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A C ircu it for All Seasons

Behzad Razavi

The Biquadratic Filter

The biquadratic filter, also known as characterized by the following two
~ p1, 2 = -
! j~ n 1 - 1 2 , (4)
the “biquad,” dates back to the 1960s (equivalent) transfer functions: 2Q 4Q
[1]–[3] but still serves as an essential
building block in analog filter design. ~ n2 taking on a complex value if Q > 1 2 .
In this article, we study this circuit’s H (s) = (2) But complex poles do not necessar-
s + s + ~ 2n
properties and design issues. Q ily imply peaking. Writing
~ 2n
= .(3) ~ n4
The General Biquad s 2 + 2g~ n s + ~ n2 H ( j~)
= 2
, (5)
The biquad is a second-order filter ^~ 2n - ~ h + c ~n ~ m
2 2
whose transfer function is given, in Here, ~ n denotes the natural fre-
the general case, by quency, Q the quality factor (also we find that the denominator falls to
called the pole Q ), and g the damping a minimum at ~ a = ~ n 1 - 1/ ^2Q 2h
2 factor. The first form is common in fil- if Q 2 2 /2. In such a case, H ( j~)
H (s) = a 1 s 2 + b 1 s + c 1 .(1)
a2 s + b2 s + c2 ter design and the second in control exhibits a peak equal to Q
theory (e.g., in phase-locked loops). 1 - 1/ ^4Q 2h (Figure 1). It is help­­ful
Here, the numerator coefficients can Noting that Q = 1/ (2g), we will use to remember that for Q = 1, the peak-
be chosen to yield a low-pass, band- the two forms interchangeably. ing is about 1.15 dB, and it occurs at
pass, or high-pass response. For ex- We intuitively observe that, if Q " 3, ~ a = 0.71~ n .
ample, a 1 = b 1 = 0 leads to a low-pass the two poles approach ! j~n and the With these preliminary develop-
filter (LPF), the focus of our study system becomes unstable. Thus, the ments, we ca n now eva luate the
here. To realize higher-order filters, value of Q determines how much the stopband attenuation of H at a
biquad sections can be cascaded. poles depart from the real axis and how given frequency for the case of real
much peaking H (s = j~) has. The two or complex poles. As an example,
The Need for Complex Poles poles can be expressed as we seek the rejection at a frequency
We typically begin the design of filters
by deciding on the order and shape of
their frequency response. For example,
Wi-Fi receivers commonly employ a H (ω )
fifth-order LPF to suppress unwanted
channels. However, for a given order,
the roll-off from the passband to the 1−
4Q 2
stopband can be made sharper if some 2
1 Q>
peaking or ripple is tolerable. 2 2
It is in this spirit that we turn to Q<
transfer functions having complex
poles. We explain the thought process
behind this point by means of an ex-
ample. Consider a low-pass biquad ω
1− 1
ωa = ωn

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2018.2822859

Date of publication: 22 June 2018 Figure 1: Peaking in biquad frequency response.


equal to twice the –3-dB bandwidth cent channel must be suppressed. integrator inverts and the other does
of the filter. This choice represents The –3-dB bandwidth is given by not. We have for this system
a scenario of interest in radio-fre-
=2 - 2 + G
~ 2n 1 1 2+ 4 . Y (s) = k 1 k 2 , (7)
quency (RF) receivers where the adja- ~ 2- 3dB = c2 - m X
2 Q Q2 s2 + k1 k2
obtaining imaginar y poles if
If Q = 1 2, the two poles are real k 1 k 2 2 0. To stabilize the system,
X k1 k2 Y and equal (as in an open-loop cas- we must add a term proportional to
+ s s
– cade of two first-order RC sections), s in the denominator. This can be
~ - 3dB = 0.64~ n, and the attenuation accomplished by a number of tech-
provided by H in (5) at 2~ - 3dB is niques, for example, 1) we can add a
Figure 2: A filter using two lossless inte- 0.379. On the other hand, if Q = 1, zero to the open-loop transfer func-
grators in a loop.
~ - 3dB = 1.27~ n a n d t h e at te nu a- tion, as practiced in type II phase-
tion at 2~ - 3dB reaches 0.166. That locked loops, or 2) we can make
is, by allowing 1.15 dB of peaking one of the integrators lossy, e.g.,
at the edge of the passband, we we can change k 1 /s to k 1 / (s + a) .
improve the rejection at 2~ - 3dB by The latter is realized if a fraction of
– 20 log (0.379/0.166) . 7.2 dB. the integrator’s output is returned
+ k1 to its input without phase shift.
s Realization of Complex Poles Illustrated in Figure 3(a), such an
It can be shown that a passive net- arrangement yields
work consisting of only resistors and
R2 capacitors does not provide complex B (s) = k 1 .(8)
A s + ak 1
poles [4]. We must therefore seek
active implementations that exploit The circuit implementation is straight-
R1 feedback to create such poles. forward [Figure 3(b)] and gives
Vin – Let us begin with the negative-
+ Vout - R2
feedback system shown in Figure 2, (s) = .(9)
Vin R 1 (R 2 C 1 s + 1)
(b) where two lossless integrators ap-
pear in the loop. Note that Y is ne- We can now incorporate the lossy
Figure 3: (a) A lossy integrator and (b) its gated as it enters the input summer. integrator of Figure 3(a) in the archi-
circuit implementation. This negation can be removed if one tecture of Figure 2 [Figure 4(a)]. In

k1 k2
+ s s


R2 R2

C1 C1 C2
R1 R5
R1 R3
Vin R3
– – R4 +– + +–
+ + – Vin VX Vout
+ Vout –+ – –+
R1 R3
(b) C1 C2


Figure 4: (a) The use of a lossy integrator in a biquad loop, (b) the Tow–Thomas biquad, and (c) its differential version.


early filter designs, off-the-shelf op- VX , is equal to - Vout R 3 C 2 s, we write It follows that
amps provided only a single-ended VX /Vin = - (Vout /Vin) R 3 C 2 s and con-
output, making it difficult to imple- clude that the circuit can act as a band- R5
~n = (18)
R4 R1 R3 C1 C2
ment noninverting integrators. Thus, pass filter as well.
R5 R4 R1 + R2
an inverting amplifier was inserted To arrive at another biquad imple- Q= · .
R 1 R 3 C 1 C 2 R 1 R 3 C 3 (R 4 + R 5)
in the loop, leading to the circuit mentation, let us first note that the in-  (19)
shown in Figure 4(b). Called the “Tow– verting amplifier in Figure 4(b) can be
Thomas biquad” after Tow [2], [3] and moved to the input [Figure 5(a)] without In this case, too, ~ n is independent of
Thomas [5], this topology requires changing the transfer function. Next, R 2, but Q is not. Thus, the pole Q can
only two op-amps if implemented in we observe that the loss-inducing path be adjusted without affecting ~ n .
fully-differential form [Figure 4(c)]. in Figure 3(a) and realized by R 2 in Fig- It is interesting to recognize that
The biquad depicted in Figure 4(c) ure 3(b) need not return to the very in- the Tow–Thomas and KHN biquads
provides the following transfer put of the integrator; this path can even are fundamentally based on the
function: traverse additional stages placed before same principle, namely, introducing
or after the integrator if such stages are loss in one integrator so as to control
Vout free from phase shift [Figure 5(b)]. It is, the Q. That is, Figure 4(a) embodies
therefore, possible to tie the left termi- both topologies. However, the disad-
R 2 R F /R 1
= , nal of R 2 to the input of the inverting vantage of the KHN circuit is that it
R2 R3 RF C1 C2 s2 + R3 RF C2 s + R2
(10) amplifier, but we must ensure negative requires three op-amps even in fully
feedback. These thoughts lead to the differential implementations. For
yielding Kerwin–Huelsman–Newcomb (KHN) bi- this reason, we focus on the Tow–
quad depicted in Figure 5(c). Thomas biquad.
~n = 1 (11) The KHN biquad’s transfer func-
R3 RF C1 C2 tion is given by Sensitivity
C1 The design of analog filters must deal
Q = R2 .(12) Vout c1
R3 RF C2 (s) = , (13) with the sensitivity of the perfor-
Vin a2 s2 + b2 s + c2
mance to component variations. For
Interestingly, ~ n is independent of R 2 where example, the –3-dB bandwidth, the Q,
whereas Q ? R 2, i.e., the pole Q can be and the stopband rejection are func-
adjusted without changing ~ n . More- R 2 (R 4 + R 5) tions of resistor and capacitor values
c1 = (14)
over, both ~ n and Q are independent R 4 (R 1 + R 2) used in the circuit. We generally ask,
of R 1, which sets the passband gain a 2 = R 1 R 3 C 1 C 2 (15) if one component value changes by,
according to Vout /Vin = R F /R 1 . These R 1 R 3 C 2 (R 4 + R 5) say, 10%, how much is the percent-
b2 = (16)
attributes facilitate tuning of the fil- R 4 (R 1 + R 2) age change in a given filter param-
ter (discussed below). Also, since the R5 eter, e.g., in the bandwidth? If the
c2 = .(17)
first integrator’s output in Figure 4(c), R4 bandwidth also changes by 10%, the

R5 α
R1 –
– R3 +
Vin – k1
+ – A β γ B
+ Vout s
R1 +
(a) (b)

R5 C1
– R3

+ –
+ Vout
R1 R2

Figure 5: (a) The Tow–Thomas filter with the inverting amplifier moved to front end, (b) a lossy integrator with additional stages in the loop,
and (c) a KHN biquad.


corresponding sensitivity is unity. additional poles contributed by the amps’ bandwidth on the two integrators
For example, the sensitivity of the op-amps within the feedback loop of in Figure 6. Modeling the op-amp by a
pole Q expressed by (12) is equal to Figure 4(c) degrade the phase mar- one-pole system, A 0 / (1 + s/~ 0), we
one with respect to R 2 but lower than gin, thus creating additional peaking begin with the integrator in Figure 6(a)
one with respect to R 3 or R F . in the frequency response. Called “Q and write
It is shown that the sensitivities of enhancement” in the filter literature,
the Tow–Thomas biquad with respect this phenomenon imposes a lower Vout - A0
(s) = ,
to the passive devices are equal to or bound on the op-amps’ unity-gain Vin R1 C1 s2 + A R C s + 1
0 1 1

less than unity [2]. The same holds bandwidth. (20)

for the KHN circuit [1]. The analyses in [5] and [6] study this
effect for high-Q designs. We describe where it is assumed that A 0 & 1 and
Effect of Finite Op-Amp Bandwidth a different approach that is applicable A 0 ~ 0 & 1/ (R 1 C 1) . Note that A 0 ~ 0
The tradeoffs among gain, band- to any Q value. Our approximation is the unity-gain bandwidth of the
width, and power consumption of is that the closed-loop filter transfer op-amp. If the t wo poles of this
op-amps require that we design them function is still in biquadratic form but transfer function, ~ p1 and ~ p2, are
for only as much bandwidth as nec- with a greater Q. widely spaced, i.e., if ~ p1 % ~ p2, then
essary for the proper operation of a Before delving into loop calculations, we can apply the dominant-pole ap­­
filter. We intuitively expect that the we must formulate the effect of the op- proximation and write (1 + s/~ p1)
(1 + s/~ p2) = s 2 / (~ p1 ~ p2) + (1/~ p1 +
1/~ p2) s + 1 . s 2 / (~ p1 ~ p2) + (1/~ p1)
s + 1. That is,
~ p1 . 1 (21)
C1 A0 R1 C1
~ p2 . A 0 ~ 0 . (22)
Vin – R1
Vout Vin –
+ Vout Interestingly, the dominant pole is
A0 A0
negligibly affected by the op-amp,
1+ s and the nondominant pole is simply
ω0 1+ s
ω0 given by its unity-gain bandwidth.
(a) (b) We repeat the foregoing computa-
tion for the lossy integrator in Fig-
ure 6(b), arriving at
Figure 6: (a) Lossless and (b) lossy integrators with a one-pole op-amp model.
Vout - R 2 /R 1
(s) = , (23)
Vin R2 C1 s2 + R C s + 1
2 1
A0 ~0
uG (ω )u
(log Scale) where it is assumed that R 2 /R 1 +
1 % A 0 & 1, a n d A 0 R 2 C 1 i s m u c h
R2 greater than 1/~ 0 and R 2 / (R 1 ~ 0) . The
R1 0 dominant-pole approximation yields

~ p1 . 1 (24)
R2 C1
~ p2 . A 0 ~ 0, (25)
A0ω 0
1 1 ω which follows the same observa-
A0R3C2 R2C1 (log Scale) tions made above. The key point
here is that each op-amp contrib-
ω utes an additional phase equal to
- tan -1 6~/ (A 0 ~ 0)@ at a frequency ~.
−45° (log Scale)
−90° Let us return to the Tow–Thomas
−135° biquad of Figure 4(c) and summarize
our findings. Figure 7 sketches the
magnitude and phase of the biquad’s
G (ω ) open-loop transfer function, G (s) .
The magnitude begins at (R 2 /R 1) A 0
Figure 7: The open-loop response of the Tow–Thomas biquad. (the product of the two integrators’


low-frequency gains), deflects at the ues for a Q lower than desired and per-
first pole 1/ (A 0 R 3 C 2) (arising from mit the op-amps to raise it. For example, R2
the second integrator), falls at 20 dB/ if we begin with Q = 0.5 (PM = 76c) R1
dec up to the second pole 1/ (R 2 C 1), and choose A 0 ~ 0 . 4.7~ a . 3.3~ n, –
and then declines at 40 dB/dec. The then the equivalent Q is about unity +
two op-amp-induced poles at A 0 ~ 0 and the peaking about 1.15 dB. Such a Vin
lie beyond the unity-gain bandwidth, strategy must, nonetheless, account for R3 R4
~ u . The phase reaches - 135c at the the other op-amp poles and the varia- C2
second pole, leading to an inadequate tion of Q and A 0 ~ 0 with the process,
phase margin of 45c if 1/ (R 2 C 1) 1 ~ u . supply voltage, and temperature (PVT).
In addition, the two poles at A 0 ~ 0 Figure 8: A noninverting integrator.
must be high enough not to affect the Noise Considerations
phase margin significantly. In many applications, a filter’s noise R 1 /R 2 + R 1 /R F should be chosen well
Now, suppose we design a low-pass contribution can limit the dynamic below unity, i.e., we wish to select
biquad that exhibits a Q of one (i.e., range. For example, the baseband relatively large low-frequency gains
a peaking of 1.15 dB at ~ a = 0.71 ~ n ) channel-select filters in RF receivers for the first integrator (R 2 /R 1) and
with ideal op-amps. We wish to deter- must provide proper noise and lin- for the overall biquad (R F /R 1) . The
mine the minimum tolerable op-amp earity levels to reject unwanted chan- second op-amp’s noise is less prob-
unity-gain bandwidth that raises the nels while negligibly corrupting the lematic as it is preceded by the first
peaking by, at most, 1 dB. desired signal. For this reason, the integrator’s gain.
We first observe that a negative-feed- noise performance of the biquad is
back system such as that in Figure 4(a) of interest. Tuning
has an open-loop transfer function of In the Tow–Thomas topology of The PVT dependence of resistor and
the form 6~ n / (s + 2g~ n)@ (1/s), with a Figure 4(c), resistors R 1, R 2, and R F capacitor values requires that fil-
phase margin given by [7] contribute low-frequency input- ters be tuned before they operate
referred noise in the amount of in a system. Equations (11) and (12)
2g 2 (4kTR 1 + 4kTR 12 /R 2 + 4kTR 12 /R F ), suggest that tuning can proceed as
PM = tan - 1 (26) where the factor of two accounts for follows: 1) we set ~ n by adjusting
4g + 1 - 2g 2
the resistors in the upper and lower R 3, C 1, or C 2, a nd 2) we set Q by
= tan -1 2 .(27) paths. To minimize this noise we wish adjusting R 2 [the bandwidth is then
4Q 4 + 1 - 1 to reduce R 1, but at the cost of loading defined by (6)]. The passband gain,
the stage preceding the biquad. For R F /R 1, can also be programmed by
For example, Q = 1 gives PM = 51.8c. low-bandwidth applications, a small adjusting R F , a useful property if
We then note from Figure 1 that a R 1 also translates to a large value for automatic gain control is necessary,
peaking of 1.15 dB + 1 dB = 2.15 dB C 1 and hence a significant area pen- but such an adjustment must occur
translates to Q = 1.16, which, from (27), alty. The noise of R 3 is less critical as before the two steps outlined above.
yields a phase margin of 46.1c. That it is divided by the first integrator’s Each programmable device typically
is, the additional allowable 1-dB peak- gain if referred to the main input, a consists of a constant, coarse com-
ing is equivalent to a phase margin fortunate situation because this resis- ponent in parallel or series with a
degradation of 51.8c - 46.1c = 5.7c. tor loads the first op-amp and should variable, fine section.
Thus, each op-amp must not contrib- preferably have a high value.
ute more than 2.85c of phase shift at ~ a The op-amp noise proves problem- Questions for the Reader
in Figure 1: atic, too. It can be shown that the noise 1) Figure 8 shows a noninverting
of the first op-amp in Figure 4(c), Vn1, integrator [1]. Derive the condi-
tan -1 # 2.85c.(28) travels to Vout according to the fol- tion for the elements so that the
A0 ~0
lowing transfer function: circuit acts as an ideal integrator.
It follows that What is the principal difficulty
A 0 ~ 0 $ 20~ a (29) R2 C1 s + 1 + R2 with this topology?
Vout RF R1 2) Suppose the Tow–Thomas biquad
$ 14~ n .(30) (s) = ,
Vn1 R R C C s 2
R R2
 3 2 1 2 + 3 C2 s + of Figure 4(c) senses a large, nar-
This simple rule of thumb proves (31) rowband undesired channel at
useful in the design of the op-amps ~ = ~ - 3dB . Which of the two inte-
and can be readily revised for other which reduces to 61 + R 2 / (R F R 1)@ / grators produces greater voltage
Q or peaking values. (R 2 /R F ) at low frequencies. Divid- swings and hence experiences
Equation (30) translates to a high- ing this result by the passband gain, more nonlinearity?
power consumption for the op-amps, R F /R 1, gives an input-referred noise
but it is possible to select the filter val- o f (1 + R 1 /R 2 + R 1 / R F ) Vn1 . T h u s , (continued on p. 109)


in Engineering Award, the IEEE MTT the attendees of about 350 high school
Special Award, and the IEEE Region and academic students.
8 Student Paper Contest Award, were More information about the IEEESTEC
given to papers with the best practice Conference can be found at http://ieee
implementation. All participants had
the opportunity to present posters and
demonstrations of their projects. The —Dr. Danijel Danković
full-day event ended with the presenta- Chapter Chair
tion of the awards for best project. The A cake celebrating the 10th anniversary of ED/SSC University of Niš Student Branch­
conference was very well received by the IEEESTEC Conference. 

A C ircu it for All Seasons (continued from p. 15)

Iout A8
D3 D2 D1

Column Decoder
Row 8
Row Decoder

D5 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 8 Din

Row 1 INLmax

(a) (c) Din

Figure 9: (a) A DAC matrix architecture, (b) its input–output characteristic in the presence of a gradient, and (c) the resulting INL profile.

Answers to Last Issue’s Questions same gradient from left to right. If surements and signifies the existence
1) By what factor is the integral non- each cell current is higher than the of gradients on the chip.
linearity (INL) of a differential one to its left by DI, what is the
current-steering digital-to-analog maximum INL? References
[1] W. J. Kerwin, L. P. Huelsman, and R. W.
converter (DAC) lower than that of We begin with row 1 and note that Newcomb, “State-variable synthesis for
a single-ended topology if only the its current cells can be expressed insensitive integrated circuit transfer
functions,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits,
finite output impedance of the cur- as I, (I + DI ), f, (I + 7DI ) . Thus, if only vol. 2, pp. 87–92, Sept. 1967.
rent sources is considered? the entire first row is activated, the out- [2] J. Tow, “Active RC filters: A state-space re-
alization,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 56, pp. 1137–
It can be proven that the normal- put current is equal to I + (I + DI ) + g + 1139, June 1968.
ized INLs of the single-ended and (I + 7DI ) = 8I + 28DI. The next row [3] J. Tow, “A step-by-step active filter de-
sign,” IEEE Spectr., vol. 6, pp. 64– 68,
differential topologies are, respec- has the same behavior. We can there- Dec. 1969.
tively, given by NR L / (4rO) and fore plot the input–output character- [4] N. Balabanian, Network Synthesis. Engle-
^NR L /rO h2 / ^12 3 h, where N is the istic as shown in Figure 9(b), where wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1958.
[5] L. C. Thomas, “The biquad. Part I: Some
number of current sources, R L the DI is assumed negative. We observe practical design considerations,” IEEE
Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. 18, pp. 350–
load resistance, and rO the single- that I out is equal to m (8I + 28DI) if 357, May 1971.
ended output resistance of each cur- m rows are activated. That is, points [6] D. Ackerberg and K. Mossberg, “A versa-
tile active RC building block with inherent
rent cell. The key point here is that A 1, A 2, f, A 8 lie on a straight line, and compensation for the finite bandwidth of
the differential topology’s INL is pro- the INL is simply the difference be- the amplifier,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst.,
vol. 21, pp. 75–78, Jan. 1974.
portional to the square of NR L /rO tween the actual characteristic and [7] G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and A. Emami-
and, hence, much less than that of this line [Figure 9(c)]. The maximum Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic
Systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
the single-ended counterpart. INL occurs in the middle of each row Hall, 2002.
2) In the matrix architecture of Fig- and is given by 8DI. This periodic INL
ure 9(a), each row experiences the behavior often manifests itself in mea- 


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