
sacred place in Uttarakhand. Situated in the
Chamoli District, Joshimath is where one of
the four 'Math' was established by the Adi
Shankaracharya in the 8th-Century.
Its scenic and geographical attributes are
now the Uttarakhand's biggest curse. The
picturesque hills are literally moving and
Joshimath is sinking under its own weight.
Make a case study on A-4 size sheets on the
topic 'Joshimath- The Sinking Town'.
The case study should state the geographical
reasons for the same and the steps taken by
the government to rescue people.

Create an attractive webpage on ‘Blissful Bihar’.

1. The heading will be ‘Blissful Bihar’– the land of monasteries.’ in Arial
font and red color.

2. Set yellow colour as a background .

3. Write a paragraph about the state in Calibri font, XX-large font size,
and black color. The paragraph will be center aligned.
4. Create an ordered list of any 5 districts of Bihar in alphabetical order,
in Verdana font with 30px font size.
5. 5 Districts of Bihar
6. Insert a table, to display any 5 tourist attractions of the state. In
column 1 - name of tourist place, in column 2- Write a line about it
and in column 3- insert a picture of it.
Submit the printout of the coding and output.
Uttarakhand - Cette terre himalayenne de
mystères et de mythologie attire depuis
longtemps des voyageurs du monde entier. Il a
été une destination de rêve pour les touristes.
Créez une brochure de voyage de l'Uttarakhand
en français qui aidera les touristes à planifier un
voyage et à les renseigner sur les 2 lieux
touristiques célèbres de l'Uttarakhand.
Uttarakhand -This Himalayan land of mysteries and mythology has been
attracting travellers from all over the world for a long time now. It has been
a dream destination for tourist. Create a travel brochure of Uttarakhand in
French which will help tourists to plan a trip as well as educate them about
any 2 famous tourist places of Uttarakhand.
निम्ननिखित में से कोई एक गनतनिनध को स्क्रैप िुक में करें ।

क. उत्तरािंड में संस्कृत को दू सरी आनधकाररक भाषा

घोनषत नकर्ा गर्ा है । उत्तरािंड को दो िेिों में िां टा
गर्ा है - ग़ििाि और कुमाऊं । ग़ििाि िैनदक काि
से िैनदक संस्कृत और संस्कृत के निकास के निए
उियर िेि रहा है । उत्तरािंड के प्रमुि संस्कृत कनिर्ों
की एक सूची ििाइए एिं प्रत्येक कनि के पररचर् पर
आधाररत संस्कृत में िाक्य रचिा कीनिए।

ख. निहार के नकसी भी एक दशय िीर् स्थि पर आधाररत

अपिे नमि के साथ की गई िातायिाप को संस्कृत में निखिए। (कम से कम आठ िाक्य
ििाए )


Madhubani paintings are among the most famous

paintings in the world. This popular art of the Mithila
region from Bihar, expresses the creativity and
sensitivity of its people. Create a Madhubani painting
on A3 size sheet.

Clay Craft
Hansuli is worn by Garhwali, Kumaoni, Jaunsari
and Bhotiya women. This priceless jewellery is
sported during festivals, weddings, fairs, social
gatherings and important family functions.
Using Shilp kar create a Hansuli.

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