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Venial sins are closely associated with vices. Vices are the

opposite of virtues, which are habits of good actions. When we keep

repeating sins, even venial ones, we are in danger of forming bad

habits, called vices. The danger of developing a vice is that it makes

it easier to commit sin without seriously thinking about it. Eventually,

this makes it easier to commit mortal sin.

If we develop the cardinal virtues in our life, and practice all

other virtues and pure our mind, we become a person of moral

character. To have character means that you do the right thing,

even under difficult circumstances. The cardinal virtues—justice,

prudence, temperance, and fortitude—serve as pillars that support

the ethical foundations of many religious doctrines. They provide a

shared framework for moral conduct, transcending denominational

boundaries and inspiring individuals to cultivate virtues that reflect

the divine attributes cherished within their respective religious

traditions. As such, the cardinal virtues stand as enduring guides,

offering a universal language of moral excellence in the diverse

landscapes of religious thought.

The fourth cardinal virtue is the gift of fortitude brings to those who

have it a dauntless spirit of resolution, firmness of mind, and

indomitable will to persevere with a quiet faith in God’s providence

that overcomes all obstacles. It also brings courage to persist in the

practice of virtue despite trials, illness, persecution or external

failure. A Catholic who becomes fervent in God’s service will soon

be condemned by the world, but the gift of fortitude will sustain him

as he walks toward the Cross. Fortitude is commonly called

courage, but it is different from what much of what we think of as

courage today.


St. Thomas Aquinas ranked fortitude as the third of the

cardinal virtues, because it serves prudence and justice, the higher

virtues. Fortitude is the virtue that allows us to overcome fear and

to remain steady in our will in the face of obstacles. Prudence and

justice are the virtues through which we decide what needs to be

done; fortitude gives us the strength to do it.

Fortitude comes from the Latin word fortis, meaning “strong,”

Courage. The root of the word courage is cor – the Latin word for heart.
In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant “to speak one's mind by

telling all one's heart.” Courage is a heart word. Be brave.

 Biblical History

Noah was commanded by God to build a boat and declare to

his neighbors that a flood was coming to destroy them. For

decades of cloudless skies, he persisted in his message and in his

carpentry despite the ridicule of his community. Ester found

herself the wife of a pagan king who had decreed the destruction

of her people. After prayer and fasting, Ester courageously

approached her husband, the king, and won back the lives of her

people. Magi in the East spotted a unique star. Their faithful

journey following that star brought them to the palace of a hot-

headed Herod where they told him that the star proclaimed a

newborn King of the Jews. Notice the fortitude and divine work in

the words of these pre-Christian figures.

In the earliest days of the church, John and Peter

encountered a lame man at a temple gate and in the name of

Jesus, they healed the man. Many glorified God because of this

miracle; many, but not all. Some rulers, elders and priests worried

about this miracle being attributed to the crucified Jesus of

Nazareth. These rulers arrested the two apostles, but upon seeing

“the boldness of Peter and John, and perceiving that they were

uneducated and untrained men, they marveled.” (Acts 4:13)

Rather than worship God along with other witnesses of the miracle,

these rulers demanded that Peter and John stop speaking of

Jesus. Peter and John’s response was clear. Empowered by the

Holy Spirit, they answered that they would continue speaking of

what they had seen, heard and knew of Jesus, His death and


Notice the Spirit-filled fortitude of these apostles in response

to their arrest and the instructions they were given to keep silent

about Jesus. They were more sure of the meaning of Jesus’s

resurrection than of any legal consequences. In that certainty, the

apostles risked their immediate security and comfort for the eternal

good news that was their sure hope. In that certainty, they

continued declaring the resurrection and its glorious ramifications.

In his book The Four Cardinal Virtues, Joseph Pieper claims that

“In the gift of fortitude, the Holy Spirit pours into the soul a

confidence that overcomes all fear.” A Christian’s theoretical

beliefs rise within to become “evidence so direct and compelling as

to resemble the experience of sight, hearing, and touch”. (Pieper

138) This Spirit-filled fortitude has mobilized apostles, saints, and

other holy heroes of history toward many tasks and virtues. The

Biblical examples above each employed speech in their task of

faithfulness, so let’s pause to mark how spiritual fortitude gives

force to the tool of rhetoric.


 Faith - The belief in the divine and trust in God's existence

and guidance. It serves as the foundation for a spiritual
journey, fostering a connection with the transcendent.
 Hope - Involves a positive expectation for eternal life and
salvation. It encourages individuals to persevere through
challenges, anchored in the anticipation of divine fulfillment.
 Charity (Love) - goes beyond mere benevolence; it is a
selfless, unconditional love for others. This virtue
emphasizes compassion, generosity, and the pursuit of the
well-being of all.


 Prudence is practical wisdom, enabling individuals to make

sound judgments and decisions. It involves discernment and
the ability to choose the right means to achieve moral goals.
 Justice embodies fairness and the equitable treatment of all
individuals. It promotes a balance between individual rights
and communal well-being, emphasizing social harmony.
 Fortitude (Courage), fortitude involves the strength to face
challenges and persevere in moral virtue. It enables
individuals to confront difficulties with resilience and courage.
 Temperance is the moderation and self-control over one's

desires and passions. It guides individuals to avoid excess

and live a balanced, virtuous life.

FORTITUDE (courage)

Fortitude is one of the four cardinal virtues. It is commonly called

courage; however, it is different from what we often think of.

Fortitude is always reasoned and reasonable. The cardinal virtue

of fortitude involves practicing what is good and just when it is

difficult or even dangerous. A person of fortitude practices patience

when meeting obstacles. They do what is right, even when others

criticize them. Fortitude allows us to overcome our fear and remain

resilient in the face of obstacles. Prudence and justice are the

virtues through which we decide what needs to be done; fortitude

gives us the strength to do it. As Catholics we look to Jesus as our

model. He always did what was right, even when it cost Him His

life. Practicing fortitude is challenging, but it brings deep peace that

comes from knowing we have done the right thing. Fortitude is

visible in our Catholic schools when we witness people defending

truth and kindness especially during challenging situations.

Students who do not cheat when the opportunity presents itself,

who are capable of saying no to their friends who pressure them

and students who stand up for others and do not participate in

teasing or bullying are students who are displaying the virtue of


Exemplifying Fortitude means:

 Behaving in a “good” and “just” manner in challenging


 Standing up respectfully when something wrong is being


 Resisting temptation and doing the right thing

 Facing obstacles with patience and determination

 Living in a life that pleases God

 Being able to do the right thing and to say “yes” and “no”



How can we apply fortitude in our daily living?

Incorporating fortitude into our daily lives is a transformative

process that requires intentional efforts to cultivate resilience and
inner strength. One key aspect is fostering a positive mindset,
where individuals actively choose to focus on the silver linings,
strengths, and possibilities, even in the midst of challenges. This
mental attitude serves as a powerful anchor during difficult times,
helping navigate adversity with grace. Setting realistic and
attainable goals is another fundamental element of fortitude. By
breaking down larger objectives into manageable steps, individuals
can maintain a sense of control and accomplishment. Celebrating
small victories along the way reinforces perseverance and
determination, contributing to an overall resilient mindset.
Embracing difficulties as opportunities for personal and
professional growth is a cornerstone of fortitude. Rather than

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viewing challenges as insurmountable obstacles, individuals with
fortitude approach them as chances to learn, adapt, and evolve.
This shift in perspective not only facilitates resilience but also
fosters a continuous learning mindset. Developing healthy coping
mechanisms is crucial for maintaining fortitude in the face of
adversity. This involves recognizing and addressing stressors in a
constructive manner, such as through mindfulness practices,
physical activity, or seeking support from friends and family.
Cultivating a well-rounded self-care routine contributes significantly
to emotional well-being and fortitude. Staying committed to one's
core values is a guiding principle that anchors fortitude. When
faced with difficult decisions or uncertainties, individuals can draw
strength from aligning their actions with their values. This integrity
serves as a source of resilience, providing a moral compass during
challenging times. Incorporating these practices into daily life
contributes to a robust foundation of fortitude, enabling individuals
to navigate life's uncertainties with grace, courage, and an
unwavering sense of self.

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How does fortitude influence our life?

Fortitude has a significant influence on people's lives. It

means strength of mind to endure pain or adversity with courage
and strength to bear misfortunes they encounter in our life, that
has influence in our decisions, journey, and ability to keep going in
the face of hardship, it influences
how people handle challenges they encounter.

Fortitude is the fourth gift of the holy spirit given to us. God
gave us this gift to help us overcome our struggles or endure pain
and suffering with the strength and power infused by God.
Fortitude is a reliable ally for us when facing life's unexpected
challenges, it help us to face obstacles head-on with this gift we
are able to withstand whatever difficulties that may block us from
attaining our true goal. It influenced us to be patient when facing

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obstacles and practice what is good and just even if it is difficult or
dangerous as well as when others criticize or stop us to do the
right thing that is why it would be a huge problem when we do not
practice the gif that God gave us which is fortitude, since it might
have effect in our decision without fortitude we may have a
decision that may create a negative consequences that may affect
our life. With fortitude we will have a strength to endure challenges,
it is a crucial companion in our life journey it gives us the ability to
overcome challenges, grow from failures, and keep going for our
goals, making our journey more resilient and rewarding. Challenges in
life are common we may feel a lot and different emotions, having fortitude
allows us to overcome our fear and be strong in facing those obstacles. We
can also achieve fortitude through our efforts as well as prayer to the Holy
How to strengthen our fortitude in connection to our relation
to God?

Fortitude, is a virtue encompassing courage and resilience

that empowers us to withstand challenges and temptations.
Fortitude can be nurtured through a dual approach of personal
endeavor and spiritual communion with God. In seeking to
strengthen this attribute, a dynamic interplay between our own
efforts and a connection to the divine is essential.

We can strengthen fortitude through our efforts as well as

prayer to the Holy Spirit. Let’s (1) ask for the gift, (2) accept
suffering patiently, (3)respond courageously to the prompting of
the Holy Spirit, and (4) depend on Jesus. The stories of Jesus’

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healings and mighty deeds always begin with someone’s request
of him, or approaching & reaching out to him.

Ask for the Gift ( Virtue of Fortitude): Begin by reaching out

to the Divine through prayer to the Holy Spirit, earnestly seeking
the blessing of fortitude. To obtain fortitude is where we can start
when we seek to grow in courage and endurance. Jesus
repeatedly urges us in Scripture to “fear not,” and we can be sure
that He longs to give us this grace .



Isaiah 43:2–3

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;

when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,

and the flame shall not consume you.

For I am the LORD your God,

the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

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I give Egypt as your ransom,

Cush and Seba in exchange for you.


How can we apply fortitude in our daily living?

Fortitude extends beyond individual resilience to encompass

the development of strong interpersonal relationships. Building a
supportive network of friends, family, and mentors fosters a sense
of belonging and provides a safety net during tough times. Actively
engaging in open communication and expressing vulnerability with
trusted confidantes can enhance emotional well-being and fortify
connections. Adaptability is another essential component of
fortitude. Life is dynamic, and being able to adjust to changing
circumstances is crucial. Developing flexibility in thinking and a
willingness to embrace change allows individuals to navigate

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uncertainties with a sense of empowerment rather than fear.
Continual self-reflection is a practice that complements fortitude.
Regularly assessing personal strengths, areas for improvement,
and learning from experiences contributes to ongoing growth. This
self-awareness not only enhances resilience but also facilitates a
deeper understanding of oneself and the world, promoting a more
balanced and fortitudinous approach to life. In times of adversity,
maintaining a sense of humor can be a valuable tool. Finding levity
in challenging situations can provide a fresh perspective and help
alleviate stress. Humor has a remarkable ability to lighten the
emotional load, making it an integral aspect of fortitude. Ultimately,
integrating fortitude into daily living is an ongoing journey that
involves commitment, self-discovery, and a willingness to embrace
both the triumphs and tribulations of life. By weaving these principles into the
fabric of our existence, we create a resilient tapestry that empowers us to face
the unknown with courage, strength, and a steadfast determination to thrive

How does fortitude influence our life?

Fortitude, often described as mental and emotional strength

in the face of adversity, plays a crucial role in shaping our lives. In
today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, where challenges are
inevitable, fortitude becomes a guiding force that empowers
individuals to navigate through difficulties. Fortitude influences our
life by providing resilience and determination. In the business
world, it enables individuals to persevere through setbacks, adapt
to changes, and maintain focus on long-term goals. In personal
relationships, fortitude fosters patience and understanding,
contributing to healthier connections. Moreover, it acts as a

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stabilizing force during times of stress, fostering a positive mindset
and the ability to make informed decisions. In school, being strong-
minded (fortitude) helps us see mistakes as chances to learn and
get better. This mindset keeps us growing, which is super
important as things change fast. For health, being mentally strong
(fortitude) helps handle life’s ups and downs. It pushes us to do
things that keep our minds and bodies healthy, making us feel
good inside and out. Fundamentally, fortitude is a key foundation
for a satisfying and balanced life, help us in many parts of life,
giving us the strength and right mindset for challenges and
chances. Having this strength nowadays isn’t just a good quality;
it’s something we really need to do well in our changing world.

How to strengthen our fortitude in connection to our relation

to God?

Fortitude in our connection to God can be strengthened

through consistent prayer, meditation on sacred texts, and
cultivating a resilient mindset. Embracing challenges as
opportunities for spiritual growth and relying on faith during difficult
times can deepen our connection with the divine. Additionally,
engaging in acts of kindness and service to others fosters a sense
of purpose and reinforces our commitment to a higher purpose.

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Regular reflection on our beliefs and values helps fortify our
spiritual foundation, fostering a resilient bond with God.



Isaiah 41:10

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Fear not, for I am with you;

be not dismayed, for I am your God;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand


How can we apply fortitude in our daily living?

The virtue of fortitude or courage is characterized as having

a positive attitude, doing good despite the challenges we

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encounter in our daily lives and firmness of spirit to carry out our
everyday responsibilities and as a student we can use them so that
we can survive and do better in our life.

Having a positive attitude is a good characteristic that we

can use as a student. We embrace and do not fear challenges.
Instead we see them as an opportunity to grow and learn as well
as we discover our own skills and the things we can do.

We encounter challenges in our life daily and it is normal

because it is part of our lives. These challenges do not define us
but what response are we going to do to resolve them, doing good
despite of the challenges is hard but having fortitude or resilience
is a big help to do good despite of the obstacles we encounter

And lastly having a firmness of the spirit of the virtue of

fortitude we can use this to overcome challenges without fear and
be strong to face them. As a student we all have fear but having
fortitude helps us go through them courageously. With these
characteristics that fortitude has we can apply it in our lives and it
can play a really big part in our daily lives and it can help us bring
out our best in life.

How does fortitude influence our life?

Applying fortitude in our daily lives involves confronting

challenges, overcoming fear, handling adversity, making difficult
decisions, and maintaining integrity. Fortitude influences our life by
empowering us to face challenges, achieve our goals, and

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maintain emotional well-being. So, when the Holy Spirit comes to
us in our need with the gift of fortitude, it is no longer a
demonstration of ‘our’ ability to endure. It is a deeply transforming
gift that allows us to give to others and to be steady in our love
even when it is not acknowledged or returned. This is the real
strength on which the healing and the hope of our world depends.

How to strengthen our fortitude in connection to our relation

to God?

We have a lot of ways to strengthen our fortitude. One way

is to ask for the virtue of fortitude from God. Through prayer, we
can ask God to give us courage and resilience to face difficulties in
life so we can go through them. Second is to accept suffering

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patiently. It means being capable to stay and to not run from
problems that we encounter and having faith in God while facing
challenges. Another way is responding courageously to the
promptings of the Holy Spirit. Obeying, listening, and accepting the
Holy Spirit's actions and words. Follow the things we should do.
And last, depend on Jesus in anything we do, and if we are on the
verge of giving up, we should always rely in Jesus and trust the
things he could do. He is our only way so we can talk to God, and
we also believe that we can depend on Jesus for everything, like
salvation, guidance, forgiveness, and our daily needs, but we
should not depend on Jesus for everything; we should also work
for ourselves. These are some ways to strengthen our fortitude



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Psalm 56:3–4

When I am afraid,

I put my trust in you.

In God, whose word I praise,

in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.

What can flesh do to me?


How can we apply fortitude in our daily living?

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In our daily lives, fortitude acts as a guiding force, providing
the courage and resilience needed to face various challenges. It is
the strength within us that empowers us to navigate through
difficult situations. Fortitude is more than just toughness; it involves
developing a mindset that can withstand setbacks. Whether
dealing with personal struggles or workplace obstacles, fortitude
becomes a valuable asset in maintaining a positive and
determined approach. Embracing fortitude means embracing the
power to overcome challenges and come out stronger in the end.

Applying fortitude in our daily living involves several key

practices. First and foremost, it’s essential to cultivate mental
strength by remaining calm in challenging situations. Instead of
dwelling on problems, focus on finding solutions, maintaining a
proactive mindset. Embracing a positive outlook is crucial,
recognizing the influence your mindset has on shaping
experiences. To navigate stress, develop healthy coping
mechanisms like mindfulness or regular exercise. Setbacks should
be viewed as opportunities for personal growth, learning from them
rather than being discouraged. Perseverance in the face of
difficulties is a demonstration of resilience.

To sum it up, adding fortitude to our daily lives means

staying strong mentally, finding solutions to problems, staying
positive, and using healthy ways to handle stress. When setbacks
happen, see them as chances to grow and keep going in tough
times. The trick is to practice these habits every day, getting
stronger over time. By doing this, we prepare ourselves to deal
with life’s challenges with strength and a positive attitude. Fortitude

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becomes our guide, helping us face difficulties with confidence and

How does fortitude influence our life?

Fortitude, often considered a virtue, profoundly influences

our lives by providing the strength to endure challenges, overcome

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adversity, and maintain resilience in the face of obstacles. This
mental and emotional fortitude empowers individuals to confront
life's uncertainties with courage, fostering personal growth and a
positive mindset. Additionally, fortitude promotes perseverance,
essential for achieving long-term goals, as it enables individuals to
persist through setbacks and setbacks. In essence, fortitude acts
as a guiding force, shaping our responses to hardships and
contributing to the development of strong, resilient characters.

How to strengthen our fortitude in connection to our relation

to God?

Accept suffering patiently/ Embrace Challenges: Rather than

avoiding difficulties, approach challenges with courage and faith,

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viewing them as opportunities for spiritual growth and deepening
reliance on God’s strength. Fortitude involves the ability to endure
hardships with patience. By accepting suffering as part of the
human experience, individuals develop a deeper understanding of
their own resilience and capacity to navigate through difficult

Respond courageously to the promptings of the Holy Spirit:

Speaking about our faith can be intimidating, particularly in a
world that often opposes Christian principles. However, when we
step out of our comfort zone to witness to others, we are sure to
grow in courage and fortitude, and it becomes easier to boldly
share our faith with others.


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Psalm 27:1

The LORD is my light and my salvation;

whom shall I fear?

The LORD is the stronghold of my life;

of whom shall I be afraid?


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How can we apply fortitude in our daily living?

Fortitude, a virtue encompassing courage and resilience,

can significantly enhance our daily lives. In facing challenges,
maintaining a resilient mindset is crucial. By acknowledging
difficulties as opportunities for growth, we cultivate fortitude.
Developing a habit of perseverance enables us to navigate
setbacks with determination, fostering a positive outlook.
Embracing fortitude also involves managing stress effectively,
practicing self-discipline, and staying committed to long-term goals.
Ultimately, integrating fortitude into our daily living empowers us to
overcome obstacles, build character, and lead more fulfilling lives.

How does fortitude influence our life?

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Fortitude is a virtue that helps us face every difficulty. It
teaches us patience, courage and resilience. It created a huge
impact in our lives; it affects our choices, path, and capacity to
keep going in the face of difficulty. It also shapes how we respond
to every problem we encounter in our lives. I read somewhere that
“Courage and fortitude are the most important of all the virtues
because without them, you can't practice any other virtue
consistently.” ― Maya Angelou.

How to strengthen our fortitude in connection to our relation

to God?

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Dependency on Jesus: The saints were able to demonstrate
heroic virtue not because of their own strength, but because they
depended entirely upon Jesus, who gave them the graces
necessary to achieve sanctity. It highlight the significance of
approaching Him with faith and trust. We cannot do it alone; we
need Him to sustain us and transform us.

In conclusion, the cultivation of fortitude is a dynamic

process that combines personal efforts with spiritual practices.
Through prayer to the Holy Spirit, accepting suffering patiently,
responding courageously to divine promptings, and maintaining a
steadfast dependence on Jesus, individuals can strengthen their
fortitude and navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace.
The stories of Jesus serve as inspirational examples, reminding us
that a humble request or reaching out to Him can initiate powerful
transformations in our lives


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Joshua 1:6–9
Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this

people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to

give them.


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Pope Benedict XVI: “ Let us not be afraid to aim high, for God’s
heights; let us not be afraid that God will ask too much of us, but
let ourselves be guided by his Word in every daily action, even
when we feel poor, inadequate, sinners. It will be he who
transforms us in accordance with his love”.

If you had to cite an example of fortitude, you might think of

someone who holds out under great stress and does their best not
to burden others, or of a display of moral strength by someone
prepared to stand firm because they believe that anything else
would be wrong. Fortitude as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Fortitude is a
quality we naturally admire in a friend or a partner; we know we
can rely on their constancy and strength, their faithfulness, not only
when times are difficult but in all the ordinary and unexciting times
as well. Fortitude is to be valued and appreciated just as much in
times of boredom or in the mundane business of daily life as it is in
times of crisis. Indeed, it is in the dusty routine times that it shines
the most, even though we usually only come to appreciate it in

In certain situations, we could mistake fortitude for

stubbornness. We might even misidentify it as a form of egotism.
But real fortitude is not about drawing attention to itself or
demonstrating its own superiority. If anything, it likes to be
concealed so that it can get on with the work and endure.

Some people have fortitude naturally; it is the sort of base

key that runs through their lives and relationships. For others, it
can appear as if from nowhere when the situation requires it. Even

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when we recognize that fortitude is a matter of character, it doesn’t
mean that it is unthinking or always comes as a matter of ease. A
display of fortitude requires reflection, choice and decision, even
when it is ‘just the right thing to do’. I think that we all require some
measure of fortitude to deal with what life brings us, but what about
fortitude as a gift of the Holy Spirit? Is that any different from a
quality of character?

The gift of fortitude that the Holy Spirit confers will certainly not
diminish what is already present in the recipient’s character, but it
is not dependent upon it. It is a ‘gift’, it has a giver and a purpose,
which, as with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, is to guide us into a
relationship with Christ and with others. It can manifest itself in
long-term, habitual ways, such as constancy in faith, especially
when under pressure, or we can discover it in a particular moment
of need. Often it will come as a surprise, not least of all to
ourselves. Whatever its mode of coming or in whatever way it is
received, we will discover that it is never just something for us, it
will always be for the benefit of others as well, even when we don’t
recognize this, or it remains hidden to those who benefit. The
beauty of the way in which the Spirit gives this gift is quiet but
effective. Fortitude is not really a ‘noisy’ gift.

Yet, as with all the gifts of the Spirit, so with this one:
whatever gift is bestowed, it is never independently of the Spirit’s
own self. The Spirit’s self-gift is a sort of indwelling in us whose
first ‘work’ is to conform us to Christ. In this sense, if we really want
to glimpse the true nature of the gift of fortitude, we should study
him. Christ’s fortitude always springs from love: love of the Father

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and love of us. He cannot be in any other way than this and so
fortitude is part of the grace of his own person and flows from his
literally ‘being’ in love. If God is love, then how can Christ ‘be’ in
any other way? This constancy of being is his mission. Christ's
fortitude is his unwavering commitment and consecration to the
mission he has received from the Father; his faithfulness to others,
especially those who seek him in their moments of desperation or
need; and, above all, in his self-gift, his sacrifice in love for the
salvation of others.

In praying for the gift of fortitude, we are asking the Spirit to

place in our hearts this dynamic faithfulness and constancy in love
of God and our neighbor. To withstand all the pressures to give up,
especially when we are faced with hatred, hostility or the quiet
disdain of indifference. The Spirit’s own presence is our fortitude,
our strength to follow Christ and persevere with hope and love right
to the very end.

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Father in Heaven,

Thank you for

Creating me unique

And in Your image.

Thank you for

Giving me the ability

To Think Individually,

To stand up for what is right,

And not to give in to peer pressure.

Give me courage to chose the right path,

Even if this means being completely alone.

Help me to stand firm without fear

And forever let me be at peace with myself.

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