English Literature

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English literature


Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare that explores the themes of greed betrayal and
ambition. It follows the rise and fall of Macbeth, a Scottish nobleman, who becomes consumed by his
desire for power and descends into madness and tranny. Macbeth was portrayed as a brave, and
ambitious person.

Macbeth is a brave person. We can see it from his bravery from his success in the battle. He marched
towards the Norwegian army even though they were outnumbered. Macbeth's willingness to confront
and defeat Macdonwald, a traitor and rebel, demonstrates his bravery in the face of danger. In this we
can see his courageous trait.

He is highly ambitious. His reaction after hearing the witches’ prophecy told us that he was ambitious.
Shortly after hearing the witches prophecy Macbeth started plotting and desires the fulfillment of the
prophecy. Also later in act 1 scene 3 in Macbeth soliloquy he is seen plotting Duncan murder and his
himself scared of this thought of his.

In my opinion, Macbeth is a brave and capable person but was ruined by his ambition as we will see
further in this play.


Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare. It explores the themes of greed ambitious and
betrayal. It follows the rise and fall of Macbeth a Scottish nobleman who was consumed due to his
ambition and desire for power. He therefore descended into madness and tranny. Banquo was seen as
an loyal and cautious person.

Banquo is loyal to king Duncan and Scotland. We can see it from his reaction to the witches prophecy he
remains true. He doesn’t entertain the thought of becoming king and doesn’t think of betraying Duncan
or Macbeth in order to get a high position. This shows his loyalty to Duncan and the fact that he is a
loyal person.

Banquo was also shown as an cautious person. He is cautious towards the witches’ prophecy. He doesn’t
immediately believe them. He was skeptical and doubted the credibility of the prophecy. Unlike
Macbeth who was convinced it was true. Even after knowing that Macbeth was thane of Cawdor he still
wasn’t convinced. This shows him as a cautious person.

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