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Step 2
Is this okay?
No it's not okay that rich people get to use poor people as their ticket to wealth.
1. Greatest equal liberty
According to the first principle of John Rawls which is greatest equal liberty "each
person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a
similar liberty for others". This reminds me of van Dijk who earned R1.9 billion after
working for the whole year but this job Rawls principle made me realize that was not fair
for the CEO to earn such huge amount of money where as they are people that need
R100 for meal-meal just to eat. this huge amount could have done a lot for a community
or orphanage homes. Also It’s not fair to reward the CEO only even the rest of
employees deserve rewards hence they are the ones that work hard more than the
CEO, employees work hard so this principle of John Rawls "greatest equal liberty"
should have applied. If this principle would have applied to workplace or society things
would be better.
principle2(a)-equality of fair opportunity.
it's not okay that people get opportunity by dark ways like they bribe to be hired or the
family hire family in government workplace without being interviewed
-According to this principle "any person irrespective of where they sit in society should
have absolutely equal opportunity to attain absolutely any position."
-this takes me back to assignment 03 where children were being exploited in mining
cobalt. This principle makes me realize that if this principle Was applied those kids
would have Been treated like kids they would be a school. Since this principle, says
"Everyone must have access to equal education even if one is born from poor or rich
family" they should be treated equally. If this principle applied those children were not
going to struggle mining they would have been at school playing with their peers and
planning their future, they were going to be treated as kids and treated fairly.
principle 2(b)- the difference principle
"The wealth of few depends upon the poverty of many"
this principle allows inequality. Every rich man or woman have a peasant worker that
makes him/her rich for example tech billionaires depends lithium cobalt without it they
would be poor they are using Poor's to mine those cobalt for their own riches if no one
would work in a mine for 3-9months this tech millionaires and billionaires would fall. the
Poor's would do anything to get money so the riches uses them like the poor should
remain poorer.
2. Veil of ignorance
It's not okay to be treated different. It's not okay that we treated differently because of
our race, we treated differently because of our sexuality there is even a job for man and
women. Women should be allowed to do any job women must not be limited when it
comes to work.
3. Inequality is wrong in a society people loses their self-esteem in a society because of
the way they are treated on a society. I so wish that John Rawls of fair opportunity
should be implemented in every society and also the veil of ignorance.
4. Because i think it's fair for everyone to be treated fair without discrimination many
people commit suicide because of the way they are treated. We Are All Equal

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