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Dear [Manager's Name]/

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my disappointment

and dissatisfaction with the dining experience I had at [Hotel/Restaurant
Name] on [date] at [time]. As a frequent patron of your establishment, I have
always appreciated the quality of service and food provided. However, my
recent visit has left me deeply disappointed.

During my visit, I ordered [specific item(s)] from your menu. Unfortunately, when
the dish arrived, It did not meet the expectations. The [describe the issue with
the item, e.g., food was undercooked, overcooked, lacked seasoning, etc.].

As someone who has always spoken highly of your establishment, it is

disheartening to have encountered such a lapse in quality.

In light of this unfortunate incident, I would like to request the following action
be taken:

-A refund or replacement for the unsatisfactory ítem ordered.

I trust that you will address this matter with the seriousness it deserves and take
the necessary steps to rectify the situation. I appreciate your prompt attention
to this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon.


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