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June 24,2022
PE-4 Outdoor and Adventure Activities/Recreation
Final Practicum

Traditional Games

1.Name of the Traditional Games: Holen

2.Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Derived from the phrase "hole in," players hold the ball or marble called holen in their
hand. They throw it to hit another players ball out of the playing area. It is played in a
more precise way by tucking the marble with the player's middle finger, with the
thumb under the marble, and the fourth finger used to stabilize the marble. Players
aim at grouped marbles inside a circle and flick the marble from their fingers.
Anything they hit out of the circle is theirs. Whoever obtains the most marbles wins
the game. Players (manlalaro) can also win the game by eliminating their opponents
by hitting another player's marble.

3. Needed Materials: Marble/Holen

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): 2-10 participants

5. Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1.Name of the Traditional Games: Luksong tinik

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Luksong tinik (lit. jump over the thorns of a plant): two players serve as the base of
the tinik (thorn) by putting their right or left feet and hands together (soles touching
gradually building the tinik). A starting point is set by all the players, giving enough
runway for the players to achieve a higher jump, so as not to hit the tinik. Players of
the other team jump over the tinik, followed by the other team. If a player hits either
hand or feet of the base player's "tinik", he or she is punished by giving him or her

3.Needed Materials: There is no required equipment for this game because you
only need your hands and your feet

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): at least three people

5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1.Name of the Traditional Games: Luksong-baka

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Luksong-baka (lit. jump over the cow) is a popular variation of Luksong-tinik. One
player crouches while the other players jump over them. The crouching player
gradually stands up as the game progresses, making it harder for the other players to
jump over them. A person becomes the it when they touch the baka as they jump. It
will repeat continuously until the players declare the player or until the players decide
to stop the game most of the time once they get tired. It is the Filipino version
of leapfrog.
3.Needed Materials: No equipment is required in playing Luksong Baka, except for
these three skills: Mobility, or the player's ability to move easily and freely.

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): It involves a minimum of three

players and a maximum of 10 players,

5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1. Name of the Traditional Games: Taguan

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Taguan is the Pinoy version of the game hide and seek. What makes it unique is
that taguan is usually played at sunset or at night to make it more challenging for the
it to find the other players. To start the game first

⮚ Decide among your group who is the first 'it'.

⮚ The it person gets to decide a base and, from there, he/she closes his/her eyes
while counting to 60.
⮚ After the countdown, the it person will find the other players. ...
⮚ Hiding players can save themselves by touching the base while the it person is

3.Needed Materials: No materials is required in playing Taguan.

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): this game has no limit in


5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1. Name of the Traditional Games: Patintero

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Patintero is one of the most popular traditional Pinoy games. It involves two teams, an
attack team and a defense team. The defense team guards their area by occupying
lines and moving through them without allowing any member of the opposite team
from passing. Their goal is to prevent the other team from going around the whole
area without getting tagged. If they tag even just one player from the opposite team,
the whole team becomes it and they switch places.

For the attack team to earn a point, at least one team member can move around the
whole guarded area and go back to the starting point without getting tagged.

As long as the attack team is not tagged, they continue racking points.

3.Needed Materials: The equipment/materials required for the game includes chalk
or paint, a score sheet, a whistle, and a stopwatch. The playing court should be a
rectangle of about 7.5m long and 5m wide divided into six equal rectangles.

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): Two teams are needed, each with
around two to six players.

5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1. Name of the Traditional Games: Langit lupa

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Langit lupa, translated as “heaven and earth,” is a game where the it chases other
players to get the new it. Players are allowed to run on the ground (lupa) and climb on
objects (langit). The it can only tag players who are on the ground and not those who
are on higher objects. The player who gets tagged becomes the new it and the it
becomes one of the players who gets chased.

To start the game and decide who the it is, a chant is sang and it goes like this:

Langit, lupa impyerno, im – im – impyerno (Heaven, earth, hell, he-he-hell)

Sak-sak puso tulo ang dugo (Stabbed heart with dropping blood)
Patay, buhay, Umalis ka na di-yan! (Dead, alive, get out of there!)

The player left and never gets pointed to “get out” is the it.

To avoid overstaying on higher objects and give the it a chance to tag players, an
unwritten rule is followed. The it can do a countdown on players who are on the
higher ground, usually counting down from 5 to 1. During this time, the other player
should get down and outrun the it in order to not get tagged or become the next it.

3.Needed Materials: No materials is required in playing Langit Lupa.

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): The game is for at least three
players, who will gather in a circle. One player points at everyone in succession while
chanting “Langit, lupa, impyerno / Im-im-impyerno / Saksak puso / tulo ang dugo /
Patay, buhay / Maalis ka na diyaan.

5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1. Name of the Traditional Games: Step palda

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Step Palda is a game where the players draw a big image on the floor filled mostly of
box-like shapes, which they will hop on and around using only a single foot. There
are different rules on how to play the game but the most common is to have
a pamato (usually a flat piece of stone) that is placed on one of the boxes and the
owner cannot step on the box where his or her pamato is placed. When finished
hopping around, he or she moves the pamato on the next box until it reaches the
topmost box. The first to finish wins the game.

3.Needed Materials: All you need to have is marker usually chalk or charcoal or
anything than can be used to draw lines in the ground. You need also a "pamato" or
pucks for this game, this is usually a flat stone or part of broken pot.

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): 2-8 participants

5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1.Name of the Traditional Games: Tumbang Preso

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Tumbang preso is a traditional Pinoy game that we used to play most of the time on
the streets with very little vehicular traffic. This simple game involves the use of a
small empty can (empty sardines or corned beef can will do) and slippers.

One of the players (the it) guards the can from getting hit and toppled over by any of
the other players’ slippers. The other players stay behind a line a few meters away and
the it cannot tag players who are within that area. The main goal of the other players
is to knock down the can. When the can is toppled over, the it puts it back in a guard
base which is a few meters from the area where the other players are staying. A player
who gets tagged while retrieving his or her slippers becomes the new it.

3.Needed Materials: The equipment needed is an empty soda can or any kind of can
or bottle, and a slipper for each player.

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): To make the game enjoyable

and exciting, there should be no more than nine players. One player or the tayà (the
"It") guards the can.

5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1.Name of the Traditional Games: Sack Race

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

Two teams race each other using a sack around a designated area. All team members
must go around the designated area with their feet inside the sack in order. The team
who completes the round in order wins the race.

3.Needed Materials: To play you need one burlap sack for each participant or team.
The more people racing, the more fun it is. Each player puts both legs into sack and
hops around a cone, or some marked point, and back, tagging the next person in line.

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): 10 people per team (or an even
number); 5 people on each side of the field (or applicable number if starting with less
than 10 per team).

5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
1. Name of the Traditional Games: Dama

2. Rules/ Mechanics of the Game

5x5 grid of points, four point in each row, each alternating position with an end point
on the left or right edge. Points are connecting with diagonal lines. Twelve pieces per
player, positioned on the first three rows closest to the player. Players alternate turns
moving a piece forward to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. A player may
capture an opponent's piece by hopping over it to an empty spot on the opposite side
of it along the lines. Multiple captures are allowed, if possible. When a player's piece
reaches the opposite edge of the board from which it started, it becomes a king. Kings
may move any distance diagonally forward or backward, and may capture any
number of opponent's pieces it leaps over. The king cannot take in multiple directions
in one turn. The first player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins.

3.Needed Materials: 8X8 checker board. 16 white checkers and 16 dark checkers.

4. Participants (Identify how many participants): 2

5.Documentation (Picture of you and your group while doing the game)
6.Identify what desirable values you gain in performing and joining in that
traditional games.

When we play traditional games apart from being very fun to play, my connection
with my siblings became even stronger and it was very fun to refresh and revisit these
kind of games because now a days, new generations forgets or never caught up with
these kinds of games and the worse is they don’t play these kind of games anymore
because now a days gadgets are more common than traditional games so it's a great
idea to go back to these kinds of games and introduce them to new generations.

The value I gain in performing and joining traditional games is the elements of
cultural values embodied in the traditional game are the value of pleasure or
excitement, the value of freedom, friends and the values of leadership, also the sense
of responsibility, the value of togetherness and mutual support, the value of obedience,
train proficient.

Philippine Traditional Games need to preserved so that we could continue the

tradition of these traditional games for the next hereditary. It is a need for them the
new generation to learn and know about the traditional games so that they could learn
the history and at the same time learn to appreciate culture and arts of the traditional

“Larong pinoy ating ipagpatuloy”


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