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Molbio practice Questions:


2. Taq polymerase comes from the bacteria- THERMUS AQUATICS
3. How many copies of target are made after 30 cycles of PCR? 2
4. After RNA, what is the next most bundant RNA? Mrna
5. What reagent is most commonly used to stain DNA separated by electrophoresis?
Ethium bromide
6. Proteins can be visualised by directly- staining with dye
7. This is the site of attachment of the chromosome to the spindle apparatus- centromere
8. Using which of the following is an appropriate way to avoid contamination? – a separate
area for PCR setup
9. At what temperature does denaturation of RNA double helix takes place?- 94 degrees
10. The PCR technique was developed by- Kary Mullis
11. What enzyme breaks down protein? Proteinase K
12. In contrast to standard PCR, real-time PCR is- Quantitative
13. Most common anticoagulant used for DNA extraction is- EDTA
14. FISH can distinguish each of the following chromosomal abnormalities except-
trinucleotide repeat
15. A chromosome with a centromere located such that one arm of the chromosome is
longer than the other arm- submetacentric
16. Which of the ff. does not match DNA replication to PCR? – RNA Polymerase-Taq
17. What is the function of the restriction endonucleases? –they cleave at DNA at specific
18. What type of probe is typically for western blot? Antibody probe
19. Fragment 1 with 300 bp
Fragment 2 with 150 bp
Fragment 3 with 300 bp
Fragment 4 with 500 bp
If gel electrophoresis performed to separate these fragments which would travel
farthest? – Fragment 2
20. A centrometric probe is used to visualize chromosome 21- Down syndrome
21. The ff. statements are true except: Agarose gel is neurotoxic while polyacrylamide is non
22. Which of the ff. is a method of purifying PCR products? –putting the reaction mix
through spin
23. Phytohemagglutinin is added to a cell culture when preparing cells for karyotyping? -
stimulate mitosis in the cell
24. What is the composition of the primer used in PCR?

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